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KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 4 No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1529.394 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v4i1.139


Various social anomalies that occurred in this nation can represent the people (individuals) who are "sick". Thevalues of this nation in reality have not been able to effectively stem the rampant phenomenon of anomalies above. Variousfactors can cause the condition, such as ineffective value education in schools, families or communities; ungroundeddakwah; or media that is not impartial public interest. Media as one of information tools, considered to have significantinfluence to child's destructive and deviant behavior. Programs that aired in fact be counterproductive to the improvementof children's human qualities. This can be seen from several cases of child abuse and sexual harassment was motivated bythe impression of violence and pornography in the media. In this context, this paper tries to study the symbolic violence frommedia to the children (world) by presenting programs of violence and pornography in its various forms. Economic interests ofpolitical domination has made the media ignores the public interest, especially children by creating programs that do noteducate and inculcate the values of violence
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 1 No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3338.392 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v1i2.800


As a criticism to modemism, posmodemism has created new cultural realities different from the previous. Through its political acts and strategies, postmodernism has constructed cultural hypereality and complexity. This change becomes a chance and also threat that we need to be critical to anticipate the negative effects. One of its strategies is cultural deconstruction, which denies transcendental signs, meanings, and values, represents one of its negative effects. It will eliminate religious values which by contrast place transcendental values as its principle. For that reason, we need to contextualize Islamic teachings in order not to make postmodernism eliminate Muslims’ sense of religiousity. Da’wa, as a means of communication and transformation of Islamic values, plays a significantrole in this postmodernism era. Consequently, reconstruction of contextual da’wa strategy should be committed to balance the domination of postmodernism cultures.
Political Backdrop of the Indonesian Marriage Law of 1974 Elya Munfarida
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Sharia Faculty of State Islamic University of Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri, Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3752.307 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/mnh.v6i1.593


Penetapan UU Perkawinan tahun 1974 oleh pemerintah didasari oleh beberapa pertimbangan politis, yaitu, pertama, untuk menciptakan sistem hukum yang sesuai dengan positivisme negara yang memberikan kedaulatan dan kekuasaan bagi negara sebagai sumber makna hukum dan sosial. Kedua, penegasan atas otoritas hukum ini dimotivasi oleh keinginan untuk membangun kesadaran dan identitas national yang mengatasi kekuatan-kekuatan disintegratif dari perbedaan afiliasi etnis, agama dan bahasa. Ketiga, perhatian untuk meningkatkan status hukum dan sosial perempuan Indonesia. Keempat, politik akomodasi Orde Baru yang dipengaruhi oleh pragmatisme politik untuk menurunkan ketegangan sosial dan untuk mendapatkan dukungan dari kelompok-kelompok Muslim untuk melawan kekuatan militer yang mengancam kekuasaan Orde Baru. Pendeknya, UU Perkawinan tahun 1974 diharapkan dapat dijadikan alat untuk melakukan transformasi politik dan sosial menuju masyarakat sipil dan negara yang beradab.
Hermeneutika Al-Qur'an dalam Perspektif Farid Essack Elya Munfarida
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 2 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Sharia Faculty of State Islamic University of Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri, Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7122.21 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/mnh.v2i1.3693


Reception hermeneutic toward Al-Qur'an in Farid Essack perspective is not only able to accommodate the history of texts but also to give space for readers to ˜have dialogues with text based on social contexts. This approach is applied as a to get objective interpretation especially in South Africa with its characteristic (rasism, economic exploitation, etc).
Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 3 No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

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Controversy about women ability as imam for men, have become polemic of past ulama. Four imam mazhab firmly refusewomen imamah to men. Ulama discourse about women’s imamah reflects their inclination to patriarchal interest. It is clear from theexistence of rational inconsistency on their thought: in one side on imam general prerequisite, religious understanding and al-Qur’an fluentlyas main criteria. However, on the other side, when discussing about women imamah, those substantial criteria neglected. Their refusal didnot based on consideration whether women comply with qualification that being prerequisite, but simple because on “because she iswoman”. Meanwhile, Abu Tsaur, al-Thabari, and Mazini as ulama side whom absolute permit women as imam. However, their view did notemerge to surface; moreover almost disappear from Islamic thought discourse. On this point, the appointment of Ummu Waraqah as imamfor men can be understood as implementation and affirmation of human equality idea, which existed on tauhid doctrine. Therefore, men andwomen have chance to become imam, as long as comply with qualification prerequisite.
Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 4 No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

