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Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science) Vol 7 No 1 (2012): JURNAL ILMU PETERNAKAN
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.485 KB) | DOI: 10.30862/jipvet.v7i1.39


This research aims to know the usage of cassava starch and larva palm wastes in ration of starter broiler period. A 100 of SR 707 day old chick in average body weight of 49,53±3,37 g reared. Those DOCs reared into 20 boxes. A completed randomized design consisted of four ration treatments, i.e. without cassava starch, and larva palm wastes, cassava starch 11.10%+ larva palm waste starch 3.60%, cassava starch 21.70%+larva palm waste starch 7.5%, and cassava starch 32.50%+larva palm waste starch 11,00%. Ration with iso-energy and protein content 22.5% and metabolic energy of 3000Kcal. Each treatment repeated five times and therefore 20 units of research obtained. Variables observed were feeding rations, growth rate, feeding ration efficiency, and mortality. The findings shown the usage of cassava starch 32.5% and larva palm waste starch with 11% can substitute cassava of 45% in starter broiler feeding ration. Substitute of cassava starch 32.5% and cassava starch of wastes of 11% is still increasing ration of consumption and daily growth rate in the starter growth period on substitution of cassava starch 2.70% and larva palm waste starch up to 7.5%. Efficiency of fed ration on treatment was not significant.
Karakteristik Karkas Bandikut (Echymipera kalubu) di Kabupaten Manokwari Pawere, Frandz Rumbiak; Palulungan, John Arnold
Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science) Vol 10 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Vete
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.884 KB) | DOI: 10.46549/jipvet.v10i1.72


The research purpose is to investigate the characteristics of bandicoot’s (Echymipera kalubu) carcass in the Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province. Thirty-two (32) bandicoots, with the age of ± 4-month-old, were used for this study, the subjects consisted of 16 males and 16 females. The research method used was the exploration method. The results showed that the bodyweight of males and females bandicoot was 1709.38 ± 506.31 g and 976.63 ± 296.11 g (P<0.05). Carcass weight of males and females bandicoot was 1339 ± 449.53 g and 738.22 ± 233.50 g (P<0.05) respectively. Carcass percentage of males and females bandicoot was 77.15 ± 6.24 % and 75.10 ± 4.32 % (P>0.05). The weight cut forequarter of males and females bandicoot was 614.85±221.87 g and 311.67±101.83 g (P<0,05). The weight cut of the hindquarter of males and females bandicoot was 768.76±377.66 g and 397.89±142.18 g (P<0,05). Fore carcass percentages of males and females bandicoot were 45.48±2.20 % and 42.39±3.50 % (P<0,05). Hind carcass percentage of males and females bandicoot was 56.22±12.22 % and 53.63±6.82% (P>0,05). In conclusion, there are differences in body weight, carcass weight, fore carcass weight, rear carcass weight, and the percentage of fore carcass weight between male and female Echymipera kalubu. On the other hand, there is no difference in the percentage of carcass and rear carcass percentage between male and female Echymipera kalubu.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Dendeng bagi Kelompok Pemburu dan Penjual Daging Rusa di Kampung Ukopti, Kawasan Penyangga Cagar Alam Pegunungan Arfak Papua Barat Manik, Hotlan; Randa, Sangle Yohannes; Palulungan, John Arnold
IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2020): IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/igkojei.v1i1.151


ABSTRACT The Arfak Mountains Natural Reserve (CAPA), which is located in the Bird's Head Peninsula region of West Papua, Indonesia, covered an area of about 45,000 km2. The area is located within the three different administrative areas, including Manokwari, Manokwari Selatan, and Pegunungan Arfak Regencies. Ukopti Village is located in the District Tanah Rubuh Manokwari District which is a buffer zone directly adjacent to The Nature Reserve Area Mountains Arfak (CAPA). The economic circumstances village community is marginal and underprivileged, with their main livelihood obtained from their mostly small farms. The farms' result is often uncertain so they depend on other alternatives such as wildlife, especially deer hunting. Based on the decision of the Minister of Forestry and Plantation No: 682/Kps-II/1988 on the establishment of the Timor deer (Cervus timorensis) for game hunting in Papua, the deer has the potential