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Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 1, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The problem in this study is the decline in sales and sales target has been set arrives. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze brand image, consumer interest and determine on consumer interest in buying a cars Isuzu Panther PT. Astra International, Tbk Branch Pekanbaru. The research concludes that the brand image of the car Isuzu Panther assessed agree, which means respondents agreed with brand image Isuzu Panther car now adays as a fuel efficient car, car with quality, suitable for all terrain thereby increasing rider confidence and the car is easy to maintain and repair. Consumer interest in the car Isuzu Panther on PT. Astra International, Tbk Branch Pekanbaru assessed interested. Analysis with SPSS showed that the brand have very strong against the interest of consumers to buy car Isuzu Panther on PT. Astra International, Tbk Branch Pekanbaru. Brand image has positif influence on consumer interest, so if ther is an increase into consumer interest to buy a car Isuzu Panther on PT. Astra International, Tbk Branch PekanbaruKey words : brand image, consumer interest, Isuzu Panther
PENGARUH PENGAWASAN TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS KARYAWAN (Kasus Karyawan Bagian Produksi PT. P&P Bangkinang) Ardiansyah, Yazid; Andri, Seno
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 2, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Problems in the research is still lack of supervision conducted by the company tothe employees of the production, so it's still widespread illegalities that occurred asemployees who work not in accordance with standards and instructions given bysuperiors. Besides not the achievement of a target production in the last two years,indicating a lack of employee productivity in your work. As for the purpose of research isto find out the supervision, employee work productivity as well as know how theoversight of employee productivity part production at PT. P&P Bangkinang.. Results ofthe study concluded that surveillance against employees of the production at PT. P&Pbeen rated good Bangkinang, just that there is still a lot of shortcomings perceived bythe employees, so still there deviations in the works. Employee productivity partproduction at PT. P&P Bangkinang votes already, but there are also still manyshortcomings such as the lack of professionalism of employees in work. Analysis withSPSS obtained results that surveillance has a strong relationship to the productivity ofemployees work part of production at PT. P&P Bangkinang. The positive effect of thesupervisory employee productivity, so any improvement of supervision, it will be able toincrease the productivity of employees work part of production at PT. P&P Bangkinang.Keywords: supervision, productivity, PT. P&P bangkinang
ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN STRATEGI PEMASARAN PRODUK SEPEDA MOTOR (Kasus Evaluasi Penjualan Pada PT.Yamaha Mahkota III Pekanbaru) Hermanto, Maiko; Andri, Seno
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 2, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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PT. Yamaha Crown III Pekanbaru is one of two dealer Yamaha dealer in the District Peace Marpoyan Pekanbaru, by looking at business opportunities for the brand Yamaha motorcycle sales are becoming the focus of marketing companies. for the brand Yamaha motorcycle sales Pt. Yamaha Crown III tried to make an effort to do the marketing strategy for products marketed a concern for consumers and interested to buy didealer PT. III crown. The implementation of the marketing strategy undertaken by PT. Yamaha Crown III Pekanbaru is the use of the Product Strategy Yamaha only sell products that are of good quality and have good resistance machines and the most important is the production of Yamaha always have an innovative design every year.Transportation is becoming a vital tool even arguably very important because in the age of globalization. Without a means of transportation, we can to waste time just to achieve the goal if we rely on our feet. For now, the means of transport which are very reliable for the middle class, namely motor. And the motor is a mainstay for the fight time uncompromising one is Yamaha. Because many enthusiasts Yamaha then be an opportunity for entrepreneurs to do business selling motorcycle brand Yamaha.The results of the study concluded that the implementation of marketing strategies motorcycle made by PT.Yamaha Crown III Pekanbaru to achieve the goal of increasing sales view of respondents is sufficient enough baik.Artinya company is able to maintain the business while many competitors are quite competitive in marketing their products .Persoalan not achieving sales targets does not mean that firms have experienced kebangkrutan.Akan but the owner of the company to be better at managing the business enterprise, so that the company can continue to survive and thrive.Kunci.Pemasaran said, Strategy, Mix
