A Purwito
Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680

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Induksi Kalus dan Bulblet serta Regenerasi Tanaman Lili Varietas Sorbon dari Tangkai Sari Bunga Kurniati, Rido; Purwito, A; Wattimena, GA; Marwoto, B; -, Supenti
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 22, No 4 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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ABSTRAK. Perbanyakan lili umumnya dilakukan secara vegetatif melalui teknik konvensional menggunakan umbi. Kemampuan totipotensi tanaman memungkinkan setiap bagian tanaman dapat dimanfaatkan untuk perbanyakan tanaman, termasuk tangkai sari bunga. Tujuan penelitian ialah mendapatkan protokol perbanyakan lili menggunakan tangkai sari bunga sebagai eksplan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias Cipanas, dari Bulan Februari sampai dengan Oktober 2011. Tangkai sari diinduksi membentuk kalus pada beberapa media perlakuan yang mengandung TDZ 0,1-0,4 mg/l, kinetin 0,1-0,4 mg/l, dan 2,4-D 0,05 mg/l. Selanjutnya kalus diregenerasikan menjadi planlet. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 12 perlakuan media induksi kalus dengan tiga ulangan. Parameter yang diamati ialah waktu inisiasi kalus, bobot basah kalus,  jumlah umbi yang terbentuk, serta jumlah daun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media M1-K (MS + TDZ 0,1 mg/l + 2,4-D 0,05 mg/l + kinetin 0,1 mg/l) merupakan media terbaik untuk mendapatkan waktu inisiasi kalus lebih awal dibanding media yang lain. Bobot basah kalus tertinggi diperoleh pada media M3-K (MS + TDZ 0,2 mg/l + 2,4-D 0,05 mg/l + kinetin 0,3 mg/l). Jumlah daun dan jumlah umbi mini tidak berbeda nyata pada media perlakuan yang diuji. ABSTRACT. Kurniati, R,  Purwito, A, Wattimena, GA, Marwoto, B,  and Supenti 2012. Callus Induction, Bulblets, and Plant Regeneration of Lilium cv. Sorbon from Filament. Lilium is usually propagated vegetatively by using bulb. Based on the totipotency ability of every parts of plant, it is possible to regenerate them into plantlets. The objective of the experiment was to find out micropropagation technique of lily using filament as explant. The experiment was conducted at Tissue Culture Laboratory, Experimental Garden of Indonesian Ornamental Plant Research Institute, Cipanas from February to October 2011. The filaments were cut into 0.5 cm and then those cutting filaments were placed on the several in vitro media containing TDZ 0.1-0.4 mg/l, kinetin 0.1-0.4 mg/l, and 2.4-D 0.05 mg/l to form callus. The callus were subsequently regenerated to be plantlets. A completely randomized design with 12 treatments and three replications were used in this study. Parameters observed were callus initiation time, callus fresh weight, total number of bulb and leaves. The results showed that the M1-K medium (MS + TDZ 0.1 mg/l + 2.4-D 0.05 mg/l + kinetin 0.1 mg/l) was the best medium for callus initiation. The highest of fresh callus weight was achieved on M3-K medium (MS + TDZ 0.2 m g/l + 2.4-D 0.05 mg/l + kinetin 0.3 mg/l). The total of leaves and bulblets of plantlets grown on the tested in vitro media were not significantly different. 
Aplikasi 2,4-D dan TDZ dalam Pembentukan dan Regenerasi Kalus pada Kultur Anther Anthurium Winarto, Budi; Mattjik, N A; Purwito, A; Marwoto, Budi
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 20, No 1 (2010): Maret 2010
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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ABSTRAK. Studi kombinasi konsentrasi 2,4-D dan TDZ dalam pembentukan kalus dan regenerasinya pada kultur anther Anthurium dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias sejak bulan November 2007 hingga Agustus 2008. Penelitian bertujuan  mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi konsentrasi 2,4-D dan TDZ terhadap pembentukan dan regenerasi kalus. Spadik Anthurium andraeanum kultivar Tropical yang 50% stigmanya berada dalam kondisi reseptif optimal, kalus hasil regenerasi, dan medium MWR-3 yang mengandung BAP 0,75 mg/l, NAA 0,02 mg/l, sukrosa 30 g/l, dan gelrit 2,0 g/l digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Konsentrasi 2,4-D dan TDZ yang diuji ialah 0, 0,5, 1,0, dan 2,0 mg/l. Rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial dengan empat ulangan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi konsentrasi 2,4-D dan TDZ berpengaruh nyata terhadap pembentukan dan regenerasi kalus. Aplikasi 2,4-D 0,5 mg/l yang dikombinasikan dengan TDZ 2,0 mg/l merupakan kombinasi terbaik untuk pembentukan kalus dengan potensi tumbuh anther mencapai 58%, 38% anther beregenerasi dan rerata 2,3 anther membentuk kalus tiap perlakuan. Kombinasi 2,4-D 1,0 mg/l dengan TDZ 0,5 mg/l merupakan kombinasi terbaik untuk regenerasi kalus dengan 5,3 tunas per eksplan. ABSTRACT. Winarto, B., N.A. Mattjik, A. Purwito, and B. Marwoto. 2010. Application of 2.4-D and TDZ on Callus Formation and Its Regeneration of Anthurium Anther Culture. Study of 2.4-D and TDZ concentration combination in callus formation and its regeneration on anther culture of Anthurium was conducted at Tissue Culture Laboratory of Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute from November 2007 to August 2008. This study was aimed to determine the effect of concentration combination of 2.4-D and TDZ on callus formation, growth, and its regeneration. Spadix of Anthurium andraeanum cv. Tropical which 50% of its stigma was in optimum receptive, MWR-3 medium containing BAP 0.75 mg/l, NAA 0.02 mg/l, sucrose 30 g/l, and gelrite 2.0 g/l and callus derived from the anthers were used in the experiments. Concentrations of 2.4-D and TDZ tested in the experiment for callus formation and its regeneration were 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/l. Factorial experiment with four replications was arranged in a completely randomized design. The results of the study indicated that combination of 2.4-D and TDZ gave significant effect on callus induction and its regeneration. In callus formation, 2.4-D 0.5 mg/l combined with TDZ 2.0 mg/l was the most suitable treatment with potential anther growth up to 58%; and 38% of anther regenerated with average 2.3 of anthers produced callus per treatment. 2.4-D 1.0 mg/l combined with TDZ 0.5 mg/l was the most appropriate treatment for callus regeneration into shoots with 5.3 shoots/explant.