to improve the community's nutrition and economy when compared to a better-off society, which usually has access to conventional livestock. Most of the community groups normally sell their catch in the form of fresh deer meat and bacon, so oftentimes the quality of the products are lower because they are not sold quickly enough and the distance to the district town is quite far, the expensive cost of transport only exacerbates the problem. The training lasted for eight months and was held at Kampung Ukopti Land District Rubuh Manokwari District. Two groups acted as partners or the target groups of this activity, they are the hunters and deer-butchers groups. The activities of this training include lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on participation. Results of the practice of making deer-jerky had been adopted by the community/partners who have received the training, as shown by the products produced according to the example given to the participants. This activity is highly appreciated by the people of Kampung Ukopti, indicated by the presence of local officers and most of the people during the activity. Keywords: : Reindeer jerky; Entrepreneur; The Arfak Mountains Natural Reserve Area (CAPA ABSTRAK Cagar Alam Pegunungan Arfak (CAPA) yang terletak di wilayah Kepala Burung Papua Barat, Indonesia, luasnya sekitar 45.000 km2. Wilayah tersebut terletak di tiga wilayah administratif yang berbeda yaitu Kabupaten Manokwari, Manokwari Selatan dan Pegunungan Arfak. Kampung Ukopti terletak di Distrik Tanah Rubuh Kabupaten Manokwari yang merupakan daerah penyangga (buffer zone) yang berbatasan langsung dengan kawasan Cagar Alam Pegunungan Arfak (CAPA). Keadaan ekonomi masyarakat desa yang marjinal dan kurang mampu yang diperoleh dari kebun yang tidak menentu sehingga alternatif lainnya bergantung pada satwa liar, khususnya berburu rusa. Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Nomor: 682 / Kps-II / 1988 tentang Penetapan Rusa timor (Cervus timorensis) untuk pemburuan di Papua, Rusa timor merupakan salah satu spesies yang berpotensi untuk meningkatkan gizi dan gizi. Masyarakat ekonomi jauh akan mengakses ternak konvensional. Kelompok masyarakat yang selama ini hanya menjual hasil tangkapannya berupa daging rusa segar dan bacon seringkali kualitas mangsanya mudah rusak karena tidak laku dan jarak ke kota kabupaten cukup jauh serta sisi angkutan yang cukup mahal. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama delapan bulan bertempat di Kampung Ukopti Tanah Distrik Rubuh Kabupaten Manokwari. Dua kelompok yang dijadikan mitra atau kelompok sasaran kegiatan tersebut adalah kelompok berburu dan menyembelih rusa. Tahapan dari kegiatan ini meliputi ceramah, demonstrasi dan peserta langsung mempraktekan pembuatan dendeng. Hasil praktek pembuatan dendeng harus diadopsi oleh masyarakat / mitra yang sudah mendapatkan pelatihan, terlihat dari produk yang dihasilkan sesuai contoh yang diberikan peserta. Kegiatan ini mendapat apresiasi yang tinggi dari masyarakat Kampung Ukopti yang ditunjukkan dengan kehadiran petugas dan sebagian besar masyarakat selama kegiatan berlangsung. Kata kunci: Dendeng rusa; Pengusaha; Kawasan Cagar Alam Pegunungan Arfak (CAPA)
Analisis Jumlah Coliform dan Faecal Coli (MPN) pada Daging Sapi dan Ayam di Kota Manokwari Ollong, Abdul Rahman; Palulungan, John Arnold; Arizona, Rizki
Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science) Vol 10 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Vete
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/jipvet.v10i2.124


Abstract Beef and chicken meat are potential as a medium for microbial growth such as coliform bacteria since it has a high nutrients content. Coliform bacteria in a given amount could be used as a hygienic indicator and a sign for the presence of pathogenic bacteria. The aimed of this research was to determine the amount of coliform and Escherichia coli on fresh beef and broiler chicken. The bacterial tests included qualitative tests as presumptive test, confirmed test, completed test whereas quantitavely test as Most Probable Number (MPN) to test the number of coliform and faecal coli. The results showed that pH in beef meat is normal and chicken meat shows under normal pH (pH in beef anf chicken meat are 5,7 – 5,98). Coliform and faecal coli bacteria was detected in 100% of samples had MPN values > 1 MPN/g. It means that the value do not meet eligibility criteria consumption. The high number of Coliform and faecal coli contamination in beef and chicken meat were supposed in relation with