Analisis Kawasan Andalan Di Jawa Tengah
Pujiati, Amin
Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi ASET Vol 11, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi ASET
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This research aims to identify a region as a key region in Central Java . Thedata was got from the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics in 2001 and 2005. The analysisis used klassen typology, location quotient and regional specialization. Klassen typology resultcan be concluded that the district with the growth of Gross Domestic Regional Bruto andGross Domestic Regional Bruto per capita are high than other district which have high economicposition growth. The result analysis of location quotient, the basic sector in a key region tendsto dominate by the secondary and tertiary sector. Index regional specialization result, thedistrict which included in a key region tends to be high than the undeveloped region. Indexregional specialization result inter key region tends to the diversification sector. While, betweena key region and undeveloped region tends to the specialization sector and inter undevelopedregion.Keywords : key region, klassen typology, location quotient, regional specialization.
Pujiati, Amin
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 13, No 1 (2012): JEP Juni 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammdaiyah Surakarta
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This study aims to analyze the role of women in development and the causality between regional economic fundamentals and the role of women at Central Java. It uses district level data and supplied by the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics during 2001- 2009. The tools of analysis Granger Causality Test. The results of the analysis of the role of women in development is still low, from education, health, womens role and potential of public sector point of view. The Granger Causality tests results shows that a direct relationship between womens role in regional development with economic fundamentals, that also the role of women in development increased, causing increased local economic fundamentals. In this study there is no reciprocal relationship between economic fundamentals and the role of women.
Pujiati, Amin
Publisher : Proceeding SENDI_U
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The Development of the present national and regional done aiming at improving the well-being of the community.Execution of development can not be inevitable from the use of natural resources. However, the exploitation ofnatural resources which are not heeding the abilities and resources support neighborhood resulted in adeterioration in the quality of the environment. It is necessary to research on the opportunities of the city towardssustainable development in order to improve the welfare of society. This study aims to measure the probability of thecity towards sustainable development based on the classification of cities in Urban Semarang and yogyakarta.Analysis tool used is the multinomial logistic regression. The results showed the economic factors, demographic andsocial factors that influence the classification of the city towards sustainable development. City inhabitants are solidprobabilities to become a sustainable city is getting smaller. Calculation probabilities through scenario data,mapping can be used in the future and the basis of decision-making or the determination of urban policies relatingto the environment.Key words: probability, city, sustainable, scenario, binary logistic regression
Pujiati, Amin
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Vol 2, No 1 (2009): March 2009
Publisher : Semarang State University
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DOI: 10.15294/jejak.v2i1.1459
This research aims to analyze the influence of the knowledge spillovers on the industry growth inCentral Java. It uses district-level data on two digit International Standard Industrial Classification of AllEconomic Activities (ISIC) and supplied by the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics in 2001 and 2006.The tools of the analysis used multiple regression model with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method.The regression result shows that Specialization negatively influences of the industry growth. Theresult of this finding shows the opposite sign of Dynamic Externalities Marshall-Arrow-Romer (MAR) andPorter theory .Diversity and competition have positive impact on the industry growth. This is apprppriateand support the Porter theory and deny the MAR theory which stated that the local monopoly willincrease the industry growth . The diversity of the result in district is positive. This result matches andconsisant with Jacobs theory of the industry diversity.Keywords: knowledge spillovers, dynamic externalities , industry growth.
