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Justitia et Pax Vol 35, No 1 (2019): Justitia et Pax Volume 35 Nomor 1 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.994 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jep.v35i1.2052


Dalam pelaksanaannya, pemilihan umum sering dijumpai dengan berbagai pelanggaran bahkan tindak pidana di dalamnya, oleh karena itu legislator memuat ketentuan tindak pidana pemilu di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemilu. Dengan diaturnya ketentuan tindak pidana dalam pemilu, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa legislator menganggap bahwa pemilihan umum merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan demokrasi di Indonesia, sehingga pemilihan umum wajib diupayakan untuk terlaksana secara bersih dari tindak pidana. Alih-alih menjaga prinsip kedaulatan rakyat, di dalam Undang-Undang Pemilu terdapat ketentuan tindak pidana pemilu yang justru berpotensi mereduksi nilai-nilai prinsip kedaulatan rakyat itu sendiri. Seperti dijumpai pada Pasal 509 terkait larangan pengumuman hasil survei atau jajak pendapat di masa tenang. Berdasarkan hal itu maka peneliti tertarik segera mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis ketentuan tindak pidana pemilu tersebut dalam perspektif prinsip kedaulatan rakyat di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengkaji dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif (legal research) yang bersifat deskriptif, menjabarkan penelitian secara kualitatif untuk menjawab permasalahan ketentuan tindak pidana pemilu yang dimuat dalam Undang-Undang Pemilu dilihat dari perspektif prinsip kedaulatan rakyat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ketentuan terkait pengumuman survei atau jajak pendapat di masa tenang dalam perspektif prinsip kedaulatan rakyat merupakan suatu ketentuan yang mereduksi perkembangan demokrasi di Indonesia, karena membatasi kebebasan masyarakat dalam mendapatkan dan menyebarkan informasi terlebih dengan menggunakan metodologi ilmiah. Dengan adanya penelitian ini, maka diharapkan kepada legislator agar lebih memperhatikan prinsip kedaulatan rakyat juga asas kepastian hukum  dalam membuat ketentuan tindak pidana pemilu di dalam Undang-Undang Pemilu.
Justitia et Pax Vol 37, No 2 (2021): Justitia et Pax Volume 37 Nomor 2 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/jep.v37i2.4312


In several cases of settlement of the State Administrative Court, the Panel of Judges annulled the Presidential Decree (beschikking) which followed up on a Decision of the Honorary Council of Election Organizers regarding the dishonorable dismissal of members of the General Election Commission. Basically, the decision of the Honorary Election Organizing Council is final and binding. With this practice in mind, this paper discusses how the paradigm is "final and binding" in the Decisions of the Honorary Election Organizing Council and what the consequences are for legal certainty. This paper uses a normative juridical approach. The results of this paper indicate that the "final and binding" nature of the DKPP Decision has a paradigm of meaning and creates uncertainty and disruption of legal order in the administration of elections and nullifies the essence of the existence of DKPP as an ethical judiciary institution that balances power (checks and balances).
Model Hubungan Alih Daya Dalam Hukum Ketenagakerjaan Indonesia Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Keadilan Sukhebi s.; Atma Suganda; Ismail I
Jurnal Nuansa Kenotariatan Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Postgraduate of Jayabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31479/jnk.v6i1.193


This study intends to examine what prioritizes legal certainty for the guarantor of the debtor in the event of bankruptcy. This study will also discuss the practice of the methods used by personal guarantees to escape the snares of bankruptcy proposed by creditors as regulated in Article 24 paragraph (2) of the UUKPKPU, due to the lack of regulation in the UUKPKPU regarding guarantors. The method used in this research is the juridical-normative method. The results of this study indicate the following conclusions. First, the fact of the bankruptcy of the guarantor in various cases illustrates the incompatibility of the practice (das sein) of personal guarantees and the theory of underwriting. If the guarantor goes bankrupt, then the guarantor is no longer the party assisting the debtor; but it takes too much responsibility. Supported by the contents of the borghtoct agreement which does not contain provisions regarding the position of the guarantor in the event of debtor bankruptcy. If suddenly the guarantor goes bankrupt, then the theory of the purpose of bankruptcy which is to divide the principal debtor's assets will certainly not be achieved (especially when it is only the guarantor's property) is not achieved and finally legal certainty does not materialize. Second, the effort to realize legal certainty for creditors and guarantors in bankruptcy is the regulation of legal rules that regulate bankruptcy in a more detailed and rigid manner, in which the bankruptcy law consists of elements of general civil law (KUHPerdata), the Law on Bankruptcy, jurisprudence and other regulations. related regulations.
Efektivitas Pengawasan Pemilu Anggota DPR, DPD, dan DPRD Dalam Perspektif Pencegahan Pelanggaran Pemilu Ismail Ismail
Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Legalitas Vol 9, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Jayabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (106.337 KB) | DOI: 10.31479/jphl.v9i2.105