market sanitation, cross contamination with other food, low knowledge about hygiene. Keywords: Number of coliform; Beef and chicken; Traditional market Abstrak Daging sapi dan ayam memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang tinggi sehingga menjadi media yang baik untuk pertumbuhan mikroba. Salah satu jenis bakteri yang sering mengkontaminasi yaitu coliform dan faecal coli yang merupakan indikator higienis dan sebagai tanda keberadaan bakteri patogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung jumlah coliform dan faecal coli pada sampel daging sapi dan ayam yang dijual di pasar traditional kota Manokwari menggunakan uji kualitatif yaitu uji presumptive test, confirmed test, completed test sedangkan kuantitatif yaitu Most Probable Number (MPN) untuk menguji jumlah coliform dan faecal coli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai pH daging sapi dalam kisaran normal dan pH ayam tergolong rendah yang semuanya pada kisaran 5,7 – 5,98; dan 100% sampel daging sapi, ayam dan pedagang daging terkontaminasi bakteri coliform dan faecal coli dengan nilai MPN yang tidak memenuhi kriteria kelayakan konsumsi, yakni > 1 MPN/g. Tingginya cemaran coliform dan faecal coli pada daging sapi dan ayam terkait dengan faktor kualitas sanitasi pasar, kontaminasi silang dengan bahan makanan lain dan pengetahuan higienitas yang rendah. Kata kunci : Jumlah coliform dan faecal coli; Daging sapi dan ayam; Pasar Tradisional
Renovasi Kandang Kelompok dan Handling Sapi ke Kandang Kelompok di Pilot Project Kampung Jenderau Distrik Kebar Timur Palulungan, John Arnold; Seseray, Daniel Yohanes; Sumpe, Iriani; Ollong, Abdul Rahman; Baaka, Alnita; Purwaningsih, Purwaningsih
IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2021): IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/igkojei.v2i2.191


ABSTRACT The biogas program implemented in Jandurau Village has an impact on the community. The community began to renovate the old cattle sheds in the village of Jandurau and herded wild cattle from the forest to be kept in said sheds. The construction of the sheds involved the Jandurau community by utilizing equipment and materials owned by the community along with assistance from Bank Indonesia (BI) West Papua. A supervising team from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Papua assisted to ensure the activity went smoothly. Keywords: Cage, Biogas, Jandurau village, Cattle ABSTRAK Program biogas yang dilaksanakan di Kampung Jandurau memberi dampak kepada masyarakat. Masyarakat mulai melakukan renovasi kandang lama yang ada di kampung Jandurau, selain itu masyarakat mulai mengumpulkan ternak-ternak sapi yang awalnya diliarkan di hutan untuk di kandangkan. Pembangunan kandang melibatkan masyarakat Jandurau dengan memanfaatkan peralatan dan bahan yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat dan juga bantuan dari Bank Indonesia (BI) Papua Barat. Tim pendamping dari Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua mendampingi hingga Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik. Kata kunci: Kandang, Biogas, Kampung Jandurau, Ternak sapi
Proses Penyiapan Daging Hewan Kurban Tahun 1442 H di Kabupaten Manokwari, Yogyakarta dan Kota Magelang Widayati, Isti; Nurhayati, Dwi; Arizona, Rizki; Baaka, Alnita; Palulungan, John Arnold; Mubarokah, Wida W.; Sambodo, Priyo
IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 3 (2021): IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/igkojei.v2i3.248


Abstract This activity aims to determine the process of providing Eid al-Adha animal meat in Manokwari Regency, Yogyakarta and Magelang City. Observations of the process were carried out directly which included slaughtering until the meat was packaged in each of the 3 mosques located in Manokwari Regency, Yogyakarta and Magelang City. Data were analyzed descriptively and presented in tables and figures. The number of Eid al-Adha animals slaughtered was 59 cows and 96 goats/sheep with the highest number of Eid al-Adha animals in Yogyakarta. The process of preparing Eid al-Adha animal meat in Manokwari Regency and Magelang City is the same, which consists of slaughtering, peeling, chopping, weighing and packaging. Meanwhile in Yogyakarta there is carcass weighing before chopping. In general, the implementation of the process of preparing Eid al-Adha animal meat in Manokwari Regency, Yogyakarta and Magelang City has endeavored to meet the hygiene and sanitation aspects as an effort to obtain halal and thoyib (good) Eid al-Adha meat. Keywords: Preparation process; Eid al-Adha meat, Slaughter
