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EFEK SUMBER KARBON PADA PROPERTI LUMINESENSI BCNO YANG DISINTESIS DENGAN METODE PEMANASAN GELOMBANG MIKRO Ramdani, Feri; Faryuni, Irfana Diah; Muid, Abdul; Sampurno, Joko; Nuryadin, Bebeh Wahid; Noor, Fatimah Arofiati
Jurnal Fisika FLUX Vol 13, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Fisika FLUX Edisi Agustus 2016
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/flux.v13i2.3011


ABSTRACT- A BCNO phosphor was successfully synthesized using a microwave method and atmospheric pressure. The phosphors were prepared from precursors containing boric acid as a boron source, urea as a nitrogen source and poly ethylene glycol (PEG) as a carbon source. The carbon sources were varied by PEG MW 1000, MW 6000 and MW 20000.  The objective of this research is to study the effect of variations in the carbon source to the luminescence properties of BCNO that synthesized using microwave. The emission wavelength of the samples are in violet area (380-450 nm) and the highest emission intensity was 47 a.u. produced by BCNO which using PEG MW 20000 as the carbon source.
Sintesis Nanokomposit -Fe2O3/SiO2 dengan Metode Salt-Assisted Spray Pyrolysis untuk Menurunkan Viskositas Minyak Berat Anrokhi, Mohamad Samsul; Nuryadin, Bebeh Wahid; Abdullah, Mikrajuddin; Khairurrijal, Khairurrijal; Iskandar, Ferry
Jurnal Matematika dan Sains Vol 22 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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A α-Fe2O3/SiO2 nanocomposite as aquathermolisys catalyst material at heavy oil has been synthesized and optimized by using  Salt-Assisted Spray Pyrolysis method. The α-Fe2O3/SiO2 nanocomposite is obtained by thermal decomposition from the precursor.  The precursor is made of FeCl3, SiO2 and NaCl and water as a solvent. Concentration of FeCl3, SiO2, and NaCl are 1:1:5 in order. the composition of SiO2 in the composite is 0%, 25% and 50% of total mass, respectively. the droplets were transported to the furnace reactor using air as a carrier gas with a fixed flow rate at 5 liter/min and the furnace’s temperature is 800 °C in order to get the pyrolysis reaction. The resulted powder is then characterized by using XRD, SEM and Chatalytic aquathermolysis test. The result of XRD characterization shows that crystal peaks of α-Fe2O3 has been formed. SEM result shows nanocomposite morphology of α-Fe2O3/SiO2 with circle particle form with average particle diametre of α-Fe2O3, SiO2 25% and SiO2 50% of total mass are 765 nm, 850 nm, and 746 nm, respectively. Catalytic Aquathermolysis test showed catalyst α-Fe2O3/SiO2 50%  has catalytic properties better than catalytic properties of α-Fe2O3/SiO2 and α-Fe2O3/SiO2 25%.
Pengaruh Perbandingan Molaritas Prekursor terhadap Fotoluminesensi BCNO yang Disintesis dengan Metode Hidrotermal Septia Mahen, Ea Cahya; Nuryadin, Bebeh Wahid Nuryadin Wahid; Iskandar, Ferry; Abdullah, Mikrajuddin; Khairurrijal, Khairurrijal
Jurnal Matematika dan Sains Vol 18 No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstrak Fosfor BCNO yang terdispersi pada likuid telah berhasil disintesis menggunakan metode hidrotermal. Bahan dasar (prekursor) yang digunakan adalah asam borat [B(OH)3] sebagai sumber boron, urea [(NH2)2CO] sebagai sumber nitrogen, dan asam sitrat (C6H8O7)sebagai sumber karbon. Dalam penelitian ini, telah dilakukan variasi rasio molar nitrogen terhadap boron (N/B) dan rasio molar karbon terhadap boron (C/B) dan pengaruhnya terhadap pendaran fosfor BCNO yang dihasilkan. Hasil karakterisasi spektrum fotoluminesen dari sampel yang dibuat menunjukkan bahwa pendaran fosfor BCNO mempunyai puncak emisi tunggal disekitar warna biru (~450 nm) ketika dieksitasi dengan sinar UV(365 nm). Intensitas pendaran dipengaruhi oleh kadar karbon terhadap kandungan boron (C/B) dan kadar nitrogen terhadap kandungan boron (N/B). Penambahan kadar karbon dan nitrogen diketahui dapat meningkatkan intensitas pendaran. Sedangkan intensitas optimum pendaran fosfor BCNO dicapai pada saat ratio molar C/B = 1 dan N/B =20. Kata kunci: Fosfor BCNO, Spektrum fotoluminesen, Metode hidrotermal. Influence of Precursor Molar Ratio on the BCNO Photoluminescence synthesized by Hydrothermal Method Abstract BCNO phosphor which is dispersed into liquid has been successfully synthesized by using hydrothermal method. The precursor consists of the borate acid [B(OH)3] as boron source, urea [(NH2)2CO] as nitrogen source, and citric acid (C6H8O7) as carbon source. In this research, molar ratio variations of nitrogen and carbon  towards boron (N/B and C/B), and their influence on resulted BCNO phosphor luminescence were done. The characterization results of the sample shows the single peak of BCNO phorphorous luminescence around blue color (~450 nm) on the photoluminescence spectrum, when excited by UV light (365nm). The photoluminescence intensity was affected by the ratio N/B and C/B. The increase of carbon and nitrogen ratio can increase the photoluminescence intensity. The optimum intensity of BCNO phosphor photoluminescence was obtained at the molar ratio N/B = 20 and C/B =1. Keywords : BCNO phosphor, Photoluminescence spectrum, Hydrothermal method.
Synthesis and Characterization of Calcium Oxide Nanoparticles from Duck Eggshells using Ball Milling Methods Ade Yeti Nuryantini; Citra Deliana Dewi Sundari; Halimahtussa’diah Halimahtussa’diah; Bebeh Wahid Nuryadin
Jurnal Kimia Valensi Jurnal Kimia VALENSI Volume 5, No. 2, November 2019
Publisher : Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (955.108 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/jkv.v5i2.8779


