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Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Pertanian Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Pertanian

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This study aims to observe the effect of coconut water GR and LOF of tofu liquid waste, and to get the best concentration on the growth and production of red onion (Allium ascalonicum L.). The experiment was conducted in experimental garden of Agricultural Faculty of Riau University, Pekanbaru. The study lasted for 3 months from July to September 2016. This experiment was conducted experimentally using a Factorial Randomized Complete Random Design (RAL) consisting of 2 factors and 3 replications.Factor I is the concentration of coconut water, consisting of 4 levels ie: A0 = 0%, A1 = 25%, A2 = 50%, A3 = 75%. Factor II is the concentration of tofu liquid waste, consisting of 4 levels ie: L0 = 0%, L1 = 25%, L2 = 50%, L3 = 75%. Of the two factors above, there is a combination of 16 treatments, each repeated 3 times so that there are 48 experimental units. Parameters observed were Number of leaves per clump (tuber), Number of tubers per clump (fruit), largest tuber of tuber per clump (cm), weight of fresh bulb per clump (g), weight of fresh tubers / m2 (g) and weight of dried bulbs / M2 (g). The data obtained were analyzed statistically using vocabulary, then continued by Duncan multiple-range test at 5% level.Giving of GR coconut water and LOF of wastewater know to increase the growth and production of shallot crop. Giving GR of coconut water concentration of 50% and 75% with LOF of wastewater know concentration of 75% is the best concentration in obtaining fresh bulb weight per m2 and weight of dry bulb per m2. Keywords: Red onion, coconut water, Liquid waste tofu
Humanus Vol 14, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Humaniora FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (521.128 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jh.v14i1.5404


This study describes the competition between traditional and modern transport, the lack of awareness and knowledge of the community about ‘bendi’, bendi was considered harmful to the environment, the location of bendi wainting for passengers is unorganized that it is considered the cause of bottlenecks and constraints faced by the government in preserving bendi.. The research used descriptive qualitative approach. The informants were head of art and culture development in the Department of Tourism and Culture, head of traffic and public transport in the Department of Transportation, Communication and Information, bendi cabmem, bendi caretakers and the public or bendi passengers in Padang. Data were collected through interviews and document study. Data validity is tested using source triangulation techniques. Data was analysed by collection, reduction, data presentation and conclusions. Research findings portray that bendi is still existed in the cultural perspective, is still used in cultural events and serves as a means of cultural tourism in Padang. Bendi’s meaning and function are changed as seen through inhibiting factors that include internal and external factors. In order to overcome this problem, the government attempted to held festivals to provide information to the community or bendi owners and cooperate with the private sector in preserving bendi as cultural property in Padang city.Keywords: bendi, cultural property, transportation
EKSISTENSI TRADISI JUADAH DALAM MELESTARIKAN SOLIDARITAS DALAM UPACARA PERKAWINAN (Studi di Korong Kampung Ladang Kabupaten Padang Pariaman) Fardayanti, Yanti; Nurman, Nurman
Humanus Vol 12, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Humaniora FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (399.913 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jh.v12i1.3103


Juadah is a tradition in the traditional wedding ceremony in Minangkabau tradition from West Sumatera. This research aims to analyse the juadah tradition in maintaining solidarity in the Kampung Ladang Korong small village wedding ceremony. This research is qualitative using in-depth interview, observation, and documentation study to obtain data. Sources interviewed were selected by purposive sampling. The result shows that the juadah is still commemorated in the research site. This tradition’s purpose is to maintain solidarity in social binding including families and communities. This tradition also grow the spirit of gotong royong (solidarity works) although modernisation has changed some of its implementation. Key words: juadah tradition, Minangkabau wedding ceremony, social solidarity
NILAI-NILAI MORAL YANG TERDAPAT DALAM KABA PADA KESENIAN RABAB (Studi pada Sebuah Pertunjukan Kesenian Rabab di Nagari Duku Kecamatan Koto XI Tarusan Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Sumatera Barat) Anita, Yesi; Nurman, Nurman; Frinaldi, Aldri
Humanus Vol 11, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Humaniora FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.142 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jh.v11i1.623


This research aims to reveal religious and moral values in kaba (a type of Saga in Minangkabau literature) and rabab Pasisie (a type of percussion in Minangkabau particularly the one from Pesisir Selatan regency). The research is qualitative descriptive. The data, primary and secondary, is collected by observation, interview, and documentation. The interviewees are selected through purposive sampling. The data is then tested by triangulation of the sources, and then analysed using selection, reduction, classification, and presentation of data, which is later concluded. The result shows that rabab Pasisie is still fancied by the communities in Nagari Duku Kecamatan Koto XI of Tarusan District. The research concludes that kaba and rabab Pasisie embodies moral values that can be applied in the daily life of the community. We suggest that the leader of Nagari Duku Kecamatan Koto XI of Tarusan District promulgate the traditional rabab as a consideration to make it cultural tourism, while the Minangkabau society can implement moral values in kaba, and it is important that the district’s youth continue to learn and play rabab to maintain the traditional arts. Key words: Minangkabau kaba, rabab Pasisie, moral values, arts
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan IPA Vol 11, No 2 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.845 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/jpmipa.v11i2.36539