Teknologi Haploid Anyelir: Studi Tahap Perkembangan Mikrospora dan Seleksi Tanaman Donor Anyelir Kartikaningrum, Suskandari; Purwito, A; Watimena, G A; Marwoto, Budi; Sukma, D
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 21, No 2 (2011): JUNI 2011
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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Pengembangan teknologi haploidisasi merupakan salah satu terobosan yang diharapkan mampu mempercepat kebangkitan industri florikultura di Indonesia. Teknologi tersebut dapat menghasilkan tanaman homozigot murni atau tanaman haploid ganda. Tujuan penelitian ialah (1) mengetahui tahap perkembangan bunga, mikrospora, dan viabilitasnya, (2) mendapatkan medium inisiasi yang potensial untuk kultur anter atau mikrospora anyelir. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Segunung dan Laboratorium Microtechnique, Departemen Agronomi, Institut Pertanian Bogor, mulai September 2009 sampai dengan Oktober 2010. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan ialah lima genotip Dianthus chinensis. Pengamatan mikrospora dengan pengecatan menggunakan DAPI dan FDA, seleksi medium inisiasi, dan tanaman donor dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menghasilkan lima genotip D. chinensis yang memiliki kecepatan anthesis yang relatif sama, yaitu berkisar antara 14-16 hari, mempunyai ciri-ciri spesifik, yaitu adanya perubahan warna anter pada fase perkembangan kuncup bunga yang sama dan pada genotip V11, V13, dan V15 yang memiliki ukuran mikrospora bervariasi. Jumlah mikrospora per anter terbanyak ditemukan pada genotip V11, yaitu 30.400. Rasio tahap perkembangan mikrospora berubah sejalan dengan perubahan tahap perkembangan kuncup bunga dengan persentase late-uninucleate tertinggi (44,64%) pada saat kuncup bunga mencapai ukuran antara 1,31 dan 1,51 cm, dan belum ada perubahan warna anter. Viabilitas mikrospora berkisar antara 40-60% dan persentase tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh genotip V11. Fase perkembangan mikrospora T3 (ukuran kuncup 1,31-1,50 cm, warna anter putih) berpotensi untuk pengujian lebih lanjut. Medium inisiasi yang dipilih ialah medium M2 dan M5 yang akan diuji lebih lanjut. Genotip V11 ditetapkan sebagai tanaman donor utama, sedang genotip lain yang berpotensi yaitu V13 dan V15. Hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat sebagai langkah awal pembuatan protokol kultur anter tanaman anyelir.The development of haploid technology is one of the breakthrough innovation to fasten the revival of floriculture industry in Indonesia. Homozygous double haploid plants can be produced through this technology. The aims of this research were to determine (1) flower development stage, microspores, and survival, (2) isolation techniques and medium having the potential for initiation of anther or microspores culture of carnation. The study was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory, Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute, Segunung, and the Microtechnique Laboratory, Department of Agronomy, Bogor Agricultural University, from September 2009 to October 2010. Five genotypes of Dianthus chinensis were used in this study. Periodically observations of anther morphology, DAPI and FDA staining, selection of medium, and donor plants were done in this research. The results showed that the D. chinensis genotypes tested had relatively the same growth speed of anther ranged from 14 to 16 days, special characteristics in color change of anther of the flower bud stage development of the same genotype and variation of microspore size among the genotypes V11, V13, and V15. The highest number of microspores per anther was presented in genotype V11 (30,400). The ratio of microspore developmental stage changed in line with flower bud development stage with the highest percentage of late-uninucleate (44.64%) at flower bud size between 1.31 to 1.51 cm, and there was no change in color of anther. Microspore viability ranged between 40 and 60%, and the highest percentage shown by genotype V11. Microspore development phase of  T3 (bud size 1.31-1.50 cm, white anther color) had potential for further testing. The selected initiation media were M2 and M5, which will be examined further. Genotype V11 designated as a major donor plant, while the other potential genotypes were V13 and V15. The results of this study are useful as a first step to develop anther culture protocol on carnation.