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Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Ppic Dengan Metode Abc Dalam Menentukan Penghitungan Biaya Proyek Sistem Informasi (Studi Kasus Stikom Surabaya) Suhamto, Ardi Slamet; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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The development of time making the development of technology is increasingly, and the need for information system becomes important. Similar to other software house, SSI prosecuted to be able to produce a quality information system at competitive rates. ABC is one of the methods used by project management information system to calculate the cost of the project. This system was built to help the project costing information system. The estimated cost is used as the control over project execution. This system is also built to help control and project management information system. From the implementation and evaluation has been done, the system has been created, can able to calculate the estimated cost of the project, using the ABC method. The system is also able to manage the project Keywords: Information System, ABC, Project Management
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Ppic Dalam Manajemen Biaya Dan Waktu Proyek Sistem Informasi (Studi Kasus Stikom Surabaya) Suhamto, Alex Slamet; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Management becomes indispensable in this era. Project management was one of that. In the knowledge area, project management can be divided into cost and time management. The goals of cost and time management are to produce a calculation of an effective estimated cost and efficient time management. This system was built to produce an effective cost estimate calculation based on Cost of Quality method and good time management based on Critical Path method. After the implementation and evaluation, the system has success to created project cost estimate and time management based on Cost of Quality and the Critical Path method. Keywords: Information System, Project Management, Cost of Quality, Critical Path
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penentuan Rute Dan Penjadwalan Distribusi Barang Dengan Metode Clarke-Wright Saving Heuristic (Studi Kasus Ud. ABC) Christian Chandra, Robert Elisa; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Maulana, Yoppy Mirza
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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“Each company that take the roles as distributor of a product certainly have a distribution plan as standard references in determining route and schedule distribution including with UD ABC Bojonegoro. The company has increased customers rapidly which affects the the increasing the mileage and transportation costs. In that case, the company need a solution that can produce route and schedule distribution capable of reducing the mileage goods distribution and transportation costs. A solution that can be used to resolve this problem is by using the Clarke-Wright Method that can produces an arrangement of routes and schedule to be passed of a vehicle in sends goods to each consumers who has committed a reservation. By using the route and schedule of the distribution of goods that are calculated from the Clarke-Wright method, it obtained result of the mileage between the calculations manually and calculation using applications decreased from 215 miles into 142 km, decreased transportation costs of Rp. 144.643,- to Rp. 91.286,- and utility vehicles increased from 87% to 98.5%.” Keywords: Distribution Route, Clarke-Wright
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Knowledge Management Multimedia Dalam Proses Pengembangan Video Pendidikan Pada Bpmtv Surabaya Baskoro, Rizky Tirtahana; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Sagirani, Tri
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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In the development of educational videos, training and learning is a very important activity. But the experience, knowledge and skills possessed only by the participants in the training so that the absence of learning or knowledge transfer to people who have no knowledge about the training. One reason is the lack of a system that can manage, collect and manage data of existing knowledge into useful information for the development of educational videos.Based on the above, requires a knowledge management system in terms of manufacturing, management, maintenance of data storage is explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge through report creation. Knowledge management system (KMS) is a system that is capable of performing the classification of existing knowledge, how to preserve knowledge, and how to use that knowledge. One solution to overcome the above problems is to create a multimedia knowledge management system.This application can be used by users in obtaining information about knowledge relating to the development of video media for education. This system provides the required knowledge in the form of multimedia files (text, images, documents and videos). This system can also provide statistical reports of users accessing the system, active users, multimedia files are frequently accessed, searched and needed. Keyword: Kata kunci : knowledge, multimedia, video, Knowledge Management System.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembelajaran Matriks Berbasis Web Dengan Model Multimedia Learning (Studi Kasus : SMAN 4 Surabaya) Prastyawan, Joane Indra; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Arifin, Mochammad
