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Management of Human Resource Development affects all of many aspects to determine the success of an organizations work. This research is intended to provide a decision support for Human Resources Development in terms of promotion. Determining a candidate for promotion takes a long time and requires an objective and transparent perspective. Filtering a candidate using a mixed system, a filtering system based on the administrative and personal assessment, is considered not objective. It will lead to subjective result since interview is used for conducting personal assessment.An application to select the candidate is important to be made in order to overcome the problem. The objective of the application is to assist the management in giving assessment, analyzing, formulating, and making decision. The output is a system for assessing the performance of the employee in term of promotion in an organization.The application will result an easier and more objective assessment in assisting the management to filter an employee to be promoted. This research, specifically, used variable parameter, while the method used in this research is profile matching method. Keyword: Promotion, Profile Matching, Human Resources

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Of the total of 7.2 billion of world population, three billion of them are internet users.During 2013, the numbers of internet users in Indonesia have reached 74.75 million, including31.7 million ‘Netizens’. The numbers of computer users are more than the number of internet users. These computer users are very susceptible to RSI (Repetitive Strain Injuries) which may be in the form of physical disorder, such as MSD (Musculoskeletal Disorders) or CVS (Computer Vision Syndromes), and various mental disorders. These disruptions are mainly due to people’s ignorance to ergonomic positions and incorrect attitude in using the computer for years. The biggest enemy of modern people is called ‘Disease of Civilization’, a disease caused by the changes in civilization due to the advancement of technology and bad life-style. Overcome the impact of modernization, people find the solution by “think backward”  to old concept of the ancestors. Traditional exercise, which at first used for defense mechanism against the nature and enemies (animal and human), is now applied in the work life. Computer users can stay healthy by doing traditional exercises and self-massages. These two prevention efforts are cheap, practical, effective, and no big space required, yet they are very effective and powerful to maintain the health of computer users. In particular, the authors intend to invite computer  users  to  cultivate  “Safe  and  Healthy  Computing’’ (‘‘Aman  dan  Sehat  ber- Komputer’’ = ASK)  by integrating exercises as a their life-style.
Object Recognation Based On Genetic Algorithm With Color Segmentation Zusana E. Pudyastuti, Evy Poerbanityas,

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To be able to sort out the optimum color on an observed object is something that is veryimportant, for example in detecting the tumor. An area which has already exposed to the tumor can be identified from the photo. Doctors typically analyze and predict the result of a photo based on their experience, but the doctors can read the photo without predicting the outcome when they use a tool that is able to distinguish color degradation. Thus, creating an artificial intelligence system can help in making a decision. A combination of generic algorithm and image processing is used to optimize color segmentation in detecting an object. In the case of color segmentation of an object, it was  found that the spectrum of each color is different one to another. The color differences could be clear, unclear, or almost similar which can be used in detecting and grouping the color differences optimally.
Reading Strategies for Non-English Department Students: How Important is It? Zusana E. Pudyastuti
Prosodi Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 13, No 1: (2019): Prosodi
Publisher : Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.667 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/prosodi.v13i1.5348


Lack of English knowledge, lack of vocabulary and incapability in using reading strategies might become the reasons of most higher education students, particularly the students of non-English department, to feel reluctance reading in L2. For becoming successful and strategic readers, reading strategies are crucial. Unfortunately, the non-English department students are not taught about reading strategies which hinders their reading comprehension. A survey had been conducted to know more on the students’ attitude towards reading strategies for comprehending reading materials. The subject of this study was 28 students of non-English department students in a college in Malang. The study found out that most of the students considered that using reading strategies in their reading process was not necessary even though they had shown a positive attitude towards the use of reading strategies. Moreover, the implementation of reading strategies had not been able to improve their motivation in reading a text in English because most of them were not fully motivated. Thus, it can be concluded that reading strategies should be taught explicitly to the students of non-English department for improving their reading comprehension and for developing a good reading habit.
Traditional Exercises As a Practical Solution In Health Problems For Computer Users Laurentius Noer Andoyo; Jozua Ferjanus Palandi; Zusana Pudyastuti
IC-ITECHS Vol 1 (2014): Prosiding IC-ITECHS 2014
Publisher : IC-ITECHS

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Of the total of 7.2 billion of world population, three billion of them are internet users. During 2013, the numbers of internet users in Indonesia have reached 74.75 million, including 31.7 million ‘Netizens’. The numbers of computer users are more than the number of internet users. These computer users are very susceptible to RSI (Repetitive Strain Injuries) which may be in the form of physical disorder, such as MSD (Musculoskeletal Disorders) or CVS (Computer Vision Syndromes), and various mental disorders. These disruptions are mainly due to people’s ignorance to ergonomic positions and incorrect attitude in using the computer for years. The biggest enemy of modern people is called ‘Disease of Civilization’, a disease caused by the changes in civilization due to the advancement of technology and bad life-style. Overcome the impact of modernization, people find the solution by “think backward” to old concept of the ancestors. Traditional exercise, which at first used for defense mechanism against the nature and enemies (animal and human), is now applied in the work life. Computer users can stay healthy by doing traditional exercises and self-massages. These two prevention efforts are cheap, practical, effective, and no big space required, yet they are very effective and powerful to maintain the health of computer users. In particular, the authors intend to invite computer users to cultivate “Safe and Healthy Computing’’ (‘‘Aman dan Sehat berKomputer’’ = ASK) by integrating exercises as a their life-style
Object Recognation Based On Genetic Algorithm With Color Segmentation Evy Poerbaningtyas; Zusana Eko Pudyastuti
IC-ITECHS Vol 1 (2014): Prosiding IC-ITECHS 2014
Publisher : IC-ITECHS

