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Skrining Risiko Kardiovaskular Pada Dosen dan Staf Administrasi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Jember Prasetyowati, Irma; Ariyanto, Yunus; Wahjudi, Pudjo
Jurnal Kedokteran Indonesia Vol 3, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Kedokteran Indonesia

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Background:Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. An effort to prevent mortality from cardiovascular disease is to detect the disease early at the subclinical stage. This study aimed to screen lecturers and administration staff at the Faculty of Public Health, University of Jember, for  cardiovascular disease risk factors, and provide necessary advise. Method:A survey was conducted at the Faculty of Public Health, University of Jember, to screen 60 lecturers and administrative staff for cardiovascular diseases risk factors.The risk factors under study included age, blood pressure, body mass index, smoking, exercise, and history of diabetes. Instruments used in this study included questionnaire, sphygmo-manometer, microtoise height scale, bathroom weight scale, waist and hip scale tape. Results: The majority of the lecturers (77.8%) and the administration staff (60.6%) were at low risk for cardiovascular disease. However, about 13.3% of the study subjects had hypertension. Thirty percent were current smokers. About 3.3% had diabetes history. Twenty five percent were overweight, and 18.3% were obese. Conclusion: A few staff at the Faculty of Public health, University of Jember, werefound to be at high risk for cardiovascular diseases. These individuals were advised to adopt healthier life styles, which include exercise, cycling, quit smoking, and regular check-up every 6 months. Keywords: cardiovascular disease, risk factors, screening, healthy life style
Hubungan Antara Pencahayaan Rumah, Kepadatan Penghuni dan Kelembaban, dan Risiko Terjadinya Infeksi Tb Anak SD di Kabupaten Jember Prasetyowati, Irma; Wahyuni, Chatarina Umbul
Jurnal Kedokteran Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Jurnal Kedokteran Indonesia

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Bakcground: Tuberculosis (TB) affected adults and children. The incidence of TB in children was increasing in Jember, East Java. A study from RS Paru Jember found that 17 (11%) students were infected by TB. This figure exceeded that of national level. This study aimed to examine the association between lack of house light, overcrowding, humidity, and the risk of TB infection among elementary school children in Jember.Methods: This was a case control study conducted in Jember, from January to June 2008. A sample consisting of 17 children with TB infection, and 51 children without TB infection was selected for this study. The instrument used in this study included questionnaire, lux meter (for light), and hygrometer (for humidity). Logistic regression and ORs were used to estimate the risk of TB infection.Results: Results showed an association between lack of house light (OR= 16.9; 95%CI= 4.1 to 69.8), over crowding (OR= 4.6; 95%CI= 1.4 to 14.8), and humidity (OR= 1.3; 95%CI= 1.1to 1.5), and the risk of TB infection.Conclusion: Lack of house light, overcrowding, and humidity were associated with increased risk of TB infection. It is suggested that people open the windows and doors every morning, and use some glass roof. Jurnal Kedokteran Indonesia: 1 (1): 88-93Keywords: lighting, overcrowding, humidity, child TB infection
IKESMA Vol 8, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : FKM - UNEJ

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At present, the world have a pandemikHIV. No one country in the world free from this infection, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, the infection has been alarming stage. If nothings done to prevent and control the spread of HIV, the next ten years, HIV infection such as sub sahara-africa, where there will be 3 of 10 people infected HIV. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a type of virus called a retrovirus and it is spreading  throughout the world include sexual contact, sharing needles, and by transmission from infected mothers to their newborns during pregnancy, labor, or breastfeeding. Purpose of this study was determine HIV risk behaviors in youth on the street in Jember district. Behavioral surveillance survey aims to monitor changes in sexual behavior and injecting risk from time to time. Target Population of Behavioral surveillance stratified by contributing to the HIV epidemic, one of which is youth aged 15 -24 years old, men and women, educated or not. This is descriptive approach with survey methods to 50 youths. The result were contained two behavioral surveillance of key indicators that have high percentage. There were heard HIV and AIDS(87,8%) and knowing to prevent HIV and AIDS using condom(98%). The recommendation is that the youth should have healthy behavior, alert to the HIV and AIDS, no sex before marriage and avoid other risky behaviors.
IKESMA Vol 7, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : FKM - UNEJ