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Early today, the development of information technology is growing fast, and no more limit for newspaper, audio visual, and electronic. Based on the results of survey that have did by the writer on mathematic subject in odd semester of XII science class at SMAN 4 Surabaya have get a data that 55% from 120 students are still have average score less than 60 for matrix subject, and beside that a bored on this subject because there weren’t interactive class when this subject is running as standard comprehension of the subject has teached. One of the subject that carry out this information technology development is education subject, that’s using web on learning. So, there is a chance to build a design of learning application based on web by multimedia learning model. Based on the system evaluation of testing and questionaire are did, that average for each scoring criteria from three criterias have scored that shows 30% of average for the “very good” scoring criteria, 60% for the “good” scoring criteria, 10% for the “bad” scoring criteria. So, the matrix learning application based on web by model multimedia learning model can be used at SMAN 4 Surabaya and obtained learning result well. Keywords: Learning, Matrix, Web, Multimedia Learning, Information Technology
Rancang Bangun Sistem Penelusuran Minat Dengan Tes The Rothwell Miller Interest Blank (RMIB) Berbasis Web Suviani, Nita; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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RMIB is a test designed to measure people´s interest based on their attitude towards a job. This method is combining people´s intellectual ability (skill) with interest and talent, this method could help them discovering a suitable job based on their interest and talent. However, there are some obstacles when the psychologist will apply this method, such as; number of participant, time and place if they are from different city. Therefore, an application has been designed in order that the psychologist can find it easier when they are doing the test. As a result, the clients coming from other cities or other islands can take a part on the test . From 10 people including the respondent and the psychologist, 80% of them stated that they are agree with the existence of this application. This application is completely helpful and easy to use. Moreover, it is supported with chatting facility which simplifies the consultation process in which the client is able to consult the psychologist indirectly or without face-to-face activity. Keywords: Minat , RMIB.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Terapi Autisme dengan Metode Applied Behaviour Analysis (Studi Kasus: Sekolah Harapan Bunda Surabaya) Putri, Juliana Poernomo; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Amelia, Tan
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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A childwith autismhas impairedresulting indelays inmentalageto agechronologically. One of themost important thingsin the process ofhealingchildrenwithautismisaroutinetreatmentthat takes a long time. The therapy that has been usedinthe Harapan BundaSchoolis a therapyusingAppliedBehaviorAnalysis (ABA). In the process oftherapyof autistic childrenaged2 to3years require2.5until3yearsof recording. Without orderly recording, there will be a lot offorgetfulness, bothprograms, therapy and outcomeof therapy. Thenumber of datarecordseach dayof therapythat is used toproducetherapeutic resultsbecome the problematicfortheschool database recordwhich is orderly,neatandaccurate informationis needed inthe process ofmonitoringthe child´s developmentto avoiderrorsin decidingthe propertreatmentprogramfor thechildren. Based ona problems survey above, it needs an information system that helpsthe schoolin monitoringchild development. Theproblem of BuildingInformation SystemsAutismtherapyusingthe ABAmethodishow to designandbuild information systems for autismtherapyusingAppliedBehaviorAnalysismethodtofacilitatetheobservingof child development. InformationSystems Design for Autismtherapyusing theABAmethodis a systemthat helpsthe schoolin monitoringchild development. So it canbe a solutionto theproblemin decidingthe appropriate treatmentprogramatHarapan Bunda SchoolofSurabaya. Key words: autism, a programof therapy,ABAtherapy.
