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Nursing Arts Vol 11 No 1 (2017): NURSING ARTS
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.06 KB) | DOI: 10.36741/jna.v11i1.37


ABSTRAKLatarbelakang : TB merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberkulosis, umumnya menyerang paru-paru danmembutuhkan waktu pengobatan minimal enambulan. Pencapaian kesembuhan klien TB membutuhkan ketaatan minum obat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Pendampingan Pengawas Minum Obat (PMO) Terhadap Ketaatan MinumObat Klien Tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Wosi Kabupaten Manokwari. Jenis penelitian quasi ekperimen dengan metodepengambilan sampel probability sampling secara simple random sampling. Sample 44 klien TB dibagi menjadi dua kelompok:intervensi dengan pendampingan PMO 22 responden dan kontrol 22 responden. Hasil penelitian sebagian besar karakteristikresponden berjenis kelamin perempuan (50%), usia 17-25 (27,2%), 26-35 (27,2%), pendidikan SMA-PT (50,0%), lamamenderita TB 4-6 (50,0%), klasifikasi TB baru (86,3%), waktu minum obat taat 20 responden (91,0%), jenis obat taat 22responden (100%), dosis obat 22 responden (100%), program 22 responden (100%). Hasil uji chi quere didapatkanpendampaingan PMO berpengaruh terhadap ketaatan minum obat berdasarkan waktu dengan nilai (p=0,000;<0,05), sedangkanjenis obat, dosis obat dan program tidak berpengaruh dengan nilai (p=0,312;>0,05). Penelitian ini merokomendasikan perlu dibentuknya PMO di setiap keluarga yang memiliki anggota keluarga dengan TB sehingga mencegah lalai dalam waktu minumobat yang mengindikasikan gagal minum obat.Kata kunci :Tuberkulosis, PMO, KetaatanDaftar Pustaka : 2007 - 2015ABSTRACTOktoviandi Sawasemariay, Yayuk NuryantiPoltekkes Kemenkes SorongBackground: TB is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, commonly affects the lungs and requires at least six weeksof treatment. Achieving TB clients' recovery requires medication adherence. This study aims to determine the effectiveness ofDrug Supervisory Supervision (PMO) Against Drug Obedience Drugs Tuberculosis Client in Puskesmas Wosi Manokwari. Typeof quasi experimental research with sampling probability sampling method by simple random sampling. Sample 44 TB clientswere divided into two groups: intervention with PMO assistance 22 respondents and control 22 respondents. The results of thestudy were mostly female (50%), age 17-25 (27.2%), 26-35 (27.2%), SMA-PT (50.0%), long duration of TB 4 -6 (50.0%), newtuberculosis classification (86.3%), medication time of 20 respondents (91.0%), medication type 22 respondents (100%), drugdose 22 respondents (100%) , program 22 respondents (100%). The result of chi quere test was found that PMO placement hadan effect on the medication adherence based on time with value (p = 0.000, <0,05), while drug type, drug dose and program didnot affect value (p = 0,312;> 0,05). This study recommends that it be necessary to form PMOs in every family that has familymembers with TB so as to prevent negligence in taking medication that indicates a failure to take medication.Keywords: Tuberculosis, PMO, ObedienceBibliography: 2007 – 2015
Analisis Faktor Determinan kegagalan pemberian ASI eksklusif di Kampung Pasirido Manokwari Yayuk Nuryanti; Waode Suriani
Nursing Arts Vol 12 No 1 (2018): NURSING ARTS
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17.531 KB) | DOI: 10.36741/jna.v12i1.75


Mother's milk (ASI) is the best food for babies, especially babies from 0-6 months called exclusive breastfeeding. ASI fulfills nutritional needs, has immune substances to protect babies from the dangers of infectious diseases, hygienic, always available at all times and the temperature is right. Some mothers in the village of Pasirido do not provide ASI exclusively for various reasons.The purpose of the study: to analyze the determinant factors of the failure of exclusive breastfeeding in the village of Pasirido. Study design: using correlation research. Population and sample: population of all mothers who have children aged 6-12 months. The sampling technique used was a total sample of 30 respondents. Tools: Data were collected using a questionnaire, data were analyzed univariately by percentage formula and bivariate with chi square. The results of the study were generally obtained that there was no failure of exclusive breastfeeding in Pasirido village. The knowledge factor chi square test results obtained p = 0.18 and attitudes p = 0.09. The value of these two factors is p> 0.05, so it is concluded that there is no relationship between knowledge and attitude towards the failure of exclusive breastfeeding in the village of Pasirido. Suggestion: health education about maternal and child health is carried out continuously and scheduled with different material. New mothers immediately give exclusive breastfeeding
Pelatihan Deteksi Dini Penyakit Kusta Pada Anak Kepada Guru Sekolah Dasar Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sanggeng Manokwari Yayuk Nuryanti; Waode Suriani
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 4 (2022): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v6i4.10126


In Indonesia, the proportion of people with leprosy in children is still above 5%, which indicates the high transmission rate in the local area. Data in 2020, cases of leprosy in children in the Sanggeng Helath Center area were 52%. School Health Effort is a vehicle for teaching and learning in improving a healthy lifestyle, wich is coordinated by a teacher. One of the activities is a health check. The Sanggeng Health Center has never conducted training on early detection of leprosy for elementary school teachers. The method of activity is by conducting training on early detection of leprosy in children, with 22 participants. The implementation of activities includes pretest, giving material, demonstration, practise and postest. The evaluation results obtained a pretest with an average value of 62, while the posttest with average value of 88. Subjective data obtained at the beginning of the activity, participants said they did not know how to detect leprosy early, objective data was obtained that participants did not know how to do early detection of leprosy in children. Evalation of the result of the activity obtained subjective data from participants who said they were able to carry out early detection of leprosy in childdren, and objective data obtained that participants were able to perform early detection of leprosy in children. Conclusion traing can improve knowledge and skills. As to folow-up this activity, the teacher can conduct an aerly detectipn of leprosy. If suspicion is found, immediately coordinate wiyh parents and refer to Puskesmas.
Pemanfaatan Bahan Lokal untuk Memperbaiki Anemia pada Remaja Putri Yayuk Nuryanti; Gidion Mansa; Nunuk Pratiwi
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 14 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Keperawatan: Desember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kendal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.558 KB) | DOI: 10.32583/keperawatan.v14i4.467


Remaja putri merupakan kelompok usia yaang rentan terhadap kekuarang darah. Kekurangan darah pada remaja putri dapat mengakibatkan hambatan dalam tumbuh kembang, kemampuan kognitif, dan timbulnya penyakit infeksi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar hemoglobin sebelum dan setelah minum air rebusan daun ubi jalar pada remaja putri. Desain penelitian menggunakan desain Quasi Eksperimen dengan pre andposttest without control. Populasi semua mahasiswi Prodi D III Keperawatan Manokwari semester II sejumlah 43. Sampel penelitian semua mahasiswi semester II yang mengalami anemia dengan kadar hemoglobin ≤ 12 gr/dl sejumlah 29 orang. Instrumen penelitian lembar ceklist dan alat pemeriksaan hemoglobin  automatik. Data dianalisis secara univariat dengan persentase, dan bivariat dengan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil uji analisis Wilcoxon didapatkan nilai p sebesar 0,000. Nilai ini lebih kecil dari alpha 0,05. Data ini menunjukkan  adanya perbedaan yang bermakna kadar hemoglobin antara sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Kesimpulandengan pemberian air rebusan daun ubi jalar selama 1 minggu dapat meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin pada remaja putri.