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 2, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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In product differentiation, the product has meaning or value that the company creates a new product is perceived by customers as a whole is unique and different products. In this case, the product in question is the quality of the product that will support the product position in the market. Quality can be defined as a comparison with alternative competitor from the market's view. Consumer interest is growing because of a consumer desire and have interest in the product is needed. Based on the motives of consumers in accordance with the wishes and meet their needs, the company must create a product that is different and has advantages over competitors in the business services including insurance. a ministry of service, based on these two companies should be appropriately design a marketing strategy to attract the interest of the consumers themselves in order to gravitate toward product and services offered so that if consumers have an interest in those products then there will be a decision to buy the product.This research was conducted at PT. Prudential Life Assurance Pekanbaru is located on the road Tuanku Tambusai Paninsula complex BI B / 8, Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research was conducted to determine the effect of product differentiation against consumer interest in PT. Prudential Life Assurance Pekanbaru.In this research methodology is descriptive and quantitative with SPSS, where samples were used that policyholders / consumers PT.Prudential Life Assurance Pekanbaru and as a source of information is the GA Office and Personal Assistant. To determine the sample using the formula Slovin, sampling with accidental sampling method. Techniques of collecting data through interviews, observation and questionnaires.From the results of data analysis includes test validity, reliability, and simple linear regression, product differentiation in this study included five components of either the form, features, quality of performance, quality, relevance, and reliability, process. Each one has an indicator interrelated and positive influence on consumer interest in PT. Prudential Life Assurance Pekanbaru.Keyword: Differentiation Products, Consumer Interests
ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN STRATEGI POSITIONING PADA PRODUK TOYOTA AVANZA (Kasus Penjualan Toyota Avanza Pada PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru) Rinaldi, Oki; Andri, Seno
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 2, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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PT. Agung Automall Sutomo Pekanbaru branch is one of Toyota dealers in Pekanbaru is located at Jl. Sutomo 13 Pekanbaru. PT Agung Automall Sutomo Pekanbaru branch charged with marketing activities for the products produced. Marketing includes the company's business that starts with identifying consumers' needs should be satisfied, determine the products to be manufactured, determine appropriate product prices, determine ways of promotion and distribution / sale of such products, and eventually the resulting product is up to the consumer.The data used are primary data and secondary data. Sub variables studied consisted of positioning against Attributes, benefits, competitors, price, usability. The analysis used is descriptive analysis. Sampling was conducted in stages with accidental sampling method with a total sample of 76 respondents.The Results of research and testing of consumer products hepotesis author of the Toyota Avanza in PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru showed that five variables positioning above the most dominant factor in influencing consumers to buy products at PT Toyota Avanza. Agung Automall is based on the usability of the product. Respondents tend to be more familiar with the product Toyota Avanza due to the usability of the product is a versatile car, so positioning is done can be said to be successful, while the lowest dimension is positioning according to price, it means the product Toyota Avanza has a fairly high price compared with the price of other products are now increasingly cheap.Keywords: Positioning, Strategy, Implementation
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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This study aims to determine how the environment influences the work (service employees, working conditions, and employee relations) and incentives (material and non-material incentives) to the productivity of employees at mills PT. PTPN V Sei Rokan.The population in this study are employees at mills PT. Plantation Nusantar V Sei Rokan by taking a sample of 63 people.From the results analsisis data covering Validity, reabilitias, and multiple linear regression, the results showed no significant influence among the working environment on produktivias working with the calculated t (6.895)> t table (2.000) and there was a significant effect of incentives on productivity working with the calculated t (4.443)> t table (2,000) and is based on the simultaneous test concluded that the work environment and incentives together have a significant effect on employee productivity by 53.7% the amount of influence.Keywords:Work Environment, incentives and labor productivity
