Elsa Swandini
Universitas Galuh

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Journal of Midwifery and Public Health Vol 2, No 2 (2020): November
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/jmph.v2i2.6873


Masalah Gizi yang ada di Indonesia yang belum teratasi adalah Stunting (pendek), wasting (Kurus), Overweight (gizi lebih/Obesitas) dan KEK (Kurang Energi Kronis). Angka Kejadian KEK di Kabupaten Ciamis Ibu Hamil yang menderita Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK) sebanyak 2.083 (9,25%) dengan jumlah ibu hamil di Kabupaten Ciamis sebanyak 22.513 orang (dinas kesehatan kabupaten ciamis, 2019). ibu hamil yang menderita KEK sebanyak 70 orang (9,49%), angka ini menempati urutan kedua setelah anemia. Meskipun di urutan kedua tetapi ibu hamil dengan KEK ini berlanjut ke penyulit yaitu anemia, BBLR dan Abortus. Mengetahui Gambaran Karakteristik Umur,Pekerjaan, Pendidikan dan Paritas Ibu Hamil yang Menderita Kekurangan Energi Kronis di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sadananya tahun 2020. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif , jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder, populasi dalam penelitian sebanyak 70 ibu hamil KEK dan sampel yang digunakan menggunakan total sampling, instrumen penelitian yang dgunakan berupa lembar checklist, data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis secara univariat dan diolah menggunakan SPSS 16.0. Hasil dari penelitian karakteristik umur ibu hamil KEK sebagian besar terjadi pada umur beresiko (<20 tahun atau >35 tahun) sebanyak 39 ibu hamil (55.7%), karakteristik pekerjaan ibu hamil KEK terjadi pada ibu tidak bekerja sebanyak 47 orang (67.1%), karakteristik pendidikan ibu hamil KEK pada ibu berpendikan dasar sebanyak 57 orang (81,4%), karakteristik paritas ibu hamil yang mengalami KEK terjadi pada ibu hamil primipara sebanyak 37 ibu hamil (52,9%).Karakteristik umur beresiko, status pekerjaaan ibu tidak bekerja, berpendidikan dasar dan Kekurangan Energi Kronis terjadi pada primipara. Dengan adanya hasil penelitian ini dpaat dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan untuk petugas kesehatan khususnya bidan sebagai orang terdekat dengan wanita dalam memberikan pelayanan serta memberikan edukasi kepada ibu hamil guna mencegah, menekan serta mengatasi kejadian KEK dan mencegah terjadinya komplikasi yang ditimbulkan dari KEK.The unresolved nutritional problems that exist in Indonesia are stunting (short), wasting (thin), overweight (over nutrition / obesity) and chronic energy deficiency (CED). The incidence rate of pregnant women with CED in Ciamis Regency was 2,083 (9.25%) from the total of 22,513 pregnant women (Ciamis District Health Office, 2019). This rate is ranked as the second highest after anemia. Although it is in the second place, pregnant women with CED may be at risk of experiencing complications such as anemia, low birth weight and abortion. The objective of the study is to investigate the characteristics of age, occupation, education and parity of pregnant women who suffer from Chronic Energy Deficiency in the working area of Sadananya community health center in 2020. The study employed a descriptive approach with the type of data used was secondary data. The population in the study was 70 pregnant women with CED and the sample was drawn with the use of total sampling technique. In collecting the data, the study used a checklist sheet and the data collected were analyzed univariately using SPSS 16.0. The results showed that in the characteristic of age, most of the pregnant women with CED precisely 39 people (55.7%) were at the risk age (<20 years or> 35 years); in the characteristic of occupation, the occupational status of pregnant women with CED (47 people or 67.1% ) was not working; in the characteristic of education, the educational level of the pregnant women with CED (57 people or 81.4%) was basic education; and in the last characteristic observed, that is, the parity, the pregnant women (37 people or 52.9%) who experienced CED was primiparous. It can be concluded that the characteristic of the age was at risk; the employment status was not working; the education level was basic education and the parity was primiparous. The results of this study can be used as a reference by health workers, especially midwives, as the closest people providing services and education to pregnant women in order to prevent, suppress and overcome the incidence of CED, and prevent complications arising from CED.