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Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Vol 3 No 1 (2015): The 17th FSTPT of International Symposium
Publisher : FSTPT Indonesia

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This paper presents the results of a qualitative research in type of case study about sexual harassment in the kereta KRL Ekonomi (Economics Electric Railway train) based on an actor's perspective. Two students were the subject of research, namely A and B, both were the actor of sexual harassment in the KRL Ekonomi. Both were passenger of Bogor – Depok route of the train. The results showed that A did so by starring up the victim's body, while B did by rubbing his body parts on the victim. In the act, A was not concerned with the situation in the train, while B saw the situation first before doing the action.
Prosiding PESAT Vol 5 (2013)
Publisher : Prosiding PESAT

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Individu yang memiliki kualitas hidup yang baik akan memiliki kesehatan jasmani dan rohani yang baik,  sehingga  dapat menjalankan hidup di dalam masyarakat sesuai perannya masing-masing.  Salah satu faktor yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup individu adalah  dengan  adanya dukungan sosial.  Selama menjalani proses rehabilitasi, para pecandu narkoba seringkali mendapat  masalah sehingga para pecandu merasa tertekan. Hal ini  dapat  berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan fisik dan psikologis para pecandu dan dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup para pecandu di dalam panti rehabilitasi, sehingga penting kiranya memberikan  dukungan sosial terhadap pecandu narkoba dari pihak-pihak yang dianggap berarti oleh para pecandu.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  apakah  ada hubungan antara dukungan sosial dengan kualitas hidup pada pecandu narkoba yang sedang menjalani rehabilitasi.  Metode  dalam penelitian adalah metode kuantitatif dengan melibatkan subjek penelitian 50 pecandu narkoba yang sedang menjalani rehabilitasi,  baik pria maupun wanita.  Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,788 dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,000 (ρ<0,01).  Hal ini berarti  ada hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara dukungan sosial dengan kualitas hidup pada pecandu narkoba yang sedang menjalani rehabilitasi.
Dinasti International Journal of Education Management And Social Science Vol 1 No 5 (2020): Dinasti International Journal of Education Management and Social Science (June 20

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijemss.v1i5.349


With 171,260,000 internet users, Indonesia is the fifth of the internet users in the world. This study aims to examine the intercorrelation between insomnia, sleep duration, internet use duration and internet addiction in 259 millennial respondents. The instruments used were the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) and the Internet Addiction Test (IAT). The results showed that 79.5% of the participants had sleep duration of less than 6.5 hours per day and 72% of them were also reported had internet use duration of more than 6 hours per day. Result also found that there is a positive correlation between insomnia and internet addiction, negative correlation between insomnia and sleep duration, positive correlation between insomnia and internet use duration, negative correlation between internet addiction and sleep duration, positive correlation between internet addiction and internet use duration, and negative correlation between sleep duration and internet use duration.
DIVERSION TRANSPORTATION TIME INTO QUALITY TIME DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Fauzan Ferdiansyah; Fitra Faturachman; Listiowatty; Aan Hartati; Hendro Prabowo
Jurnal Transportasi Vol. 22 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi (FSTPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/jtrans.v22i1.5766


Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has become a major problem in the world in recent years, and has changed the way people live in many aspects. Many activities, rules, habits, and norms, that were carried out previously, turned into new habits. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, that is felt by people in Indonesia, comes from the Government's policies on physical and social distancing, such as limiting activities outside the home, closing school activities, and working from home. As a result, many work activities were conducted at home online rather than in the office. This condition makes employees have to adapt to the pattern of working remotely from their respective homes. This study aims to explore the activities they do with the transportation time they used previously, using a sample of several people who live in Jabodetabek and work as teachers, employees, and students. This study shows that those who do their activities from home use the time that should have been used to travel from home to work and vice versa, for more quality things, both for themselves and for their families. Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic; work from home; work activities; transportation time. Abstrak Pandemi Covid-19 telah menjadi masalah besar di dunia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, dan telah mengubah cara hidup masyarakat dalam banyak aspek. Banyak kegiatan, aturan, kebiasaan, dan norma yang dilakukan sebelumnya berubah menjadi kebiasaan-kebiasaan baru. Dampak pandemi Covid-19 yang dirasakan masyarakat di Indonesia berasal dari kebijakan Pemerintah tentang physical dan social distancing, seperti membatasi aktivitas di luar rumah, meliburkan aktivitas sekolah, dan work from home. Akibatnya, Banyak aktivitas kerja yang dilakukan di rumah secara online daripada dilakukan di kantor. Kondisi ini membuat karyawan harus beradaptasi dengan pola kerja jarak jauh dari rumah masing-masing. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi kegiatan yang mereka lakukan dengan waktu transportasi yang mereka gunakan sebelumnya, dengan menggunakan sampel beberapa orang yang tinggal di Jabodetabek dan berprofesi sebagai guru, karyawan, dan mahasiswa. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka yang melakukan aktivitasnya dari rumah memanfaatkan waktu yang seharusnya digunakan untuk melakukan perjalanan dari rumah ke kantor dan sebaliknya, untuk hal-hal yang lebih berkualitas, baik untuk mereka sendiri maupun untuk keluarga mereka. Kata-kata kunci: pandemi Covid-19; work from home; aktivitas kerja; waktu transportasi.
RISKY BEHAVIOR WHEN DRIVING LUXURY CARS: THE PERSPECTIVE OF CAR TRADER Hendro Prabowo; Mahargyantari Purwani Dewi; M. Ihsan Sulthoni; Henny Regina Salve
Jurnal Transportasi Vol. 22 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi (FSTPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/jtrans.v22i1.5768