Calcium oxide (CaO) nanoparticles have been successfully synthesized from duck eggshells using ball milling method followed by simple calcination at 700°C for 7 hours. The observation on the morphology, size and shape of the particles of the eggshells powder was conducted through scanning electron microscope (SEM). The milling time was varied, i.e. 2, 6, 10, and 20 hours to observe the difference on the size of the produced particle. SEM images shows that the smallest average particle diameter was 520 nm, achieved by 20 hours of milling. When the particles were calcined, the average diameter was further reduced to 394 nm. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis shows that the resulting particles contain calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide, and calcium carbonate. 
The Defect Analysis of Carbonsteel Pipe Welding Connections Using Non-Destructive Testing with the Penetrant Test Method Nur Ichsan Sumardani; Ngainun Ibnu Setiawan; Bebeh Wahid Nuryadin; Dadan Sumardani
Risenologi Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Risenologi
Publisher : Kelompok Peneliti Muda Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (832.537 KB) | DOI: 10.47028/j.risenologi.2020.51.72


In a welding process carried out on metallic materials is sometimes found defects in the material being tested, it is caused by many factors, such as the lack of good materials used and the lack of perfection of the welding process. At testing, it aims to know the surface defects in carbonsteel pipes to know the defects arising after welding. This test is performed with non-destructive tests (NDT) using Dye Penetrant testing method. This test uses 3 types of liquids, including; Cleaner, Penetrant, and developer. The results of these tests will then be observed whether defects occur after welding and what factors affect it. From the test, results there are known 10 locations defects on the surface of the carbonsteel pipe welding with a type of rounded indication of defects that are then followed up by re-welding on indications of such defects.
Identification of Landfill Using Refraction Seismic Method in LIPI Area - Bandung Resi Wasilatus Syifa; Nur Ichsan Sumardani; Nur Amalia Dewi; Teti Febrianti; Jauhari Arifin; Bebeh Wahid Nuryadin
Risenologi Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): Risenologi
Publisher : Kelompok Peneliti Muda Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1224.85 KB) | DOI: 10.47028/j.risenologi.2020.51.76


Research has been carried out using seismic refraction in the LIPI area - Bandung, which aims to determine the land of embankment in the area. Retrieval of field data was carried out using geometric Es-3000 tool along 46 meters with a spacing of 2 meters and a 7 shoot punch consisting of 2 phantom shoots beginning and ending. Data processing is done by the first step, namely by geometric editing so that data can be read by the computer. The inversion process is done by seismimager software which consists of pickwin to extract data and plotera for modeling the subsurface layer. The results of the data interpretation show the P wave velocity from 315 - 435 m / s. layer grouping based on P wave velocity is at the first color layer having a wave velocity of about 315 - 342 m / s, the second color layer has a wave speed of 355-382 m / s, and the third color layer has a speed of 359 - 422 m / s and thick layer more than 435. Based on the lithological classification of subsurface rock layers, this study area tends to have a layer of soil type with a depth of 5 meters, and can be said to be a layer of soil deposits because of the formation of soil structures that tend to be new
SIGMA EPSILON - Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir Vol 24, No 1 (2020): Mei 2020
Publisher : Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.314 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/sigma.2020.24.1.5786


