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Pra Rancang Bangun Arang Aktif dari Cangkang Kemiri dengan Kapasitas 1.415 Ton/Tahun Menggunakan Alat Utama Reaktor Pyrolisis Ghoda, Antoneta Evidiana; Proborini, Wahyu Diah; Fitri, Ayu Chandra Kartika
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRAK Arang Aktif adalah salah satu bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk industri, terutama industri makanan, minuman, peternakan, pengolahan air limbah, dan pengolahan emas. kemiri tempurung biomassa berpotensi diberdayakan sebagai bahan baku arang aktif mengingat pasokannya sangat melimpah dan lebih ekonomis. Karena persediaannya melimpah dan lebih ekonomis. Semoga, desain awal karbon aktif dapat menyerap banyak karyawan dan membuka lowongan pekerjaan baru. Desain awal pabrik karbon aktif direncanakan akan didirikan pada tahun 2018, lokasi pabrik di Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur dengan total luas tanaman adalah 3.500 m2. Kapasitas produksi adalah 1,415 ton / tahun dengan waktu operasi 24 jam dalam sehari dan 300 hari per tahun. Pengolahan menggunakan pyrolisis lambat dengan NaCl sebagai aktivator. Berdasarkan analisis ekonomi, total investasi modal dan total biaya produksi yang dibutuhkan adalah Rp 7.056.821.868 dan IDR 21.340.163.139. Jumlah penjualan produk adalah Rp 26.088.515.000 per tahun dengan laba sebelum dan sesudah pajak adalah Rp 4.748.351.861 per tahun dan Rp 4.273.516.675 per tahun. Hasil analisis kelayakan memperoleh nilai Return of Investment (ROI) sebelum dan sesudah pajak adalah 77% dan 70%, Payout Time (POT) adalah 1,3 tahun, Break Even Point (BEP) adalah 36,80%, dan Internal Rate of Return (IRR) adalah 32,84%. Berdasarkan parameter ekonomi disebutkan, desain awal tanaman karbon aktif dari tongkol jagung layak. Kata-kata kunci : Arang Aktif; Kulit Kemiri; NaCl ABSTRACT Charcoal is Active is one of material that its much needed for industry, especially food industry, beverages, farmacy, wastewater treatment, and gold treatment. candlenut shell biomass is potentially empowered as active charcoal raw material considering its supply is very abundant and more economical. Since the supply is abundant and more economical. Hopefully, preliminary design of activated carbon could be permeated many employees and opening the new job vacancy. Preliminary design of activated carbon plant is planned will be established in 2018, plant location in Ende, East Nusa Tenggara with a total area of plant is 3.500 m2. Production capacity is 1.415 ton/years with 24 hour operation time in a day and 300 day per years. Processing use slow pyrolisis with NaCl as activator. Based on the economic analysis, the total capital investment and total cost of production needed are IDR 7.056.821.868 and IDR 21.340.163.139. The number of product sale is IDR 26.088.515.000 per year with profit before and after tax are IDR 4.748.351.861 per year and IDR 4.273.516.675 per years. The results of feasibility analysis obtain the values of Return of Investment (ROI) before and after tax is 77% and 70%, Pay out Time (POT) is 1,3 years, Break Even Point (BEP) is 36,80%, and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 32,84%. Based on economic parameters mentioned, preliminary design of activated carbon plant from corn cob is feasible to establish. Keywords: Charcoal is Active; Candlenut Shell; NaCl
Kajian Kadar Air Tempurung Kelapa Terhadap Kualitas Keasaman Produksi Asap Cair Fikri, Muhammad; Anggraini, S.P. Abrina; Fitri, Ayu Chandra Kartika
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRAK Asap cair adalah larutan hasil kondensasi dari pembakaran bahan baku yang mengandung selulosa, hemiselulosa dan lignin serta senyawa karbon lainnya. Proses Pirolisis adalah proses pemanasan suatu zat tanpa adanya oksigen sehingga terjadi penguraian komponen-komponen penyusun kayu keras. Tempurung kelapa adalah inti buah dan terletak di bagian sebelah dalam sabut dengan ketebalan berkisar 3-6 mm. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi asap cair dari Tempurung Kelapa dengan menggunakan Variabel yang berbeda-beda yaitu dengan lama waktu penjemuran bahan baku 0 hari 1, hari 2, hari dan 3 hari. penelitian ini dilakukan dengan eksperimen melalui proses pirolisis hingga proses redestilasi dan kolom filtrasi. Parameter yang diukur meliputi: kadar air, rendemen, pH dan keasaman. Hasil asap cair grade 3 dan grade 1 dianalisa dengan GC-MS . Hasil penelitian ini adalah lama waktu penjemuran yang optimal selama 3 hari, dengan kadar air 1,96%, konsentrasi keasaman 6,25%, dan nilai pH 1,9. Sedangkan besarnya rendemen 35,8% pada 0 hari. Kata kunci : asap cair; pirolisis; tempurung kelapa. ABSTRACT Liquid smoke is condensation result of condensation of combustion of pregnant raw material of cellulose, lignine and hemiselulosa and also other carbon compound. Process of Pirolisis is warm-up process a[n Iihat vitamin without existence of oxygen so that happened decomposition of components compiler of hardwood. Coconut shell of coconut is the core of fruit and located in shares side in coir thickly gyrate 3-6 mm. Target of this Research is to identify liquid smoke of Shell of coconut Coconut by using Variable which different each other that is with raw material drier time depth 0 day hari,2 hari,1 and 3 day. this research is conducted with experiment through process of pirolisis till process column and redestilasi of filtrasi. measured parameter cover: water rate, rendemen, acidity and pH. Result of liquid smoke of grade 3 and grade 1 analysed with GC-MS . Result of this research is optimal drier time depth during 3 day, with rate irrigate 1,96%, acidity concentration 6,25%, and value of pH 1,9. While level of rendemen 35,8% at 0 day. keyword : liquid smoke; pirolisis; coconut shell of coconut.
Pra Rancang Bangun Bioetanol dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) dengan Kapasitas 2.972 Ton/Tahun Menggunakan Alat Utama Fermentor Seda, Yulius Prianto; Anggraini, S.P. Abrina; Fitri, Ayu Chandra Kartika
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRAK Pengembangan bioenergi sebagai bahan alternatif bahan bakar minyak masih kurang diperhatikan, sementara terbatasnya pasokan bahan bakar minyak di indonesia. Solusi untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada bahan bakar fosil adalah dengan mengembangkan bioetanol untuk menggantikan bahan bakar fosil dengan. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah tandan kosong kelapa sawit (EFB). Kapasitas pra-desain bioetanol yang direncanakan 2.972 ton / tahun membutuhkan tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TBS) adalah 31.387.000 kg / tahun. Utilitas yang akan digunakan adalah pasokan air PDAM dan sungai di Sambas, penyediaan listrik dari PLN dan genset, penyediaan bahan bakar dari LNG. Lokasi pabrik direncanakan di desa gamuruh, kecamatan sambas, provinsi kalimantan barat dengan luas total 13.000 m2. Jenis perusahaan adalah perseroan terbatas dengan garis sistem dan membutuhkan karyawan 60 orang. Berdasarkan analisis ekonomi kebutuhan modal Rp.18.969.836.025,59. Total penjualan produk sebesar Rp.24.481.860.000,00 / tahun dengan laba kotor sebesar Rp. 8,343,053,024,56 / tahun, dan laba bersih sebesar Rp. 5,840,137,117.19 / tahun. Hasil dari studi kelayakan dapat diperoleh dari ROI (Return Of Investment) sebesar 51,74% sebelum pajak dan 36,22% setelah pajak. POT (Pot Out Time) selama 2,4 tahun, BEP (Break Even Point) sebanyak 44,45%, IRR (Internal Rate Of Return) sebanyak 12,76%. Berdasarkan analisis ekonomi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pra-desain bioetanol dari tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKS) harus ditetapkan. Kata kunci: Pra-desain, Etanol, Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (EFB) ABSTRACT The development of bioenergy as an alternative material of fuel oil is still less be concerned, while limited supply of fuel oil in indonesia. The solutions to reduce dependence on fossil fuels is by developing bioethanol to replace fossil fuels with. The raw material used is oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB). Pre-design capacity of bioethanol planned 2,972 ton/ year needs oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) is 31.387 million kg /year. Utilities will be used are water supply PDAM and river in sambas, the provision of electricity from PLN and generator set, the provision of fuel from LNG. The factory location is planned in gamuruh village, sambas district, west kalimantan province with total area 