ANALISIS MANAJEMEN KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA (Studi Evaluasi Penanggulangan Kecelakaan Kerja Karyawan Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Rama Bakti Estate, Kec Tapung Hilir, Kab Kampar, Riau) Gunawan, Arif Choirul; Andri, Seno
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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PT. Palm Oil Plantation Rama Bakti Estate is one of the units of the company headed by PT. SMART (Sinar Mas Agro Resources), which is located in Bringin Village Subdistrict Tapung Hilir, District Kampar, Riau Province. The company is engaged in the cultivation and processing of palm oil which made of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) palm oil with multiple stages of processing that produces the final product in the from of Crude Palm Oil (CPO). PT Palm Oil Plantation Rama Bakti Estate also know as company that has a good reputation of doing the processing of palm oil. 2010-2013 But it is not in the line with K3 system which in not applied optimally. This impact on the high rates of work accident that accur in the company. Prevent accident companies to implement such programs more, leverageK3, K3 aplications, commitment and policys K3, the use personal protective equitment and make statistical reports of accident.The purpose of this research is to find out how the K3 management on the PT. Palm Oil Plantation Rama Bakti Estate which after being researched, it turns out that K3 management was good with score 2425 which is in the range (2060-2549). Therefore, the company expected to give more attention in making and implementing policies regarding K3, so work accident can be minimized and the employees can work more effectively and efficiently.Keywords: Management, K3
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 1: WISUDA FEBRUARI 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Consumer decision differentiated by pursuant to information seeking and problem recognition. Each;Every marketing communications interaction provide data which is more amount mengani itself marketing and consumer. Consumer will tend to to feel better hit themselves if they if given by the information better and given by a road;street for the the information. Marketing without beriklan as a having good product but have never on the market to buyer. PT Asta Karya is a take careing property residing in pekanbaru standing from year 2009, as for this address PT Asta Karya located in faculty UIN Panam front. In develop;building housing PT Asta Karya only develop;build housing Astam House which is located in Great road;street Kubang of Pekanbaru, in do/conduct advertisement activity, PT Asta Karya in introducing housing Astam House use some advertisement media, that is by using electronic media of like advertising it in media print, external media of column of like advertisement board installation Billboard, and the brochure media. In expecting with directional marketing concept, promotion can be run better.This research is done/conducted at komplek of Housing of Astam House Jl. Great of Kubang Pekanbaru. population as much 83. Writer make all population as responder by using method of unrightious sensus,sementara of head and employees function as fasilitator giving data of supporter in this research. In this research is methodologies used by is quantitative and descriptive with program SPSS, Technics of data collecting of through interview, observation and kuesioner.From hasilanalisis of data which meliputiujivaliditas, reabilitas, linear danregresi modestly, that contribution of influence of variable of media of advertisement to variable of decision of buy is equal to 51,1%, while the rest of equal to 48,9 % influenced by other;dissimilar variable is which is not packed into by this model, is Inferential, Assess t count/calculate > t of[is tables of ( 9,205 > 1,990) and Signifikansi < 0,05 ( 0,000 < 0,05). Signifikansi < 0,05 Hence Ho refused and [Is] ha accepted. become can be said that by media of advertisement have an effect on signifikan to decision of consumer buy
