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Aplikasi Persamaan Diferensial Model Populasi Eksponensial dalam Estimasi Penduduk di Kota Bandar Lampung Nuraini, Nuraini; Mujib, Mujib; Suherman, Suherman
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika 2018
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Matematika UIN Raden Intan Lampung

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Mathematics is an important science in life, because mathematics is the basic science for other sciences (Irda Yusnita, 2016; Mujib, 2017; Wahidah Alwi, 2015). Differential equation is one branch of mathematics that is able to solve existing problems in real life, one of which is problems in the field of demography (Widya, 2016). One of the benefits of differential equations in the field of demography is to determine the number of residents in a particular area. This study aims to determine the estimation results and the best exponential model to estimate the city of Bandar Lampung in 2025. This research is included into the type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The results show that the calculation of population estimation results using the best population exponential model that can be used to predict the number of residents of Bandar Lampung city in 2015 that is exponential model I with model form 923.175 , the population growth rate is 1.98% per year. The estimated population of the city of Bandar Lampung in 2025 was 1,194,215 inhabitants.
Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset) Vol 3, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Aset (Akuntansi Riset). Januari-Juni 2011
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jaset.v3i1.10068


Jurnal Konselor Vol 2 No 1 (2015): Jurnal Konselor
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr.Hamka

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The study aims to examine the effectiveness of role-play techniques in improving students self-esteem. The research method used a quasi experimental research with nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Data was collected using a questionnaire of self-esteem.  The participants of study were students of class 10th total of 14 participants (11 male students and 3 female students) in each experimental and control group with simple random sampling technique. The results are: (1) student’s self-esteem is in moderate category; (2) an intervention program of role-play techniques focused to improve student’s self-esteem who are in the low category and maintain other aspects of self-esteem; and (3) group guidance program through the use of role-play techniques is specifically effective to improving students self-esteem, except the indicator There is participation in activities in the neighborhood in the Aspects of Significance. The recommendations are for school counselor, principals, and further research. Keywords: Effectiveness, Role-Play Technique, Self-Esteem
Publisher : Proceeding SENDI_U

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ukuran perusahaan, leverage, profitabilitas, capital intensity ratio, dan komisaris independen terhadap effective tax rate . Populasi yang digunakan adalah perusahaanmanufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada tahun 2014-2016. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik pengujian data adalah dengan menggunakananalisis regresi linear berganda.Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa variabel ukuran perusahaan, capital intensity ratio dan komisaris independen tidak berpengaruh terhadap effective tax rate. Leverage dan profitabilitasberpengaruh terhadap effective tax rate.
Application of The Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategy to Increase Students’ Successful in Mathematics Learning on Grade VIII at SMPN 6 Rambah Nuraini, Nuraini
Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The success of the learning is depended on learning prosses by the teacher and the students. Based on the researcher experience as a teacher on grade VIII at SMPN 6 Rambah stated that many students did not get good score be based on KKM caused in learning proses used convensional method. According to National Education Department about Minimal Completeness Criteria (KKM):2008 stated that students’ total that achieved was 75 % from all the students in its class. The method of this research was Class Action Research by applied Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategy (CTL) and seven components of CTL such contructivism, inquiry, questioning, learning community, modeling, reflection, authentic assesment. The steps of the Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategy were : (1) motivating; 2. Understanding, 3. Applying and 4 scoring (Hartono, 2007). This research consist of 4 steps, they were : planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Those steps were did in 2 cycles and the object of the research were grade VIII at SMPN 6 Rambah. The result of this research showed that Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategy (CTL) can improved Students’ Successful in Mathematics Learning in grade VIII at SMPN 6 Rambah by given some lessons such surface area and volume of the cube flank, crossbar, prism and pyramid. Every learning had an increasing. from 28 students were 46,42%, whereas good were 75%. First cycle, students learning result were 67,85% and then second cycle were 85,71%.
