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Lakar: Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Lakar : Jurnal Arsitektur
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (814.351 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/lja.v2i2.5377


Salah satu basis dari perkembangan dunia olahraga bola basket di Indonesia adalah Kota Depok. Tidak hanya di kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Bali, Medan dan lain-lain, banyak pemain basket nasional berdomisili di Kota Depok. Melihat animo masyarakat dan perkembangan olahraga bola basket sudah sampai ke daerah-daerah seperti Depok, Bogor dan lain-lain. Oleh karena itu, di butuhkannya suatu fasilitas gedung olahraga yang bisa di manfaatkan dan menampung kebutuhan akan tingginya animo masyarakat pada olahraga bola basket khususnya di Kota Depok, dan juga bisa menampung berbagai kegiatan-kegiatan yang di selenggarakan di kawasan Depok dan sekitarnya. Dalam perancangan Arena Bola Basket Bertaraf Nasional di Kota Depok yang mengunakan metode deskriptif analitik, permasalahan akan di cari telebih dahulu, setelah itu akan di analisis dalam proses perancangan. Perancangan akan berfokus dalam eksplorasi bentuk-bentuk sistem struktur yang akan di gunakan sebagai sebuah bentuk Ekspresi Struktur.
Pemodelan Ketergantungan antara Foreign Directed Investment (FDI) dengan Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Menggunakan Kopula Agus Supandi; Wulan Anggraeni; Arief Nugroho Wibowo
LITERATUS Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Literatus
Publisher : Neolectura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37010/lit.v3i1.315


The purpose of this study is to model the dependence of FDI and GDP. The method of this research is copula. The steps are stationary test, ARIMA model determination, heteroscedasticity test, data residue transformation, normality test, tau Kendal correlation coefficient test, calculation of Archimedean class parameter values, MSE calculation. From the series carried out, it was found that the clayton copula was selected in modeling the dependence of FDI and GDP.
Relokasi Dan Redesain Toilet Umum Teater Imax Keong Emas Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Wiyoga Triharto; Ambar Tri Hapsari; Arief Nugroho Wibowo; Ismail Ismail
Publikasi Pengabdian Masyarakat Komputer dan Teknologi (PUNDIMASKOT) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): PUNDIMASKOT: Desember 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Bina Internusa Mabarindo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.602 KB)


Toilet merupakan sarana sanitasi yang utama, dan kebersihan dapat dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur kualitas pengelolaan sanitasi di suatu tempat. Fasilitas toilet umum diperuntukan bagi masyarakat umum yang berkunjung ke suatu tempat. Masyarakat yang menggunakan fasilitas tersebut akan sangat beragam dan selalu berubah. Toilet bisa menjadi tempat penyebaran penyakit. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kenyamanan, kebersihan, dan sanitasi toilet di WC umum Taater Imax Keong Emas TMII. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk membantu memperbaiki desain dan tata letak toilet umum di Museum Keong Emas, serta memberikan saran untuk perbaikan dan renovasi. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mendidik masyarakat tentang etika toilet yang benar, serta memastikan bahwa toilet umum dirancang dan dikelola sesuai dengan standar yang tinggi.
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving Guna Meningkatan Kreatifitas Belajar Siswa SMK Negeri 7 Jakarta Arief Nugroho Wibowo; Sri Mardiyati
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 3 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v5i3.1308


The goal of a vocational school is to prepare students to have good moral character and work ethic, to improve their quality of life, and to have the skills needed in their chosen field. The school also aims to keep students up-to-date with technology and to train them to be productive workers. Learning requires creativity to be optimised in teaching in order to achieve the educational goals most effectively. However, creativity in learning often remains low among students. This study aims to see the development of a problem-solving teaching model (PS model). If we could see an increase in creativity in students' learning, this would be a research and development project testing the best in class XI at SMKN 7 Jakarta in the subject of entrepreneurship. The author suggests that the Problem Solving learning model contributes to increasing students' creativity in entrepreneurship lessons, and recommends that the model be developed further in subsequent lessons and subjects.
PKM KEWIRAUSAHAAN BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DI LINGKUNGAN RW.011 CIPINANG MELAYU Sri Mardiyati; Ida Fitriani; Yossi Indrawati Syuhardi; Pujiastuti Pujiastuti; Arief Nugroho Wibowo; Dona Fitria; Burhanudin Burhanudin
Abdi Jurnal Publikasi Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Abdi Jurnal Publikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The use of information technology for entrepreneurship in RW.011 Cipinang Melayu has the potential to improve the economy and improve the welfare of the surrounding community. That is, technological advances have opened up new opportunities for entrepreneurs to create innovative businesses. By implementing information technology-based entrepreneurship, the economic gap between urban and rural areas can be reduced and people can more easily access resources. However, there are obstacles such as a lack of knowledge and skills in information technology, which can be overcome through training and increased digital literacy. By answering these challenges, information technology-based entrepreneurship can provide great benefits to the people of RW.011 Cipinang Melayu.
Finance : International Journal of Management Finance Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Publikasi Inspirasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62017/finance.v1i2.12


