Ilham Saiful Fauzi
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung 40132

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Comparison of Dengue Transmission in Lowland and Highland Area: Case Study in Semarang and Malang, Indonesia Fauzi, Ilham Saiful; Fakhruddin, Muhammad; Nuraini, Nuning; Wijaya, Karunia Putra
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Indonesian Bio-Mathematical Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (545.281 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/cbms.2019.2.1.3


Dengue is a potentially lethal mosquito-borne disease, regarded as the most dangerous disease in the world. It is also a major health issue in tropical and subtropical countries. Environmental characteristics and sociocultural are factors which play a role in the spread of dengue. Different landscape structure such as lowland and highland areas are possible to give different infection rate on dengue transmission. Semarang and Malang are densely populated areas in Java, which are selected to be our study areas. A mathematical model (SIR-UV) is adapted to describe dengue transmission. Spiral dynamic optimization is applied to convert monthly data to weekly in Malang and estimate the infection rate that minimized the deviation between dengue data and simulation. This method produces a good fitting to the data. We compare the pattern of dengue cases from the simulation in both cities. Furthermore, we identify seasonal variations of the cases via Fourier series of the infection rate. We also investigate the correlation between humidity, infection rate, and dengue cases in Semarang and Malang. It reveals that humidity influences infection rate in 1-3 weeks later and the infection rate produces dengue cases in the next four weeks.
Comparison of Dengue Transmission in Lowland and Highland Area: Case Study in Semarang and Malang, Indonesia Ilham Saiful Fauzi; Muhammad Fakhruddin; Nuning Nuraini; Karunia Putra Wijaya
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Indonesian Bio-Mathematical Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/cbms.2019.2.1.3


Dengue is a potentially lethal mosquito-borne disease, regarded as the most dangerous disease in the world. It is also a major health issue in tropical and subtropical countries. Environmental characteristics and sociocultural are factors which play a role in the spread of dengue. Different landscape structure such as lowland and highland areas are possible to give different infection rate on dengue transmission. Semarang and Malang are densely populated areas in Java, which are selected to be our study areas. A mathematical model (SIR-UV) is adapted to describe dengue transmission. Spiral dynamic optimization is applied to convert monthly data to weekly in Malang and estimate the infection rate that minimized the deviation between dengue data and simulation. This method produces a good fitting to the data. We compare the pattern of dengue cases from the simulation in both cities. Furthermore, we identify seasonal variations of the cases via Fourier series of the infection rate. We also investigate the correlation between humidity, infection rate, and dengue cases in Semarang and Malang. It reveals that humidity influences infection rate in 1-3 weeks later and the infection rate produces dengue cases in the next four weeks.
EDUPEDIA Vol 7, No 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/ed.v7i2.2377


In line with the goals of vocational education and the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) has become one of the alternatives to enhance the quality of learning, with the hope that students can develop critical thinking skills to solve real-life problems. The approach used in this research is a development research approach based on the modified Plomp development model. Validation results indicate that the module meets the validity criteria with an average score of 3.60, with some revisions related to writing. Product testing was conducted with 24 students from 4 different classes. Research subjects were selected considering their heterogeneous cognitive abilities. Case study work was done in groups, with each group consisting of 3 students. The trial results show that the module meets practical criteria with an average score of 3.76. Therefore, the case study module for the statistics course is deemed suitable for use in learning.