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GAMBARAN KOLESTEROL TOTAL PADA ORANG YANG KURUS Ardiansah Hasin; Asni Hasanuddin; Dian Hardianti
Jurnal Media Laboran Vol 9 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Prodi D-III Analis Kesehatan niversitas Indonesia Timur

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Cholesterol is a blood fat that is synthesized in the liver and is found in red blood cells, cell membranes, and muscles. In thin people there can be an increase in total cholesterol levels in the blood. Increased Total Cholesterol in thin people is inseparable from the factors of food consumed that have high cholesterol levels, such as foods with saturated fats (lemakhew ani). When these types of foods are continuously consumed in the long run, cholesterol levels in the body will increase even though also does not look fat. However, there are several other factors that affect total cholesterol levels in the blood such as genetic factors, diet and lack of exercise. The purpose of this study was to determine total cholesterol levels in thin people. This type of research uses laboratory observational research that is to determine total cholesterol levels in thin people. The results were tabulated in the form of examination data tables of 20 samples, obtained results that were normal <200 mg / dl of 14 people and high total cholesterol levels> 200 mg / dl of 6 people. From the results of research conducted there is an increase in total cholesterol levels in thin people. In order for thin people to consume fibrous foods, reduce foods that contain lots of fat and increase food portions and frequency of eating.
Jurnal Media Laboran Vol 9 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Prodi D-III Analis Kesehatan niversitas Indonesia Timur

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This study is based on the high levels of SGOT and SGPT in Diabetes Mellitus patients. Indonesia is the country with the 4th largest number of people with diabetes mellitus in the world after China, India, and the United States. Every year there are 3.2 million deaths caused directly by Diabetes Mellitus. This study is a laboratory experimental research which is dexritive. Samples in this study were taken by means of purposive sampling as many as 20 blood samples in RSUD Syekh Yusuf Kab. Gowa examined at the Laboratory of Syekh Yusuf District Hospital. Gowa The results of studies conducted on 20 blood samples of Diabetes Mellitus patients obtained 5 (25%) elevated SGOT and SGPT levels and, 15 (75%) normal SGOT and SGPT levels. It is recommended for sufferers to avoid or pay attention to their physical health or complications caused by Diabetes Mellitus. It is necessary to hold extensive public health education, and increase awareness about healthy eating patterns and exercise for a healthier way of life.
Penyuluhan Sanitasi Lingkungan Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan PHBS Masyarakat Dalam Mengatasi Dampak Terjadinya Bencana Banjir Kabupaten Pangkep 2022 Asni Hasanuddin; Dita Ellyana Artha; Andi Haslinah; Ardiansah Hasin
Jompa Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Jompa Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Jompa Research and Development

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Kondisi kesehatan di Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari Perilaku masyarakat yang belum sesuai dengan pola hidup bersih dan sehat memberi andil pada rendahnya derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Pada dasarnya penyakit yang terjadi pada masyarakat bisa di cegah bila masyarakat secara sadar dan mau menerapkan pola hidup sehat serta menjaga lingkungannya agar tetap bersih dan sehat (BPS Pangkajene dan Kepulauan 2020).Permasalahan yang yang mencuat di wilayah kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan adalah saat musim hujan terjadi banjir yang membuat rumah penduduk tergenang air hingga masuk rumah, hal ini disebabkan masyarakat yang berada di bantaran sungai Kecamatan Pangkajene membuang sampahnya di saluran pembuangan air dan sungai. Pemerintah setempat sudah menghimbau untuk menyiapkan tempat sampah di depan rumah agar mobil pengangkut sampah bisa mengangkut dan membuangnya di tempat pembuangan limbah. Pihak puskesmas juga sudah melakukan Penyuluhan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat namun masyarakat masih enggan untuk menyiapkan tempat sampah dengan alasan bahwa mobil pengangkut sampah hanya datang sekali dalam seminggu. Berangkat dari permasalahan tersebut maka kami dari institusi Universitas Indonesia Timur dan Adpertisi bermitra dengan pemerintah setempat dalam hal ini pihak Puskesmas Jagong wilayah kampung Balanakang akan memberikan pendidikan sanitasi dasar pada masyarakat dengan cara melakukan Penyuluhan sanitasi dasar.
The Identification of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Active Smokers with Ziehl–Neelsen Staining Method Asni Hasanuddin; Jurnal Syarif; Dita Ellyana Artha
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): June-December
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v2i1.204


Tuberculosis is still a health problem for the people of Indonesia, especially active smokers. There are many risk factors that can cause tuberculosis in active smokers including age at starting smoking, number of cigarettes consumed per day, and how long smoking has been done. The purpose of this study was to determine the results of identifying mycobacterium tuberculosis in active smokers with the Ziehl–Neelsen staining acid resistance test method. This type of research is a descriptive-analytic study that aims to determine the results of identifying Mycobacterium tuberculosis in active smokers. The Ziehl–Neelsen staining acid resistance test was conducted at the Tourism Hospital Laboratory of the University of East Indonesia Makassar on September 22 to October 6, 2022. The population in the study is 10 people. The sample was determined using a total sampling technique so that 10 samples were obtained. The research variables were active smokers. The data obtained are presented in the form of tables and narratives. After laboratory testing using the Ziehl–Neelsen staining method, the conclusion was that 1 out of 10 samples of active smokers was identified as Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
The Ethnomedicine Study of Muscle Flour Herbal (Borreria Laevis) In The Tengger Tribe of Bromo East Java as Anti-Inflamation Rony Setianto; Asni Hasanuddin; Jurnal Syarif
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): June-December
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v2i1.209


