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Needs Assessment Knowledge from Facilitator of Community Empowerment Program in the Digital Era Purnomo, Purnomo; Hufad, Achmad; Wahyudin, Uyu; Akhyadi, Ade Sadikin; Lutfiansyah, Dadang Yunus
Journal of Nonformal Education Vol 6, No 2 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jne.v6i2.25309


Cadres of Kampung KB as facilitators of community empowerment programs are required to have good knowledge in implementing needs assessment with adaptive data management with the industrial era 4.0. The needs assessment technique is not only done manually but can use digital technology to facilitate data collection and data access. However, the use of technology needs to be supported by the facilitator's knowledge of the need’s assessment, because it is the basis for understanding the meaning of data tracing. This study uses a quantitative approach, in the form of descriptive statistics, namely interpreting the percentage data from the answers given by the respondents. From the results of the study, it was found that the cadres' needs assessment ability was included in the “Enough” category, while the competence that needed to be improved was knowledge about setting priority needs. So that the researchers suggest, it is necessary to hold competency training for KB cadres or village administrators which aims to provide understanding and skills in conducting needs assessment. 
Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Islam Inklusif : Studi Tentang Inklusivitas Islam Sebagai Pijakan Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Inklusif Purnomo, Purnomo; Solikhah, Putri Irma
J-PAI: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam JPAI Vol. 7 No. 2 Januari-Juni 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jpai.v7i2.13286


The paradigm shift in the inclusive Islamic education curriculum is an essential part of Presidential Decree No. 7 of 2021. There is a tendency for religious learning to be normative-indoctrinative and lead to truth claims, raising suspicions that religious education contributes to the generation of extreme views. PPIM UIN Jakarta research shows that the PAI curriculum is still ambiguous on the issue of tolerance, and there is a tendency for PAI teachers to have an intolerance opinion towards minorities by 34%, and towards adherents of other religions by 29%. This study discusses the concept of inclusive education in Islam, the urgency of inclusive Islamic education, and the paradigm shift from exclusive to inclusive. This research is a literature study with a rationalistic approach. Data analysis uses reflective thinking logically to interpret the inclusive values of Islamic education and reflect them into strategic steps to answer the challenge of exclusivity. This study shows that Islam carries an inclusive spirit characterized by terminologies such as at-ta'arruf, at-tasammuh, at-tawassuth, and at-ta'awun. The urgency of inclusive Islamic education is intended so that the character of inclusive Islam is truly taught in learning. To change the paradigm of Islamic education from exclusive to inclusive, improvements are needed in curriculum elements, educators, and learning strategies.
1 The Effectiveness of the Structured Numbered Head Learning Model on the Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Class V Dwiyanti, Endang; Purnomo, Purnomo
Elementary School Teacher Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Elementary School Teacher
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/est.v4i2.29036


