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Efektifitas Ekstrak Daun dan Getah Tanaman Jarak Cina (Jatropha Multifida L) Sebagai Antibakteri terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus Secara In Vitro Anggita, Dwi; Yusriani, Yusriani; Abdi, Dian Amelia; Desiani, Vivin
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 1 (Januari, 2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.627 KB)


Tanaman jarak cina (Jatropha multifida L.) mengandung alkaloid, tanin, flavonoid, saponin dan asam fenolik yang berbeda dari setiap bagian tanamannya dan kandungan zat-zat tersebutlah yang membuat Jatropha multifida L. mempunyai fungsi sebagai antibakteri sehingga ekstrak daun dan getah jarak cina (Jatropha multifida L.) diduga mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas ekstrak daun dan getah tanaman jarak cina (Jatropha multifida L.) terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus secara in vitro. Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian true experimental post test. menggunakan metode disc diffusion dengan konsentrasi 25; 50; 75; dan 100% v/v daun dan getah jarak cina. Kontrol positif digunakan kertas cakram antibiotik Clindamycin 5μg. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan zona hambat yang berbeda-beda antar perlakuan. Pada ekstrak daun jarak cina memperlihatkan rata-rata diameter yang berbeda, pada konsentrasi 25%, 50%,75% dengan zona hambat yang terbentuk masing-masing adalah 0 mm, 9,32 mm, dan 17,48 mm serta zona hambat tertinggi pada konsentrasi 100% dengan rata-rata diameter 22,24 mm. Pada getah jarak cina memperlihatkan rata-rata diameter yang berbeda, pada konsentrasi 25%, 50%,75% dengan zona hambat yang terbentuk masing-masing adalah 16,08 mm, 18,15 mm, dan 18,63 mm serta zona hambat tertinggi pada konsentrasi 100% dengan rata-rata diameter 21,91 mm. Kontrol positif Clindamycin memperlihatkan zona hambat rata-rata 23,31 mm. Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh ekstrak daun dan getah  tanaman jarak cina (Jatropha multifida L.) terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus, dan konsentrasi terbaik adalah konsentrasi 100% serta hampir mendekati zona hambat dari antibiotik Clindamycin sebagai kontrol positif.
Pengaruh Health Education Terhadap Perilaku Wanita Usia Subur Dalam Pemeriksaan Infeksi Menular Seksual di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jumpang Bar Mustarin, Yanti; Kurnaesih, Een; Yusriani, Yusriani
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 3 (Juli, 2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (639.829 KB)


Penanganan kasus IMS merupakan layanan pada seorang dengan sindrom yang berhubungan dengan IMS, atau dengan hasil positif pada pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk satu atau lebih IMS. Komponen penanganan kasus IMS harus dilakukan secara paripurna Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Health Education terhadap perilaku wanita usia subur dalam pemeriksaan infeksi menular seksual (IMS) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jumpang Baru Kota Makassar. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen pre post design with comparison group yang berupaya mengungkapkan efektifitas variable bebas terhadap variable terikat dengan melibatkan kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi dengan jumlah sampel masing-masing sebanyak 37 Wus Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa health education berpengaruh terhadap pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan WUS dalam pemeriksaan IMS di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jumpang Baru Kota Makassar dari hasil uji statistic T-Test p sig = 0,000<0,05. Health Education dalam pemeriksaan IMS dalam upaya deteksi dini penyakit menular seksual memberikan pengaruh peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dan tidakan menjadi lebih positif, diharapkan instansi berwenang dapat melakukannya dalam jangkauan yang lebih luas dan kualitas yang lebih baik.
Hubungan Antara Lama Menstruasi Dengan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muslim Indonesia Angkatan 2016 Dahlia, Dahlia; Rasfayanah, Rasfayanah; Dewi, Citra; Yusriani, Yusriani
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 1 (Januari, 2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.243 KB) | DOI: 10.33368/woh.v0i0.4


Hemoglobin is an important component in the blood. If the blood lacks hemoglobin or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is less than the normal amount, then the body will have anemia. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between menstrual periods with hemoglobin levels in female students. This research is a descriptive analytic research, cross-sectional approach, using total sampling technique. Sample amounted to 99 people in Faculty of Medicine UMI. Data collection was done by using questionnaire and measuring respondent hemoglobin. Data analysis using spearman test. There were 49 female students (49.5%) who had normal menstrual period with normal hemoglobin level (≥12). There were 38 female (38.4%) students who had normal menstrual period with low hemoglobin level (< 12), there were three female students (3.0%) who had hypermenorrhoea or abnormal menstrual periods with normal hemoglobin (≥12), and 9 9.1% women who had abnormal menstruation (hypermorrhoea) with hemoglobin low (<12), and no female students had hypomenorrhoea. Based on result of analysis of test of relationship obtained value p = 0,042 (smaller than value α = 0,05). The conclusion that can be taken is there is a significant relationship between the length of menstruation with hemoglobin level in student of Faculty of Medicine UMI bacth 2016.
Efektifitas Ekstrak Daun dan Getah Tanaman Jarak Cina (Jatropha Multifida L) Sebagai Antibakteri terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus Secara In Vitro Anggita, Dwi; Yusriani, Yusriani; Abdi, Dian Amelia; Desiani, Vivin
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 1 (Januari, 2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.627 KB) | DOI: 10.33368/woh.v0i0.13