Objective: Local wisdom, especially in the ethnomedicine of the Tengger Bromo tribe, East Java, makes a potential that must be developed sustainably. Muscle Flour (Borreria laevis) is a plant that has anti-inflammatory potential in the Tengger tribe. This plant has high ICF and UV tilapia. Methods: This study aims to determine the types of plants that have been used by the Tengger tribe that have anti-inflammatory activity with the in vitro method of cell membrane stability. Samples were taken from the Tengger Bromo Probolinggo Tribe and extracted by maceration using 95% ethanol. Characterization includes non-specific parameters and specific parameters. Results: Identification of chemical contents includes flavonoids, glycosides, saponins, and alkaloids. Testing of anti-inflammatory activity using ethanol extract from muscle flour made concentrations of 250 ppm, 500 ppm, 1000 ppm, and 2000 ppm with the in vitro anti-inflammatory test with the human red blood cell (HRBC) method or cell membrane stability. Subsequently tested in vivo with the carrageenan induction method 0.1 mg kg / BW rats, positive control methylprednisolone 0.072 mg/kg BW rats, at a dose of selected plant extracts 105 mg kg / BW rats, 210 mg kg / BW rats, and 560 mg kg / BB mouse.
The Correlation of Maternal Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Serology Screening Management for Pregnant Women at the Wisata Hospital of the Indonesia Timur University Jurnal Syarif; Asni Hasanuddin
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): June-December
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v2i1.226


Every pregnant woman will face the risk of complications that can threaten her life. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes toward the implementation of serological screening (HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, and Rubella) in pregnant women at the Tourism Hospital, University of East Indonesia. This type of research is quantitative analytical research with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study consisted of all pregnant women registered at the University of East Indonesia Tourism Hospital from January to June 2022 with a total of 42 respondents. Using purposive sampling techniques, 42 samples were taken. Data were collected with questionnaires and observation sheets. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate analysis with a chi-square test. The results showed that 23 respondents (54.8%) had poor knowledge, 24 respondents (57.1%) had negative attitudes, and 24 respondents (57.1%) had abnormal serological screening results. Based on the results of statistical analysis, it was found that there was a relationship between knowledge (p-value 0.001 <0.05) and attitudes (p-value 0.003 <0.05) toward the implementation of serological screening in pregnant women. Therefore, women can know and always do serological screening regularly and according to gestational age.
The Analysis of Iron (Fe) Level In Alkaline Water in Makale District, Tana Toraja Regency Asni Hasanuddin; Jurnal Syarif
International Journal of Public Health Excellence (IJPHE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): June-December
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55299/ijphe.v2i1.229


Alkaline water is drinking water that can be drunk directly because it meets the requirements for drinking water quality. Alkaline water has a pH above 7 so this water is alkaline which can neutralize the acidity in the body. This study aims to determine how much iron (Fe) is dissolved in alkaline water. The initial stage of this research is to obtain data on people who consume alkaline water as their daily drinking water. Furthermore, the sampling used purposive sampling method, based on the sample criteria, namely alkaline water treatment which sourced from well water, rain water and PDAM water. The last step is to analyze the levels of iron (Fe) with laboratory tests at the Center for Environmental Health Engineering and Disease Control Class 1 Makassar. The time of the study began in July 2022. The sample of this study was taken as many as 3 samples. This research method uses an Inductively Couple Plasma spectrometer to determine the level of iron (Fe) in alkaline water. Based on the laboratory tests that have been carried out, the results of the three samples did not exceed the normal limit set by the Minister of Health, namely 0.3 mg/L.
Kejadian Luar Biasa Pertusis di Desa Tandasura Kecamatan Limboro Kabupaten Polewali Mandar Sulawesi Selatan Asni Hasanuddin; Jurnal Syarif; Rosdiana; Rahmat Panyiwi; Endang Yuswatiningsih; Anita Rahmawati3; Dwi Noerjoedianto; Andi Subandi
Publisher : ADPERTISI