Pendidikan Agama pada Keluarga Guru Agama Islam (Studi di Desa Bumi Pajo Kabupaten Bima) Nuraini, Nuraini
NUANSA Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Edisi September 2016-Februari 2017
Publisher : STKIP Al-Amin Dompu

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Pendidikan agama di lingkungan keluarga merupakan kunci keberhasilan pembentukan perilaku siswa di sekolah dan masyarakat karena tanpa peran dari orang tua di rumah maka pendidikan agama di sekolah dan di masyarakat tidak bisa memberikan peran yang berarti. Adapun sekolah adalah lembaga pendidikan formal yang yang membantu keluarga dalam mendidik anak-anak dan keluarga merupakan lembaga non formal yang menjadi inti dari pendidikan anak, oleh karena itu orang tua harus bisa memaknai betul tentang pendidikan lebih-lebih pendidikan agama yang akan diterapkan kepada anak-anak dalam lingkungan keluarga. Keluargalah yang pertama dan utama memberikan dasar-dasar pendidikan seperti pendidikan agama, budi pekerti, sopan santun, estetika, kasih sayang, rasa aman, mematuhi peraturan serta menanamkan kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang baik dan benar. Keluarga memberikan pendidikan dengan contoh perbuatan, bukan hanya dengan nasehat-nasehat, sebab salah satu sikap kekanak-kanakan adalah suka meniru, yang menjadi masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa masih ditemukan anak dari guru agama yang melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam seperti terlibat dalam pesta minuman-minuman keras dengan mengajak teman-temanya yang lain, Padahal seharusnya mereka itu bisa menjadi contoh bagi anak-anak yang lain. Selain itu ada salah satu keluarga guru agama yang tidak menyekolahkan anaknya sedangkan ia sendiri merupakan guru di sekolah
The Effect Of Combining Different Natural Feeds On Growth And Survival Rate Of Maanvis Larvae (Pterophyllum sp) Rais, Muhammad; Sukendi, Sukendi; Nuraini, Nuraini
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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ABSTRACT     The research was conducted from 7 december 2017 until 5 january 2018 in the fish hatchery and breeding laboratory faculty of fisheries and marine university of Riau. The aim of research was to evaluate the effect of combination of natural feed on the growth and survival rate of maanvis larvae. The method used in this research was the experimental method using a complete randomized design (CAD) with one factor with three treatment and three replications. The best growth rate was obtained at the treatment T2 (Daphnia sp 10 D + Culex sp 10 D + Tubifex sp10 D) with larvae growth of 0,73 g Bw, with 2,7 cm total length, 14,35%/d growth of daily weight rate, and survival rate of 95,56 %. The water quality parameters during the research were temperature 27,2-28,7 0C, pH 6,5-7,4, DO 4,3-6,0 ppm. Keyword : Pterophyllum sp, combination, growth, and survival rate
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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ABSTRACTThis research was conducted from January to February 2018 in the halls 0f the fishery seeds Tarantang Subsdistrict, Harau, West Sumatra Province. The aims of this research was to know the effect of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) pituitary gland injected with different dose on ovulation and survivaln rate of komet (Carassius auratus) and To find the best dose ot the pituitary gland to stimulate ovulation and survivaln rate of komet (Carassius auratus). This research used on experimental, one factor four treathment and three replications. The treatments were : HP0: control with NaCl 0,9% (0,2 ml), HP3: Injected with 1:3 dose (1 kg of recipient : 3 kg of donor), HP4: Injected with 1:4 dose (1 kg of recipient : 4 kg of  donor), and HP5: Injected with 1:5 dose (1 kg of recipient : 5 kg of donor). The results showed that common carp (Cyprinus carpio) injected gave an effect on ovulation and survival rate of komet (Carassius auratus). The treatment in HP1 : Injected with 1:3 dose (1 kg of recipient : 3 kg of donor) were teh best treatment with an average of latent time 6 haurs 3 minites , fertilization rate (FR) 69,74%, hatching rate (HR) 75,41% and 7 day survival rate of komet larvae with 90,87%.Keyword : Pituitary gland, ovulation, survival rate, Carassius auratus
Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk Sekolah Inklusi (Kajian Teori Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Dasar) Nuraini, Nuraini
INOVATIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Agama dan Kebudayaan Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Februari 2019
Publisher : Ali Muchasan

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Islamic Education Learning according to Muhaimin is "an effort to make students learn, need to learn, motivated to learn, willing to learn and interested in continually studying the religion of Islam, both to know how to practice religion and learn Islam as knowledge . Learning programs for students with developmental needs need to be made in stages, starting from annual programs, monthly programs, and daily programs. All contain intermediate goals (terminal objective), all of which contain the annual goals, and target behavior (target behavior). Daily programs are called learning units or learning designs. The design of learning is made or compiled based on information obtained from the results of the assessment, related to the level of ability and specific characteristics of each student concerned. as long as the teaching and learning activities take place, the teacher observes the behavior of the target that appears. classroom teachers who carry out teaching and learning activities together with partner teachers reflect on the activities of teaching and learning outcomes, reflection is more directed at student success both in terms of cognitive and social development.