Based to the result, the observation and interview the low quality of education in Indonesia was caused by students' learning outcomes in some subjects were classified as low. This was supported by the data on social studies learning outcomes in the 5th grade students of elementary school of Kartini Cluster, Banjarnegara Regency, that were quite low. One of the reason was the teachers had not applied the appropriate learning model in accordance with educational regulations. The teachers used a teacher-centered learning model. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of the Structured Numbered Heads model to result of social studies learning outcomes of 5th grade students of elementary school of Kartini Cluster, Banjarnegara Regency. This research used quantitative method with experiment design and nonequivalent control group design. The sample technique was cluster random sampling of 97 participantes. Data collection used test, observation and documentation. Hypothesis test result showed that tcount˃ttabel (5,8883 2,0003) which mean structured numbered heads model is was more effective to result of social studies learning outcomes of 5th grade students. The experiment class n-gain test result 0,4611 belong to medium criteria while control class n-gaint test result 0.481 belong to low criteria. The conclusion of this research is structured numbered heads was effective to be used in social studies learning material of 5th grade students of elementary school of Kartini Cluster, Banjarnegara Regency Data collection used test, observation and documentation. Hypothesis test result showed that tcount˃ttabel (5,8883 2,0003) which mean structured numbered heads model is was more effective to result of social studies learning outcomes of 5th grade students. The experiment class n-gain test result 0,4611 belong to medium criteria while control class n-gaint test result 0.481 belong to low criteria. The conclusion of this research is structured numbered heads was effective to be used in social studies learning material of 5th grade students of elementary school of Kartini Cluster, Banjarnegara Regency Data collection used test, observation and documentation. Hypothesis test result showed that tcount˃ttabel (5,8883 2,0003) which mean structured numbered heads model is was more effective to result of social studies learning outcomes of 5th grade students. The experiment class n-gain test result 0,4611 belong to medium criteria while control class n-gaint test result 0.481 belong to low criteria. The conclusion of this research is structured numbered heads was effective to be used in social studies learning material of 5th grade students of elementary school of Kartini Cluster, Banjarnegara Regency 0003) which mean structured numbered heads model is was more effective to result of social studies learning outcomes of 5th grade students. The experiment class n-gain test result 0,4611 belong to medium criteria while control class n-gaint test result 0.481 belong to low criteria. The conclusion of this research is structured numbered heads was effective to be used in social studies learning material of 5th grade students of elementary school of Kartini Cluster, Banjarnegara Regency 0003) which mean structured numbered heads model is was more effective to result of social studies learning outcomes of 5th grade students. The experiment class n-gain test result 0,4611 belong to medium criteria while control class n-gaint test result 0.481 belong to low criteria. The conclusion of this research is structured numbered heads was effective to be used in social studies learning material of 5th grade students of elementary school of Kartini Cluster, Banjarnegara Regency
Elementary School Teacher Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Elementary School Teacher
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/est.v3i2.29016


Based to the result, the observation and interview the low quality of education in Indonesia was caused by students' learning outcomes in some subjects were classified as low. This was supported by the data on social studies learning outcomes in the 5th grade students of elementary school of Kartini Cluster, Banjarnegara Regency, that were quite low. One of the reason was the teachers had not applied the appropriate learning model in accordance with educational regulations. The teachers used a teacher-centered learning model. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of the Structured Numbered Heads model to result of social studies learning outcomes of 5th grade students of elementary school of Kartini Cluster, Banjarnegara Regency. This research used quantitative method with experiment design and nonequivalent control group design. The sample technique was cluster random sampling of 97 participantes. Data collection used test, observation and documentation. Hypotesis test result showed that tcount˃ttabel(5,88832,0003) which mean structured numbered heads model is was more effective to result of social studies learning outcomes of 5th grade students. The experiment class n-gain test result 0,4611 belong to medium criteria while control class n-gaint test result 0.481 belong to low criteria. The conclusion of this research is structured numbered heads was effective to be used in social studies learning material of 5th grade students of elementary school of of Kartini Cluster, Banjarnegara Regency.
Relationship Utilization of Learning Media and Learning Sources with Javanese Learning Outcomes Pradani, Merinda Sintya; Purnomo, Purnomo
Elementary School Teacher Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Elementary School Teacher
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/est.v5i1.33871


The purpose of this research was to examine the positive and significant relationship between the use of learning media and learning resources with Javanese language learning outcomes fourth grade students of SDN Cluster Melati, Semarang City. This research is a quantitative type of correlation research. The population in this research was the fourth grade students of SDN Gugus Melati, Semarang City. This research amounted to 115 students. Sampling technique using saturated sample. Data collection techniques using question naires, documentation, and interviews. The instrument test was carried out by testing the validity and reliability. Test prerequisite analysis using normality, linearity, and multicollinearity tests. While the data analysis techniques with descriptive statistics, product moment correlation analysis, multiple correlation analysis, significant test, and the coefficient of determination. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between utilization of learning media and learning resources with Java language learning outcomes, variable contribution utilization of learning media and learning resources the learning outcomes are included in the strong category and contribute as much as 40, 9%.Keywords: Learning Outcomes; The use of Learning Media; Learning Resources
Analisis Efektifitas Uji Kompetensi Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Jakarta Pasyah, A. Chalid; M.Nurdin; Purnomo, Purnomo
Meteor STIP Marunda Vol 14 No 2 (2021): DESEMBER
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (P3M) STIP Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36101/msm.v14i2.195


