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Rekomendasi Perbaikan Infrastruktur TI di SMK Berdasarkan Evaluasi Tingkat Kematangan dengan Framework Cobit 4.1 Dwiyono Ariyadi; Hendrik Kusbandono; Indah Puji Astuti
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): EDISI MARET
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v3i1.90


The transfer of management from SMK(SMK) in 2017 by the East Java Provincial Government has an impact on many things. One of them is the need for media for communication. Information technology (IT) infrastructure in Vocational Schools is a connecting between Vocational Schools and the East Java Provincial Education Office. IT facilities can streamline and streamline communication between the Office of Education and Vocational Schools in various regions. To find out the state of IT infrastructure in Vocational Schools in Madiun Regency, there is a need to measure the maturity level of IT infrastructure in SMK. One popular IT governance evaluation framework used is COBIT. With the COBIT framework guidelines can assess current conditions, as well as expectations of what will be achieved. The results of the gap will be used as a basis for recommendations for improvements to what stages have not been in line with expectations. The results of the maturity level of management of IT infrastructure in Vocational High Schools at each school on average at AI3 sub domain are at level 2, while AI5 sub domains are at level 1. As for the situation in AI3 sub domains, there are still some who care about the importance of IT infrastructure policy, responsibility for infrastructure management is still limited to individual intuition, as well as the absence of measurement of the results of the objectives whether it has been achieved. While AI5 sub domain is management has begun to identify procedures for collaboration with IT infrastructure suppliers, there are standard criteria for the selection of IT infrastructure suppliers, and there are fundamental objectives for IT infrastructure supplier contract management.
Penerapan Quality Of Service (QoS) dengan Metode PCQ untuk Manajemen Bandwidth Internet pada WLAN Politeknik Negeri Madiun Hendrik Kusbandono; Eva Mirza Syafitri
RESEARCH : Journal of Computer, Information System & Technology Management Vol 2, No 1 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.865 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/research.v2i1.3743


Teknologi Wireless LAN difungsikan untuk memfasilitasi kemudahan untuk koneksi jaringan, tidak lain termasuk jaringan internet. Manajemen bandwidth merupakan mengalokasikan suatu bandwidth yang berfungsi untuk mendukung kebutuhan atau keperluan suatu jaringan internet agar memberikan jaminan kualitas layanan suatu jaringan QoS (Quality of Services). Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kualitas layanan dan kinerja jaringan Wireless LAN (WLAN), serta mengoptimalkan pembagian bandwidth secara merata ke sejumlah client yang aktif. Metode penelitian ini adalah penerapan Quality of Service (QoS) yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas bandwidth internet yang berjalan pada Wireless LAN dengan parameter download, upload, throughput, delay, jitter, dan packet loss dan manajemen bandwidth dengan PCQ (Per Connection Queue). Hasil penelitian ini adalah pada rentang waktu 08.00 s/d 16.00 WIB quota IP Address dinamis habis, sehingga tidak dapat mengkoneksikan ke hotspot PNM-MHS. Menunjukkan rata-rata nilai sebelum dilakukan manajemen bandwidth metode PCQ pada throughput adalah 374,98 Kbps, nilai delay adalah 40,16 ms dengan kategori latensi “Sangat Bagus”, nilai jitter adalah 99,43 ms dengan kategori degradasi “Sedang”, nilai packet loss adalah 23,94 % dengan kategori degredasi “Sedang”. Sedangkan setelah melakukan manajemen bandwidth nilai throughput adalah 362,56 Kbps, nilai delay adalah 29,84 ms dengan kategori latensi “Sangat Bagus”, nilai jitter adalah 55,53 ms dengan kategori degradasi “Bagus”, nilai packet loss adalah 14,29 % dengan kategori degredasi “Bagus”. Manajemen bandwidth metode PCQ bekerja dengan sebuah algoritma yang akan membagi bandwidth secara merata ke sejumlah client yang aktif. PCQ ideal diterapkan apabila dalam pengaturan bandwidth kesulitan dalam penentuan bandwidth per client.
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33319/dymas.v3i2.4