Buletin Peternakan Vol 37, No 3 (2013): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 37 (3) OKTOBER 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v37i3.3091


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pengkabutan yang dikombinasi dengan penggunaan kipas angin terhadap kondisi mikroklimat kandang, kondisi fisiologis, dan konsumsi pakan. Delapan ekor sapi perah yaitu 4 ekor laktasi ke I dan 4 ekor laktasi ke III, dengan rata-rata berat badan 409,13±19,02 kg dikelompokkan dalam dua kelompok. Metode yang digunakan metode eksperimen yang dirancang dengan rancangan balanced simple crossover dengan dua perlakuan yaitu pengkabutan dan kipas angin (P) dan tidak dilakukan pengkabutan dan kipas angin (TP) sebagai kontrol. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap. Sebelum dilakukan periode perlakuan terlebih dahulu dilakukan penelitian tahap awal untuk mengamati titik-titik kritis kapan waktu yang tepat dilakukan pengkabutan. Pada penelitian awal diperoleh titik-titik kritis pada jam 10.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, dan 16.00. Pada awal perlakuan pengkabutan terlebih dahulu dilakukan masa adaptasi pada sapi perah selama 1 minggu. Parameter yang diamati meliputi mikroklimat kandang, kondisi fisiologis, dan konsumsi bahan kering pakan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kondisi mikroklimat kandang yaitu; temperatur kandang sangat berbeda nyata (P≤0,01) pada kelompok perlakuan P dan TP berturut-turut 27,91±1,58 dan 29,41±2,34ºC, kelembaban kandang berbeda nyata (P≤0,05) berturut-turut 73,64±8,73 dan 71,40±10,35%, dan Temperature-Humidity Index sangat berbeda (P≤0,01) yaitu 76,42±1,23 dan 78,03±1,99. Kondisi fisiologi yaitu temperatur rektal berbeda nyata (P≤0,05) pada kelompok perlakuan P dan TP berturut-turut 38,58±0,35 dan 38,82±0,41ºC, laju pulsus berbeda nyata (P≤0,05) yaitu 64,12±5,96 dan 68,44±5,85 denyutan/menit, laju respirasi sangat berbeda (P≤0,01) yaitu 23,56±3,36 dan 33,56±8,02 dengusan/menit. Perlakuan pengkabutan dan kipas angin selama 10 menit dapat menurunkan temperatur lingkungan dalam kandang, efektif menurunkan Temperature-Humidity Index, serta temperatur rektal, laju pulsus, dan laju respirasi ternak, namun menaikkan kelembaban dalam kandang. Stres panas yang dialami ternak belum mempengaruhi konsumsi pakan.(Kata kunci: Sapi Friesian Holland, Heat stress, Pengkabutan dan kipas, Kondisi fisiologis ternak, Mikroklimatkandang)
Feasibility Study on Beef Cattle Development in Teluk Bintuni Regency, West Papua Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati; Budi Santoso; Djonly Woran; Irba Unggul Warsono; John Arnold Palulungan
Buletin Peternakan Vol 42, No 2 (2018): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 42 (2) MAY 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v42i2.32731


The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the readiness of the development of beef cattle using ranch system in Bintuni District, West Papua through the approach of four local foundations in terms of technical, social and economic. Research respondents were 62 families from four local foundations in Bintuni. Determination of technical feasibility of land used based on carrying capacity for each land. The technical feasibility of raising cattle was observed based on the knowledge of the community. Socio-economic feasibility was investigated based on food security and poverty level of society. Business feasibility was determined according to economic indicators namely B/C ratio, NPV, and IRR. The results showed that the aspect of land provided by the four foundations was feasible with the average carrying capacity based on fresh weight, dry matter and TDN basis were 1.8, 2.0 and 4.5 AU/Ha/year, respectively. About 70,91% of the farmers are free from poverty, and 46.54% are in food security status, which means that cattle raising will not be disturbed by the basic requirement of life but it needs an initial investment to support cattle raising. Based on the technical feasibility of cattle raising as much as 64,39% having no knowledge of breeding, therefore training and livestock education should be done. The business feasibility result shows that cattle raising on a breeding scale of 60 heads were feasible with positive NPV value of IDR 2.536.610,211, IRR of 23.09% and B/C of 1.22. Based on the overall indicators, it was concluded that the development of beef cattle in Bintuni regency was feasible to be done with requisite that improvement on land aspects and community knowledge about raising cattle.
