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Jambura Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol 3, No 2 (2021): JAMBURA JOURNAL HEALTH AND SCIENCES AND RESEARCH
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35971/jjhsr.v3i2.10133


 Stroke is one of the cases that require hemodynamic monitoring and is a significant health problem for today's modern society. This condition often occurs where the blood supply to a part of the brain is suddenly interrupted, due to blockage or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) introduces progressive mobilization interventions (Head of Bed, Range of Motion, and continued rotation). Laterals). Progressive mobilization is expected to cause an excellent hemodynamic response. This study aims to determine the effect of progressive mobilization on changes in blood pressure in stroke patients in the ICU MM Dunda Limboto Hospital. This type of research is a quasi-experimental approach with a pre and post-test design group approach. The number of respondents was 15 people with an accidental sampling technique. The analysis results showed that there were differences in blood pressure results before and after progressive mobilization, with the bivariate analysis results with the Wilcoxon test 0.000 0.05, which means that giving progressive mobilization to stroke patients affects changes in blood pressure. The conclusion is that there is an effect of giving progressive mobilization to decrease blood pressure of stroke patients in the ICU MM Dunda Limboto Hospital.
Peningkatan Health Literacy Terkait Covid 19 Melalui Edukasi Terhadap Kader Kesehatan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Dungingi, Gorontalo Fakhriatul Falah; Suwarly Mobiliu; Irmariyani Irbar
JIKP Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan PENCERAH Vol 10 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Sidrap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.255 KB) | DOI: 10.12345/jikp.v10i1.200


Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat Covid 19 dapat berdampak pada meningkatnya kasus morbiditas dan mortalitas Covid 19. Kecamatan Dungingi Kota Gorontalo merupakan kecamatan yang ditetapkan zona merah sehingga edukasi penting diberikan pada kader kesehatan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman kader terkait pencegahan covid-19. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk membandingkan tingkat health literacy sebelum dan setelah diberikan edukasi pada kader kesehatan. Desain yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan pre dan post test design, menggunakan sampel 10 orang kader. Hasil studi melalui uji T berpasangan menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna sebelum dan setelah diberikan edukasi dengan nilai p = 0,000 (α < 0,05). Rata-rata health literacy kader sebelum diberikan edukasi adalah 53 (inadequate/kurang) setelah diberikan edukasi menjadi 83 (excellence/baik).
Pemberian Kompres Air Hangat Pada Anak Usia 3 s/d 5 Tahun Dengan ISPA Suwarly Mobiliu; Lusiane Adam; Siti Nuriyani Bakari
Journal Nursing Care Jurusan Keperawatan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JOURNAL NURSING CARE
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (294.646 KB) | DOI: 10.52365/jnc.v6i1.340