13000 m2. The type of corporation is a limited liability company with a system line and requires employees 60 people. Based on the economic analysis the need of capital Rp.18.969.836.025,59. Total product sales amounted Rp.24.481.860.000,00 / year with a gross profit of Rp. 8,343,053,024.56 / year, and a net profit of Rp. 5,840,137,117.19 / year. The results of the feasibility study can be obtained from the ROI (Return Of Investment) amounted to 51.74% before tax and of 36.22% after tax. POT (Pot Out Time) during 2.4 years, BEP (Break Even Point) as much as 44.45%, IRR (Internal Rate Of Return) as much as 12.76%. Based on the economic analysis, it can be concluded that the pre-designed of bioethanol from oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) should be established. Keywords: Pre-design, Ethanol, Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB)
Perbandingan Metode Distilasi Minyak Atsiri Daun Kayu Putih Menggunakan Hydrodistillation dan Steam Distillation Victor, Markulius; Mbaru, Maria Erenta; Proborini, Wahyu Diah; Fitri, Ayu Chandra Kartika
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kualitas minyak atsiri daun eukaliptus dengan melakukan analisis indeks bias, Spesifik Gravity (sg) dan GC-MS untuk menentukan kandungan senyawa kimia dan menentukan hasil dari minyak atsiri daun eukaliptus berdasarkan volume yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstraksi menggunakan metode Steam-distilasi 10 kg daun kayu putih menghasilkan minyak atsiri sebanyak 31 ml sedangkan dalam metode Hidrodistilasi 10 kg daun kayu putih menghasilkan minyak atsiri sebanyak 25 ml . Hasil analisis indeks bias minyak dari metode steam-distillation adalah 1,4602 sedangkan untuk metode hidrodistilasi indeks biasnya adalah 1,4585. Hasil analisis gravitasi spesifik pada temperatur 200c untuk minyak yang dihasilkan dari mtode Steam-distilasi adalah 0,899 sedangkan minyak dari metode Hidrodistilasi adalah 0,904. Analisis GC-MS dari minyak atsiri yang dihasilkan oleh metode steam-distillation menunjukkan 7 komponen kimia yang memiliki kelimpahan terbesar di mana kelimpahan tertinggi komponen sineol (59,77%) pada 6,682 menit waktu retensi diidentifikasi pada puncak 7 dan 10. Sementara dalam metode Hidrodistilasi terdapat 10 komponen kimia dengan kelimpahan terbesar dimana komponen sineol memiliki kelimpahan tertinggi yaitu 68,22% pada waktu retensi 6,664 menit yang diidentifikasi pada puncak 7,9 dan 11. Kata kunci : minyak daun eucalyptus; distilasi uap; hidrodistilasi; rendemen; GC-MS ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to compare the quality of essential oil of eucalyptus leaves by performing refractive index analysis,Specific Gravity (sg) and GC-MS to determine the chemical compound content and determine the yield of volatile oil of eucalyptus leaves based on the volume produced. The results of this study indicate that the extraction using Steam-distillation method of 10 kg of eucalyptus leaves produced atsiri oil as much as 31 ml whereas in the method of Hydrodistillation of 10 kg of eucalyptus leaves produced oil of essential oil as much as 25 ml. The result of oil refractive index analysis from steam-distillation method is 1.4602 while for Hydrodistillation method the refractive index is 1.4585. The result of specific gravity analysis at temperature 200c for oil produced from Steam-distillation mtode is 0,899 while oil from Hydrodistillation method is 0,904. The GC-MS analysis of volatile oil produced by the steam-distillation method showed 7 chemical components having the greatest abundance in which the highest abundance of the sineol component (59.77%) at 6.682 min retention time was identified at peak 7 and 10. While in Hydrodistillation method there are 10 chemical components with the largest abundance where the sineol component has the highest abundance that is 68,22% at retention time 6,664 minutes which is identified at peak 7,9 and 11. Keywords : eucalyptus leaves oil; steam-distillation; hydrodistillation; yield; GC-MS
eUREKA : Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 1 (2019): EDISI JUNI 2019
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

