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Indepedensi Direksi Dan Komisaris Pada PT Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Penerapan Good Corporate Governance Prabowo, M. Shidqon
JURNAL ISTINBATH Vol 8, No 2 (2011): Vol. VIII, Nomor 2, Nopember 2011
Publisher : STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro

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Tulisan ini mengurai tentang tata Kelola Perusahaan (corporate governance) yakni sebuah rangkaian proses, kebiasaan, kebijakan, aturan, dan institusi yang memengaruhi pengarahan, pengelolaan, serta pengontrolan suatu perusahaan atau korporasi. Tata kelola perusahaan juga mencakup hubungan antara para pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder) yang terlibat serta tujuan pengelolaan perusahaan. Pihak-pihak utama dalam tata kelola perusahaan adalah pemegang saham, manajemen, dan dewan direksi. Pemangku kepentingan lainnya termasuk karyawan, pemasok, pelanggan, bank dan kreditor lain, regulator, lingkungan, serta masyarakat luas. Tata kelola perusahaan adalah suatu subjek yang memiliki banyak aspek. Salah satu topik utama dalam tata kelola perusahaan adalah menyangkut masalah akuntabilitas dan tanggung jawab mandat, khususnya implementasi pedoman dan mekanisme untuk memastikan perilaku yang baik dan melindungi kepentingan pemegang saham. Fokus utama lain adalah efisiensi ekonomi yang menyatakan bahwa sistem tata kelola perusahaan harus ditujukan untuk mengoptimalisasi hasil ekonomi, dengan penekanan kuat pada kesejahteraan para pemegang saham. Ada pula sisi lain yang merupakan subjek dari tata kelola perusahaan, seperti sudut pandang pemangku kepentingan, yang menuntut perhatian dan akuntabilitas lebih terhadap pihak-pihak lain selain pemegang saham, misalnya karyawan atau lingkungan. Perhatian terhadap praktik tata kelola perusahaan di perusahaan modern telah meningkat akhir-akhir ini, terutama sejak keruntuhan perusahaan-perusahaan besar AS seperti Enron Corporation dan Worldcom. Di Indonesia, perhatian pemerintah terhadap masalah ini diwujudkan dengan didirikannya Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG) pada akhir tahun 2004. Dalam hal ini, good corporate governance perlu ditingkatkan untuk mengakomodir perusahaan.Kata kunci : Indepedensi Direksi, Komisaris, Good Corporate Governance
JURNAL ISTINBATH Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Vol. 9, Nomor 1, Edisi Mei 2012
Publisher : STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro

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Hukum tidak hanya mengatur boleh dan yang tidak boleh, tetapi juga yang pantas atau tidak pantas. Dengan demikian, penegakan hukum juga harus melihat ruang dan waktu. Negara hukum Indonesia yang dapat juga diistilahkan sebagai negara hukum pancasila, memiliki latar belakang kelahiran yang berbeda dengan konsep negara hukum yang dikenal di barat walaupun negara hukum sebagai genus begrip yang tertuang dalam Penjelasan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 terinspirasi oleh konsep negara barat. Jika membaca memahami apa yang dibayangkan oleh soepomo ketika menulis penjelasan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 jelas menunjukan pada konsep rechstaat. Karena negara hukum dipahami sebagai konsep barat. Meski demikian, dalam tulisan ini akan diulas bagaimana hukum Indonesia dikemas secara apik dalam bingkai pancasila yang bernilai religius.Kata kunci : Negara Hukum, Pancasila, Religius
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The existence of a company, being an economic institution which has a multiplayer function, has become one of the main aspects of the societal and national lives because of the business activity conducted by the company. This situation has enabled the society to fulfil their needs, to conduct their economic activities, including the absorption of employment by the company which leads to the necessity of the legality of law in the law in Indonesia.
Community Empowerment through Optimization of Geographic Indication (A Study on Local Products in Tambakroto Village, Sayung District, Demak Regency ) Prabowo, M Shidqon
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Geographical Indication is a sign used on goods that have a specific geographical origin and has the quality or reputation is based on place of origin. In general, Geographical Indications is the name of the place of origin of such goods. Agricultural products typically have qualities that are formed from the place of production and are influenced by local factors are specific, such as climate and soil. Sub Tambakroto Sayung is one of the District in the city of Demak, which has the potential to geographical indications. The potential of geographical indications which are owned by the city of Demak District Tanbakroto Sayung have the geographic conditions, natural resources, agricultural products, crops and cultural traditions. The problem in this research are: 1). Potential geographical indication of what is owned by the District of Demak TambakrotoSayung? 2). What policies adopted to improve the welfare of society through excellence geographical indications in the District of Demak Tambakroto Sayung? This study aims to: 1). Register geographical indications advantages possessed by Tambakroto Sayung District of Demak, 2). Knowing the supporting and inhibiting factors in empowering excellence Tambakroto Sayung geographical indications in the District of Demak, 3). Produce a model of community empowerment based on the superiority of geographical indications in the DistrictTambakroto Demak.This research was carried out by empirical methods juridical approach. The specifications used in this research is descriptive analysis. The location of this research is in DistrictTambakroto sayung Demak. The research data collected by way of interviews, documentation and direct observations in the field.The results of this study is the potential for geographical indications which are owned by the District Sayung the fruit tempe and lontong  fruit. Sub Tambakroto Sayung has advantages over other regions in wilyah city of Demak. Excellence is the product of geographical indication in the form of fruit tempe and lontong fruit known by the name of the tempe and lontong tambakroto. Potential is the potential for geographical indications that have long existed in the district since Tambakroto But this time the potential was nearly extinct where the biggest factor is masyarat nor the relevant local government is not keeping well and not doing it continuously for the potential development of geographical indication. Development and empowerment are preferred to be done in maintaining the geographical indication products Tambakroto District. After that application was made for the protection of geographical indication products. Steps are still far to be done but it is not impossible to do. District policy has not led to concrete Tambakrotoin pengupayaaan, empowerment and development of products of geographical indication Tambakroto District. Initial thing to do is perform on the public understanding of the meaning of Sub Tambakroto importance of geographical indication of products that have been owned by the community such Tambakroto District. Geographical indication of products that have been developed and empowered as optimal as possible will support the welfare of the people own Tambakroto District. Keywords: Community Empowerment, Geographical Indications.
Harmonization of Law No. 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects of Semarang City Prabowo, M. Shidqon; Kustanto, Anto
Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Strengthening Community and Legal Sector in Indonesia
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijals.v1i1.33788


The Semarang City Government has been criticized by the community because it is considered to allow the demolition of ancient and historic buildings to be replaced with new buildings that are economically more profitable. The city has ancient buildings of high historical and architectural value, especially in the Old City cultural heritage area. Blenduk Church, for example, which was built in 1742, is a landmark of the Old City. Therefore, the following problems can be formulated: (1) What is the existence of Cultural Heritage objects in the city of Semarang? (2) What about Law No. 11 of 2010 in providing protection for Semarang City Cultural Heritage Property?, (3) What are the obstacles in implementing the preservation of Cultural Heritage objects in Semarang City? The method used in the socialization and dissemination of law regarding Law No.11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage conducted at the activity participants is a lecture, question and answer, and discussion model. The results of the community service activities show that there is an increase in understanding and knowledge of the community service participants, which is indicated by the results of tests conducted by the community service team. From the results of this dedication, it can be concluded that the existence of cultural heritage objects in the city of Semarang can still be maintained, by creating cultural heritage zones, and protection of cultural heritage objects in addition to using laws, will be more effective when using local regulations and empowering society in the economic field. Then the advice given is that the Semarang City government should make a policy that protects cultural heritage objects from business interests. Besides that, it is necessary to conduct socialization about the importance of cultural heritage objects for improving the welfare of the community.
Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia Vol 1 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (464.021 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jphi.v1i2.27735


Agama merupakan salah satu keberagaman yang ada di negara Indonesia. Keberagaman ini memiliki potensi konflik. Pencegahan perlu untuk dilakukan agar konflik tidak sampai terjadi, meskipun sejaran di Indonesia telah membuktikan bahwa konflik agama pernah terjadi. Generasi muda merupakan generasi penting untuk melakukan pencegahan terjadinya konflik beragama. Nilai toleransi menjadi salah satu cara untuk dipahami dan diterapkan agar dapat mencegah terjadinya konflik agama. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di SMK di Kota Semarang. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penyebarluasan informasi mengenai toleransi kebebasan kehidupan beragama.
Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum Indonesia Vol 2 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jphi.v2i2.28423