ABSTRACT Background: Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an infection that interferes with a child's breathing process. Infection is the circumstance of entry of the organism into the body, while the initial manifestation of an infectious disease such as acute respiratory infection is a fever. Warm water compress is one of appropriate actions to lower body temperature by using a cloth of towel dipped in warm water and placed on certain body parts so that it can provide a sense of comfort and lower body temperature. Objective: The research aimed to determine of Effect of Giving Warm Water Compress on Choldren of 3-5 years old with Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) at Working Area of Bulango Timur Public Health Center, Bulango Sub-district, Bone Bolango District. Methods: This research was quantitative research that was aimed to find out the effectiviness of giving warm water compress in declining body temperature onchildren aged 3-5 years old of patients with an acute respiratory infection. The independent variable in this research was warm water compress giving, while the dependent variable was the declining body temperature on the children aged 3-5 years old with ARI. The research respondents were all of the toddlerswith a diagnosis of fever/febrile due to ARI disease. Meanwhile, the sample which will be collected in research sampling during a week were 15 samples. Results: The research finding revaled that the body temperature of children before being compressed with warm water, all of them were in the warm category with a temperature of > 37,30C that is amounted to 100%. Moreover, children body temperature normal after being compressed with warm water by the highest percentage amounted to 73,3%. Conclusion: There was a correlation between giving of warin water in declining body temperature of children with acute respiratory infection at Working Area of Bulango Timur Public Health Center with the p-value 0,001. ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: ISPA adalah infeksi yang mengganggu proses pernafasan seseorang anak. Infeksi adalah keadaan masuknya organisme kedalam tubuh. Adapun manifestasi awal dari penyakit infeksi seperti ISPA adalah demam. Kompres hangat adalah salah satu tindakan tepat menurunkan suhu tubuh dengan menggunakan kain atau handuk yang dicelupkan pada air hangat dan ditempelkan pada bagian tubuh tertentu sehingga dapat memberikan rasa nyaman dan menurunkan suhu tubuh. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Pemberian Kompres Air Hangat Pada Anak Usia 3 s/d 5 Tahun Dengan ISPA di Wilayah Puskesmas Bulango Timur Kecamatan Bulango Timur Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Metode: Jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian kuantitatif, eksperimen semua yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan pemberian kompres air hangat dalam menurunkan suhu tubuh pada anak usia 3 s/d 5 Tahun penderita ISPA. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah pemberian kompres air hangat, sedangkan variabel terikatnya antara lain penurunan suhu tubuh pada anak usia 3-5 Tahun dengan ISPA. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua anak balita dengan diagnosa demam/febris akibat penyakit ISPA. Sampel yang akan diambil saat penarikan sampel dalam penelitian selama seminggu adalah sebanyak 15 sampel. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu tubuh anak sebelum di kompres dengan air hangat semuanya berada pada kategori panas dengan suhu >37,30c yaitu sebanyak 100%. Suhu tubuh anak normal setelah di kompres dengan air hangat merupakan persentasi tertinggi yaitu sebanyak 73,3%. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara pemberian kompres air hangat dalam menurunkan suhu tubuh pada anak penderita ISPA di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmsas Bulango Timur dengan p value 0,001.
Discharge Planning Terhadap Kesiapan Klien Menghadapi Pemulangan Dengan Ulkus Diabetikum Suwarly Mobiliu; Paulus Pangalo; Nurafni Suid
Journal Nursing Care Jurusan Keperawatan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo Vol 6, No 2 (2020): JOURNAL NURSING CARE
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (445.465 KB) | DOI: 10.52365/jnc.v6i2.390


Background: Discharge planning or discharge planning is a process of starting the client from getting health services followed by continuity of care both in the healing process and in improving health status until the patient feels ready to return to his environment.Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of discharge planning on the client's readiness to face discharge with diabetic ulcers in the operating room of Toto Kabila Hospital, Bone Bolango Regency.Method: The design in this research is pre-experiment with 20 people taking purposive samplingResults: The results showed that after discharge planning the client's readiness level increased as many as 15 people (75%) with a readiness level of 4, and as many as 5 people (25%) with a readiness level 3. Based on the SPSS analysis test using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, it was obtained P value = 0.000 so p value < 0.05. Then the results obtained Ha or H1 is accepted.Conclusion: These results indicate that there is a significant effect of discharge planning on the client's readiness to face discharge with diabetic ulcers in the operating room of the Toto Kabila Hospital, Bone Bolango Regency.   
MOTIVASI INTRINSIK DENGAN KINERJA PERAWAT Suwarly Mobiliu; Fakhriatul Falah; Alam Triana Panigoro
Journal Nursing Care Jurusan Keperawatan Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JOURNAL NURSING CARE
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.527 KB) | DOI: 10.52365/jnc.v6i1.330


