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Strategic Planning Analysis of Grand Design of Population Development Prasetyo, Andjar; Gartika, Dewi
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 10 No 4 (2021): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v10i4.45594


The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze population data based on population structure and five population aspects, as well as regional areas in Kebumen Regency in 2020. Then prepare recommendations and plans to integrate population problems into development planning mechanisms and develop a 2020 Population Grand Design Model. The method of analysis used quantitative and qualitative descriptions with a locular in Kebumen Regency. The research was conducted using secondary data sources from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Kebumen Regency, the Department of Social Affairs and Population Control and Family Planning in Kebumen, the Ministry of Education and Culture. Primary data comes from the results of discussions with the Head of Service and structural officials at the Department of Social Affairs and Population Control and Family Planning in Kebumen, the results of the discussion become one of the qualitative indicators for analysis. The analysis was mainly carried out using SWOT and to complement the ARIMA method. The results are based on an administrative and substantive approach with the integration of five population aspects, namely Population Quantity Control, Population Quality Improvement, Population Mobility Direction, Family Development and Population Database Development, which are expected in the form of regional regulations.
Implementasi Penguatan Destinasi Pariwisata Daerah Melalui Analisis Strata dan Pesaing Produk Unggulan Kota Pekalongan Andjar Prasetyo
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah (Bappeda) Kota Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54911/litbang.v21i1.161


The purpose of the research is to determine and analyze the strata and competitor products, as well as compile options policy recommendations of tourism for the City of Pekalongan. Located in Pekalongan City, from June - November 2021, mix methods with descriptive explorative as a method of research. Secondary Data from the Government of Pekalongan City, the primary data obtained through questionnaires open the 132 respondents and the questionnaire analysis of 56 respondents with Likert scale. Analysis with Three Levels of a Product and the Five Forces. The result strata featured product is batik as a core product, Megono as actual product and Tauto, Coffee as the augmented product, a score between 5-7 points that the products featured on the condition of the potentially claimed as the featured product. The accumulation of the results of the Analysis of Five Forces, that the featured products in support of the tourism are still very in need of strengthening. This research implies that to encourage the increase of tourism in the City of Pekalongan needed to support the strengthening of the featured products on the internal side of the featured products and revamping the external side.  Keywords: Featured products, tourism, three levels of a product, five forces
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Widya Praja Vol 47 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Pengkajian Strategi Pemerintahan (LRPSP), Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33701/jipwp.v47i2.1711