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Berdasarkan laporan W1 dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Polewali Mandar pada tanggal 12 Mei 2015 yang diterima oleh Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan bahwa telah terjadi KLB Pertusis di Desa Tandasura Kecamatan Limboro Kabupaten Polewali Mandar dengan jumlah penderita sebanyak 41 orang. Tujuan penyidikan ini untuk mengetahui gambaran KLB Pertusis dan merumuskan upaya penanggulangannya, serta mencegah penyebarannya Memastikan diagnosis penyakit, menetapkan KLB berdasarkan gejala gejala klinis yang ada, mengetahui sumber penularannya, mengetahui gambaran epidemiologi didaerah penyidikan berdasarkan orang, tempat, waktu. Berdasarkan hasil penyidikan maka dapat di simpulkan bahwa telah terjadi Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) Pertusis di wilayah puskesmas Kecamatan Limboro Kabupaten Polewali Mandar dengan jumlah kasus 41 orang dan tidak ada kematian (CFR 0%), tipe KLB Pertusis adalah Commom Source dengan 1 puncak yaitu pada tanggal 19 Mei 2015. Kasus index terjadi pada tanggal 5 April 2015. Sumber penularan berasal dari anak yang berusia 10 tahun kemudian menular pada keuarga serumah, tetangga, dan sekolah yang berada di dusun Tandasura. Di desa Tandasura AR tertinggi berada pada golongan umur 0 – 11 bulan. Penderita Pertusis hampir semua tidak mendapat imunisasi DPT. Maka disarankan untuk meningkatan kegiatan SKD (sistem kewaspadaan dini) KLB, sehingga apabila terjadi suatu peningkatan suatu penyakit dapat segera diketahui dan dilaporkan. Peningkatan pencapaian cakupan imunisasi DPT di wilayah puskesmas Limboro.
The Evaluation of Needs and Weaknesses of The Immunization Program in Kodingareng and Barranglompo Island, Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia Asni Hasanuddin; Jurnal Syarif; Ricvan Dana Nindrea
International Journal of Community Service (IJCS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): International Journal of Community Service (IJCS)
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (700.489 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijcs.v1i2.208


Objectives: This study evaluates the needs and weaknesses of the immunization program in the Kodingareng Island and Barranglompo Islands, Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Materials & Methods: This research is qualitative research at the Center Health Service islands Kodingareng and Barranglompo Makassar City. Research informants were the head of the Sub-Health Service, immunization officers, immunization cadres Kodingareng Islands and Barranglompo Makassar City. The data analysis was done by triangulation.Results: The results showed that there was still a lack of immunization executors on the input component, vaccines were not available on the island because they were constrained by electricity intake to maintain the stability of the vaccine storage temperature. Funding support has not been able to support the operation of the immunization program. Apart from that, community empowerment is still not optimal. Infrastructure is constrained by the storage area for vaccines on the island which is not supported by adequate electricity intake. Vaccines cannot be stored in the area closest to the island because there are no storage facilities and also limited electricity intake. This causes officers after visiting the immunization site to immediately carry out vaccination activities.Conclusions: The needs and weaknesses in the immunization program in the Kodingareng and Barranglompo Island areas of Makassar City are the need for immunization implementing officers, the availability of vaccines on the island by strengthening funding support, and the availability of facilities through the provision of generators to support vaccine storage. Apart from that, the community is still lacking in terms of community empowerment.
Evaluasi Implementasi Epidemiologi Sistem Surveilans Program Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) Kabupaten Pangkep: Evaluation Of Surveillance System Epidemiology Implementation Of Mother And Child Health Program (MCH) Pangkep District Asni Hasanuddin; Fidrotin Azizah; Rony Setianto; Ardiansah Hasin; Hasliani
Pro Health Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Pro Health Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (446.13 KB) | DOI: 10.35473/proheallth.v5i1.2074


Although there is no specific research that documents the effects and economic crisis that hit all countries in the world when the Covid 19 pandemic occurred on pregnancy outcomes, research conducted over three decades shows that it is clear that babies born to mothers who experience CED have an average weight birth weight 2,568 grams or 390.9 grams lower than mothers who do not experience CED. This study aims to determine the weaknesses and needs of the MCH surveillance system in the Pangkep District. Includes methods for collecting MCH surveillance data, analyzing and presenting data, dissemination, and utilization of MCH surveillance data. Based on the results of this evaluation, it can be concluded that the surveillance system for the MCH program in Pangkep Regency is generally running well, some of which still need to be improved are the ability of MCH officers in terms of data analysis, submission of feedback and timely reporting Keywords: Surveillance, Health Program Evaluation, Mother and Child ABSTRAK Krisis ekonomi yang melanda seluruh negara di dunia ssat terjadi pandemi Covid 19 terhadap outcome kehamilan, namun penelitian yang dilakukan dalam tiga tahun terakhir menunjukkan bahwa bayi yang lahir dari ibu yang mengalami KEK mempunyai rata rata berat badan lahir 2.568 gram atau 390,9 gram lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan ibu ang tidak mengalami KEK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelemahan dan kebutuhan sistem surveilans KIA di Kabupaten Pangkep. Meliputi cara pengumpulan data surveilans KIA, pengolahan analisis dan penyajian data, cara penyebarluasan dan cara pemanfaatan data hasil surveilans KIA. Bedasarkan hasil evaluasi tersebut dapat di simpulkan bahwa system surveilans program KIA di Kabupaten Pangkep pada umumnya sudah berjalan baik, beberapa yang masih perlu ditingkatkan adalah kemampuan petugas KIA dalam hal Analisa data, penyampaian umpan balik dan ketepatan waktu pelaporan. Kata kunci: Surveilans, Evaluasi Program Kesehatan, Ibu dan Anak