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To be able to sort out the optimum color on an observed object is something that is very important, for example in detecting the tumor. An area which has already exposed to the tumor can be identified from the photo. Doctors typically analyze and predict the result of a photo based on their experience, but the doctors can read the photo without predicting the outcome when they use a tool that is able to distinguish color degradation. Thus, creating an artificial intelligence system can help in making a decision. A combination of generic algorithm and image processing is used to optimize color segmentation in detecting an object. In the case of color segmentation of an object, it was found that the spectrum of each color is different one to another. The color differences could be clear, unclear, or almost similar which can be used in detecting and grouping the color differences optimally.
Maintaining Intreraction in the EFL Online Classroom Zusana E. Pudyastuti
IC-ITECHS Vol 2 No 1 (2020): IC-ITECHS
Publisher : IC-ITECHS

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Nowadays, the internet has influenced teachers and students’ life in every aspects. Embracing the internet in the online learning is unavoidable. Even though traditional classroom is still considered as the best method of delivery, but online learning also brings many benefits for both teachers and students. This paper presents a review of some literature highlighting the interaction in the online EFL classroom. Designing an online EFL classroom needs a careful planning because it is related to the language learning skills and the digital literacy learning skills that the students should comprehend. To make the design successful, all types of interactions sould be maintained the the online EFL classroom. Two types of online learning, which are synchronous and asynchronous learning, must provide the students an opportunity to build their knowledge by working collaboratively and having interaction with the sutdents and teacher to be able to learn better. The interaction is multiple which needs different methods for each conditions or a combination of several methods of interactions. The careful design planning and the appropriate choosen of interaction and collaboration methods provide the students with a safe environment for better engagement and active participation. The teacher presence, consists of social presence, teaching presence and cognitive presence, is very important in the online EFL classroom for maintaining and building the interaction with the students because the students tend to be passive. The teacher presence and the interaction in the online EFL classroom can be accommodated in many online applications used in the language learning.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Web E-Learning Untuk Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Menggunakan Moodle Jozua Ferjanus Palandi; Siti Aminah; Zusana Eko Pudyastuti
Jurnal Inovtek Polbeng Seri Informatika Vol 2, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

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Intisari - Pendidikan Anti Korupsi amat dibutuhkan sebagai usaha untuk mengatasi masalah korupsi dan perilaku koruptif. Di lain pihak teknologi yang saat ini berkembang pesat dapat  difungsikan sebagai media untuk mengedukasi masyarakat, terutama pelajar. Sejauh ini aplikasi atau situs yang terkait dengan pembahasan anti korupsi kebanyakan berisi makalah-makalah tentang pendidikan anti korupsi, bahkan situs Indonesian Corruption Watch juga berisi artikel-artikel yang memuat berita tentang korupsi. Situs-situs tersebut memang berupaya untuk memberantas korupsi atau mencegah tindakan korupsi, namun materi untuk Pendidikan Anti Korupsi belum banyak disentuh. Pendidikan Anti Korupsi untuk perguruan tinggi dibuat secara personal dalam sebuah blog saja sehingga tidak dapat dijadikan referensi dalam dunia akademik. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan adanya sebuah situs web yang secara khusus menangani materi Pendidikan Anti Korupsi bagi masyarakat pada umumnya dan pelajar pada khususnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan produk aplikasi web e- learning menggunakan LMS Moodle. Aplikasi yang dipakai untuk membangun sistem ini adalah Moodle. Metode yang akan dipakai dalam pencapaian tujuan penelitian ini mengikuti empat tahapan, yaitu: tahap analisis, tahap desain, tahap pembuatan, dan tahap penerapan. Secara singkat tahapan tersebut dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: tahap analisis akan menghasilkan spesifikasi kebutuhan sistem, tahap desain akan melakukan pengujian terhadap desain yang telah dibuat, tahap pembuatan akan melakukan konversi desain menjadi sebuah program, dan yang terakhir tahap penerapan adalah tahap dimana proses instalasi sistem dilakukan dan dieksekusi. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah situs e-learning dengan course Pendidikan Anti Korupsi yang dikembangkan dengan menggunakan LMS Moodle. Kata kunci : Pendidikan, Anti Korupsi, LMS, Moodle, e-learning
Perancangan Maskot Ngalup Coworking Space Malang Iman Firmansyah; Rahmat Kurniawan; Zusana Eko Pudyastuti
MAVIS : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Vol 4 No 01 (2022): Mavis : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : LPPM STIKI Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32664/mavis.v4i01.653


In an effort to support the effectiveness of sales, various production methods and processes as well as promotional activities in creating, introducing and selling the resulting products will be widely encountered in the current era. One of the means to sell products is to use print media and electronic media as promotional tools and means of communication. Utilization of print media, produces something in physical form, in addition to the use of electronic media, it produces some content to retain customers with social media features. This paper will discuss the process of designing a mascot as one of the promotional media to increase the selling value of a brand.