The general elections are free and conducted regularly is one criterion that a political system can be said to be democratic, so that all countries implement a modern democratic elections. Methods used are normative juridical meth-od is a method of collecting data through library research, using secondary data which is generally a document. The analysis method used is qualitative analysis is a method to examine the quality of object and then translated at sentences so obtained discussion or exposure to systematic and understand-able. The results of this study were (1) Focus control the election of members of DPR, DPD and DPRD is to oversee all stages of election include the start of updating data, campaigns, polling and counting results up to the deter-mination of elected candidates. (2) Effective oversight would create election honest, fair and democratic, and can maintain the neutrality and integrity inside election.
Interpretasi Konstitusi dalam Pengujian Konstitusionalitas untuk Mewujudkan The Living Constitution Fakhris Lutfianto Hapsoro; Ismail Ismail
Jambura Law Review VOLUME 2 NO. 2 JULY 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (896.09 KB) | DOI: 10.33756/jlr.v2i2.5644


Tujuan dari tulisan ini yaitu untuk menjelaskan kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi menguji konstitusionalitas undang-undang terhadap undang-undang dasar dalam hal ini kewenangan memberikan interpretasi terhadap UUD NRI 1945. Terkait dengan interpretasi konstitusi, maka suatu undang-undang dasar tidak hanya dianggap sebagai suatu documented constitution melainkan dapat bertransformasi menjadi the living constitution. Dalam praktik di Indonesia, dapat dijumpai putusan-putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang menggunakan interpretasi konstitusi untuk menilai konstitusionalitas suatu norma. Metode yang digunakan dalam  penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menguraikan sejauh mana upaya hakim dalam mewujudkan the living constitution melalui interpretasi hakim dalam pengujian konstitusionalitas. Dalam menafsirkan konstitusi, hakim bebas menggunakan metode interpretasi apapun. Namun kebebasan memilih dan menggunakan metode interpretasi tersebut harus tetap berada dalam koridor Pancasila dan UUD 1945. Hakim harus cermat, mampu memperhatikan, menggali hakekat atau merefleksikan suatu ketentuan pasal di dalam UUD sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Pancasila dan UUD 1945.
Jurnal Yudisial Vol 13, No 1 (2020): REASON AND PASSION
Publisher : Komisi Yudisial RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29123/jy.v13i1.382


ABSTRAKAda ketidaksinkronan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi dan Putusan Mahkamah Agung terkait persyaratan calon anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah tahun 2019. Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 65P / HUM / 2018 memandang bahwa Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 30 / PUU-XVI / 2018 dan Peraturan Komisi Pemilihan Umum Nomor 26 Tahun 2018 tidak boleh diberlakukan secara surut. Pertimbangan putusan tersebut memuat sebagai non-retroaktif dan kepastian hukum. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan peraturan peraturan-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Putusan Nomor 65P / HUM / 2018 memberikan kesempatan kepada pengurus partai politik untuk menjadi calon anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah tahun 2019. Hakikatnya Mahkamah Agung tidak membatalkan Peraturan Komisi Pemilihan Umum Nomor 26 Tahun 2018 secara keseluruhan,Kata kunci: asas non-retroaktif; calon anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah; kepastian hukum. ABSTRAKThere is an unsynchronization of the Constitutional Court's Decision and the Supreme Court's Decision related to the requirements for candidates of Regional Representative Council (DPD) members in 2019. The Supreme Court's Decision Number 65P/HUM/2018 considers that the Constitutional Court's Decision Number 30/PUU-XVI/2018 and General Election Commission (KPU) Regulation Number 26 of 2018 cannot apply retroactively. Those decision considerations contain non-retroactive principle and legal certainty. By using statutory and conceptual approaches, this research comes to the conclussions that the Decision Number 65P/HUM/2018 provided an opportunity for political party officials to become candidates for Regional Representative Council members in 2019. Essentially, the Supreme Court did not cancel all the General Election Commission Regulation Number 26 of 2018, but only could not retroactively applied for those who participated in the nomination process of the Regional Representative Council members in 2019, prior to the Constitutional Court's Decision Number 30/PUU-XVI/2018 and General Election Commission Regulation Number 26 of 2018.Kata kunci: prinsip non-retroaktif; calon anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah; kepastian hukum. 
Justitia et Pax Vol. 35 No. 1 (2019): Justitia et Pax Volume 35 Nomor 1 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/jep.v35i1.2052