Pengukuran Performa Produksi Ayam Pedaging pada Closed House System dan Open House System di Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur Indonesia S. Pakage; B. Hartono; Z. Fanani; B. A. Nugroho; D. A. Iyai; J. A. Palulungan; A. R. Ollong; D. Nurhayati
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia Vol 15, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks performan, tingkat mortalitas, pencapaian bobot badan dan feed convertion ratio yang dicapai oleh peternak yang menggunakan closed house system dan open house system. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat mortalitas pada peternak open house system lebih baik dibanding dengan closed house system. Bobot Badan ayam pedaging pada closed house system lebih tinggi dibanding dengan open house system pada umur rata-rata umur panen 32 hari. Feed Convertion Ratio (FCR) pada peternakan closed house system lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan open house system. Indeks performan pada peternakan dengan closed house system lebih tinggi bila dibanding dengan open house system, namun keduanya termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Dendeng bagi Kelompok Pemburu dan Penjual Daging Rusa di Kampung Ukopti, Kawasan Penyangga Cagar Alam Pegunungan Arfak Papua Barat: Training the art of Making Jerky for Hunters’ Group and Meat Sellers in Ukopti Village of The Arfak Mountain Natural Reserve Area Of West Papua Hotlan Manik; Sangle Yohannes Randa; John Arnold Palulungan
IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/igkojei.v1i1.151


ABSTRACT The Arfak Mountains Natural Reserve (CAPA), which is located in the Bird's Head Peninsula region of West Papua, Indonesia, covered an area of about 45,000 km2. The area is located within the three different administrative areas, including Manokwari, Manokwari Selatan, and Pegunungan Arfak Regencies. Ukopti Village is located in the District Tanah Rubuh Manokwari District which is a buffer zone directly adjacent to The Nature Reserve Area Mountains Arfak (CAPA). The economic circumstances village community is marginal and underprivileged, with their main livelihood obtained from their mostly small farms. The farms' result is often uncertain so they depend on other alternatives such as wildlife, especially deer hunting. Based on the decision of the Minister of Forestry and Plantation No: 682/Kps-II/1988 on the establishment of the Timor deer (Cervus timorensis) for game hunting in Papua, the deer has the potential to improve the community's nutrition and economy when compared to a better-off society, which usually has access to conventional livestock. Most of the community groups normally sell their catch in the form of fresh deer meat and bacon, so oftentimes the quality of the products are lower because they are not sold quickly enough and the distance to the district town is quite far, the expensive cost of transport only exacerbates the problem. The training lasted for eight months and was held at Kampung Ukopti Land District Rubuh Manokwari District. Two groups acted as partners or the target groups of this activity, they are the hunters and deer-butchers groups. The activities of this training include lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on participation. Results of the practice of making deer-jerky had been adopted by the community/partners who have received the training, as shown by the products produced according to the example given to the participants. This activity is highly appreciated by the people of Kampung Ukopti, indicated by the presence of local officers and most of the people during the