Rambutan Commodity Development Strategy as Regional Potential Product
Pujiati, Amin;
Nihayah, Dyah Maya;
Setiyani, Rediana
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Vol 9, No 1 (2016): March 2016
Publisher : Semarang State University
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DOI: 10.15294/jejak.v9i1.6654
The potential product of a region needs to be developed in order to improve the social welfare. Commonly, at harvest time, there is abundant horticulture commodity. Unluckily, the price of the commodity drops significantly. In other words, it costs extremely cheap. The purpose of research is analyzing the internal and external factors and determining an appropriate strategy for developing rambutan in Central Java, especially at Gunungpati District, Semarang, Central Java Province. The primary data of this research is obtained from 58 rambutan farmers that have been interviewed and have filled out the questionnaire forms. The secondary data is taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the monograph of the village and the internet by implementing the literature study method. Then, SWOT analysis is implemented for analizing the data. The internal factors that become the strengths are fertilized land for rambutan to grow and the farmersâ hereditary experiences in cultivating rambutan. Further, the lack of absorbing power of knowledge and technologies and the low existence of rambutan business are the weaknesses. Next, the external factor that becomes opportunity is the continuous increasing market demand, while the threat is the young generations having no interest in rambutan business. Finally, the stability (hold and maintain) strategy should be implemented for developing rambutan business
Causality Between Urban Concentration and Environmental Quality
Pujiati, Amin;
Nihayah, Dyah Maya;
Bowo, Prasetyo Ari
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 16, No 1 (2015): JEP Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammdaiyah Surakarta
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Population is concentrated in urban areas can cause the external diseconomies on environment if it exceeds the carrying capacity of the space and the urban economy. Otherwise the quality of the environment is getting better, led to the concentration of population in urban areas are increasingly high. This study aims to analyze the relationship of causality between the urban concentration and environmental quality in urban agglomeration areas. The data used in the study of secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau of statistics and the City Government from 2000 to 2013. The analytical method used is the Granger causality and descriptive. Granger causality study results showed no pattern of reciprocal causality, between urban concentration and the quality of the environment, but there unidirectional relationship between the urban concentration and environmental quality. This means that increasing urban concentration led to decreased environmental quality.
Nihayah, Dyah Maya;
Pujiati, Amin
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 20, No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang
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Penduduk di Kecamatan Gunungpati sebagian besar bermata pencaharian petani. Hasil pertanian yang dihasilkan adalah buah rambutan. Hasil panen yang melimpah yang belum diimbangi dengan teknologi pasca panen dan rendahnya harga jual mengakibatkan buah rambutan tidak memiliki nilai ekonomis. Harga jual rambutan sangat rendah, hanya mencapai paling tinggi Rp 2.500,00 per ikat. Buah rambutan yang tidak habis terjual akan cepat layu, rusak dan busuk. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa petani di Kecamatan Gunungpati yang menjadi khalayak sasaran belum produktif secara ekonomi. Penerapan teknologi pasca panen merupakan hal yang urgen untuk dilakukan untuk mempertahankan, meningkatkan dan menambah nilai jual produk olahan buah rambutan. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan agar buah rambutan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi dapat diupayakan melalui pengolahan buah rambutan menjadi beberapa produk olahan sehingga mampu meningkatkan nilai tambahnya agar dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani di wilayah Kecamatan Gunungpati. Tujuan kegiatan ini, adalah membentuk kelompok usaha pengolahan buah pada kelompok tani dan penguatan kelembagaannya. Metode yang akan dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah sosialisai dan pelatihan dari aspek kelembagaan. Seluruh proses tersebut dilakukan pada dua kelompok tani yaitu Kelompok Tani Teger dan kelompok Tani Sumber Rejeki yang ada di Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kota Semarang. Pembentukan KUB serta pelatihan kelembagaan yang dilakukan merupakan usaha untuk menumbuhkan semangat kewirausahaan di kelompok tani di Kecamatan Gunungpati.
Rambutan Commodity Development Strategy as Regional Potential Product
Pujiati, Amin;
Nihayah, Dyah Maya;
Setiyani, Rediana
JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Vol 9, No 1 (2016): March 2016
Publisher : Semarang State University
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DOI: 10.15294/jejak.v9i1.7186
