Iskandar Jalaludin
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung

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RETEL Journal (Journal on Publication of The Research on Teaching and Language) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017): Journal on Publication of The Research on Teaching and Language
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung

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The purpose of this class action research is to describe the improvement in the ability of teachers in developing classroom action research (CAR) through the use of discussion methods in elementary schools in Purbolinggo district. This type of research is School Action Research. The model used is a spiral model with research procedures consisting of action planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. The study was conducted through two cycles of action. Data collection methods used were nontest, test, observation, which was conducted by researchers with colleagues. In analyzing the research data used a qualitative descriptive method which is assisted with the calculation of percentages. Based on the results of the study can be described that in the activities of the first cycle after the discussion method used the ability of teachers in preparing the CAR is less satisfactory. Of the four teacher groups, two groups (50%) had good grades and the other two groups (50%) had poor grades. In addition, the ability of teachers to understand the preparation of PTK individually in Cycle I was also unsatisfactory. Of the 9 teachers as many as 5 people (55.6%) had the ability to understand the preparation of PTK individually was good, while 4 people (44.4% ) lack of ability. In this regard, the researchers repeated the improvement activities in the second cycle. The results of the second cycle showed that the ability of teachers experienced a satisfactory increase. Of the 4 groups of teachers who have the ability to compile a CAR with grades> 80 (good) totaling 3 groups (75%), while those with a value of 75 (enough) are 1 group (25%). Individually the ability of teachers to understand how to prepare CAR is also satisfactory. From 9 teachers as many as 7 people (77.8%) have the ability to understand the preparation of PTK individually is good, while 2 people (22.2%) ability is still lacking. From the results of the above study it can be concluded that the ability of teachers in compiling classroom action research (CAR) in elementary schools in Purbolinggo can be improved through the use of discussion methods.
RETEL Journal (Journal on Publication of The Research on Teaching and Language) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017): Journal on Publication of The Research on Teaching and Language
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (878.715 KB)


Teacher professional development is the activities of teachers in the context of practicing science, technology and skills to improve quality, both for the teaching and learning process and the professionalism of other education personnel and in order to produce something that is beneficial to education and culture. The professional development activities referred to are 1.) Making scientific papers / works in the field of education, 2.) finding technology in the field of education, 3.) making learning tools / teaching aids or guidance tools, 4.) Creating scientific papers, and participating in curriculum development activities (Ministry of National Education, 2001: 1). So writing scientific papers is an absolute requirement for teachers who will be promoted and certain groups. The making of scientific papers by teachers is still very limited in number. According to Zamroni, the Director of Based on the description above, it is considered necessary to conduct training activities in writing scientific papers for teachers, which due to limited time, energy and knowledge as well as the ability of teachers, are limited by elementary school teachers. The training was focused on increasing the willingness and ability (motivation) of teachers to write scientific papers in the form of papers, textbooks, modules and classroom action research. It is hoped that teachers will be productive in producing scientific papers. The method of this activity is in the form of training for teachers of SDN 1 Pulo Sari, Pasir Sakti, East Lampung. After being given further training they are guided to apply the results of the training in order to improve their professionalism and career. The following are the training stages. The implementation of these activities used several training methods, namely: the lecture method, the question and answer method, and the method of practice or practice. The final conclusion of the implementation of the community service program "Training of teachers of SDN 1 Pulo Sari, Pasir Sakti, East Lampung" are:1) Increased willingness of teachers to write papers, dictates and research reports, 2) Increased teacher's ability to write scientific papers include the ability to:a) Identify, select and formulate topics and titles, b) Arrange the outline, c) Gathering written materials, organizing, and conceptualizing writings, d)Scientific writing and editing.3) Increased ability to search references in various sources.4) Participants know various kinds of scientific journals at UNU Lampung that can be used to publish their scientific work.