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa efektifitas pelaksanaan kegiatan uji kompetensi bidang keahlian Pengurusan dan Konsolidasi Angkutan Laut Muatan Kontainer, ASDP, serta TKBM. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di LSP STIP Jakarta. Populasi sekaligus sampel adalah pelaksana LSP, asesor, staf administrasi LSP, dan taruna sebagai asesi uji kompetensi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuaIitatif dengan teknik analisis SWOT. Sumber data diperoleh dari wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Terbentuknya LSP STIP dengan tugas mengembangkan standar kompetensi dan melaksanakan uji kompetensi terhadap taruna KALK merupakan langkah maju sekaligus bukti upaya nyata STIP didalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dan lulusannya. Secara keseluruhan pelaksanaan kegiatan uji kompetensi LSP STIP telah dalam kategori baik, karena telah mampu mengeluarkan dan menerbitkan sertifikat kompetensi dengan jumlah lebih dari 3600 sertifikat, dan menjadi LSP paling aktif dan produktif pada UPT PPSDMP Laut. Meskipun pencapaian prestasi signifikan tersebut, namun demikian masih dirasakan ada beberapa kekurangan dalam pelaksanaan uji kompetensi di LSP STIP, seperti jadwal uji kompetensi yang sering terganggu oleh kegiatan lain akademik, belum dimasukannya kegiatan tutorial dan uji kompetensi ke dalam kalender akademik, kesibukan para Asesor yang sebagian besar merangkap sebagai pejabat, Asesor yang telat atau berhalangan datang, atau kurangnya SDM kompeten di Sekretariat LSP. Oleh sebab itu tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa bagaimana upaya untuk memaksimalkan efektifitas uji kompetensi LSP yang pada akhirnya memberikan implikasi terhadap peningkatan mutu pendidikan STIP.
Analisis Bau Limbah Perternakan Ayam di Pemukiman Terhadap Gangguan Psikosomatik Masyarakat Sekitar Kandang di Desa Sei Lembu Makmur Purnomo, Purnomo; Saam, Zulfan; Nazriati, Elda
Dinamika Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 3, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (149.669 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/dli.3.1.p.57-63


Abstract: The number of boiler chicken farm located in the community felt starting to annoy people, especially the chicken farm located close to residential areas. Many people complained about the bad effects of the operations of the boiler chicken farm because there are many farmers who ignore the handling of waste of effort. The impact that can arise is the smell of chicken farms, the emergence of flies and fears spread of bird flu virus. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the sewage smell chicken farm on the incidence of psychosomatic symptoms in a residential community surrounding villages cage Sei Lembu Makmur 2014. The design of this study analytic observational, cross-sectional study approach. This research was conducted in the month of January to August 2014. The sample in this study that people around the cage which amounts to 43 respondents. Data was collected through questionnaires and a doctor's diagnosis. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis were processed using the computerized system and Lambda test. The results showed that respondents ammonia contaminated and uncontaminated 21 people 22 people (51.2 %), which has a disturbing perception as many as 23 people (53.5 %) and did not interfere with 20 people (46.5 %) and respondents who had psychosomatic disorders is 13 people (30.2 %) and not psychosomatic 30 people (69.8%) .Based Lambda test showed that there was no relationship between the concentration of ammonia with psychosomatic disorders in settlements around the cage Sei Lembu Makmur (p = 1.000> 0.05) and there was no relationship between perception and psychosomatic disorders in the settlements around the cage Sei Lembu Makmur (p = 0.462> 0.05). For the people around the cage explain to the public that air pollution by ammonia due to the smell of the chicken coop with the highest ammonia concentration of 3.32 ppm which means no influence posed to human health. 
PENGARUH APLIKASI EKSTRAK DAUN SIRIH (Piper betle L.) DAN BATANG BROTOWALI (Tinospora sp.) TERHADAP SERANGGA UJI JANGKRIK (Gryllus mitratus) DI LABORATORIUM Suroso, Eko; Wibowo, Lestari; Hariri, Agus Muhammad; Purnomo, Purnomo
Jurnal Agrotek Tropika Vol 10, No 1 (2022): JURNAL AGROTEK TROPIKA VOL 10, JANUARI 2022
Publisher : Departement of Agrotechnology, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jat.v10i1.5602


