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Implementasi algoritma block cipher four pada mikrokontroler STM32F103C8T6: Implementation of block cipher four algorithm on STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller Muhammad Adli Rizqulloh; Yoyo Somantri; Resa Pramudita; Agus Ramelan
JITEL (Jurnal Ilmiah Telekomunikasi, Elektronika, dan Listrik Tenaga) Vol. 1 No. 2: September 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (779.4 KB) | DOI: 10.35313/jitel.v1.i2.2021.175-188


Pada masa industri 4.0, data menjadi salah satu komponen yang wajib dilindungi. Block cipher merupakan salah satu algoritma yang digunakan untuk mengamankan data. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan algoritma block cipher four (BCF) pada mikrokontroler. Parameter yang menjadi tolak ukur antara lain besaran flash dan RAM mikrokontroler yang terpakai, serta kecepatan eksekusi proses komputasi algoritma BCF. Mikrokontroler akan menjalankan algoritma BCF dengan urutan komputasi key-schedule, enkripsi, dan dekripsi. Setiap kali memulai proses komputasi, maka pin trigger pada mikrokontroler akan mengirimkan sinyal rising ke osiloskop dan pada saat selesai melakukan komputasi maka pin trigger mikrokontroler akan mengirimkan sinyal falling ke osiloskop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan algoritma BCF dapat diimplementasikan pada mikrokontroler STM32F103C8T6. Flash dan RAM yang digunakan mencapai 22,02 Kb dan 5,12 Kb. Algoritma BCF yang diimplementasikan pada mikrokontroler STM32F103C8T6 mampu berjalan sampai dengan 704 kali lebih cepat jika dibandingkan dengan prosesor NIOS II, 11 kali lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan AES-Engine, dan lebih lambat 4 kali jika dibandingkan dengan BCF-Engine.
Block cipher four implementation on field programmable gate array Yusuf Kurniawan; Muhammad Adli Rizqulloh
Communications in Science and Technology Vol 5 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Komunitas Ilmuwan dan Profesional Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21924/cst.5.2.2020.184


Block ciphers are used to protect data in information systems from being leaked to unauthorized people. One of many block cipher algorithms developed by Indonesian researchers is the BCF (Block Cipher-Four) - a block cipher with 128-bit input/output that can accept 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit keys. The BCF algorithm can be used in embedded systems that require fast BCF implementation. In this study, the design and implementation of the BCF engine were carried out on the FPGA DE2. It is the first research on BCF implementation in FPGA. The operations of the BCF machine were controlled by Nios II as the host processor. Our experiments showed that the BCF engine could compute 2,847 times faster than a BFC implementation using only Nios II / e. Our contribution presents the description of new block cipher BCF and the first implementation of it on FPGA using an efficient method.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Widyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (701.092 KB) | DOI: 10.33197/jitter.vol8.iss2.2022.837


Air merupakan unsur paling penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Manusia memanfaatkan air untuk konsumi, mencuci, mandi dan masih banyak kegiatan lainya. Di Indonesia terdapat dua jenis sumber air, yaitu sumber air perpipaan dan sumber air non perpipaan, sumber air perpipaan dikelola oleh PDAM. PDAM masih menggunakan flowmeter analog. Bagi pelanggan PDAM flowmeter analog ini sulit diakses dan dikonversi ke dalam jumlah tagihan yang harus dibayar. Dengan sistem saat ini, petugas PDAM menghitung jumlah tagihan secara manual. Maka dari itu, dibutuhkan alat untuk memonitor penggunaan air secara realtime. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memonitoring volum air yang terpakai serta biaya penggunaan air secara realtime. Alat ini menggunakan microcontroller ESP32, waterflow sensor YF-S201, topology mesh untuk saling berkomunikasi secara local dan protocol MQTT untuk berkomunikasi dengan broker. Hasil pengukuran debit masih memliki error sebesar 15.5%. Rata-rata waktu yang dibutuhkan agar data yang dikirmkan dapat diterima dari 1 Node ke Node lainnya sebesar 10.3s, dengan jarak 30m atar tiap Node. Rata – rata waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengirim data dari Gateway ke broker adalah 3.95s.
Microsoft Office Spesialist, Met PELATIHAN MICROSOFT OFFICE SPECIALIST (MOS) POWER POINT DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI GURU SMK PADA ERA DISRUPSI INDUSTRI 4.0 Resa Pramudita; Roer Eka Pawinanto; Muhammad Adli Rizqulloh; Nurul Fahmi Arief Hakiem; Mariya Al Qibtiya; Silmi Ath Thahirah Al Azhima
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan Vol. 8 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Widyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.088 KB) | DOI: 10.33197/jitter.vol8.iss3.2022.910