The development of the creative economy has become the main focus for various cities seeking to achieve sustainable economic growth. The city of Bekasi, as one of the growth centers in Indonesia, is experiencing significant dynamics in the creative economy sector. This research aims to investigate the important role of the younger generation in encouraging the development of the creative economy in Bekasi City. The research results show that the young generation of Bekasi City has made a very significant contribution in a number of creative economic sectors, especially in the formation and development of start-up businesses. They create innovation and creativity that colors products and services, creating a unique identity that differentiates Bekasi City as a center for the creative economy. However, several significant challenges were identified, such as limited access to capital and funding, as well as shortages of certain knowledge and skills. This highlights the need for government and private sector support to create an environment that supports the growth of creative businesses and meets the needs of the younger generation. A number of strategic opportunities were also identified, including opportunities for cross-sector collaboration and the development of creative business networks. Government and private support can be optimized through policy incentives and regulatory facilitation that supports the growth of the creative economy sector. In conclusion, the younger generation plays an integral role in the development of the creative economy in Bekasi City. An action plan that focuses on solving challenges and exploiting opportunities can help create an environment that supports sustainable growth, have a positive impact on the local economy, and make Bekasi City a highly competitive center of innovation and creativity.
PKM Membangun Karakter Wirausahawan dan Menumbuhkan Kreatifitas pada Kelompok Dasawisma Dilingkungan RW 011 Cipinang Melayu Jakarta Timur Pujiastuti Pujiastuti; Yossi Indrawati Syuhardi; Danang Sutrisno; Burhanudin Burhanudin; Andri Suryana; Arief Nugroho Wibowo; Micheal Sonny; Firdaus Budhy Saputro
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia (JPMI) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Februari
Publisher : Publikasi Inspirasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62017/jpmi.v1i3.758


Membangun Karakter Wirausahawan dan Menumbuhkan Kreativitas pada Kelompok Dasawisma RW 011 Cipinang Melayu Jakarta Timur" merupakan upaya konstruktif untuk meningkatkan kapasitas anggota Dasawisma dalam aspek wirausaha dan kreativitas. Melalui pendekatan pendidikan karakter dan pelatihan kreativitas, proyek ini berhasil menghasilkan dampak positif, termasuk peningkatan kemandirian, kemampuan mengambil risiko, dan kreativitas anggota. Dengan merancang modul edukasi, menyelenggarakan workshop, dan memberikan mentoring, proyek ini mendorong terbentuknya usaha bersama di dalam kelompok Dasawisma. Keberhasilan ini tidak hanya menguatkan ekonomi kelompok tetapi juga memperkuat ikatan sosial di antara anggotanya. Pentingnya keberlanjutan program ditekankan melalui pendekatan pembinaan kelompok, pemantauan dampak, dan evaluasi berkala. Kolaborasi dengan pihak eksternal menjadi faktor kunci dalam memberikan dukungan tambahan dan memperluas peluang bagi anggota Dasawisma. Kesimpulannya pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bukan hanya memberikan manfaat langsung bagi anggota Dasawisma RW 011 Cipinang Melayu, tetapi juga dapat dijadikan inspirasi bagi upaya serupa dalam membangun karakter wirausahawan dan menumbuhkan kreativitas di tingkat lokal. Melalui pendekatan holistik, proyek ini memberikan kontribusi positif dalam membentuk masyarakat yang lebih mandiri dan inovatif.