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi ekstrak daun sirih (Piper betle L.) dan batang brotowali (Tinospora sp.) terhadap mortalitas dan perkembangan serangga uji jangkrik (Gryllus mitratus) di laboratorium.  Penelitian disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan dengan P0 (kontrol) tanpa aplikasi ekstrak pestisida nabati, P1 aplikasi ekstrak daun sirih konsentrasi 5%, P2 aplikasi ekstrak daun sirih konsentrasi 10%, P3 aplikasi ekstrak batang brotowali konsentrasi 5%, dan P4 aplikasi ekstrak batang brotowali konsentrasi 10%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ekstrak daun sirih konsentrasi 5% dan 10%  menyebabkan mortalitas jangkrik sebesar 76% pada pengamatan 15 hsa (hari setelah aplikasi).  Sedangkan aplikasi ekstrak batang brotowali konsentrasi 5% menyebabkan mortalitas jangkrik sebesar 86%, dan aplikasi ekstrak batang brotowali konsentrasi 10% menyebabkan mortalitas serangga uji jangkrik sebesar 74% pada pengamatan 15 hsa.  Aplikasi ekstrak daun sirih dan batang brotowali secara nyata mempengaruhi perkembangan jangkrik, sehingga nimfa yang berhasil menjadi imago tidak lebih dari 20%.
Co-Authors . Zulfan Achmad Hufad Agnes Kurniawan Agus Budiman Agus Muhammad Hariri, Agus Muhammad Akhmad Endang Zainal Hasan Akhyadi, Ade Sadikin Alin Liana Amalia, Lathifah Ana Hidayati Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Bintari Rukmono BUDI SETIADI DARYONO Dad Resiworo Sembodo, Dad Resiworo Dadang Yunus Lutfiansyah, Dadang Yunus Dewi Puspitasari Dwi Sulistyaningsih E. Suharyanto, E. Edy Setiti Wida Utami Eko Suroso Elda Nazriati Endang Dwiyanti Endang Purwaningsih Endang S. Wardhani Erma Handarsari Erwin Yuliadi Fatmasari Sukesti Felix Partono Franciscus Xaverius Susilo, Franciscus Xaverius Hadi, M Syamsoel Heny Herawati I GEDE SWIBAWA, I GEDE I Ketut Suada Indah Pratiwi Indarto Indarto Indriyati . Issirep Sumardi Iwan Nugroho Izzaturrijal, Izzaturrijal Jamalam Lumbanraja Juhana Suhanda, Juhana Junairiah Junairiah Khasani Khasani Kirana, Tjandra Lestari Wibowo Lientje Setyawati Lilis Sulistyorini Linda Oktavianingsih M.Nurdin Merdiana, Eryka MUSLIMIN IBRAHIM Nadhif, RM Ulin Natasha, Felisitas Ni’matuzahroh, Ni’matuzahroh Nugraheni, Trianti P Purwanto Pasyah, A. Chalid Pradani, Merinda Sintya Prajitno Prajitno PUJI LESTARI Purnamawati Purnamawati Putrianto, Novenda Radix Suharjo Rahayu Astuti Rini Dharmastiti Rita Ekarina Rosma Hasibuan, Rosma Rugayah Rugayah Ruruh Anjar Rwandini, Ruruh Anjar Setyo Dwi Utomo Sigit Dwi Maryanto Solikhah, Putri Irma Solikhin ., Solikhin Sudarja Sudarja, Sudarja Sukamta Sukamta Sunday Noya Suputa Suputa Susilo, F X Suskandini Ratih Dirmawati Taniawati Supali Teguh Oktiarso, Teguh Titik Nur Aeny Tjahaya Haerani Tri Agung Rohmat Tri Agung Rokhmat, Tri Agung Triyono Triyono Uyu Wahyudin Wahyu Hidayat Yasir Sidiq YURIDA EKAWATI, YURIDA Yuswono Hadi Yuyun Fitriana