Dalam pelaksanaannya, pemilihan umum sering dijumpai dengan berbagai pelanggaran bahkan tindak pidana di dalamnya, oleh karena itu legislator memuat ketentuan tindak pidana pemilu di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemilu. Dengan diaturnya ketentuan tindak pidana dalam pemilu, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa legislator menganggap bahwa pemilihan umum merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan demokrasi di Indonesia, sehingga pemilihan umum wajib diupayakan untuk terlaksana secara bersih dari tindak pidana. Alih-alih menjaga prinsip kedaulatan rakyat, di dalam Undang-Undang Pemilu terdapat ketentuan tindak pidana pemilu yang justru berpotensi mereduksi nilai-nilai prinsip kedaulatan rakyat itu sendiri. Seperti dijumpai pada Pasal 509 terkait larangan pengumuman hasil survei atau jajak pendapat di masa tenang. Berdasarkan hal itu maka peneliti tertarik segera mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis ketentuan tindak pidana pemilu tersebut dalam perspektif prinsip kedaulatan rakyat di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengkaji dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif (legal research) yang bersifat deskriptif, menjabarkan penelitian secara kualitatif untuk menjawab permasalahan ketentuan tindak pidana pemilu yang dimuat dalam Undang-Undang Pemilu dilihat dari perspektif prinsip kedaulatan rakyat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ketentuan terkait pengumuman survei atau jajak pendapat di masa tenang dalam perspektif prinsip kedaulatan rakyat merupakan suatu ketentuan yang mereduksi perkembangan demokrasi di Indonesia, karena membatasi kebebasan masyarakat dalam mendapatkan dan menyebarkan informasi terlebih dengan menggunakan metodologi ilmiah. Dengan adanya penelitian ini, maka diharapkan kepada legislator agar lebih memperhatikan prinsip kedaulatan rakyat juga asas kepastian hukum  dalam membuat ketentuan tindak pidana pemilu di dalam Undang-Undang Pemilu.
Justitia et Pax Vol. 37 No. 2 (2021): Justitia et Pax Volume 37 Nomor 2 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Penerbit Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/jep.v37i2.4312


In several cases of settlement of the State Administrative Court, the Panel of Judges annulled the Presidential Decree (beschikking) which followed up on a Decision of the Honorary Council of Election Organizers regarding the dishonorable dismissal of members of the General Election Commission. Basically, the decision of the Honorary Election Organizing Council is final and binding. With this practice in mind, this paper discusses how the paradigm is "final and binding" in the Decisions of the Honorary Election Organizing Council and what the consequences are for legal certainty. This paper uses a normative juridical approach. The results of this paper indicate that the "final and binding" nature of the DKPP Decision has a paradigm of meaning and creates uncertainty and disruption of legal order in the administration of elections and nullifies the essence of the existence of DKPP as an ethical judiciary institution that balances power (checks and balances).
The Shifting of Burden of Proof on Corruption Offences in Indonesia After The Ratification of United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) 2003 Lilik Mulyadi; . Ismail
The Southeast Asia Law Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Postgraduate of Jayabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.527 KB) | DOI: 10.31479/salj.v2i1.77


This article describes the result  of a research  regarding  the shifting of burden  of proof  on corrup-  tion offenses in the Indonesia after the ratification of United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) 2003. T he article uses normative research which regulation, conceptual, case and compar- ative approach. Such research emphasizes interpretation and legal construction to obtain some legal norms, conception, regulation list and its implementation in concerto cases. Regulation  and concep-  tual approach to used how to know, existences, consistency and harmonization regarding the shifting of burden of proof upon corruption offenses in legislation body. The cases approach uses comparative law regarding the reversal burden of proof upon corruption offender between Indonesia and the other countries. This research shows that the shifting of burden of proof has never yet applied for in the corruption cases Indonesia. The Indonesian corruption regulation policy, especially  article 12B, 37, 37A, 38B apparently it’s not cleaq and disharmony to norm of sudden charge of fortune the shifting of burden of proof formulation in connection with United Nations Convention Against Corruption 2003 (KAK 2003). So, necessary (needs) of modification sudden charge of fortune shifting of burden of proof formulation which preventive, represive and restorative characteristic.Keywords: Corruption; The Shifting of Burden of Proof; Balanced Probability of Principles         
Fungsi Budgetary dan Regulatory Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) di Indonesia Tinton Ditisrama Ditisrama; Ramlani Lina Sinaulan; Ismail Ismail Ismail
Syntax Idea Vol 4 No 6 (2022): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/syntax-idea.v4i6.1897


Non-Tax Revenue (PNBP) is one of the instruments of state revenue excluding tax revenues, and grants are the second largest contributor to revenue after tax revenues in the APBN. Similar to tax revenues, the constitutionality of PNBP is also regulated in Article 23A of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Furthermore, the legal politics of the constitutionality of PNBP is described in Law Number 9 of 2018 concerning PNBP. In principle, PNBP has two functions, namely the budgetary function and the regulatory function. The two functions of PNBP are the spirit or soul of PNBP, meaning that both functions must be ensured that they really work and synergize with each other, without this, the existence of PNBP in supporting state/government activities in order to achieve people's welfare will be insignificant and not strategic. The method used in this study is juridical-normative, with this method the author tries to explain how the implementation of the budgetary function and the regulatory function of PNBP in supporting the implementation of state/government activities in Indonesia.