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Pemberdayaan Pemuda melalui Budi Daya Ikan Lele di Yayasan Borneo Bersinar Kalimantan Cemerlang Defri Triadi; Stephanus Prihadi; Tiavone Theressa Andin; Eva Inriani; Yoan Colina; Cristi Devi Darnita; Petriana Petriana; Sri Renita; Tesalonika Tesalonika; Marajoko Marajoko
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (abdira) Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Abdira, Januari
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdira.v2i1.50


Borneo Bersinar Kalimantan Cemerlang is a foundation that accommodates unable children from variousregions, who are given education and coaching to form character and have a  better future. In meeting daily needs, foundation funding is managed by its owners with independent business activities and expects assistance from the government and the community. Thisinitiative aims to improvethe quality of life and welfare of the foundation through the empowerment of youth in accordance with their own potential. Metode used is ABCD (Assets Based Community Development) with step 1) Field Observation, 2) Coordination With Partners, 3) Implementation of Activities, and 4) Monitoring and Evaluation of Activities. There are power and assets belonging to the foundation that can be utilized, namely unused land covering an area of 30x40m² located next to the foundation building. The land is utilized by farming catfish amounting to 7,000 fish seedlings in a pond size of 2x1x0.75m as much as 7 pieces, where later the results of catfish cultivation management will be the foundation's income.
Gereja Misioner di Tengah Masyarakat Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia Yang Plural Eva Inriani
Jurnal Ilmiah Religiosity Entity Humanity (JIREH) Vol 3 No 2 (2021): JIREH: Desember
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili dan Kejuruan (STTIK) Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37364/jireh.v3i2.63


Christianity exists and flourishes in Indonesin Central Kalimantan as a plural society, with challenges of intolerance, social inequalities, economic inequities, injustices in law enforcement, natural destruction, humanitarian crises, moral degradation, and other issues. Under these real conditions, the church need for a contextual and transformative mission is a necessity. This article uses a qualitative approach. While the research writing technique used in literature review or literature study. The results showed that the misioner church in the context of a pluralistic Indonesian Central Kalimantan society is a church that involves itself in relevant services for it’s community, the church is present as a bearer of the Gospel according to the context of Indonesian society, and participates in maintaining religious harmony among the multi religious in Indonesia. The missionary church makes a real contribution to improving the quality of people's lives, and realizing services for people who are marginalized socially, economically and politically. Through the life and ministry of Jesus, the church can find the paradigm of a contextual and transformative church mission, so that the church can become a missionary church and answer the challenges of the times. Kekristenan hadir dan berkembang di tengah masyarakat Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia yang plural, dengan tantangan intoleransi dan adanya berbagai permasalahan sosial, ketidakadilan penegakan hukum, perusakan alam, degradasi moral, dan persoalan-persoalan lainnya. Dalam kondisi demikian, kebutuhan gereja akan misi gereja yang kontekstual dan tranformatif adalah sebuah keniscayaan. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sedangkan teknik penulisan penelitian yang digunakan adalah literature review atau studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gereja yang misioner dalam konteks masyarakat Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia yang plural adalah gereja yang melibatkan diri dalam pelayanan yang relevan bagi masyarakatnya, gereja hadir sebagai pembawa kabar baik sesuai dengan konteks masyarakatnya, dan turut serta menjaga kerukunan umat beragama di Indonesia. Gereja misioner memberikan sumbangsih nyata bagi peningkatan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat, dan mewujudkan pelayanan bagi masyarakat yang termarginal secara sosial, ekonomi maupun politik. Melalui kehidupan dan pelayanan Yesus, gereja dapat menemukan paradigma misi gereja yang kontekstual dan tranformatif, sehingga gereja dapat menjadi gereja yang misioner dan mampu menjawab tantangan zaman.
Strategi Gereja Memaksimalkan Tri Panggilan Gereja Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Eva Inriani
Jurnal Teologi Pambelum Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Gereja dan Masyarakat meresponi Pandemi covid 19
Publisher : Unit Penerbitan Informasi dan Teknologi Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Gereja Kalimantan Evangelis (STT GKE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59002/jtp.v1i1.2


The Covid-18 pandemic is a global problem affecting various sectors of life, including the church. The church as a fellowship og God`s people must limit itself to direct interactions between members of its congregation, in ordet to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This massif social distancing also affects the manifesting of Three Church Calls: Witnessing, Allying and Serving. In this case that the church must implement the right strategies to respons the challenges of the pandemic. This paper aims to examine the strategies of the churches in Palangka Raya in an effort to maximize the manifesting of Three Church Calls during the Covid-19 pandemic.This research used a qualitative approach, with a descriptive type of research.Through this research, it can be concluded that the church has intelligently attempted to answer the challenges during the Covid pandemic, by maximizing service through the digital church model.The church maximizes the manifesting of Three Church Calls by utilizing various social media platforms available in the digital era. The Covid-19 pandemic has put the church in challenges, but this event has become a momentum for the church to reflect again on God`s calling, to preach the gospel, and at the same time the church is encouraged to develop in its ministry, in line with the challenges and development of the times.
SEIKAT: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Hukum Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): SEIKAT: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Hukum, Oktober 2023
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi 45 Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/seikat.v2i5.948


This paper discuss the role of forgiveness in the Christian context as sign of solidarity and a duty in building loving and peaceful relationships. In the teachings of the Bible, forgiveness is a central principle and a strong calling for Christians. The words and examples in the Bible underscore the importance of forgiveness as an integral part of a life of faith. Forgiveness is not just an individual act, but also carries a deeper meaning in the context of social relationships, both between individuals and community groups. Forgiveness shows solidarity, empathy, and deep love in establishing healthy and constructive relationships. In addition, Christianity also emphasizes the importance of forgiveness as the responsibility of believers in following Christ's example. In forgiving, Christians demonstrate the character of Christ who forgives and gives new opportunities. Forgiveness also creates an environment that encourages reconciliation, peace and social transformation. In this context, Christians have an active duty in promoting forgiveness, repairing broken relationships, and creating a society filled with love and peace. The practical implication of this view is the importance of engaging in the process of forgiveness, avoiding vengeance and retaliation, and committing to building relationships based on mutual understanding, forgiveness, and repair. In conclusion, forgiveness in.