Jatropha multifida L. contains alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins and phenolic acids that differ from each part of the plant and the content of these substances is what makes L. multifida Jatropha has a function as an antibacterial so that the leaf extract and the gap of chinese distance ( Jatropha multifida L.) allegedly capable of inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The aim of this research was to know the effectivity of leaf extract and gum of Jatropha multifida L. to the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in vitro.Penelitian used true experimental post test design. Using disc diffusion method with concentration 25; 50; 75; and 100% v / v leaf and gum china distance. Positive control was used Clindamycin 5μg drip antibiotic paper disc. The data were analyzed descriptively. The result of the research showed the difference of different inhibition zone between treatments. In chinese leaf extracts showed different mean diameters, at concentrations of 25%, 50%, 75% with inhibit zone formed respectively 0 mm, 9.32 mm, and 17.48 mm and the highest inhibition zone at concentration of 100% with an average diameter of 22.24 mm. In the gap of chinese distance showed a different mean diameter, at concentrations of 25%, 50%, 75% with the inhibit zone formed respectively 16.08 mm, 18.15 mm, and 18.63 mm and the highest inhibition zone at a concentration of 100% with an average diameter of 21.91 mm. Clindamycin positive controls show an average inhibit zone of 23.31 mm. It was concluded that there was an effect of leaf extract and resin of chinese distance plant (Jatropha multifida L.) on growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, and the best concentration was 100% concentration and almost closer to the inhibitory zone of Clindamycin antibiotics as positive control.
Pengaruh Health Education Terhadap Perilaku Wanita Usia Subur Dalam Pemeriksaan Infeksi Menular Seksual di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jumpang Bar Mustarin, Yanti; Kurnaesih, Een; Yusriani, Yusriani
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 3 (Juli, 2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (639.829 KB) | DOI: 10.33368/woh.v1i3.63


The handling of the case of IMS is a service with an IMS-related syndrome, or with positive results on the lab checks for one or more IMS. IMS case handling component should be done in plenary the purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of Health Education against women fertile age behavior in an examination of sexually transmitted infection (STI) Clinics in the region Jumpang The New City Of Makassar. The research design used was a quasi-experimental design pre-post with comparison group which attempts to reveal the effectiveness of free variables bound by involving variable against the control group and group interventions with the number of each sample as many as 37 Wus The research results obtained that health education effect on the knowledge, attitudes, and actions of the WUS in the examination of STI health centers in the region Jumpang a new City of Makassar from the results of the test statistic T-Test p sig = 0.000 < 0.05. Health Education in the examination of IMS in an attempt early detection of sexually transmitted diseases influence the improvement of knowledge, attitude and action become more positive, authorized agencies can be expected to do so in a wider range of and better quality.
Mekanisme (Sumber) Koping Pada Ibu yang Mengalami Baby Blues Syndrome di RS. Elim Rantepao Tulak, Lulu Alang; Yusriani, Yusriani; Idris, Fairus Prihatin
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 2 No. 2 (April, 2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (615.141 KB) | DOI: 10.33368/woh.v0i0.132


Maternity blues classified as mild psychological disorders that are sometimes experienced by postpartum mothers. To cope with maternity blues, the mother can adopt coping mechanisms. This study aims to determine coping mechanisms in mothers who experienced maternity blues in Elim Rantepao Hospital. Type this study is a qualitative study with descriptive approach. The participants consisted of five main informants that mothers who experienced maternity blues, 3 participants support (family), and one key participant (midwife who cared for). Research results obtained show that how mother cope with stress is also highly dependent on the resources available, such as family support mothers serve as the source of the greatest coping, besides spiritual beliefs, social support, balance of energy and material, also used as a source her coping. But things are different are obtained, is heir belief or trust in which the mother perform rituals or believe to get a peace, for that in the face of maternity blues, it needed the support of the coping resources that mothers do not continue in conditions more severe disorders.
Case To Action Kaitannya Dengan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kassi-kassi Yulianti, Yulianti; Abdullah, Tahir; Yusriani, Yusriani
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 2 No. 1 (Januari, 2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.163 KB) | DOI: 10.33368/woh.v0i0.133