ABSTRACT Nursing, as an integral part of health services, also determines health quality. The number of nursing staff dominate overall health workers, where nurses make a Unique contribution to the form of health services as a relative, sustainble, cordinative, and advocacy unit. This research aimed to find out the correlation of intrinsic motivation with a nursing performance at Toto Kabila RSUD of Bone Bolango Distrit. This research was conduted on April 15 – 29 2019. The method was quantitative reserach employing cross-sectional approach with a sample taken from all 43 respondents. The data were collected by the questionnaire and Chi-Square α = 0,05 value as the technique of analyzing the data. The research findings showed that the intrinsic Motivation was high with the percentage 72,1% and good performance was 74,4%.The research obtained p-value = 0,000 < α = 0,05, it can be concluded that RSUD Toto Kabila in Bone Bolango District. ABSTRAK Keperawatan sebagai bagian integral dari pelayanan kesehatan, ikut menentukan mutu dari pelayanan kesehatan. Tenaga keperawatan secara keseluruhan jumlahnya mendominasi tenaga kesehatan yang ada, dimana keperawatan memberikan konstribusi yang unik terhadap bentuk pelayanan kesehatan sebagai satu kesatuan yang relatif, berkelanjutan, koordinatif dan advokatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan motivasi intrinsik dengan kinerja perawat di RSUD Toto Kabila Bone Bolango. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 15 – 29 April 2019. Metode Penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan yaitu cross sectional dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan total populasi sebanyak 43 responden, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis melalui uji chi square dengan α = 0.05. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Motivasi Intrinsik sebagian besar tinggi dengan persentase sebesar 72.1% dan kinerja baik sebanyak 74.4%. Didapatkan bahwa nilai p = 0,000 < α = 0,05. Maka dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan antara motivasi intrinsik dengan kinerja perawat di RSUD Toto Kabila Bone Bolango.
Demonstrasi Latihan Pernapasan Diafragma Sebagai Pencegahan Penularan Covid-19 di Wilayah Kecamatan Kota Barat Kota Gorontalo Suwarly Mobiliu; Ratnawati Ratnawati; Mega Lestari Khoirunnisa; Mansyur B. Tomayahu
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Volume 4 Nomor 6 Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v4i6.4436


ABSTRAK Program Kemitraan Wilayah (PKW) merupakan program pengabdian masyarakat yang dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya permasalahan kesehatan dalam suatu wilayah tertentu. Kecamatan Kota Barat memiliki beberapa permasalahan kesehatan yang didapatkan dari Wilayah Kecamatan Kota Barat yaitu distribusi penyakit Asma yang fluktuatif pada Tahun 2017-2019 sebanyak 1477 kasus. Latihan pernapasan merupakan alternatif untuk memperoleh kesehatan yang diharapkan bisa mengefektifkan semua organ dalam tubuh secara optimal dengan olah napas dan olah fisik secara teratur. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mencegah terjadinya penularan COVID-19 pada keluarga dengan riwayat asma di Wilayah Kecamatan Kota Barat Kota Gorontalo. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada bulan April – Oktober 2020. Kegiatan dimulai dengan melakukan penyuluhan dan demonstrasi latihan pernapasan diafragma, kemudian dilakukan pengukuran nilai Arus Puncak Ekspirasi (APE) pada setiap peserta sebelum dan sesudah latihan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan ini berhasil sesuai dengan indikator keberhasilan yang ditetapkan yaitu sebanyak 50 peserta dari masyarakat Kecamatan Kota Barat yang mengikuti dengan antusias, peningkatan pengetahuan serta peningkatan nilai APE. Kata Kunci: pencegahan Covid-19, napas diafragma, asma, arus puncak respirasi  ABSTRACT The Regional Partnership Program is a community service program that is motivated by the existence of health problems in a certain area. Kota Barat Subdistrict has several health problems obtained from the West City District Area, namely the fluctuating distribution of asthma in 2017-2019 as many as 1477 cases. Breathing exercises are an alternative to obtain health which is expected to make all organs in the body optimally effective with regular breathing and physical exercise. This program aims to prevent transmission of COVID-19 in families with a history of asthma in the Kota Barat District of Gorontalo City. This activity was carried out from April - October 2020. The activity began with conducting counseling and demonstration of diaphragmatic breathing exercises, then measuring the value of Peak Expiratory Flow for each participant before and after the exercise. The results showed that this activity was successful in accordance with the established success indicators, 50 participants from the West Kota Subdistrict community who followed enthusiastically, increased knowledge and increased the value of APE. Keywords: prevention of Covid-19, diaphragmatic breathing, asthma, peak flow of respiration