Aplikasi Belajar Menulis Untuk Anak Prasekolah Berbasis Android Hendrawan, Heny Sidarta; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Sutanto, Teguh
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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The ability to write the beginning of a major provision for children to be able to understand the subjects given at school. One of alternatives for helping increases the interest and the ability of the children in learning to read and write is using the media of learning in the form of software. Android is a software alternative were chosen, with the reason android tend to be used on mobile devices such as Smartphone and tablet PC, in addition to ease of android in development was offered due to easy it is to get the source and tutorials as well as being one of the reasons the android was chosen as the medium to build this application. The results of this research thesis is an application that presents study writing with packaged like play the game. While in the stage of testing applications through quantitative and qualitative testing have shown a positive response from the respondent to use this application as an alternative media  learn to write.   Keyword : Learn to write, Preschool age children, Android
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Abstract: Work performance individual employee is very important in achieving its goal of the organization. Because of that is required the assessment system that can be relied upon, the performance of and will be used as a basis for the assessment of performance and development organization, achievement employees appropriate to a purpose in order that any employees to assess how far its performance has produced a feat that it is expected to appropriate destinations organization. Performance appraisal of civil servant, is appraisement periodically the implementation of the work of a civil servants. The assessment of performance or called dp3 or list the execution of judgments work used as an ingredient in carrying out training pns consider removal of, among others in raise in rank, training and training of, of displacement and the increase in salary ( appreciation ). Dp3 made every year ( in december ). The storage a ( 1 ) times dp3 namely for five years. For one time the promotion of employees require dp3 for 4 years. Until current value dp3 made by officials valuer of badan kepegawaian and training of surabaya limited only a record course. The absence of guidance from a supervisor toward civil servants who are worth bad. The absence of any information which explains the layout of less value of civil servants. So that employees do not know what to do and superiors also do not know in what part that should be coached Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Performance Appraisal of Civil Servant,  Badan Kepegawaian dan Diklat Surabaya.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemeliharaan Lokomotif Kereta Api Magdhalena, Yurike; Sunarto, M. J. Dewiyani; Lemantara, Julianto
Jurnal JSIKA Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal JSIKA

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Dipo Locomotive Sidotopo is the place that is used to maintenance the train locomotives. Now, Dipo officer schedules locomotives maintenance without considering the lifetime of aspects in each locomotive. Besides, the  locomotives maintenance information is not available, and the locomotives usage is not record well. The existing locomotives are old, this case makes locomotives operational dangerous and threats the safety of passengers. Based on the problem, this research will design and implement information system to maintenance the train locomotives to provide information about locomotives maintenance with considering the usage of aspects in each locomotive. This information system is built on web-based and Short Message Service (SMS) Gateway. The web is used to provide an integrated information about maintenance, while SMS Gateway is used to give alert about maintenance needs. The research result showed that this information system can provide the correct calculation based on kilometers usage in every aspects of each locomotives, and can provide an alert through SMS at the right time. This information system can also help the Dipo Locomotives Sidotopo and other train stations to entry the data and the latest status of the locomotives in an integrated way. Keywords : information system, train locomotive, web, SMS Gateway