The Effect Of Light And Shelter Period On Growth And Survival Rate Baung Fish Larvae (Hemabargus nemurus) harahap, Miswaruddin; Alawi, Hamdan; Nuraini, Nuraini
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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ABSTRACT                 His research was conducted for 40 days from October 25, 2017 to 3 December 2017 which took place at the Laboratory of Fish Breeding and Breeding at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau. This study aims to determine the Effect of Light and Shelter Interaction on the Growth and Survival of Baung Larvae (Hemabargus nemurus) which is maintained by a water aeration system. The method used in this study is the experimental method while the factorial design is Completely Randomized Design with two factors, namely the light factor with three levels of each light 0, light 12 hours, light 24 hours. Whereas the second factor is the amount of shelter provision, each S (using shelter) and NS (do not use shelter) To reduce the error of each treatment level, repeat 3 times.               From the results of the study obtained the best growth and survival of G0NS (dark for 24 hours not using shelter) resulted in the growth of absolute weight of baung fish larvae of 2.44 grams, absolute growth rate of 4.91 cm followed by a specific growth rate of 11.30% / day and survival 98.92%. The results of measurements of water quality obtained temperatures ranging from 25.4-28.2 0C, pH ranged from 5.2 to 6.4 and DO ranged from 5.0 to 6.0 ppm. Keywords: Hemabargus nemurus, Light, Shelter,
Co-Authors A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abana, Usaid Abdul Kahar Afriasih, Ni Made Putri Afrilia, Eka Mardiana Afriza, Afriza Agus Mulyawan, Agus Agusriandi, Agusriandi Aka, R Akina Akina Albetris, Albetris Alfi Zaini Amrillah, Nafira Alfian, Rizki Alimudin, Sukmawati ALQORNI, NISA Alwardah, Nanda Ananda, S H Ananda, S.H. Andi Murlina Tasse Anggraeni, Indri Putri Anggraini, Betty Apriza Apriza, Apriza Ariani, Wiwin Arif Satria Asep Nursangaji Asriwati, Asriwati Astriana Napirah Aswan Aswan AYU WULANSARI, AYU Azizah Azizah Azzahra, Alifia Badar, Muhammad Bakir, Widya Fitriani BalqisViratu Hapsari, Alliya Bere, Oktaviana Hermince Budi, Eriyono Cantika, Aisyah Carolina, Febby Da Cruz, Carlos Mariano Sope Dalilan Dalilan Darwilin, Darwilin Debora Budiyono Dewi, Sarina Dhilon, Dhini Anggraini Dian Agustina Dian Indiyati Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen Effendy, Ismail Ekawati Sri Wahyuni elida elida Elsje Theodora Maasawet Ep Lubis, Asyifa Zulinanda Faitullah, Faitullah Fajri, Joni Aldilla Fajriyanti, Indri Febrianto Febrianto, Febrianto Firdaus Firdaus Fitri, Rizki Fitriani, Arifah Devi Fitrianingsih Fitrianingsih Ginting, Inayanti Khairiyah Ginting, Twinta Dellanov Hafizha, Sannada Hairil Adzulyatno Hadini Haksami, Anugrahita Melinia Tri Hamdan Alawi Hamdani Hamdani Hamidah, Laila Hanum, Farrah Fadhillah Haque, Marissa Harahap, Dewi Anggriani harahap, Miswaruddin Harapin Hafid H. Hartati, Gusrita Hartono Hartono Hasan Sazali Hasmirawati, Hasmirawati Hendraliyusman, Hendraliyusman Hendrayani, Iin Hudori, Mahfuz Hutabarat, Dewi Ika Amalia, Ika Ika