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Cervical cancer still become the first killer for women in growth countries, include Indonesia. The prevalence of cervical cancer in growth countries reached 77%. One of the risk factor  entrenched in modern women, is douching. The aim of this research was to analyze the effect of douching to cervical cancer incidence in dr. Soebandi regional hospital in Jember. This is an observational analitical research that use case-control approach. The statistical test used in this research was logistic regression with 5% significance level. There was significant effect of douching toward cervical cancer incidence, which the risk factor of a woman with douching to have cervical cancer four times greater than a woman who didn’t do douching.   Key words: douching, cervical cancer
IKESMA Vol 5, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : FKM - UNEJ

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Tuberculosis (TB) still becomes a urgent health problem in the world. According to WHO report, the one-third population is infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosa (M.tb), and there were more or less two million people per year who died caused by this disease. The spreading of the disease in Tanggul is still high. The objective of this research was to analysis the risk of lighting, ventilation and overcrowding of the house that causing the TB cases. This research was an observational analytic research using case control study design. The number of samples of this research was 64 respondents which consisted of 16 cases and 48 controls. The cases were the people who had positive TB Acid-Fast Bacill(AFB). The controls were the people who were not affected by TB. The Odds ratio analyses were used to find the risk of variable by calculating confident interval. The analysis showed that the less lighting were 4.2 times (95%Cl  1.181-14.937), less ventilation were 5.571 times (95%CI  1.403-22.120) and over crowding were 3.987 times (95%CI  1.006-15.802) more likely to have TB cases. It was suggested to lead people to always open the windows and doors every morning, and to use roofs from glass. Keywords: TB, lighting, ventilation, overcrowding
IKESMA Vol 4, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : FKM - UNEJ

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With the detection of tuberculosis (TB) infection in children means that there are transmitting infection by the lung TB carrier with positive AFB sputum. The transmission more frequently occurred in one roof close contact. The objective of this study is to know the odds ratio of TB infection in primary school student according to TB patient contact and parents characteristics. This study was perfomed from January to Juny 2008 using case control study design. The cases group consisting of 17 children were TB infected and the control group consisting of 51 children weren’t TB infected. The analysis showed that children who had contact with TB patient were 56.25 times (95% CI with OR 6.254-505.962), who had contact chronic coughs patient were 14.22 times (95% CI with OR 3.155-64.112,) who had mother work were 6.5 times (95%CI 1.838-22.981) and who had low parents earning were 7.8 times (95%CI 2.285-26.622) more likely to have TB infected. Considering that contact TB patient and parents characteristics are risk factors for TB unfection. Early  diagnosis prompt treatment for contact, and working mother must give deeper attention takes care of child TB infection. Keywords: Tuberculosis, TB patient contact, parents characteristic, odds ratio
Parenting Stress and Hypertension in Parents of Mental Retardation Children Kamerawati, Choni; Prasetyowati, Irma; Ariyanto, Yunus
Unnes Journal of Public Health Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Unnes Journal of Public Health
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang in cooperation with Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (141.063 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v7i2.20807


Abstract   Parents with mental retardation children experience higher parenting stress than parents with other types of disability. Differences in responses to stressors indicate a level of parenting stress that is influenced by the characteristics of children, family, parents, and the environment. Parenting stress that is not managed and occurs in a long time can cause physical disorders of hypertension. The purpose of this study was to describe the parenting stress and the incidence of hypertension in the parents of children with mental retardation aged 12-15 years. This research is a descriptive research with quantitative approach. The sample of this study was the father and mother of mental retardation  students aged 12-15 years of 59 respondents who met the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. The result of this research is most of the hypertension respondent have high parenting stress level of 53,6% in fathers and 64,5% in mothers.   Keywords: hypertension, mental retardation, parenting stress, parents.     Abstrak   Orang tua dengan anak retardasi mental cenderung mengalami parenting stress tinggi dibandingkan orang tua dengan anak jenis kecacatan lain. Adanya perbedaan tanggapan terhadap stressor menunjukkan adanya tingkatan parenting stress yang dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik anak, keluarga, orang tua, dan lingkungan. Parenting stress yang tidak dikelola dan tejadi dalam waktu lama terjadi dapat menyebabkan gangguan fisik hipertensi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan parenting stress dan kejadian hipertensi pada orang tua yang mengasuh anak retardasi mental usia 12-15 tahun. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah ayah dan ibu siswa retardasi mental usia 12 – 15 tahun sebesar 59 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar responden hipertensi mengalami tingkat parenting stress tinggi sebesar 53.6 % pada ayah dan 64.5 % pada ibu.  Kata kunci: hipertensi, orang tua, parenting Stress, retardasi mental.
GAMBARAN SISTEM PENYELENGGARAAN MAKANAN DI PONDOK PESANTREN, KABUPATEN JEMBER Farida Wahyu Ningtyias; Irma Prasetyowati; Ida Srisurani Wiji Astuti; Siti Muslicha; Ahmad Nafi'; Ahmad Haryono
TEKNOLOGI MEDIS DAN JURNAL KESEHATAN UMUM Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Medical Technology and Public Health Journal March 2018
Publisher : UNUSA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33086/mtphj.v2i1.764