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Ekstraksi kulit jeruk ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan data % yield dan mutu minyak atsiri dari kulit jeruk dengan membandingkan metode microwave assisted distillation (MAD) dan microwave assisted hydrodistillation (MAHD), dan untuk mengetahui senyawa-senyawa kimianya yang diperpleh dengan uji GC-MS. Kondisi operasi adalah 75 menit denga suhu 100O C dengan daya microwave 100 watt, volume solven metode MAHD adalah 200 liter. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan rendemen pada metode MAHD sebesar 2,9ml/400gram, sedangkan metode MAD sebesar 2,7ml/400gram. Komposisi kimia minyak atsiri kulit jeruk manis yang diperoleh dari metode MAD dan MAHD secara umum hanya limonen (C10H16) dan linalool (C10H18O) yang sama. Hasil metode MAD didapatkan jumlah oxygenated compounds (3,14%) , metode MAHD (0,63%). Sedangkan jumlah non-oxygenated compounds untuk metode MAD (97,97 %), metode MAHD (99,37%). Kata kunci : minyak atsiri; microwave; kulit jeruk manis; ekstraksi ABSTRACT This orange peel extraction was conducted with the aim of knowing and comparing the yield and quality data of citrus peel oil by comparing microwave assisted distillation (MAD) and microwave assisted hydrodistillation (MAHD) methods, and for knowing chemical compounds obtained by GC test -MS. Operating condition is 75 minutes with temperature 100O C with 100 watt microwave power, solvent volume method MAHD is 200 liter. The result of this research was obtained rendemen on MAHD method 2,9ml / 400gram, while MAD method equal to 2,7ml / 400gram. The chemical composition of the sweet orange peel oil obtained from the MAD and MAHD methods is generally the same limonen (C10H16) and linalool (C10H18O). The result of MAD method obtained the amount of oxygenated compounds (3,14%), MAHD method (0,63%). While the amount of non-oxygenated compounds for MAD method (97.97%), MAHD method (99.37%).
Optimasi Waktu Maserasi dan Jenis Pelarut Terhadap Kadar Flavonoid pada Ekstrak Daun Sirsak (Annona Muricata L) Kartika Fitri, Ayu Chandra; Widyastuti, Fikka Kartika; Kulsum, Umi; Saraswati, Rosliani
Prosiding SENTIKUIN (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri, Lingkungan dan Infrastruktur) Vol 2 (2019): PROSIDING SENTIKUIN
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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Soursop leaf (Annonamuricata L) is a fruit plant originating from the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. In soursop leaves, there are flavonoid compounds, namely phenol compounds with antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anticancer activities. The capture of free radicals causes this compound's antioxidant effect via the hydrogen atom donor from the flavonoid hydroxyl group. Some diseases such as atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, parkinsonism, Alzheimer's, and decreased immunity have been affected by free radicals in the human body. Flavonoids are of concern because of their medicinal role in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease. One obstacle in the use of soursop leaf extract is the inefficiency of the solvent used so far. This research uses ethanol solvent because ethanol solvent can extract soursop leaves with flavonoid levels 1.36% greater than n-hexane solvents, flavonoid content is 0.66%, and 2propanol solvent is chosen because its polarity is lower than ethanol, so it is expected to extract flavonoid levels. More optimal than ethanol. This study aims to determine the optimization of maceration time and type of solvent on the levels of flavonoids in the soursop leaf extract. This study was designed with a 2 level design factorial method, and two variables changed, namely maceration time (48, 72, 96) hours, ethanol, and 2propanol fractionation solvent types. Fixed variables used were drying time 30 minutes temperature 50oC, sample weight of soursop leaf 10 grams, extraction solvent volume 200 ml, extraction temperature 28oC (room temperature), the method used spectrophotometer. These static and changing variables have a positive effect that can increase phenol levels, and the most influential variables are the type of solvent and extraction time. The best conditions in the cytotoxic extraction process are ethanol solvent and maceration extraction time of 72 hours.
