Jurusan Teknik Elektro Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

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Perancangan dan Implementasi Pengendalian Model Rudder Kapal dengan Menggunakan Metode Logika Fuzzy Berbasis Android OS Versi 2.3.7 PRAMUDITA, ARINA; ANWARI, SABAT; SADEWO, NOVIYANTORO
REKA ELKOMIKA Vol 1, No 3 (2013)

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Abstrak Dinamika kapal dipengaruhi oleh gangguan lingkungan tak terduga seperti gelombang yang dapat mempengaruhi haluan kapal yang sedang bergerak. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan suatu sistem yang dapat mengendalikan rudder kapal dengan respon yang cepat dan efisien, yaitu dengan menggunakan logika fuzzy. Pengukuran perubahan orientasi kapal dapat diperoleh dengan menggunakan sensor akselerometer dan kompas yang saat ini telah terdapat pada ponsel Android. Naskah ini menyajikan perancangan dan implementasi pengendalian model rudder dengan metode logika fuzzy berbasis Android OS versi 2.3.7. Perubahan orientasi yang terukur oleh sensor pada ponsel Android ini kemudian akan diolah oleh Arduino ADK dengan menerapkan metode logika fuzzy yang akan mengatur lebar pulsa yang dibangkitkan ke motor servo sebagai model rudder kapal. Pengendali berbasis logika fuzzy cukup efektif untuk diimplementasikan pada pengendalian rudder kapal karena responnya yang cepat yaitu rata-rata 2,93 detik untuk menggerakkan model rudder kapal. Kata kunci: model rudder kapal, motor servo, ponsel Android, logika fuzzy.   Abstract The dynamics of the vessel affected by unpredictable environmental disturbances such as waves that can affect the ship's bow when moving. Therefore we need a system that can control the rudder ship with fast response and efficient, using fuzzy logic. Measuring changes in the orientation of the vessel can be obtained by using the accelerometer and compass sensor, which has been found in Android phones. This manuscript presents the design and implementation of the model rudder control with fuzzy logic method based on Android OS version 2.3.7. The change in orientation that measured by sensors on an Android phone then will set the pulse width that is generated to the servo motor as the model of ship’s rudder. The fuzzy logic based controller is quite effective to be implemented at ship rudder control due to the rapid response which is an average 2.93 seconds to move the rudder ship models. Keywords: model of ship’s rudder, servo motor, Android phones, fuzzy logic.
JUSTIN (Jurnal Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.502 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/justin.v2i2.6348


Along with the development of technology, people’s need of information can be fulfill. People who have pets can use technology to help them learn various of information about their pets, one of it is the health of pets. Expert system is one of technology that mimics the works of a health experts in identifying a disease. This expert system is very useful especially when the pet’s owner do not have time to visit the vet. Therefore, it was made an expert system which can diagnose animal diseases and provide information about the disease, ways of handling / prevention as well as medicament to cope with the disease. This expert system application created with forward chaining inference method. The way of this expert system application work is by asking the owner of pet to choose the appropriate symptoms experienced by the pets, then the output is the possibility of disease experienced. Result of this final project is expected to help pet owners to be aware of information about pet illness quick.