Land is a place to live various types of biota, one of which is soil fauna. Soil fauna has an important role in maintaining soil fertility and health. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of soil macrofauna on Agricultural land in the Sumillan Village, Alla District, Enrekang Regency. This research was conducted in July - September 2019 at three different locations. Sampling was done using fit fall trap and hand shorting methods. The results showed that there were 3 soil macrofauna phyla, namely Annelida, Artrophoda and Molluscs. Each phylum is divided into 5 classes, namely Clitellata, Insecta, Chilopoda, Aracnida and Gastropoda, 10 Orders, 14 Families and 21 species. Soil macrofauna species found were Lumbricus teresteris, Lumbricus castaneus Pheretima hamayana, Lasius niger, Lasius sp, Minimum monomorium, Soloenopsis sp, Gryllus bimaculatus, Gryllus sp 1, Gryllus sp 2, Blatella niger, Lasius sp, Minimum monomorium, Soloenopsis sp, Gryllus bimaculatus, Gryllus sp 1, Gryllus sp 2, Blatella sp, Macrotermes sp fuscipen, Leptosia nina, Scolopendra alternans, Pardosa milvina, Euryopis saukea, Vaginula sp and Achatina fulica.Abstrak Tanah merupakan tempat hidup berbagai jenis biota, salah satunya adalah fauna tanah. Fauna tanah memiliki peran penting dalam menjaga kesuburan dan kesehatan tanah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman makrofauna tanah pada lahan pertanian di Desa Sumillan Kecamatan Alla Kabupaten Enrekang. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada bulan Juli - September 2019 pada tiga lokasi berbeda. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode fit fall trap dan hand shorting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 3 filum makrofauna tanah yaitu Annelida, Artrophoda dan Molusca. Masing-masing filum ini terbagi dalam 5 kelas yaitu Clitellata, Insecta, Chilopoda, Aracnida dan Gastropoda, 10 Ordo, 14 Family dan 21 spesies. Spesies makrofauna tanah yang ditemukan yaitu Lumbricus teresteris, Lumbricus castaneus Pheretima hamayana, Lasius niger, Lasius sp, Monomorium minimum, Soloenopsis sp, Gryllus bimaculatus, Gryllus sp 1, Gryllus sp 2, Blatella sp, Macrotermes sp, Chelisoches sp, Paederus sp, Paederus fuscipen, Leptosia nina, Scolopendra alternans, Pardosa milvina, Euryopis saukea, Vaginula sp dan Achatina fulica.Kata Kunci: Desa Sumillan, Keragaman Jenis, Makrofauna Tanah
Edible: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Teknologi Pangan Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Edible
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jedb.v2i1.518


Panganan pempek selalu disajikan bersama saos berwarna hitam kecoklat-coklatan yang disebut cuka atau cuko. Cuka pempek dibuat dari air yang didihkan, kemudian ditambahkan air gula, udang ebi, cabe rawit tumbuk, bawang putih dan garam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan ekstrak asam jawa dan jeruk kunci pada pembuatan cuka pempek. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhamadiyah Palembang pada bulan September 2012 Sampai dengan april 2013. Dalam peneltian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang disusun secara non faktorial dengan empat tingkat faktor perlakuan dan di ulang sebanyak lima kali. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kimia kadar vitamin C. Sedangkan uji indrawi meliputi rasa dan aroma. Perlakuan perbandingan ekstrak asam jawa dan jeruk kunci berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap kadar vitamin C dan pH serta uji organoleptik berpengaruh nyata terhadap rasa dan aroma cuka pempek. Dari hasil penelitian kadar vitamin C tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan A4 (ekstrak asam jawa 20% dan jeruk kunci 80% ) dengan nilai rata-rata 3,238 mg/100g dan pH tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan A1 Sedangkan kadar Vitamin C terendah terdapat pada perlakuan A1 (ekstrak asam jawa 80% dan jeruk kunci 20% ) dengan nilai rata-rata 1,859 mg dan pH terendah terdapat pada perlakuan A4 (ekstrak asam jawa 20% dan jeruk kunci 80% ) dengan nilai rata-rata 4,44 mg. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Nilai tingkat kesukaan tertinggi terhadap rasa dan aroma cuka pempek terdapat pada perlakuan A4 (ekstrak asam jawa 20% dan jeruk kunci 80%) dengan nilai rata-rata 3,80 dan 3,64 (kriteria agak disukai). Sedangkan Nilai tingkat kesukaan terendah terhadap rasa dan aroma cuka pempek terdapat pada perlakuan A1 (ekstrak asam jawa 80% dan jeruk kunci 20%) dengan nilai rata-rata 3,10 (kriteria agak disukai). dan 2,99 (kriteria tidak disukai). Dalam pembuatan cuka pempek sebaiknya menggunakan perlakuan A4 (ekstrak asam jawa 20% dan jeruk kunci 80%). Perlakuan A4 menghasilkan cuka pempek yang disukai oleh panelis.
LGBT in Student Knowledge and Attitudes: Value Education Perspective Indrawadi, Junaidi; Moeis, Isnarmi; Nurman, Nurman; Luthfi, Zaky Farid
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Vol 10, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.192 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i3.23350