Pelatihan Produksi Hand Soap dan Hand Sanitizer dalam Penanggulangan Covid-19 di Pesantren Global Tarbiyyatul Arifin Desa Mangliawan Kabupaten Malang Abrina Anggraini, Sinar Perbawani; Kartika Fitri, Ayu Chandra; Widyastuti, Fikka Kartika
Jurnal Berdaya Mandiri Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Berdaya Mandiri (JBM)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31316/jbm.v3i1.1353


Mangliawan Village is a village in the red zone vulnerable to the spread of the Covid-19 virus. In Mangliawan village, there is the Global Tarbiyyatul Arifin Islamic boarding school, which is one of the non-formal Islamic education institutions for students. The Religion Ministry has urged one of them with a circular regarding the safety of Covid-19 to break the chain of Covid-19 transmission in the boarding school environment. The Global Tarbiyyatul Arifin Islamic boarding school needs to carry out health protocols, by washing hands with soap under running water. Also, it is necessary to use antiseptic fluids in outdoor conditions during a pandemic. Based on these problems, the community service team provided training on making hand soap and hand sanitizers to be more independent in overcoming the spread of Covid-19 in the pesantren environment. Besides training, they were also given counseling on how to avoid the spread of Covid-19 and how to maintain immunity to fend off the coronavirus. As a result of this activity, the pesantren and the surrounding community's residents understand more and protect themselves by making hand soap and hand sanitizer independently quickly.Keywords: Covid 19, Hand Soap, Hand Sanitizer, Immune, Islamic Boarding SchoolABSTRAKDesa Mangliawan adalah sebuah desa yang termasuk zona merah rentan tersebar virus Covid-19. Di desa Mangliawan terdapat pesantren Global Tarbiyyatul Arifin yaitu salah satu lembaga pendidikan Islam non formal bagi para santri. Kementrian Agama telah menghimbau salah satunya dengan surat edaran terkait amannya Covid-19, untuk memutuskan rantai penularan Covid-19 di lingkungan pondok pesantren. Sehingga pesantren Global Tarbiyyatul Arifin perlu menjalankan protokol kesehatan salah satunya dengan mencuci tangan dengan sabun di bawah air yang mengalir. Selain itu perlu juga untuk penggunaan cairan antiseptik pada kondisi di luar rumah di masa pandemi. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka tim pengabdian masyarakat memberikan pelatihan cara membuat hand soap dan hand sanitizer supaya lebih mandiri dalam menanggulangi penyebaran Covid-19 di lingkungan pesantren. Selain diberikan pelatihan, mereka juga diberikan penyuluhan tentang cara menghindari penyebaran Covid-19 dan cara menjaga imun untuk menangkis virus corona. Hasil dari kegiatan ini, para penghuni pesantren dan masyarakat di sekitarnya semakin paham dan lebih bisa menjaga diri dengan membuat hand soap dan hand sanitizer secara mandiri dengan mudah.Keywords: Covid 19, Hand Soap, Hand Sanitizer, Imun, Pesantren
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 3, No 1 (2018): EDISI MARET 2018
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v3i1.918


This study aims to determine percent yield and chemical composition of volatile oil from citrus peel that extracted by using Microwave Hydrodiffusion and Gravity method. Chemical composition was analyzed using Gas-Chromatography method. Based on gas chromatography analysis (GC) obtained 9 peaks with different retention time according to the type of compound that was analyzed. The highest peak comes with retention time of 8.440 with wide area 22623980 (97,78%) and height 7241224 (96,70%). Height is the distance from the base line to the maximum peak usually in mm, while the area is the area under the peak, and indicates the abundance of a component. Retention time is the time interval required by the solute (component) to get out of the column and reach the detector.