Many theories are references to changes in health behavior, but here researchers are interested in using Case To Action Theory. This theory explains how external events can motivate someone to act. The study aims to determine the relationship of a case to action theory to the exclusive breastfeeding in the work area Community Health Area Kassi-Kassi. This type of research was observational analytic with a cross-sectional study approach.Sampling technique is purposive sampling, 140 babies from all 238 infants aged 6-11 months. Retrieval of data using a questionnaire and analyzed by chi-square test using Yates correction formula which is processed using the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) Program. The results of this study indicate that husband/family support has a significant relationship to exclusive breastfeeding with a Pvalue=0,001 < α= 0,05. Support of health workers has a significant relationship to exclusive breastfeeding with a Pvalue=0,000 < α= 0,05. Whereas media exposure has a significant relationship to exclusive breastfeeding with a Pvalue=0,000 < α= 0,05 From this study it was concluded that overall there was a significant relationship between case to action towards exclusive breastfeeding.
Pengaruh Pemberian Media Terhadap Pelaksanaan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini di Empat Wilayah Kerja Rumah Sakit Bersalin Makassar Hasyati, Hasyati; Idris, Fairus Prihatin; Yusriani, Yusriani
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 2 No. 1 (Januari, 2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (565.109 KB) | DOI: 10.33368/woh.v0i0.139


Education in breastfeeding is the most effective intervention methods increases the initiation of breastfeeding in the short term. Methods of educational interventions in the mother not only aims to improve the knowledge and skills of the mother but also affect their behavior in breastfeeding. Education about breastfeeding and frequent breastfeeding during prenatal and intrapartum taught by someone who has expertise in lactation management with a structured educational system. This research was conducted with the aim to analyze the effect of the use of media to the implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding in the four regions of the working maternity hospital in Makassar The method used in this research is quantitative approach with Quasi-experiments, this study uses primary data by as many as 66 people Third Trimester Pregnancy (Pregnancy 40-42 weeks of age), in which 33 people for the intervention group and 33 for the control group data were analyzed using the Mann Whitney test. Results showed variable mother knowledge (p = 0.000 <α = 0.05) and the mother's attitude (p = 0.000 <α = 0.05), that: (1) There is the influence of media on the implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding rated of knowledge, (2) There is the influence of media on the implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding rated of attitude This means that knowledge, attitudes capable of encouraging an increase in the implementation of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding. A good knowledge owned by the mother may affect participation in conducting Early Initiation of Breastfeeding. Knowledge, Attitude Mother of early initiation of breastfeeding is very important to support mothers in participating do IMD. As well as the family also must have good knowledge and attitudes that support in providing health education to improve the mother's knowledge.
Pengaruh Edukasi Melalui Media Whats App dan Leaflet Terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Berisiko Pada Siswa Irnawati, Irnawati; Suriah, Suriah; Yusriani, Yusriani
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 2 No. 3 (Juli, 2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (550.424 KB) | DOI: 10.33368/woh.v0i0.167


Adolescents are very susceptible to health risk behaviors such as smoking and drinking so they must be equipped with knowledge to prevent these risky behaviors early. This study aims to assess the effect of education through media media Whats App and leaflets on changes in risk behavior in Muhammadiyah Bungoro and the Pangkajene DDI Pangkep Regency. This study uses quasi-experimental experiments with pretest-posttest only control group design. The population in this study were grade 2 students enrolled in Muhammadiyah Bungoro and Pangkajen DDI Senior High Schools in Pangkep Regency as many as 330 students. The sample in this study were grade 2 students from the SMKS Muhammadiyah Bungoro and Pangkajene DDI High School in Pangkep Regency as many as 180 students. Sampling by purposive sampling. Data collection uses questionnaires given during pre-test and post-test. Processing data using the SPSS program. The results showed that before the education, knowledge and attitudes of students were more or less lacking, after giving education the students' knowledge and attitudes increased to be good. Increased knowledge was higher for students who received education through leaflets, while increasing attitudes were higher for students who received education via Whats App. This study concluded that there was an effect of education through leaflets and Whats App on changes in risky behavior of students (p <0.05).
Hubungan Penggunaan Kondom Dengan Perilaku Berisiko Tertular HIV/AIDS Pada Anak Buah Kapal Darlis, Idhar; Gobel, Fatmah Afrianty; Yusriani, Yusriani
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 2 No. 4 (Oktober, 2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (530.463 KB) | DOI: 10.33368/woh.v0i0.209