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) phenomena are one of the problems of the nation today. These problems become debatable among politicians, legal experts, and academicians. On the other hand, Pancasila Education is a personality development course that transforms the noble values of the nation has not been able to prevent the development of LGBT. Relating to the threats of LGBT, this study aims to develop an anti-LGBT values learning model that is integrated into the Pancasila Education. The initial stage of the study discusses the students’ knowledge and attitudes towards LGBT. A Likert scale questionnaire was employed to collect data; the sample of the study was chosen randomly from students taking the Pancasila Education course. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. The research findings indicated that students had sufficient knowledge about LGBT, and they had a firm attitude against LGBT. This finding suggests that most students still have a good practice of religious and traditional values to stay away from LGBT.
Analisis Framing "Aksi Bela Islam" sebagai Dakwah Islam di Riau Pos (A Framing Analysis of "Islam Defense Action" as Islamic Dakwah on Riau Pos Newspaper) Muhd Ar. Imam Riauan; Abdul Aziz; Nurman Nurman
Jurnal Dakwah Risalah Vol 31, No 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jdr.v31i1.7666


This article aims to examine how the representation of Action to Defend Islam in Riau Pos newspaper. Action to Defend Islam shows peaceful action of Muslims which contains messages of da'wah. This study uses qualitative content analysis by Robert N. Entman's model. The news examined was published during the action on 14 October 2017 until 5 May 2017 in the Riau Pos newspaper. The results of this study shows that the Action to Defend Islam contains the message of da'wah to carry out mass actions in peace and ordered; action to defend Alquran; action to obey the leader; and action to strengthen brotherhood among Muslims.
Keanekaragaman flora kandidat antioksidan dalam memperbaiki kualitas spermatozoa yang telah terpapar asap rokok Zulkarnain Zulkarnain; St. Aisyah Sijid; Syarif Hidayat Amrullah; Rusmadi Rukmana; Nurman Nurman; Rahmat Fajrin Alir
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/psb.v6i1.15251


Rokok dengan segala kandungan kimianya memiliki dampak bagi kesehatan, salah satunya adalah gangguan kesuburan pada pria. Seperti diketahui bahwa asap rokok mengandung radikal bebas yang mempengaruhi kinerja sistem reproduksi pria khususnya pada spermatozoa baik dari segi kuantitas maupun kualitas. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang hasil eksplorasi flora di Indonesia yang berpotensi sebagai kandidat antioksidan dalam memerangi radikal bebas yang terpapar asap rokok. Ada beberapa jenis tumbuhan yang berpotensi sebagai calon antioksidan antara lain daun katuk (Sauropus androgynus), buah kersen (Muntingia calabura), ekstrak jintan hitam (Nigella sativa), nanas (Ananas comosus L), buah Juwet (Syzygium cumini L.), jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia), tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) dan buah semangka (Citrullus vulgaris). Hasil eksplorasi berupa tes di laboratorium menunjukkan hasil yang positif dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas spermatozoa.
Kebijakan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Kota Padang dalam Pemberdayaan Politik Perempuan Nurman Nurman
Journal of Moral and Civic Education Vol 1 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Sosial Politik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.083 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/8851412020171219


This research tries to reveal the policy of women empowerment in the field of politics by PKS Party in Padang city. This research is qualitative with Padang city’s PKS local legislative managers and female cadres as informants. The data were collected by interview, and then analyzed qualitatively. The results show that PKS in Padang city branch has implemented recruitment and regeneration policies that refer to the party’s Statutes and Bylaws, which is gender neutral, although in certain respects there are some considerations of the party structure to follow up the representation of women in the local parliament. Gender neutral means that PKS does not differentiate between female and male cadre empowerment. Keywords: women empowerment policy, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, party’s bylaws ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ingin mengungkapkan bagaimana kebijakan pemberdayaan perempuan di bidang politik yang dilakukan oleh Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Kota Padang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan informan penelitian adalah Pengurus DPD PKS Kota Padang dan kader perempuan PKS. Pengambilan data menggunakan wawancara, dan selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PKS telah mengimplementasikan kebijakan rekrutmen dan kaderisasi yang mengacu kepada Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah Tangga partai yang bersangkutan. Adapun kebijakan rekrutmen dan kaderisasi dari PKS netral gender, walaupun dalam hal-hal tertentu terdapat beberapa pertimbangan dari struktur partai untuk menindaklanjuti keterwakilan perempuan di parlemen daerah. Netral gender dimaksud bahwa PKS tidak membedakan pemberdayaan pada kader perempuan dan laki-laki. Kata Kunci: kebijakan pemberdayaan perempuan, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, Anggaran Rumah Tangga Partai