activity. Keywords: : Reindeer jerky; Entrepreneur; The Arfak Mountains Natural Reserve Area (CAPA ABSTRAK Cagar Alam Pegunungan Arfak (CAPA) yang terletak di wilayah Kepala Burung Papua Barat, Indonesia, luasnya sekitar 45.000 km2. Wilayah tersebut terletak di tiga wilayah administratif yang berbeda yaitu Kabupaten Manokwari, Manokwari Selatan dan Pegunungan Arfak. Kampung Ukopti terletak di Distrik Tanah Rubuh Kabupaten Manokwari yang merupakan daerah penyangga (buffer zone) yang berbatasan langsung dengan kawasan Cagar Alam Pegunungan Arfak (CAPA). Keadaan ekonomi masyarakat desa yang marjinal dan kurang mampu yang diperoleh dari kebun yang tidak menentu sehingga alternatif lainnya bergantung pada satwa liar, khususnya berburu rusa. Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Nomor: 682 / Kps-II / 1988 tentang Penetapan Rusa timor (Cervus timorensis) untuk pemburuan di Papua, Rusa timor merupakan salah satu spesies yang berpotensi untuk meningkatkan gizi dan gizi. Masyarakat ekonomi jauh akan mengakses ternak konvensional. Kelompok masyarakat yang selama ini hanya menjual hasil tangkapannya berupa daging rusa segar dan bacon seringkali kualitas mangsanya mudah rusak karena tidak laku dan jarak ke kota kabupaten cukup jauh serta sisi angkutan yang cukup mahal. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama delapan bulan bertempat di Kampung Ukopti Tanah Distrik Rubuh Kabupaten Manokwari. Dua kelompok yang dijadikan mitra atau kelompok sasaran kegiatan tersebut adalah kelompok berburu dan menyembelih rusa. Tahapan dari kegiatan ini meliputi ceramah, demonstrasi dan peserta langsung mempraktekan pembuatan dendeng. Hasil praktek pembuatan dendeng harus diadopsi oleh masyarakat / mitra yang sudah mendapatkan pelatihan, terlihat dari produk yang dihasilkan sesuai contoh yang diberikan peserta. Kegiatan ini mendapat apresiasi yang tinggi dari masyarakat Kampung Ukopti yang ditunjukkan dengan kehadiran petugas dan sebagian besar masyarakat selama kegiatan berlangsung. Kata kunci: Dendeng rusa; Pengusaha; Kawasan Cagar Alam Pegunungan Arfak (CAPA)
Co-Authors Abdul Rahman Ollong Agustinus Gatot Murwanto Aisyah Bauw Alnita Baaka Alnita Baaka Angelina N. Tethool Antomina Estefina Koibur B. A. Nugroho B. Hartono Bambang Ali Nugroho Budi Hartono Budi Santoso Chrysostomus, H. Y. D. A. Iyai D. Nurhayati Daniel Y. Seseray Denny Iyai Deny Anjelus Iyai Deny Anjelus Iyai Desni Saragih Diana Sawen Djonly Woran Djonly Woran Dwi Nurhayati Dwi Nurhayati Dwi Nurhayati Dwi Nurhayati Dwi Nurhayati Dwi Nurhayati, Dwi Elfira Kariane Suawa Elfira Kariane Suawa Evi W. Saragih Frandz Rumbiak Pawere Frandz Rumbiak Pawere Fransiska R. V. Sitanggang Freddy Pattiselanno Hans Mamboai Hotlan Manik Hotlan Manik Inriani, Noveling Irba Unggul Warsono Irba Unggul Warsono Iriani Sumpe Isti Widayati Isti Widayati Isti Widayati Jasmal A Syamsu M A Mu'in Makarius Bajari Maria Arim Maya Novi Merlyn N. Lekitoo Mohammad Jen Wajo Mubarokah, Wida W. Muhammad Affan Mu’in Muhammad J Wajo Muhammad J. Wajo Muhammad Junaidi Murwanto, A. Gatot N Zurahmah Noveling Inriani Noviyanti Noviyanti Noviyanti . Noviyanti Noviyanti Noviyanti Noviyanti Priyo Sambodo Priyo Sambodo Purwaningsih Purwaningsih Purwaningsih Purwaningsih - Purwaningsih . Purwaningsih Purwaningsih Randa, Sangle Yohannes Rinetha Stella Suabey Rizki Arizona Rizky Arizona Rizky Arizona S. Pakage Sangle Y Randa Sangle Yohannes Randa Sientje D Rumetor Sientje D. Rumetor Siti Halimatus Saadiyah Stepanus R. Pakage dan B.W. Irianti Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati Wida W. Mubarokah Widayati, Isti Yafed Muyan Yafed Syufi Z. Fanani