CALCULATION OF PROBABILITY OF TRISO PARTICLE FAILURE USING TIMCOAT AND PEBBED CODE. The calculation of the failure probability for fuel particles (TRISO) in the HTGR type reactor has been successfully carried out. This study aimed to estimate the failure probability of the fuel particles in the HTR-10 and HTR-PM, as well as to analyze the fuels of those reactors by varying the SiC thickness. The initial layer thickness of SiC in the HTR-10 and HTR-PM is 35 µm. The PEBBED code was used to simulate calculations resulting in the power distribution data, which is then compared with the results from the TIMCOAT simulation process. The TIMCOAT simulation calculation results, which are based on the SiC thickness variation, showed that the thickness failure is smaller if applied to the HTR-10 and HTR-PM. Based on the comparison between the two reactors, the failure probability of HTR-PM fuel particle has the value smaller than that of the HTR-10 with the difference of 10-5 .Keywords: failure particle, HTR-10, HTR-PM, TRISO, TIMCOAT.
JURNAL ISTEK Vol 9, No 2 (2015): ISTEK
Publisher : JURNAL ISTEK

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Beam divider (alat optik) adalah salah satu perangkat yang umum digunakan dalam pecobaan optika, misalkan interferometer Michelson-Morley. Beam divider berfungsi dalam membagi satu sinar laser menjadi dua sinar koheren, masing-masing sebesar 50% untuk refleksi dan transmisinya. Secara umum beam divider terbuat dari lapisan tipis logam pada permukaan kaca sehingga memiliki nilai reflektansi dan transmitansi yang baik dan dapat diatur. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mensintesis dan mengembangkan beam divider berbasis lapisan tipis tembaga oksida. Lapisan tipis tembaga disintesis menggunakan metoda spray pyrolysis pada beberapa variasi parameter seperti suhu, jarak spray terhadap substrat, konsentrasi larutan tembaga dan waktu sintesis. Parameter tersebut berpengaruh terhadap ketebalan lapisan dan nilai rasio transmisi dan refleksinya. Keberhasilan pembuatan lapisan tipis oksida tembaga ditandai dengan terbentuknya lapisan tipis berwarna kecoklatan yang tembus cahaya pada substrat kaca. Lapisan tipis tembaga oksida akan digunakan sebagai beam divider pada percobaan fisika (optika) di madrasah/sekolah, seperti percobaan interferometer Michelson-Morley.
JURNAL ISTEK Vol 7, No 1 (2013): ISTEK
Publisher : JURNAL ISTEK

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Perangkat Geolistrik sebagai perangkat untuk mengetahu jenis bahan di bawah permukaan bumi telah berhasil dirancang-bangun. Secara umum kerja perangkat ini adalah menginjeksi arus listrik ke dalam bumi kemudian direspon kembali sebagai tegangan yang terukur. Perangkat Geolistrik menggunakan prinsip kerja inverter untuk menaikkan tegangan dan berfungsi sebagai mengubah arus DC menjadi arus AC atau sebaliknya. Pengujian perangkat Geolistrik secara laboratorium menggunakan resistror pembanding berhasil ditunjukan nilai pengukuran yang baik. Pengujian perangkat geolistrik dalam skala lapangan dengan menggunakan metode Wenner dan Schlumberger didapatkan nilai bentangan maksimal untuk nilai arus terkecil yang dapat terdeteksi.
ALHAZEN Journal of Physics Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Edible plastik merupakan salah satu jenis plastik organik yang dapat dikonsumsi. Bahan utama pembuatan edible plastik adalah pati singkong (tapioka). Bahan tersebut diproses secara hidrolisis dengan penambahan beberapa pelarut seperti asam asetat (CH3COOH) dan glukosa. Dengan perbandingan 5 g tapioka 20 ml pelarut (asam asetat 10 ml dan glukosa 10 ml). Kemudian campuran tersebut dilarutkan dengan air sebanyak 30 ml dan dilakukan pemanasan terhadap campuran tersebut dengan suhu dibawah 100 °C. Campuran yang telah dipanaskan kemudian dicetak dan didiamkan dalam suhu ruangan selama ± 1 hari. Setelah proses pengujian secara manual menghasilkan plastik yang memiliki karakteristik lentur dan tidak mudah sobek, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai pembungkus makanan yang dapat dikonsumsi.