Novitasari, Ika Ikbal Rachmat Ilham Ilham Ilyas, Mohd. Imron Imron, Imron Inderawati, Inderawati Indi, Amiludin Indreswari, Diah Irawan Setyabudi Irvandi, Wandra Irwandi Irwandi Irwansyah Irwansyah Ismaraidha, Ismaraidha Izzati, Inni Jailani, Mohammad Jamilatun, Siti Jamilatun Juliana Juliana Junengsih, Junengsih Junias Zulfahmi, Junias Kamelia Kamelia Kartika, Dwi Yoga Khairiani, Khairiani Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Khosmas, F Y Kimestri, A B Kimestri, Asma Bio Kurniawan, Yoga Noval La Ode Arsad Sani Lahinta, Yurni Laksono Trisnantoro Latifah, Hamidatul Lee Wah Lim Lilis Sumaryanti, Lilis M Yusuf Majid, Nazori Makmur, Tjuwati Makrina Tindangen Manap Trianto Mandasari, Trilia Mantang, Resti Mappeaty Nyorong Mardiana Mardiana Marlena, Yuni Maryanti, Endang Maulida, Nur Syifa Megawati, Sefi Mufidah Mufidah Mufli, Mufli Muh. Tajab, Muh. Muhammad Nur Muhammad Rais Muhammad Rizki Saputra, Muhammad Rizki Muhammad Syaifuddin Mujib Mujib, Mujib Mulyadi Mulyadi Mulyadi, Irwan Muslimin Muslimin Mustafa Kamal Nailufar, Balqis Naser Daulay, Aqwa Nasri, Rizfaldi Nasution, Ramadhani Syafitri Natsir Sandiah Nazir, Cut Intan Ndari, Sri Wahyu Netti Aryani Nida, Syaima Niis, Maria Sofiana Ningsih, Devi Yogi Noviana Nisa, Rabiatul Nur Santy Asminaya Nuraidah Nuraidah, Nuraidah Nuraini Asriati Nurajiati, Nurajiati Nurfitriani Nurfitriani, Nurfitriani Nurul Hidayati NURUL WULANDARI Okianna Okianna Pain Pati, Petrus Paulus Pandiangan, Tito Fresly Pareira, Novica Christiani Pranata, Rio Pratama, Rama Arif Pratama, Yudi Anugrah Prihatin, Titiek Aryati Purwanti, Indah Dwi Rahayu, Aster Rahdiani, Dian Rahma, Anita Rahmad Syah Putra Rahmadani, Rizka Rahmat Kurniawan Rahmawati, Ida Yeni Ramadhaini, Emi Razak, Abd Retnaningsih Retnaningsih Rica Wijayanti, Rica Ridha DS, Muhammad Ridho, Ahmad Muhammad RIFAYANI, DESIYANTI Rina Yuliana Riyanto Djoko Rohim, Mustofa Ruhmana, Intan Rupa, Darius Ruslan Ramli, Ruslan Rustomo, Rustomo Ryani, Ryani S. Toba, Rachmita Dewi S., Fathur Rahman Saiful Bahri Salfen Hasri, Salfen Sandie Sani, Nurul Kami Saputro, Allyya Sari, Rosi Novita Sari, Yesi Verdiana Sartini Sartini Satria, Bagus Sebayang, Nasha Putra Sekarsari, Rita Setianingrum, Dwi Rezno Sigit Setiawan Sipayung, Kristin Siregar, Nur Ayun Siregar, Sawaluddin Siti Aisyah Siti Hajar Siti Halidjah SITI MARYAM Sitorus, Kardinal Sofiatun Sofiatun Sri Ernawati Sri Muliani, Sri Sri Wahyuni Sri Watini Sugihardjo Sugihardjo Sukendi Sukendi Sulistyarini, Sulistyarini Sumanti, Neni Syafitri, Arini Syafruddin Nasution SYAHRAINI TAMBAK, SYAHRAINI Syamsul Arifin Tanggela, Ardian Tarigan, Jitasari Tarmizi Tarmizi Thamrin Thamrin Tiarnida Nababan Tisnasari, Sundawati Toba, R D S Toba, Rachmita Dewi Subaedi Tri Dewi Andalasari TRIWAHYUNI, NADIA Tuti Andriani Umar Abdul Aziz Uril Bahruddin, Uril Utami, Tri Niswati Utari, Tina Wa Laili Salido Waharjani, Waharjani Wahidyanti Rahayu Hastutiningtyas Wahyudi Wahyudi Wahyuni, Retno Wawan Muliawan Widia Lestari Widyawati, Ratih Widyawati, Ratih Wirnelis Syarif Yafisham Yafisham, Yafisham Yanti, Nusantri Yatina, Nur Yesi Mustika Sari Yeye Susilowati Yogia Prihartini Yuniza, Thera Dies Zorasofia, Zorasofia Zulfadli Zulfadli Zulfikar, Agus