Co-Authors . . Slamet ., Sulistiowati . A. B. Tjandrarini Adhi Widiyanto Agus Dharmawan Agus Dwi Churniawan Agus Dwi Churniawan, Agus Dwi Agustina, Dinda Ayu Dwi Agustina, Dinda Ayu Dwi Al-fiqrie, Muhammad Biaggi Aldi Susanto Alex Slamet Suhamto Alvin Mahendra perkasa Amelia Tan Amirul Mukminin Andrean Ricky Setyaji Andry Hermawan Andy Kurniawan Andy Kurniawan, Andy Anggoro Sakti Anjik Sukmaaji Antok Supriyanto Ardi Slamet Suhamto Ardiansah, Achmad Setiawan Arif Budiman Santoso Arif, Dimas Lukmannul Arif, Dimas Lukmannul Arifin Puji Widodo Arofah, Mohammad Firdaus Bahri Arum, Evita Sekar Atmaja, Nicko Happy Atmaja, Nicko Happy Ayuningtyas Ayuningtyas Bagus Satria Wibawa Bambang Hariadi Bambang Hariadi Banjuradja, Andre Mentaya Banjuradja, Andre Mentaya Berliando, Zuilham Ongky Binar Kurnia Prahani Budi Jatmiko Catur Rochmat Hartanto David Alfian Ariyoga Deo Marvin Yahya Dhayana, Dinda Dhayana, Dinda Dhesky Aris Mas Darwanto Dinda Dhayana Dio Gadang Rachmadi Doni, Dona Doni, Dona Dwi Juniati Dwi Mutia Agustina Dwi Yuniar Pradoko Edo Yonatan Koentjoro Erkrista, Vadil Safrilian Erlangga, Ryan gusti Erwin Soetomo Erwin Sutomo Faishal, Achmad Fandi Ahmad Firmansyah, Lutfi Bachtiar Firmansyah, Lutfi Bachtiar Ghea Cikita Karina Habib, Muhsin Hadi, Rahman Nur Hadi, Rahman Nur Haryanto Tanuwijaya Henry Bambang Setyawan Heny Sidarta Hendrawan Hermawan, Andry Hermawan, Andry Hidayatullah Hidayatullah Hilmy Nur Ramdhani Hodianto, Randy Hodianto, Randy I Gusti Ngurah Alit Widana Putra I Gusti Ngurah Thierry Agusta I Ketut Budayasa I Made Kusuma Dicky yuliawan Ignatius Adrian Mastan Ignatius Andrian Mastan Imam Hambali Indahyati, Iin Irsyadi, Muhamad Haidir Januar Wibowo Joane Indra Prastyawan Juliana Poernomo Putri Julianto Lemantara Jusak Jusak Jusak Jusak Jusak Jusak Kesuma, Andi Perdana Kurniawan Jatmiko Kusuma, Otniel Reza Lucky Andrean Wahyudi Lutfi Bachtiar Firmansyah M. Arika Dharma Satria Maulana, Yoppy Mirza Maulana, Yoppy Mirza Mirza, Kamanda Satio Mochammad Arifin Muchammmad Arief Wahyudi Muhamad Fikri Muhamad Haidir Irsyadi Murti, bagos krisna Nanang Sugiono Ndoili, Gustianita Detika Ndoili, Gustianita Detika Ningsih, Norma Ningsih, Norma Nita Suviani Norma Ningsih Nurchyawati, Vivine Nurchyawati, Vivine Nurdiansah, Adi Nurdiansah, Adi Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas Pradhana, Renas Madya Pradita Maulidya Effendi Pradoko, Dwi Yuniar Pradoko, Dwi Yuniar Prasetio, Rohmad Aris Puspita Kartikasari Puspitarini, Meidiana Puspitarini, Meidiana Putra, Diftur Prihambodo Rachmadi, Dio Gadang Rachmawati, Indah Suryaning Rahardjo, Cefa Rahardjo, Cefa Rahman Nur Hadi Rahmawati, Endra Ramdhani, Hilmy Nur Ramdhani, Hilmy Nur Rizky Tirtahana Baskoro Robert Elisa Christian Chandra Rohman, Falis Romeo Romeo Romeo Romeo Rudi Santoso Rudi Santoso Rudi Santoso, Rudi Safwat Sulung Romadlan Sakti, Anggoro Satria, M. Arika Dharma Setyaji, Andrean Ricky Setyowati, Della Witdiya Sugiarto, Kristono Sugiarto, Kristono Sugiono, Nanang Sulaksanasari Suyoso Sulis Sulistiowati Suyoso, Sulaksanasari Suyoso, Sulaksanasari Syafi'i, Muhammad Tan Amelia Teguh Sutanto Teguh Wijaya Thierry Agusta, I Gusti Ngurah Thierry Agusta, I Gusti Ngurah Tony Soebijono Tony Soebijono Tri Sagirani Uyun Ilham Zamani Valentinus Roby Hananto Vincentius Wimaga Kresna Muda Vivine Nurcahyawati Wahyudi, Lucky Andrean Wahyudi, Lucky Andrean Wahyudi, Muchammmad Arief Wahyudi, Muchammmad Arief Wahyuni, Anita Dwi Wahyuni, Anita Dwi Wahyuningtyas, Nunuk Wahyuono, Rizal Widiyanto, Adhi Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko Wulandari, Sri Hariyani Eko Yeremia Yuliawan Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yoppy Mirza Maulana yudistira yusonanda YUNI SARTIKA Yurike Magdhalena Zamani, Uyun Ilham Zuilham Ongky Berliando