Era disrupsi Industri membawa banyak pengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia, hal ini juga yang mempengaruhi dunia pendidikan, Salah satu cara meningkatkan kompetensi guru di era revolusi industry 4.0 ini adalah membekali guru dengan kemampuan skala global yaitu Microsoft Office Specialist atau MOS. Dari permasalahan tersebut kami berinisiatif untuk mengadakan Kegiatan pelatihan Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Power Point bagi guru SMK/SMA di kota Bandung. Pelatihan ini mengadaptasi model pelatihan Goad, yaitu Model ini terdiri atas beberapa siklus diantaranya adalah: (1) analisis kebutuhan pelatihan; (2)desain pendekatan pelatihan; (3) pengembangan materi pelatihan; (4) pelaksanaan pelatihan; (5) evaluasi dan pemutakhiran pelatihan.
Development of Technoprenuer Education and Training Model through Internet of Things (IoT) Based Smart Transportation System Application for UPI Students Muhammad Adli Rizqulloh; Hasbullah Hasbullah; Bachtiar Hasan; Neris Peri Ardiansyah
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 3 (2022): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v3i3.169-176


Technology-based entrepreneurial (Technoprenuer) trainings aim at increasing the interest of students and university graduates to become Technoprenuer actors as part of reducing the number of educated unemployment rate. On the other hand, based on the continuously development of transportation technology, smart transportation utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to help many parties in the field of supervision and enforcementas as well as the community as it can improve safety and reduce the level of accidents on the road. Therefore, this training provided material on technoprenership and IoT implementation to gain those two benefits. The training was held for 2 weeks, 2 days of which were synchronous and the rest were asynchronous. The trainees consisted of 15 UPI students and they were expected to be able to build prototypes in the end of the training. As the result, 60% of the participants were able to realize their business ideas until the prototype stage.
PENYULUHAN DAN PELATIHAN PENGGUNAAN LISTRIK HEMAT ENERGI DI LINGKUNGAN SMK NEGERI 1 CISARUA Resa Pramudita; Neris Peri Ardiansyah; Muhammad Adli Rizqulloh; Wasimudin Surya Saputra; Ade Gafar Abdullah; Siscka Elvyanti; Hasbullah Hasbullah; Erik Haritman; Didin Wahyudin; Iwan Kustiawan; Agus Heri Setya Budi; Maman Somantri; Roer Eka Pawinanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Widyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33197/jitter.vol9.iss1.2022.958


The problem that underlies this activity is to see the condition of the school environment that requires counseling about the use of electrical equipment. The existence of teachers regarding the installation and maintenance of electrical installations in the regions is not well understood, very different from teachers who are in urban areas and moreover those with a background in electrical engineering vocational schools who are classified as advanced both in terms of knowledge level and skills in practice. On the basis of this condition guidance or counseling is carried out for these teachers. Even if they have the skills to install electrical installations, it is hoped that teachers will be able to maintain, repair and install electrical installations, even if they are simple ones. The method used in Community Service activities at SMK N 1 Cisarua, namely Lectures, discussions and exercises. The instructor explains material about the use of electronic devices followed by discussion and questions and answers, while the implementation can be carried out by the teaching team at each school who can consult with the lecturer about saving electricity. As a result of this counseling and training, teachers at SMK N 1 Cisarua can understand the importance of electrical energy and how to use electrical energy efficiently. The conclusion from this activity is that the teaching team at SMK N 1 Cisarua can save electricity in the school and its surroundings so as to reduce the cost of electrical energy.
Optimization of Electronic Control System Learning through Op-Amp Trainer Implementation Resa Pramudita; Ibrohim Ibrohim; Yoyo Somantri; Muhammad Adli Rizqulloh; Roer Eka Pawinanto; Maman Somantri
Circuit: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : PTE FTK UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/crc.v7i2.17129


