Djoko Poernomo
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Menghitung Distribusi Tekanan Udara dan Gaya Hambat (Drag) Kepala Pesawat Boeing 777-200 Poernomo, Djoko; Sidopekso, Satwiko; Susilo, Tri
Jurnal Spektra Vol 9, No 2 (2010): Spektra: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya
Publisher : Jurnal Spektra

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Pesawat terbang akan mengalami beberapa gaya akibat adanya distribusi tekanan udara yang terjadi disekitar pesawat. Salah satu gaya yang bekerja adalah gaya hambat (drag). Distribusi tekanan udara tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh bentuk dari benda tetapi dipengaruhi sudut serang yang terbentuk antara aliran udara dengan benda dan juga kecepatan aliran udara. Dengan menggunakan terowongan angin Suryadarma Low Speed Tunnel WT-400, dilakukan pengujian terhadap kepala pesawat Boeing 777-200 terhadap perubahan sudut serang dan kecepatan aliran. Sebagai perbandingan dilakukan pula pengujian terhadap dua benda yang berbeda. Kata kunci: Distribusi tekanan udara, gaya hambat.
Pelaksanaan Proses Produksi pada Usaha Kecil Batik Pringgokusumo Banyuwangi (Implementation of Production Process on Pringgokusumo Batik Small Business in Banyuwangi) Wangi, Rima Rahma; Poernomo, Djoko; S, Suhartono
e-Sospol Vol 6 No 1 (2019): The Appointment of Fiction Animated Character as Ambassadors of the United Nation
Publisher : University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/e-sos.v6i1.12224


AbstractBatik industry is a very potential industry to be developed. In batik industry, stamp batik production gives a positive contribution. Apart from the economic side, it is undeniable that the existence of stamp batik production is getting bigger. Many new batik industries grow in Banyuwangi. Therefore, this condition has encouraged Pringgokusumo Batik Small Business to maintain the existence of its batik company to survive and develop by increasing its production, especially in the implementation of stamp batik production process. Moreover, the consumers increasingly demand the stamp batik products. This descriptive research employed a qualitative approach which aims to describe the Implementation of Production Process in Pringgokusumo Batik Small Business. Key informant in this research was determined purposively. Research data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation. Then, the data were analyzed by using domain and taxonomy analyses. To test data validity, researchers used triangulation of source, technique, and time; so that, the data obtained were valid. The findings indicated that Pringgokusumo Batik Small Business has been able to minimize the number of defective batik products that occurred due to irrelevance on each stage of the production process. The production of stamp batik every year was still stable, even though the target of production every year was still not achieved. One of them was due to the limited availability of labors in the stamp batik department.Keywords: Production process, Stamp Batik
Pengembangan Produk Raport Elektronik Automatic Leger & Manuscript Software (ALMaS) dalam Proses Penilaian Belajar Siswa di SMA Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo Khasanah, Imas; Poernomo, Djoko; S, Suhartono
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Global technology increasingly grows rapidly, which demands the Indonesian people to be able to adapt to global technological development. One of technological developments that have been done in the field of education is the product eRaport ALMaS (Automatic Leger and Manuscript Software). eRaport product needs development in order to meet the desires and needs of its users. The development is done on the aspects of Visual Communication Design (DKV), typography, and product features. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to determine the level of interest of the three aspects in accordance with the needs and desires of the users. The research was conducted at SMA (Senior High School) Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo, which utilized this product for 2 years. The analysis obtained Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.025. CR result was lower than 0.10; thus, the result is said to be consistent, meaning that priority scale can be implemented as a policy to achieve the goals of product development. Based on the calculation, the product feature is the major priority that needs development with a 0.588 scale, the respondent perception feature on eRaport has a lot of lack for example user guidance, analisis statistic and especially on security system. The second priority is DKV with 0.285 scale, this aspects needs to be developed becouse, places of shape is not accords, so user not comfortable with appearance of eRaport. The third priority is Typography with 0.126 scale, selection of shaped and size font was serves need user, so typography aspects in the last priority level than Feature and DKV.
Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Pasokan Bahan Baku Karkas Ayam: Studi Kasus pada Rumah Makan “Ayam Bakar Wong Solo” Jember Zahro, Fatimatuz; Poernomo, Djoko; Iswono, Sugeng
e-Sospol Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Pola Asuh Anak di Lingkungan Lokalisasi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This research aimed to determine and describe the implementation of supply procurement of chicken carcass as the raw materials at “Ayam Bakar Wong Solo” Restaurant Jember that causes delays and unfulfillment of the quantity of chicken carcass ordered. The research used qualitative paradigm with case study design. Data were collected by in-depth interview, passive observation, and documentation. Data analysis used analyses of domain, taxonomy, and fishbone diagram. The result showed that "Ayam Bakar Wong Solo" Restaurant Jember worked with two suppliers of chicken carcass. The suppliers selection was based on price and quality of chicken carcass offered. However, the main consideration in prioritizing the supplier was the supplier’s ability to meet the demand of chicken carcass quantity. The factors that caused delay and unfulfillment of chicken carcass ordered were the environment and human.
Pemeliharaan Sumberdaya Manusia pada Perusahaan Jasa Angkutan Taksi: Studi Kasus pada Jember Taksi Zulkarnain, Deki; Poernomo, Djoko; Wahjuni, Sri
e-Sospol Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Pola Asuh Anak di Lingkungan Lokalisasi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Maintenance is an important process in human resource management in order to ensure the performance of a company. This research applied qualitative research with case study strategy in purpose of determining the maintenance of human resources at Jember Taxi as one of taxi transportation service companies in Jember. Data were collected by using in-depth interviews supported by a variety of archives and documentation and triangulation techniques. Data were analyzed by using Interactive Data Model Analysis. The results showed that the maintenance of human resources in Jember Taxis was not managed effectively in terms of aspects of planning, program implementation method, quality control and evaluation. It was indicated by data on turnover of human resources, so that the growth of company income declined throughout 2015. The importance of maintenance in boosting the company's performance requires Jember Taxi to improve the implementation of maintenance that has been running so far.