This community service was aimed to give understanding to Paguyuban Perias Ponorogo as an entrepreneurship group in goods and service sector of cosmetics accessory equipment about the importance of contract law of sale and purchase in business as proper contract will give legal security to the parties and can be used as legal basis for the parties. It is expected that those entrepreneurs can apply it in their business in order to get their rights law with the strong basis that can support the finance of their business. The study was conducted at Kota Ponorogo on 2 October 2017. The method that was used was giving material about contract law of sale and purchase, discussing the problems related to the previous sale and purchase agreement in Paguyupan Perias Ponorogo and training to make letter of sale and purchase agreement properly. The result of the activity shows that Paguyuban Perias Ponorogo did not know and understand about contract law of sale and purchase and the importance of letter of sale and purchase agreement in business as the agreement that they had done previously was still orally. Keywords: Contract law of sale and purchase, Letter of Sale and Purchase Agreement
Dual Axis Solar Tracker Using Astronomic Method Based Smart Relay Yuli Prasetyo; Budi Triyono; Hendrik Kusbandono
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering ITS and FORTEI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/jaree.v5i1.156


Solar energy is a renewable energy. Solar energy can be utilized using solar panels. The use of solar panels mostly uses static or silent methods. The static method on solar panels cannot produce optimal electrical energy. This is because the intensity of sunlight received by solar panels is less than optimal. So that the resulting electrical energy is not optimal. Therefore we need a system that can control solar panels automatically. this system must also be able to follow the direction of movement of sunlight. This study discusses the dual axis solar tracker using smart relay-based astronomical methods. This study adjusts the angle of the solar panels to determine the movement of the sun. This study uses a smart relay to regulate the rotation of the DC motor (Linear Actuator) and the motor power window which functions as a driving force for solar panels. Astronomical method is used for tracking sunlight. This method is based on the position of the sun according to the lunar calendar. This method uses an angle sensor in the form of a variable resistor for elevation and a rotary encoder as an azimuth angle sensor. The results obtained from this study are the optimal electrical energy output from solar energy. Keywords: renewable energy, dual axis, solar tracker, solar panel, astronomical method
Rekomendasi Perbaikan Infrastruktur TI di SMK Berdasarkan Evaluasi Tingkat Kematangan dengan Framework Cobit 4.1 Dwiyono Ariyadi; Hendrik Kusbandono; Indah Puji Astuti
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 3, No 1 (2019): EDISI MARET
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (693.915 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v3i1.90


The transfer of management from SMK(SMK) in 2017 by the East Java Provincial Government has an impact on many things. One of them is the need for media for communication. Information technology (IT) infrastructure in Vocational Schools is a connecting between Vocational Schools and the East Java Provincial Education Office. IT facilities can streamline and streamline communication between the Office of Education and Vocational Schools in various regions. To find out the state of IT infrastructure in Vocational Schools in Madiun Regency, there is a need to measure the maturity level of IT infrastructure in SMK. One popular IT governance evaluation framework used is COBIT. With the COBIT framework guidelines can assess current conditions, as well as expectations of what will be achieved. The results of the gap will be used as a basis for recommendations for improvements to what stages have not been in line with expectations. The results of the maturity level of management of IT infrastructure in Vocational High Schools at each school on average at AI3 sub domain are at level 2, while AI5 sub domains are at level 1. As for the situation in AI3 sub domains, there are still some who care about the importance of IT infrastructure policy, responsibility for infrastructure management is still limited to individual intuition, as well as the absence of measurement of the results of the objectives whether it has been achieved. While AI5 sub domain is management has begun to identify procedures for collaboration with IT infrastructure suppliers, there are standard criteria for the selection of IT infrastructure suppliers, and there are fundamental objectives for IT infrastructure supplier contract management.
Penerapan Smart Relay Untuk Penentuan Posisi Sudut Panel Surya Dengan Metode Astronomi Yuli Prasetyo; Budi Triyono; Hendrik Kusbandono
JEECAE (Journal of Electrical, Electronics, Control, and Automotive Engineering) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS, CONTROL, AND AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING (JEECAE
Publisher : Pengelolaan Penerbitan Publikasi Ilmiah (P3I) Politeknik Negeri Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32486/jeecae.v5i2.322