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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Research aim is to find out how about the promotion (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations) for achieve the room and to find out the consumer’ interest about (interest transactional, referential interest, interest prehensile and exploratory interest).The population of this research is the consumers of Hotel Mona Plaza Pekanbaru. with sampling of 100 people using the formula Slovin. Search procedures performed by accidental sampling of respondents. The research data in the form of primary data, with the questionnaire as a research instrument, data analysis used is by using statistical analysis with SPSS.The result concluded that the result of the respondents responses about promotion in the Mona Plaza Hotel Pekanbaru Based on the results of research by the authors took a conclusion influence of promotion (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and immediately marketing) against the consumer interest (transactional interest, referential interest, prehensile interest and exploratory interest) on Mona Plaza Hotel Pekanbaru in the category of agree while the rsults of resondents responses about the interest of consumers in the category of interested expression.through test partial to found the result showed that promotion variable positive influential towards interest consumers buy in the Hotel Mona Plaza Pekanbaru.Keywords: promotion, consumers interest
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 3, No 2: WISUDA OKTOBER 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The purpose of the study is to review Singer determine the effect Training ( X ) Against Employee Performance ( Y ) PT ON , BNI Syaraih Main Branch Pekanbaru. Singer Research method is quantitative hearts WITH using SPSS 21 , Where samples which are used Namely All employees IN. BNI Syariah Branch of Pekanbaru WITH respondents as many as 52 orangutans . Sampling technique is using census method . Research shows that the results of simultaneous testing Operating TIN Google Pages Of Finding The findings in the know T count ( 7572 ) > T table (2009 ) and Sig . ( 0,000 ) < 0.05 . This means that training variables significantly influence employee Against boarding costs .Keywords : Training , Employee Performance
Co-Authors ", Bernita Aban, Adnan Adianto Adianto Adianto Afrida Deyuwi Fortuna Togatorop Afrizal " Agusurio Azmi Ahmad Nawawi Al hanif Al hanif Al Putri Abral Alex Yulianto Alisya Miranda Alpinul Fajri Amalia Rahmadani Ilham Andharsih, Dhea Andri Sulistyani Anggun Putri Wel Sofia Anita " Annisa Putri.M. Annisa, Kiki Apandi Saputra Apriwati Aritonang Ardian " Ardiansyah " Arif Choirul Gunawan, Arif Choirul Asri Kusuma Dewi Astika Mulia Sari Avdon Fikva Rananda Ayesa Anastasia Agusman Azimi Faisal Bella Fitrianti Bernad Harianja bnu Suharwanto, bnu Bobbi Tinambunan Cesilia Rahael Ardi Hapsari Cici Anjelina Citra Cahaya Sari Damayanti, Elok Daniel Parulian, Daniel Daniel Sinaga, Daniel Darni Yuanita Siallagan Dea Permata Sari Deandra, Tamara Maretsa Defvi Anggreani Devianalita Agnus Dita Amanda Dodi Herdino Dwipa Ramadanu, Dwipa Dzaki Naufal Eka Winarti Emella Sari Endang Sutrisna Erayuana, Weli Fadhur Rahman Halim Fadila Malvika Fanny Febriani Farma " Febri Yuliani Fina Erfiyanti Firda Nova Manullang Firmansyah " Fitrianti, Rossy Gita Ria Angrayni Pandia Gusty, Ryndian Hafizh Yusri HALIMAH " Harapan Tua R. F. S Hasim As&#039;ari Hasim As'ari Helma Nopri Yosa Hervina Amelia Hijratul Firda, Hijratul Huswatun Hasanah Ika Yuni Krisnawati Ismed Ismed Ivan Sebastian Jeremy Devito Barus Jon Kenedi Juliana Syamunita Kemal Aldian Faldano Khafis Inggil Cahya Khairan Amir Krissanthi Atalia Kurnia Illahi Lailatul Indriani Laksono Trisnantoro Lamsiska Rosalina, Lamsiska Larbiel Hadi Laura Florensia Gultom Leo Eperdy Lilla Ilham Lisa Haryati M. Arip M. Refendi Zukman M. Rizal Maiko Hermanto Mandataris Mardhiana Sari Martua Manullang Mashur Fadli Mayarni Mayarni Melisa Samosir Mestika Marisi Meyzi Heriyanto Mia Audina, Mia Miftahul Jannah Mikha Etalia Muazzan Alamsyah Muhammad Farid Alhamdi Nabilah Putri Awaliah Naldi, Syafri Nani Pariani Neneng Lestari Nia Uli Silitonga Novelia Rahmi Nur Laila Meilani Nuraliza " Oki Rinaldi, Oki Okta Karneli, Okta Pergo Pergo Permana, Reyhan Busra Prima Ronaldo Siagian Purba, Berto Kristanto Putri Bestari Situmorang Putri, Septi Riana Rahayu Fitri, Rahayu Rahman, Hadi Rena Okti Rayna Repis Kayanti Rezki Ramadhanni Rhandy Pratama Ria Damero Rifani Rahayu Riko Randika Riza Adillah Farmila Rizka Azzahri Rizki Alfedri Rizki Lestari Ananda Rodearni Ginting Roiyah " Ruzikna Ruzikna Ruzikna Ruzikna Sanjaya " Saputra, Apandi Saputra, Nurhadi Seriopa Haloho Silaban, Evant Johanes Simanjuntak, Nanda Sipahutar, Dina Wiranti Siska Adetia Siti Sofro Sidiq Sri Haryuni Sri Mailinda Sri Utari Herman Stefan, Ody Andika Suryani Situmorang Sutikno, Sigit Syofiatul Safitri Talenta Novita Simanjuntak Trisna Lydia Fadilla Uci Wulandari Ummi Kaltsum Vera Helen Simbolon, Vera Helen Weni Effri Riati Weni Syafitri Yazid Ardiansyah Yeldi Okta Saputra Yofita Sandra, S.Pd., M.Pd., Zico Farlin, Dr. Budiwirman, M.Pd., Yudhi Oktavianus Yulia Sriulina Tarigan Yuliyanti Fransiska Br. Sitompul Yusri Nela Sari Zaili Rusli Zakiyah Ulfa Aryani Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini Zulkifli Zulkifli