The potential product of a region needs to be developed in order to improve the social welfare. Commonly, at harvest time, there is abundant horticulture commodity. Unluckily, the price of the commodity drops significantly. In other words, it costs extremely cheap. The purpose of research is analyzing the internal and external factors and determining an appropriate strategy for developing rambutan in Central Java, especially at Gunungpati District, Semarang, Central Java Province. The primary data of this research is obtained from 58 rambutan farmers that have been interviewed and have filled out the questionnaire forms. The secondary data is taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the monograph of the village and the internet by implementing the literature study method. Then, SWOT analysis is implemented for analizing the data. The internal factors that become the strengths are fertilized land for rambutan to grow and the farmersâ hereditary experiences in cultivating rambutan. Further, the lack of absorbing power of knowledge and technologies and the low existence of rambutan business are the weaknesses. Next, the external factor that becomes opportunity is the continuous increasing market demand, while the threat is the young generations having no interest in rambutan business. Finally, the stability (hold and maintain) strategy should be implemented for developing rambutan business
Melyana, Ika Prima;
-, Rusdarti;
Pujiati, Amin
Journal of Economic Education Vol 4 No 1 (2015): June 2015
Publisher : Journal of Economic Education
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji model kesiapan berwirausaha dengan menghadirkan self-efficacy sebagai variabel intervening yang memediasi hubungan antara sikap kewirausahaan dan pengetahuan kewirausahaan .Selain itu, lima hipotesis diajukan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh langsung antara variabel independen sikap kewirausahaan dan pengetahuan kewirausahaan, melalui variabel intervening self-efficacy terhadap variabel dependen kesiapan berwirausaha.Populasi kuantitatif dengan populasi 598 orang siswa. Teknik propotional random sampling digunakan untuk memilih sampel 187 responden tersebut dari SMK Negeri di Kota Semarang. Pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner, analisis data melalui statistik deskriptif, dan Path Analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) pengaruh langsung sikap kewirausahaan terhadap kesiapan berwirausaha secara positif dan signifikan, (2) pengaruh langsung sikap kewirausahaan terhadap kesiapan berwirausaha melalui self-efficacy secara positif dan signifikan, (3) pengaruh langsung pengetahuan kewirausahaan terhadap self-efficacy secara positif dan signifikan, (4) pengaruh langsung pengetahuan kewirausahaan terhadap kesiapan berwirausaha melalui self-efficacy secara positif dan signifikan, (5) pengaruh langsung self-efficacy terhadap kesiapan berwirausaha secara positif dan signifikan.The aim of this study is to examine the model of enterprise readines by implementing self-efficacy as the intervening variablethat intervene the relationship between entrepreneurship attitude and entrepreneurship knowledge. Furthermore, there are five hypotheses in this study for describing the direct effect between independent variable of variable entrepreneurship attitude and entrepreneurship knowledge through self-efficacy intervening variable toward dependent variable of enterprise readines. This study used quantitative approach with the population of 598 students. Propotional  random sampling was used to sample choose 187 participants at State Vocational Schools inSemarang. Questionnaire was used as the instrument of data collection. The method of data analysis was descriptive statistic by using Path Analysis.Research result show: (1) direct influence attitude of entrepreneurship to readines of entrepreneurship  significant and positive effect, (2) direct influence attitude of entrepreneurship to redines of entrepreneurship through self-efficacy significant and positive effect, (3)  direct influence knowledge of entrepreneurship to readines of entrepreneurship significant and positive effect, (4) direct influence knowledge of entrepreneurship to redines of entrepreneurship through self-efficacy significant and positive effect, (5) direct influence self-efficacy to readines of entrepreneurship significant and positive effect.
Fitriana, Ana;
Widodo, Joko;
Pujiati, Amin
Journal of Economic Education Vol 4 No 1 (2015): June 2015
Publisher : Journal of Economic Education
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Siswa SMA memiliki gaya hidup yang cenderung konsumtif dalam penggunaan smartphone. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor psikologi, faktor situasional dan faktor sosial terhadap perilaku konsumen smartphone pada siswa SMAN di kota Salatiga. Data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan populasi 2902 siswa dan sampel 97 siswa. Variabel yang digunakan perilaku konsumen sebagai variabel terikat dan faktor psikologi, faktor situasional dan faktor sosial sebagai variabel bebas. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan alat analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor psikologi, faktor sosial berpengaruh terhadap perilaku konsumen, sedangkan faktor situasional tidak berpengaruh terhadap perilaku konsumen. The  adolescents, especially high school students have a lifestyle that tends to behave consumptive and consumption activities that are not rational. Mostly they do not only owning one just smartphone but most themses have more than one smartphone. It is of course this matter of this matter will become interesting study to be checked furthermore. This research aims to determine the influence of psychological factors, situational factors and social factors to the smartphone consumer behavior in high school students of Salatiga. The population in this study were 2902 students with a sample of 97 students. The independent variable in this study consisted of psychological factors, situational factors and social factors and the dependent variable in the form of consumer behavior. Technique data collecting in this research use kuesioner while technique analyse data use quantitative descriptive technique, and technique analyse doubled linear regresi. The results showed that psychological positive and significant effect on consumer behavior. Situasioanal factors had no effect on consumer behavior, it is certainly contrary to the research Ashraf (2014) explains that the situational factors that most influence on consumer behavior. Social factors positive and significant impact on consumer behavior