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Journal : Jurnal%20Ilmiah%20Satyagraha

Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Kemiskinan Kultural Dan Model Pengentasan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Putu Ari Mulyani
Jurnal Ilmiah Satyagraha Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mahendradatta Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (379.545 KB) | DOI: 10.47532/jis.v3i1.2


This study aims to determine the main factors leading causes of cultural poverty and developing poverty aleviation model based on local wisdom, such as Hindu based-philosophy TatTwam Asi (if I were you) in the community of Kintamani tourist area. The objectives acomplishment of the study were carried out by using the paradigm prototypical studies, combined with reflective analysis method. It was found that the main factors causing poverty in certain parts of Kintamani community were cultural values that lead them difficult to reduce the poverty, such as the cultural habit of begging, laziness, pessimistic, easy to quit, lack of motivation, resigned to fate family situation that been poor hereditary, and low education level. Poverty alleviation model was proposed by elaborating Tat Twam Asi values in the community of Kintamani tourist area through functionalization of social and culture institutions.
Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (Lpd) Desa Pakraman Gegelang Kecamatan Manggis Kabupaten Karangasem Putri Anggreni; Putu Ari Mulyani; Ni Luh Sri Parwati
Jurnal Ilmiah Satyagraha Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mahendradatta Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.974 KB) | DOI: 10.47532/jis.v3i2.184


The Village Credit Institutions  (LPD) is one of the financial institutions that are included in the category of non-bank financial institutions in every Pakraman village in the province of Bali. The purpose of this Researcher is to find out whether the Village Institute of Pakraman Gegelang, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency can achieve a healthy predicate or not by using guidelines or references in the Provincial Regulation of Bali Province No.4 of 2012 concerning the second amendment to the Provincial Regulation of Bali Province No.8 years 2002. This study uses descriptive methods because it tries to solve existing problems, data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, and interviews. The documentation method used in this study uses books, regulations, and other documents such as: Financial Reports and the Work Plan of the Pakraman Gegelang Village Credit Institution. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of financial ratios according to1n   the Bali Provincial Regulation No.4 Year 2012.         Based on the results of the analysis, the results of the study can be concluded that referring to the Bali Provincial Regulation No.4 of 2012. Regarding the Health Assessment Guidelines for Village Credit Institutions (LPD), the level of health at the Credit Institute in the Pakraman Gegelang Village can be rated "Healthy" with a score of 98, 6. Based on the results of the study, the advice can be given to the administrators of the Village Credit Institutions (LPD) Desa Pakraman Gegelang, is the LPD optimally manage productive assets and allocate productive assets to activities or businesses that can increase profits or SHU, for example at banks and other LPDs . LPDs must also be able to see the market opportunities that exist in lending, not only in one sector. In addition, it is necessary to schedule debt payments to other parties accompanied by available funds. In this way it is expected to prevent liquidity.
Dampak Bisnis “Perikanan Tangkap” Dalam Menunjang Pendapatan Nelayan Di Desa Kedonganan Jimbaran Badung Bali Putu Ari Mulyani
Jurnal Ilmiah Satyagraha Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mahendradatta Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.962 KB) | DOI: 10.47532/jis.v2i2.61


Negara Indonesia merupakan negara dengan luas laut terbesar, kita memiliki potensi untuk memanfaatkan hal tersebut demi kesejahteraan khususnya masyarakat nelayan. Namun, realitanya masyarakat belum mampu meningkatkan hasil produksi mereka, bahkan profesi sebagai nelayan cenderung identik dengan kemiskinan. Tingkat kesejahteraan para pelaku perikanan (nelayan) pada saat ini masih dibawah sektor-sektor lain, termasuk sektor pertanian agraris. Nelayan (khususnya nelayan buruh dan nelayan tradisional) merupakan kelompok masyarakat yang dapat digolongkan sebagai lapisan sosial yang paling miskin diantara kelompok masyarakat lain di sektor pertanian. Penelitian ini membahas faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan Nelayan di Desa Adat Kedonganan Jimbaran Kabupaten Badung.Variabel yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah Modal (XI), Umur (X2), Curahan Jam Kerja (X3), Pengalaman Kerja (X4) dan Pendidikan (X5) analisis menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda Hasil uji hipotesis bahwa pengaruh modal (X1) terhadap pendapatan nelayan. Tingkat signifikansi dari thitung sebesar 0.039 lebih kecil dari α = 5 persen (0.05). pengaruh umur (X2) terhadap pendapatan(Y) menunjukan tingkat signifikansi 0.642 lebih besar dari α = 5 persen (0.05). Berarti bahwa umur berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan. jam kerja (X3) terhadap pendapatan (Y) menunjukan tingkat signifikansi 0.251 lebih besar dari α= 5 persen (0.05). Berarti bahwa jam kerja tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pendapatan nelayan, pengalaman kerja (X4) terhadap pendapatan (Y) menunjukan tingkat signifikansi 0.000 lebih kecil dari α = 5 persen (0.05). pendidikan (X5) terhadap pendapatan (Y) menunjukan tingkat signifikansi 0.383 lebih besar dari  α= 5 persen (0.05).Variabel umur, jam kerja dan pendidikan perlu mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah dimana dalam melakukan pekerjaan sebagai nelayan tidak hanya di ukur berdasarkan umur dan pendidikan saja tetapi juga keahlian atau keterampilan sebagai nelayan dalam menangkap hasil laut dengan menggunakan teknik – teknik tertentu dan perlengkapan yang memadai. Pemerintah Provinsi Bali dan dinas – dinas terkait memberikan pelatihan – pelatihan kepada para nelayan dalam proses penangkapan hasil laut secara maksimal dengan metode – metode tertentu sehingga pengetahuan para nelayan dalam melakukan pekerjaan dapat secara maksimal sehingga hal tersebut akan menambah tangkapan hasil laut dan dapat menambah pendapatan para nelayan
Jurnal Ilmiah Satyagraha Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Mahendradatta Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47532/jis.v6i1.677


AbstractBank is an institution that acts as an intermediary that connects parties who have excess funds with those who lack funds in the form of savings and channel them again to the public in the form of credit or other forms, which aims to improve the standard of living of the community considering its very important function for the wheels of the economy and life. Public. the banking industry must have superiority SDM good and have high competitiveness and have good performance. Therefore, a study was carried out with the title Excellence SDM and competitive on performance PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk Cabang Denpasar during the covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to examine the Exceelence of SDM and Competitiveness of Performance PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk Cabang Denpasar. The sample in this study were employess PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk Cabang Denpasar. The research method used in this research is quantitative research using descriptive methods. The process fo collecting research data using a questionnaire distribution technique to 56 respondents and processed using SPSS. The data analysis technique in this study is multiple linear regression using the SPSS (Statistical Package For Social Science) version 23 application. The results obtained by the author are that the advantages of SDM positive and significant effect on performasce, competitineness has a positive and significant effect on performance, SDM excellence and competitiveness together have a positive and positive effect on performance PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk Cabang Denpasar. Keywords: Performance, Superiority sdm, Competitive