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as a discourse, knowledge about women sexuality embodies power relation by control, discipline and normalization. With thisperspective, interpretation about woman sexuality that represented by term that attributed to women are related with a political interest. Thismeaning normalized with values, norms, and social practice mechanism until truth about woman and their sexuality accepted as undeniabletruth. Phallucentric paradigm that becomes basis woman sexuality discourse is making man as interpretation subject. Therefore, womanpositioned as sexual object that understood and defined with man perspective and interest. Woman subordination that placed them aspassive figure sexually have making them loosing their sexual creativity and activity. This condition imply continuous social problem faced bywomen: sexual violence/harassment, trafficking, unhealthy sexual life, unwanted pregnancy, sexual infection,
Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 5 No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

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Religion exists to make changes in the existing social order. With a foothold on tawhid (oneness of God), and affirms thedoctrine of universal human equality. This doctrine of tawhid in turn has implications for the transformation of various forms of social practicesthat subordinate and exploit the other party. On this basis, women's issues, including aspects of sexuality, is also undergoing atransformation. With the doctrine of equality, both men and women can obtain their rights as human beings as equals. Each side has aposition as a partner and therefore entitled to recreational sexuality. Various discourse in Islamic thought who presume to eliminate the rightof either party, especially with the tendency to subordinate such party, of course contrary to the spirit of equality contained in the doctrine ofmonotheism
Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 8 No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

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Abstrak: Keterlibatan Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) dalam sejarah Indonesia telah memberikan peran yang signifikan bagi pembentukan negara Indonesia dan demokrasi DI Indonesia. Kontribusinya dimanifestasikan dalam berbagai bidang baik politik, sosial, budaya, agama dan ekonomi. Meski belum maksimal, namun ada upaya-upaya secara gradual untuk meningkatkan kontribusi bagi masyarakat Indonesia sebagai masyarakat sipil. Salah satu upayanya adalah meningkatkan keberdayaan perempuan yang telah mengalami subordinasi dan diskriminasi tidak hanya dalam ruang privat tapi terutama dalam ruang publik. Melalui beberapa fatwanya, NU berkepentingan untuk meningkatkan martabat perempuan dengan mengafirmasi kesetaraan gender di antara laki-laki dan perempuan dan memberikan ruang yang lebih luas bagi perempuan untuk merealisasikan dirinya. Dengan adanya hak dan kebebasan yang lebih besar, perempuan memiliki kekuatan moral untuk terlibat secara aktif dalam ruang publik dan berkiprah secara diskursif dan praktis dalam arena politik untuk memberikan aspirasi politiknya. Dengan demikian, perempuan mampu berperan sebagai agen-agen yang otonom dan kritis terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan negara. Abstract: Involvement of Nahdlatul Ulama ( NU ) in Indonesia's history has given a significant role for the formation of the Indonesian state and democracy in Indonesia. Its contribution is manifested in various fields of politics, social, cultural, religious and economic. Although not at the maximum but there is a gradual efforts to improve contribution to the Indonesian people as civil society. One of the efforts is to increase the empowerment of women who have been subordinated and discriminated not only in the private but in public spaces as well. Through several resolutions, NU's interest is to increase the dignity of women by affirming gender equality between men and women and provide more space for women to realize themselves. With the greater rights and freedom, women have the moral strength to be actively involved in the public sphere and acting as a discursive and practical in the political arena to provide political aspirations. Thus, women are able to act as autonomous agents and critical of state policies. Kata Kunci: Ijtihad, Gender, NU, Masyarakat Sipil.
Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 9 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