In the field of shipping, we know a group of ship crew workers (ABK) who are professions with a high level of mobility. They sail for a long time, days, months, even years, making those who already have a wife / old partner do not meet their wife / partner so that their biological needs are not met. Estimates and projections of the number of people with HIV / AIDS at the age of ≥15 years in Indonesia in 2017 were 628,492 people with a number of new infections as many as 46,357 people and deaths as many as 40,468 people. This study aims to determine the relationship of condom use with HIV / AIDS risk behavior among crew members. This study uses a cross sectional study approach. This research was conducted at the Soekarno-Hatta Port of Makassar, with a total sample of 285 respondents. The results of the study found that there was a relationship between the use of condoms and HIV / AIDS risk behavior among crew members. For ABK in sexual intercourse must use a condom as one in preventing the risk of contracting HIV / AIDS
Co-Authors A. Muh. Multazam A. Nurmiftahul Jannah Abd. Gafur Abdi, Dian Amelia Ahmad Hariadi Wibrata Hariadi Ahri, Reza Aril Alwi, Muhammad Khidri Amina Seknun Anah Silmih Bakri Andi Amin Nur Andi Asrina Andi Asrina Andi Asrina Andi Chaerul Andi Dindha Batari Ramadhani Andi Muhammad Nur Ikhsan Andi Nurlinda Andi Nurlinda Andi Nurlinda Andi Nurlinda Andi Ratu Tria Syahrani Andi Ratu Tria Syahrani Anggita, Dwi Aprilia, Suci Arlin Adam, Arlin Arman Arman Arni Rizqiany Rusydi Asni Paridah Badriani Badaruddin Bakri, Anah Silmih Bau Mila Tunnizha Budy Wiryawan Citra Dewi Dahlia Dahlia Darlis, Idhar Darwin, Musdalifa Desiani, Vivin Desiani, Vivin Desy Firmalia, Irdayanti Dian Amelia Abdi Dwi Islami Amir Rumae Dwi Murty Wardani Hermanzah Dwi Murty Wardani Hermanzah Een Kurnaesih Egidian Safitri Ernaningsih Ernaningsih Fairus P. Idris Fatma Afrianty Gobel Fatmah Afrianty Gobel Fira Yuniar Haeruddin Haeruddin Harismawati Bahtiar Harismawati Bahtiar Hasrini Hasriwiani Habo Abbas Hasyati, Hasyati Herlina Herlina Hervina Surahman Hidayat Hidayat I Gusti Wayan Murjana Yasa Idhar Darlis Idhar Darlis Idris, Fairus Prihatin Ikhram Hardi S Indah Sari Indah Sari Irawan, Reina Renita Irdayanti Desy Firmalia Jannah, A Nurmiftahul Jasmin Ambar Joel Rey U. ACOB Karim, Nurwahida Luthfiyyah Ulfa Sari Azikin M. Sabri Magfira Magfira Maisarah Basarang Mansur Sididi Marwono Marwono Miranti Mandasari Muh. Alif Reski Muh. Said Mukharrim Muhammad Alif Reski Muhammad Ikhtiar Muhammad Khidri Alwi Muhammad Khidri Alwi Muhammad Rizky adipratama yusuf Muhd Firmansyah Musdalifa Nahda Azhari Novia Paramita Paradise Nukman Nukman Nur Fadhilah Rasyidi Nur Ghani Nur Sri Widyastuti Nur Ulmy Mahmud Nurdiana F Nahdalipa Nurfardiansyah Bur Nurgahayu Nurgahayu Nurjana Muhammad Nurmiati Muchlis Nursyamsi Nursyamsi Nurwahidah Karim R. Andriani Rahman Rahman Rahman Rahmawati Rahmawati, Rahmawati Rasfayanah, Rasfayanah Reina Renita Irawan Reza Aril Ahri Risnanda Thamrin Rosada, Ida Samsualam, Samsualam Septiyanti Septiyanti Septiyanti Septiyanti, Septiyanti Septiyanty Septiyanty Serawati Dewi Serawati Serawati Sitaba, Tika Fausa Nur Sitti Patimah Sri Ayuningsih Srirezeki, Wa Ode Nurdian ST. Nurul Izzah Habibarrahman Suci Aprilia Sudirman Sudirman Sufatmiaty Sufatmiaty Suharni A. Fachrin Suharni Suharni Sumiaty Suriah Suriah Suryanti Buton Suryanti Butona Tahir Abdullah Tika Fausa Nur Sitaba Tria Syahrani, Andi Ratu Tulak, Lulu Alang Tutik Agustini Tutik Agustini Ulfa Sari Azikin, Luthfiyyah Wa Ode Nurdian Srirezeki Yanti Mustarin Yulianti Yulianti Yuni Romalita Yuni Romalita