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh upaya Pemerintah kabupaten Labuhanbatu meningkatakan daya saing daerah melalui ekowisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memetakan potensi lokus kajian dalam pengembangan ekowisata, menganalisis kesiapan ekowisata melalui pariwisata berbasis masyarakat, mengevaluasi potensi pengembangan ekowisata dalam Roadmap SIDa Kabupaten Labuhanbatu tahun 2021-2026. Penelitian ini menjadi sangat penting mengingat adanya objek wisata berbasais alam yang potensial untuk dikembangkan. Metode deskriptif digunakan untuk menarasikan penelitian secara kualitatif. Lokus kajian terdiri dari delapan desa/kelurahan yaitu Sei Berombang, Sei Lumut, Sei Sakat, Sei Penggantungan, Sei Tawar, Sirondorung, Kampung Dalam dan Lobusona di Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Provinsi Sumatera Utara dengan waktu penelitian bulan Januari sampai Mei 2021. Sumber utama data sekunder berasal dari Naskah Akademik Rencana Induk Pembangunan Pariwisata Kabupaten Labuhanbatu tahun 2019-2025 dan Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Labuhanbatu berupa kuantitas data berkaitan dengan lokus penelitian, sedangkan data primer berasal dari hasil wawancara dan kuisioner terhadap responden di lokus kajian. Analisis menggunakan tahapan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat dengan implementasi pada Roadmap SIDa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa lokus kajian memiliki potensi pengembangan ekowisata berdasarkan pemetaan, tahapan dalam pariwisata berbasis masyarakat masih membutuhkan berbagai pendukung baik dari sisi kelembagaan, SDM, maupun proses ekowisata. Kebutuhan dalam pengembangan ekowisata ini dapat diintervensi melalui Roadmap SIDa Kabupaten Labuhanbatu tahun 2021-2026. Di samping itu terdapat potensi partisipasi masyarakat secara berkelanjutan dan menimbulkan peningkatan daya saing daerah. Kata Kunci: Ekowisata, Roadmap Sistem Inovasi Daerah, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Pariwisata Berbasis Masyarakat
Jurnal BPPK : Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan Vol 8 No 2 (2015): Jurnal BPPK (printed version)
Publisher : Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan - Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research aims to find out and analyze the consumption expenditures and investment expenditures of government spending as well as the realization of private sector investment. Result of the analysis are then used to determine its effects on the poverty rate in 35 districts of central java province in 2008 in the period up to the year 2013 separately, methods of analysis using regression data panel because the data in the form of cross section and time of series by the method of fixed effect model. The three main variables of comsuption expenditures, investment expenditures and realization private sector investment. In this study the consumption expenditures specifed in goods and services expenditures , grants expenditures , social assistance expenditure =s, while specified in order to nvestment expenditures are tools and machinery expenditures, buildings expenditures, irigation and road network expenditures other fixed assets expenditures. The development of the hypothesis of this research is thought to have negative influece or relationship upside-down between government spending and private investment towards the realization of the poverty rate in 35 District Of Central Java provience in 2008 year period up to the year 2013. From the results of the test precision of Ftest value model of 97,98 percent on levels of poverty. The influece of government spending and private investment toward the realization of poverty levels obtained equiation : Kmsknan = 158,431796626-1,4886 Bljbrg – 1,8240 Bljhbah + 2,4067 Bansos-2,0880 Peralmes -5,3047 Banged + 3,09406 Jairjar – 2,93462 Asttl = 5.9541 Reinsws. Variable goods and services expenditures, grants expenditures, mechine expenditures, building expenditures, other fixed assets expenditures, realization of private sector investment, have inverted the relationship to the level of poverty, howewer social assistence expenditures, the streets irigation network expenditures, and the realization of private sector investment has a positive influence. Variables that have a negative relationship needs to be constantly improved and variables have positive relationship need to do more research.
Pemulihan Lanskap Ekonomi Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Di Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Andjar Prasetyo
Jurnal Administrasi Publik Vol 17 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Administrasi Publik
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan dan Pelatihan dan Kajian Manajemen Pemerintahan Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (878.748 KB) | DOI: 10.52316/jap.v17i2.71


Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap lanskap ekonomi masyarakat Labuhanbatu. Metode dalam kajian ini menggunakan kualitatif yang dideskripsikan dengan didasarkan pada ciri-ciri keilmuan yaitu rasional, empiris, dan sistematis karena berusaha menerangkan fenomena ekonomi. Sumber data sekunder dari publikasi lembaga yang memiliki relevansi dengan kajian, data primer dari kuisoner. Populasi adalah penduduk yang berusia 15 tahun ke atas yang bekerja berdasarkan lapangan usaha di Kabupatan Labuhanbatu tahun 2020. Penentuan sampel didasarkan dengan Two Stage Cluster, Sample primer sebanyak 156.223 orang, asumsi sampling error sebesar 0,22%, asumsi Koefisien Kepercayaan sebesar 1,96 dan asumsi parameter proporsi binomial sebesar 50%-50% sehingga diperoleh sampel sebanyak 797 orang. Waktu penelitian bulan Maret sampai dengan November 2020 dengan lokasi terdiri dari 9 (sembilan) kecamatan se Kabupaten Labuhanbatu. Pengumpulan data dengan survey terhadap instrumen berupa kusioner terbuka yang dibagi menjadi dua bagian, kusioner terbuka bersifat administratif dan kuisioner terbuka bersifat substantif. Temuan administratif masyarakat yang bekerja di lokus studi didominasi laki-laki dengan umur antara 30-49 tahun dan berpendidikan SMA. Temuan substantif dalam studi ini adalah adanya perubahan lanskap ekonomi di Kabupaten Labuhanbatu yang ditandai dengan pergeseran dari pekerjaan yang berkurang, Distribusi bantuan Pemerintah yang meningkat, Kelangkaan kebutuhan pokok, penghasilan yang semakin menurun dan perubahan peta lapangan usaha