Upaya mengatasi terbatasnya energi listrik yaitu menggunakan energi terbarukan. Energi matahari menjadi alternatif penggunaan energi terbarukan yang murah dan mudah. Pemanfaatan penggunaan energi matahari agar dapat mengubah energi listrik adalah menggunakan panel surya. Pengaplikasian energi listrik yang berasal dari energi matahari pun cukup beragam seperti lampu penerangan jalan, penyuplai energi listrik untuk rumah tangga, battery charging, back up pembangkit listrik untuk industri, heater kolam renang, pompa air, dan lainnya. Dalam penggunaannya, panel surya banyak dipasang statik dan tidak memperhitungkan titik optimal pancaran sinar matahari. Hal ini menyebabkan intensitas cahaya matahari yang diterima panel surya menjadi kurang optimal. Akibat pemasangan statik membuat energi listrik yang dihasilkan tidak maksimal. Oleh karena itu perlu suatu sistem yang dapat menentukan posisi panel surya secara otomatis dan mengikuti arah pergerakan cahaya matahari. Metode yang diterapkan pada sistem ini adalah metode astronomi. Metode ini menggunakan sensor sudut berupa potensiometer untuk sudut elevasi dan rotary encoder sebagai sensor sudut azimuth. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah mengoptimalkan tegangan output panel surya dengan cara mengikuti arah pergerakan matahari. Maksimal tegangan output yang dihasilkan adalah 22V lebih besar daripada kondisi statik.
Pelatihan Teknisi Komputer (Hardware Dan Software) Untuk Mendukung Pendidikan Life Skills Bagi Santri Pondok Pesantren Hendrik Kusbandono; Eva Mirza Syafitri; Febrina Indrasari
J-ADIMAS (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol 6, No 2: 2018
Publisher : (STKIP) PGRI Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29100/j-adimas.v6i2.879


Development of Game-based Learning Media for Early Childhood Animal Recognition Tri Lestariningsih; Hendrik Kusbandono; Angger Binuko Paksi; Yosi Afandi; Ikhwan Baidlowi Sumafta
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 8 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/eajmr.v2i8.5219


Cognitive learning activities through the introduction of animals in Early Childhood (AUD) have a very important role in developing all children's potential. One of them is the potential intelligence of children. AUD is a pretty good stage for training the brain of a child, where they will be more interested and active when they see a game or such that contains a lot of animation and sound. With the existence of game-based animal recognition learning media, it will be an interesting thing for early childhood, namely kindergarten, as well as teachers when interacting and conducive to learning. This learning medium contains several learning points and games that train children's cognitive abilities. There is a learning menu to recognize the name of the animal and its voice, then the game composes the word and guesses the illustration image of the animal, as well as the support of singing videos about animals given by the teacher to children. Game-based learning media is built using constructivism, using Luther Sutopo's method. The result of this research is an animal recognition learning medium for early childhood.
Analysis of First In First Out (FIFO) Bandwidth Packet Queuing Technique with Random Early Detection (RED) on WLAN (Wireless LAN) Hendrik Kusbandono; Tri Lestariningsih; MH. Ramdhani Ismar
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 8 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/eajmr.v2i8.5670


Implementation of bandwidth usage is generally only optimally utilized by some WLAN network users; this is often influenced by the monopoly use of bandwidth capacity for both download and upload. The aim is to determine the optimal packet queuing technique based on QoS parameters in WLAN network implementation. This research method uses QoS FIFO and RED packet queuing techniques with throughput, delay, jitter, and packet loss parameters on WLAN networks. Quality of Service (QoS) results on queuing methods using FIFO parameters (throughput 79.65%, delay 73.43 ms, jitter 82.21 ms, and packet loss 3.39%) RED technique throughput parameters: 79.29% delay (75.35 ms), jitter (71.45 ms), and packet loss (7.17%). QoS, compared to FIFO and RED queuing techniques, both perform well in maintaining the quality of network services. The FIFO queuing technique has an average index value of 3.5 with "Satisfactory" degradation, while the RED queuing technique has an average index value of 3.75 with the same degradation. Although the difference in average index values is not very significant, the RED queuing method provides slightly better results in terms of QoS.