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Abstrak: Persinggungan Arab Islam dengan kolonialisme dan modernitas melahirkan dinamika intelektual Arab Islam yang menandai satu fase kebangkitan Islam yang berpretensi untuk melakukan reinterpretasi tradisi Islam. Qasim Amin sebagai salah satu tokoh kebangkitan Islam juga berupaya untuk menafsirkan kembali ajaran dan tradisi Islam, terutama yang terkait dengan perempuan, dengan mengakomodir pemikiran-pemikiran dan budaya modern. Berbasis pada kritiknya terhadap pemakaian niqab dan burqa yang dianggap sebagai praktik hijab yang berlebihan dan justru mensubordinasi perempuan, Amin berupaya untuk memaknai kembali tradisi hijab tersebut dengan mengkaji historisitas hijab, menggali kembali teks-teks al-Qur’an dan hadis yang berbicara tentang perempuan dan hijab, penafsiran para ulama terhadap kedua teks tersebut, nilai-nilai dan prinsip-prinsip dasar dari syari’at Islam yang melandasi legislasi Islam, serta pemikiran feminisme liberal. Dalam konteks hijab, Amin menawarkan model hijab syar’i (moderat) yang tidak menutup seluruh tubuh perempuan dan menyisakan bagian muka dan kedua telapak tangan dalam kondisi terbuka. Secara teologis, model ini justru sesuai dengan teks-teks al-Qur’an dan hadis yang membolehkan perempuan memperlihatkan kedua bagian itu, karena dalam sejarah manusia keduanya sangat penting untuk melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari baik dalam ruang privat maupun publik. Sementara secara sosial, hijab syar’i lebih sesuai dengan syari’at Islam terutama terkait dengan prinsip kemudahan, karena lebih memungkinkan perempuan untuk bisa terlibat baik dalam urusan domestik maupun publik secara lebih mudah dan leluasa. Kemudahan dalam partisipasi sosial ini akan berdampak secara signifikan bagi peningkatan kualitas intelektual dan kesejahteraan sosial perempuan. Secara makro, partisipasi perempuan yang lebih luas dalam ranah publik akan berkontribusi penting bagi pencapaian progresi bangsa, sehingga bangsa-bangsa Arab mampu mencapai kemajuan seperti yang telah dicapai oleh bangsa-bangsa Barat. Abstract: Intersection between Islamic Arab with colonialism and modernity make Islamic Arab intellectual dynamics that mark the Islamic revival phase that pretend to perform a reinterpretation of Islamic tradition. Qasim Amin as one of the leaders of Islamic resurgence has also sought to reinterpret the teachings and traditions of Islam, especially those related to women, to accommodate the ideas and modern culture. Based on his criticism of the use of the niqab and burqathat is regarded as excessive and practice of hijab, actually it is a practice of subordinating women. Amin attempted to re-interpret the hijab tradition by examining the hijab historicity, dig up the texts of the Qur'an and hadiths that talk about women and hijab, the interpretation of the scholars of the two texts, the values ​​and principles of Islamic Shariah underlying Islamic legislation, as well as the idea of ​​liberal feminism. In the context of hijab, Amin offers hijab syar'i models (moderate) that do not cover the entire female body and leaves the face and both palm of the hands in an open condition. Theologically, this model precisely in accordance with the texts of the Qur'an and the Hadith which allow women shows both that part, because in human history are both very important to perform daily activities in both the private and public spaces. While socially, hijab syar'i more in line with Islamic Shari'ah principles, especially related to convenience, since it allows women to be involved in both domestic and public affairs more easily and freely. The ease in social participation will significantly impact to the improvement of the quality of the intellectual and social well-being of women. At the macro level, the wider participation of women in the public sphere will contribute significantly to the achievement of the progression of the nation, so that the Arabs are able to achieve such progress that has been achieved by Western nations. Kata Kunci: Penafsiran, Seklusi Perempuan, Hijab Syar’i.