Abstract High-risk behavior, speeding, and breaking traffic on the road by wealthy people while driving their luxury cars are a common phenomenon on roads that often occur in Indonesia and in other countries. This study aims to explore the meaning of driving a luxury car for luxury car dealers who have experience driving several types of luxury cars. The phenomenological method was used in this study, which was conducted through online interviews with several used luxury car dealers. Some of the observed features include the type of luxury car, speed, safety, and security while driving. This study shows that, indirectly, driving a luxury car can be a risky behavior on the road. Keywords: luxury car; phenomenon on roads; speeding; risky behavior on the road. Abstrak Perilaku berisiko tinggi, ngebut, dan melanggar lalu lintas di jalan oleh orang-orang kaya saat mengendarai mobil mewah mereka merupakan fenomena umum di jalan yang sering terjadi di Indonesia dan di negara-negara lain. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menggali makna mengendarai mobil mewah bagi pedagang mobil mewah yang telah memiliki pengalaman mengendarai beberapa jenis mobil mewah. Metode fenomenologi digunakan pada studi ini, yang dilakukan melalui wawancara daring dengan beberapa pedagang mobil mewah bekas. Beberapa fitur yang diamati meliputi jenis mobil mewah, kecepatan, keselamatan, dan keamanan selama berkendara. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa, secara tidak langsung, mengendarai mobil mewah bisa menjadi perilaku berisiko di jalan. Kata-kata kunci: mobil mewah; fenomena di jalan; ngebut; perilaku berisiko di jalan.
PANDEMIC EFFECT ON MULTIMODAL MOBILITY CHANGE Muhamad Idris Rauf; Nurul Khasanah; Siti Hotijah; Marwati Zulkarnain; Hendro Prabowo
Jurnal Transportasi Vol. 22 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi (FSTPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/jtrans.v22i1.5769


Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on various sectors of life, including education, the economy, and transportation. There has been a change in the mobility pattern of transportation users, including users of public transportation. One group of users of multimodal transportation, namely employees who work from the office or WFO, experienced changes in mobility due to concerns about the risk of being exposed to the Covid-19 virus when using public transportation. This study aims to examine changes in the mobility of multimodal users before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, which was carried out using a phenomenological qualitative approach through interviews. Respondents in this study were several WFO employees, who used multimodal transportation to and from work. This study shows that there is a change in the mobility of WFO employees when using multimodal transportation before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. These changes are the impact and strategies of respondents to overcome worries and feelings of insecurity when using public transportation facilities. To overcome these concerns and insecurities, respondents tried to minimize the risk of being exposed to the Covid-19 virus when using public transportation facilities. Keywords: mobility; public transportation users; multimodal; Covid-19 pandemic. Abstrak Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak pada berbagai sektor kehidupan, baik pendidikan, ekonomi, maupun transportasi. Terjadi perubahan pola mobilitas pengguna transportasi, termasuk pengguna transportasi umum. Salah satu kelompok pengguna transportasi multimoda, yaitu karyawan yang melakukan work from office atau WFO, mengalami perubahan mobilitas akibat kekhawatiran akan risiko terpapar virus Covid-19 saat menggunakan transportasi umum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perubahan mobilitas pengguna multimoda sebelum dan selama pandemi Covid-19, yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis melalui wawancara. Responden pada studi ini adalah beberapa karyawan WFO, yang menggunakan transportasi multimoda saat berangkat dan pulang kerja. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perubahan mobilitas pegawai WFO saat menggunakan transportasi multimoda sebelum dan selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Perubahan tersebut merupakan dampak dan strategi responden untuk mengatasi kekhawatiran dan perasaan tidak aman saat menggunakan fasilitas transportasi umum. Untuk mengatasi kekhawatiran dan rasa tidak aman tersebut, responden berupaya meminimalkan risiko terpapar virus Covid-19 saat menggunakan fasilitas transportasi umum. Kata-kata kunci: mobilitas; pengguna transportasi umum; multimodal; pandemi Covid-19.
Jurnal Online Psikogenesis Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Juni
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24854/jps.v2i2.47