The good procurement of the food in a boarding school has guarantee the nutritional needs of the students. This study aims to describe the implementation of the food in the boarding school in the district of Jember. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive approach using primary and secondary data. The informant in this study is the executive management of the boarding school and the cheff manager. The Processing and analyzing of data is using content analysis and presented in narrative form and quote. The results showed a third implementation of the boarding school was a self-managed non-commercial. The executive manager was Ning (daughter of the owner of boarding school) or coordinator of ustadzah (teacher). Only NI boarding school that has a menu cycle i.e 10 days cycle menu, budget planning is done by those responsible for food manager and Ndalem (family members of the owner of boarding house). Purchases made directly groceries every day, which storage was FIFO. Food preparation is done two times, in the morning hours of 6:00 pm and 15:00 pm. There was no calculation for nutritional adequacy andthe students consumption were still in the deficit category. Food procurement in a boarding school need to increase with planning optimizing,
Gambaran Proses Kegiatan Pos Pembinaan Terpadu Penyakit Tidak Menular di Puskesmas Sempu Kabupaten Banyuwangi (The Description of Activity Process for the Integrated Development Post of Non-Communicable Disease (IDP of NCD) at Sempu Public Health Centre i Emi Dwi Astuti; Irma Prasetyowati; Yunus Ariyanto
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 4 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Sempu Public Health Centre (PHC) where the IDP of NCD activity was only applied under 1% in 2014 which the fact remains that Sempu PHC ironically is the first PHC which has IDP of NCD in Banyuwangi regency. This research aimed to find out how Posbindu PTM Al-Mubarok activity worked in Sempu PHC. This research used descriptive study with qualitative data supported. The informants of this research were purposively taken which included coordinator surveillance of Health Department in Banyuwangi regency, coordinator IDP of NCD, midwife, nurse, two cadres, the work partners and two IDP of NCD members. This research collected the data by doing interview, attentive observation and triangulation technique. Then, the data gathered were analyzed descriptively. The result showed that activity process of Posbindu PTM Al-Mubarok in Sempu PHC was different with IDP of NCD guidelines. The process did not go well because of the input which included the insufficient of human resources, incomprehensive and minimal training, insufficient of equipments, the lack of public awareness, the financial dependence and the implementation method which was not regularly conducted every month. Keywords: process, IDP of NCD
Intensi Orang Tua dalam Pengambilan Keputusan untuk Menikahkan Anak Perempuan di Bawah Usia 20 Tahun di Kecamatan Pakem Kabupaten Bondowoso (Parents Intention in Decision Making to Wed Their Under 20 Years Old Daughter in Pakem, Bondowoso Regency) Riski Anisa; Andrei Ramani; Irma Prasetyowati
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 3 No 3 (2015)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Early marriage is a marriage which is conducted before the age of 20th. Early married girl hasmore risk in reproductive health and mortality. Bondowoso Regency has the highest of earlymarriage rates 52,93% from the marriage total in 2012. Pakem Subdistrict in BondowosoRegency has the highest rate for marriage under 20 years. In 2013, Pakem Subdistrict inBondowoso Regency has the higest rate of early marriage rates 53,18% and in 2014, earlymarriage rates 67,02%%. This study aimed to identify factors of parents intention on under20 years old girls marriage in Pakem, Bondowoso Regency. This study based on the Theoryof Planned Behavior with cross-sectional design. The respondent were parents which have10-19 years old daughter not married yet. Spearman correlation test applied to determineassociations between each variable. Result showed that knowledge significantly associatedwith attitude (p=0,000), subjective norm (p=0,008), and behavioural control (p=0,000).Income rate of parents was not significantly associated with attitude (p=0,106), subjectivenorm (p=0,951), and behavioural control (p=0,564). Education significantly associated withattitude (p=0,000), subjective norm (p=0,007), and behavioural control (p=0,035). Attitude(p=0,001), subjective norm (0,001), and behavior control (0,000) were significantly associatedwith parents intention.Keywords: early marriage, intention, attitude, subjective norm, behavioral control