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 2, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v2i1.666


One source of essential oil that has long been popular is a citrus fruit (Citrus aurantium). Results waste citrus peel around 500,000 tonnes per year. So the prospects for the utilization of waste orange peel are big enough to extract the essential oil. However, conventional extraction methods have drawbacks in terms of product quality, so to find solutions to these shortcomings, it is necessary to use the extraction method by Microwave Hydrodiffusion and Gravity (MHG). This method combines the use of microwave heating and physical phenomena (hydrodiffusi and earth gravity) at atmospheric pressure, without addition of organic solvents or water. In this study used fresh orange peel material 400 and 500 grams, two variable microwave power of 100 and 300 Watt and the extraction time for 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes. To know the processing time and the microwave power effective method of MHG, oil composition was analyzed by GCMS to determine the amount of the fraction of oxygenated compounds. The larger of installed microwave power, the higher of operating temperature, so the %yield increases in a shorter time. From the comparison of energy consumed, the MHG method is give 30% more energy efficient than the Microwave Hydrodistillation (MHD) method. The use of microwaves does not change the physical properties of oil. The oil produced from the MHG method has a good quality because it has specific gravity and refractive index values that meet the EOA quality standard and has a greater oxygenated compounds content than the MHD method
Identifikasi Batuan Bawah Permukaan untuk Mengetahui Potensi Tambang Mineral Non Logam (Studi Kasus: Kawasan Pertambangan Blok X Desa Ngrimbi Bareng Jombang) Fajar Rakhmanto; Ayu Chandra Kartika Fitri; Aisyatur Rizki Laila; Nicho Andreas Fernando
Reka Buana : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil dan Teknik Kimia Vol 5, No 1 (2020): EDISI MARET 2020
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (394.625 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/rekabuana.v5i1.1570


The Block X mining area in Jombang is one of the mine non energy mineral’s. Increased development, especially in infrastructure, causes the need for product from mines non mineral and rock as raw materials to increase. This study aims to determine the composition and distribution of rocks below the surface that have the potential to be a mining material for raw materials for infrastructure development. The method used in this study is a 2-dimensional mapping geoelectric survey with the Wenner configuration. This research was conducted at 2 points with a track length of 150 meters. Based on the results of measurements and analyzes that have been carried out, it can be seen that the composition of rocks found in the region is Tuff, Sandstone and Andesite. In the first lane, Tuff is at a depth of 25 meters and in the second lane is at a depth of 20 meters, in the first lane Sandstone is at a depth of 25 meters and in the second lane at a depth of 30 meters and the Andesite release at the first lane is at a depth of about 15 meters and in the second lane there is at the bottom.ABSTRAK Kawasan pertambangan Blok X di Kabupaten Jombang merupakan salah satu daerah pertambangan Tambang mineral non logam. Meningkatnya pembangunan khususnya pada sarana infrastruktur menyebabkan kebutuhan jenis tambang mineral non logam dan batuan sebagai bahan baku semakin tinggi. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui susunan serta persebaran batuan di bawah permukaan yang berpotensi sebagi bahan tambang untuk bahan baku pembangunan infrastruktur. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode geolistrik mapping 2 dimensi dengan konfigurasi Wenner. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 2 titik pengukuran geolistrik dengan panjang kabel elektroda arus (AB/2) 150 meter. Hasil perhitungan dan analisis yang telah dilakukan susunan batuan yang terdapat pada wilayah tersebut yaitu batuan Tuff, Sirtu dan Andesit lepas. Pada lintasan pertama batuan Tuff berada pada kedalaman 25 meter dan pada lintasan kedua pada kedalaman 20 meter, pada lintasan pertama Sirtu berada pada kedalaman 25 meter dan pada lintasan kedua pada kedalaman 30 meter, Andesit lepas dilintasan pertama dikedalaman sekitar 15 meter dan pada lintasan kedua terdapat di bagian dasar lintasan. Kata kunci : pertambangan; non logam; geolistrik; konfigurasi wenner