Abstract:Transpersonal psychology considers that there are various aspects of the human personality, such as: body, feelings, mind, intuition, imagination, drive, subpersonality, and so on (Firman Gila, 2002). Therefore, the study of the body-mind connection showed that consciousness, attitudes, and imagery can affect physical health and diseases. Meanwhile, sub-personality is one component of transpersonal psychology, beside the potential and aspirations, thoughts, feelings, and drive. Subpersonality always be accompanied with the emergence of an emotion that is connected to physiological changes as a manifestation of the body-mind connection. This paper is the result of a case study on an employee and five female students of psychology that attempts to explain the identification of several subpersonality, accompanied by physiological complaints that were made during meditation. This study showed subpersonality controlling causing migraine; sub-personality burdened causing rapid heartbeat, and sub-personality anxious causing back pain.Keywords: transpersonal psychology, subpersonality, emotion, physical complaintsAbstrak:Mazhab psikologi transpersonal memandang bahwa terdapat beragam aspek dari kepribadian manusia, seperti: tubuh, perasaan, pikiran, intuisi, imajinasi, dorongan, subkepribadian, dan sebagainya (Firman Gila, 2002). Oleh karena itu, studi tentang hubungan tubuh-pikiran (body-mind connection) menunjukkan bahwa keyakinan sadar, sikap, dan pencitraan dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan fisik dan penyakit. Sementara, subkepribadian adalah salah satu komponen dalam psikologi transpersonal, sistem psikosintesis selain potensi dan aspirasi, pikiran, perasaan, dan dorongan. Dalam wujudnya, subkepribadian selalu juga disertai dengan munculnya suatu emosi yang terhubung dengan perubahan-perubahan fisiologis sebagai perwujudan dari hubungan tubuh-pikiran. Makalah ini merupakan hasil dari penelitian kasus pada satu karyawati dan lima mahasiswi psikologi yang mencoba mengidentifikasi beberapa subkepribadian yang disertai dengan munculnya keluhan-keluhan fisiologis. Identifikasi subkepribadian dan keluhan-keluhan fisik dilakukan saat proses meditasi. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa keluhan-keluhan fisiologis yang dapat diidentifikasi dalam sesi konseling sebagai reaksi atas muncul emosi yang menyertai subkepribadian dalam diri seseorang adalah seperti subkepribadian mengontrol yang memunculkan keluhan fisik migrain, subkepribadian terbebani yang memunculkan keluhan fisik berupa jantung berdetak dengan cepat, subkepribadian pencemas dengan keluhan fisik sakit punggung.Kata kunci: psikologi transpersonal, subkepribadian, emosi, keluhan fisik.
Outgroup residents attitude towards the existence of special Islamic housing Hendro Prabowo; Mahargyantari P Dewi; Henny Regina Salve; Afmi Fuad
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology Vol 8 No 3 September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/jehcp.v8i3.12688


A gated community is a gated residential area its mean as a term with a negative connotation related to social segregation. Today there has also been a growing upper-class housing that is devoted to Muslims in Jakarta. One of them is Light Islamic Townhouse in East Jakarta. This case study examines the attitude of the out-group resident to the housing, where the out-group resident is the same neighborhood with the resident of the housing (living in the same Rukun Tetangga). With interviewed to 16 participants and did participant observation, the results show that middle class from the out-group resident consider the existence of the housing as closed, unwilling to blend, and exclusive. While the lower class from the out-group resident considered the existence of the housing to be positive and profitable because of cross-subsidies. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed. Keywords: attitude, out-group, gated community.
Dinasti International Journal of Education Management And Social Science Vol 1 No 5 (2020): Dinasti International Journal of Education Management and Social Science (June -
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijemss.v1i5.349


With 171,260,000 internet users, Indonesia is the fifth of the internet users in the world. This study aims to examine the intercorrelation between insomnia, sleep duration, internet use duration and internet addiction in 259 millennial respondents. The instruments used were the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) and the Internet Addiction Test (IAT). The results showed that 79.5% of the participants had sleep duration of less than 6.5 hours per day and 72% of them were also reported had internet use duration of more than 6 hours per day. Result also found that there is a positive correlation between insomnia and internet addiction, negative correlation between insomnia and sleep duration, positive correlation between insomnia and internet use duration, negative correlation between internet addiction and sleep duration, positive correlation between internet addiction and internet use duration, and negative correlation between sleep duration and internet use duration.
Trapped in the House: Internet Use and Loneliness in Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic Hendro Prabowo; Mahargyantari Purwani Dewi; Nur Aziz Afandi; Henny Regina Salve; Astri Nur Kusumastuti; Dinar Sari Eka Dewi
Proceedings Series on Social Sciences & Humanities Vol. 2 (2021): Proceedings of Psychology in Individual and Community Empowerment to Build New Normal
Publisher : UM Purwokerto Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.232 KB) | DOI: 10.30595/pssh.v2i.110


People in the world, including students, in social isolation during the Coronavirus pandemic, must stay at home, separate themselves from others and implement health protocols. As a consequence, university students must learn from home and distance learning online. This study aims to find the link between internet use and loneliness in 620 students in several cities in Java and Sumatra. The results showed the average internet usage was 10 hours per day, and the average nightly sleep was 6.5 hours per day, the average nap or nap was 1.3 hours per day. There is a very significant relationship between loneliness and online activity.