Pembuatan kontrak merupakan perbuatan hukum yang dilakukan oleh dua pihak atau lebih untuk tujuan tertentu. Kebutuhan akan kontrak semakin penting terutama dalam kehidupan bisnis. Pelaku usaha harus pandai membuat kontrak dan memahami isi dari kontrak yang diperjanjikannya. Hal ini akan memberikan keuntungan bagi pelaku usaha tersebut baik dari segi jaminan kepastian hukum, perlindungan akan janji yang telah disepakati bersama. Keuntungan memahami tersebut perlu ditumbuh kembangkan terutama melalui pelatihan keterampilan dalam pembuatan kontrak dan memahami isi dari kontrak yang telah dibuat.
How Legal Protection of Women in Home Workers Improving Family Welfare? Sulistianingsih, Dewi; Prabowo, Muhammad Shidqon; Martitah, Martitah
Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Advocacy and Legal Strengthening to Improve Community Social Welfare
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijals.v3i1.40721


Homeworkers are work that is done at home either on the basis of orders from others or doing on the basis of oneself. This type of work is referred to as informal workers, which is clearly difficult to obtain legal protection. Labor laws in Indonesia provide legal protection for both formal and informal workers, but the practice for informal workers is difficult to obtain legal protection. This program aims to describe and analyze the legal protections of women homeworkers in Semarang City in their efforts to make their families prosperous. This program uses socialization methods, interviews, observation and documentation. This program is conducted in the city of Semarang. The results of this program can be seen that the protection of homeworkers is still very minimal, especially for independent homeworkers. The implementation of statutory regulations has not been optimal, especially in manpower laws. The government is still not optimal in providing legal protection for informal workers, especially for homeworkers. Low wages, long working hours and the absence of health insurance are among the elements that homeworkers need to improve and increase in their efforts to make their families welfare. In the effort to achieve welfare for homeworkers' families, it is necessary to carry out supervision and guidance for homeworkers. Supervision and guidance can be carried out by the central government, local governments, non-governmental organizations, the academic community, observers of labor.
Potret Tumpuan Perguruan Tinggi dalam Upaya Alih Teknologi: Portrait of University in Technology Transfer Effort Sulistianingsih, Dewi; Setiawan, Andry; Prabowo, Muchammad Shidqon
Seminar Nasional Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi Hukum: Berintegritas dan Berbasis Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/snhunnes.v7i2.722


Universities in Indonesia are a place for researchers, academics, and devotees to contribute their thoughts, develop science and technology, and develop science and technology to be able to benefit the people of Indonesia. College as a forum for the development of science and technology not only studies and studies science and technology but is also able to apply it in learning and apply it in people's lives. It is a tough task for universities to carry out, but the demands of the era and human civilization make universities must be able to adapt to the existing conditions. Technology transfer is the right target to be carried out by universities, considering that Indonesia is lagging behind in developing technology in the international world. The purpose of technology transfer at the University, one of which is to catch up with Indonesia's current technological advances. This paper is the result of a research conducted using a normative juridical method. The data used is secondary data with a variety of literature, both books, journals, laws and regulations. The results of this study can be seen that universities have made various efforts to improve technology transfer even though there are several obstacles and challenges faced by universities. Nevertheless, higher education remains the center for developing science and technology and increasing technology transfer in order to provide the greatest benefit to the Indonesian state and nation.
Harmonization of Law No. 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects of Semarang City Prabowo, M. Shidqon; Kustanto, Anto
Indonesian Journal of Advocacy and Legal Services Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Strengthening Community and Legal Sector in Indonesia
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijals.v1i1.33788


The Semarang City Government has been criticized by the community because it is considered to allow the demolition of ancient and historic buildings to be replaced with new buildings that are economically more profitable. The city has ancient buildings of high historical and architectural value, especially in the Old City cultural heritage area. Blenduk Church, for example, which was built in 1742, is a landmark of the Old City. Therefore, the following problems can be formulated: (1) What is the existence of Cultural Heritage objects in the city of Semarang? (2) What about Law No. 11 of 2010 in providing protection for Semarang City Cultural Heritage Property?, (3) What are the obstacles in implementing the preservation of Cultural Heritage objects in Semarang City? The method used in the socialization and dissemination of law regarding Law No.11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage conducted at the activity participants is a lecture, question and answer, and discussion model. The results of the community service activities show that there is an increase in understanding and knowledge of the community service participants, which is indicated by the results of tests conducted by the community service team. From the results of this dedication, it can be concluded that the existence of cultural heritage objects in the city of Semarang can still be maintained, by creating cultural heritage zones, and protection of cultural heritage objects in addition to using laws, will be more effective when using local regulations and empowering society in the economic field. Then the advice given is that the Semarang City government should make a policy that protects cultural heritage objects from business interests. Besides that, it is necessary to conduct socialization about the importance of cultural heritage objects for improving the welfare of the community.