This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of Op-Amp trainer in the learning of electronic control systems on the learning outcomes of students in the cognitive and psychomotor domains. The research was conducted using a quasi-experiment method and a sample of 32 students from the experimental and control classes. Data analysis was conducted using hypothesis testing and N-Gain. The results showed that the average learning outcomes of students in both the cognitive and psychomotor domains are good and there was a significant difference in learning outcomes with the experimental class higher. The conclusion of this research is that the implementation of Op-Amp trainer in the learning of electronic control systems is effective in improving student learning outcomes in the cognitive and psychomotor domains when compared to simulation-based learning media.
Sistem monitoring beban listrik dan perbaikan faktor daya menggunakan PZEM004T dan dashboard Adafruit berbasis IoT Irgi Surya; Jaja Kustija; Roer Eka Pawinanto; Resa Pramudita; Muhammad Adli Rizqulloh; Didin Wahyudin; Erik Haritman
JITEL (Jurnal Ilmiah Telekomunikasi, Elektronika, dan Listrik Tenaga) Vol. 3 No. 3: September 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35313/jitel.v3.i3.2023.235-246


Graphic User Interface (GUI) pada suatu sistem Internet of Things (IoT) salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh monitor yang mudah diakses, fleksibel, serta efisien dalam penggunaannya. Hal ini sudah banyak didiskusikan namun masalah tersebut masih belum dapat ditingkatkan. Salah satu solusi dari masalah tersebut adalah dengan dihadirkannya MQTT Adafruit, yang mana dengan menggunakan MQTT Adafruit GUI untuk memonitor suatu sistem IoT dapat mempermudah kontrol dan kendali jarak jauh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghadirkan sistem monitoring beban listrik dan perbaikan faktor daya menggunakan PZEM004T berbasis IoT yang sudah menggunakan MQTT Adafruit sebagai user interface-nya. Metode yang digunakan melalui pendekatan analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation (ADDIE). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sistem ini layak digunakan karena berdasarkan hasil percobaan faktor daya yang sebelumnya 0,35 menjadi 0,89 setelah dilakukan perbaikan faktor daya. Sistem ini juga memberikan kemudahan bagi pengguna dan dapat melakukan monitoring secara real time arus, tegangan, faktor daya, daya nyata, daya semu, dan daya reaktif baik hanya dengan menggunakan smartphone, laptop, tablet, maupun komputer. Berdasarkan hasil uji reliabilitas alat ini memiliki selisih yang kecil antara setiap hasil percobaan.
Technopreneur Training through Internet of Things-based Smart Energy System Application for Students Erik Haritman; Muhammad Adli Rizqulloh; Resa Pramudita; Neris Peri Ardiansyah; Maman Somantri
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 3 (2023): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v4i3.183-193


Providing technopreneurship training through Internet of Things-based Smart Energy System Applications is part of our commitment to community service, with the aim of developing entrepreneurial and technological skills among students. This program was designed to provide a deep understanding of the concepts and applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) in smart energy systems, while preparing students to become technopreneurs in the digital era. Evaluation assessments were conducted by measuring training satisfaction through a post-training questionnaire, and the results indicate that, overall, participants expressed satisfaction and derived benefits from this training. The hope is that this training will serve as a strong starting point for students as they embark on their journey as technopreneurs, drive innovation in smart energy systems and contribute to the future development of the digital economy.
Pelatihan Spesialis Microsoft Office (MOS) sebagai Alat Bantu Pembelajaran bagi Guru SMPN 3 Cimerak Pangandaran Didin Wahyudin; Yadi Mulyadi; Erik Haritman; Muhammad Adli Rizqulloh; Fadlika Ardiansyah
BANTENESE : JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Bantenese : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Pusat Studi Sosial dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Fisipkum Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30656/ps2pm.v5i2.7548


Di tengah transformasi industri, kehidupan sehari-hari dan sektor pendidikan mengalami perubahan yang besar. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas guru di zaman revolusi industri 4.0, salah satu cara yang bisa diterapkan adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan khusus tentang Microsoft Office, terutama MOS. Menanggapi hal ini, kami memutuskan untuk menyelenggarakan pelatihan Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Power Point untuk guru-guru di SMPN 3 Cimerak. Kami menerapkan metode pelatihan model Goad yang terdiri dari: (1) Identifikasi kebutuhan; (2) Desain strategi; (3) Penyusunan materi; (4) Implementasi; (5) Penilaian dan perbaikan materi pelatihan.