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Ordik Vol 11, No 1 (2013): Vol. 11 No. 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Ordik

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A numbers of researches have been many times conducted in relation to the cooperative instruction with the jigsaw base. This research was conducted by expanding the instruction instrument characterized by the jigsaw type cooperative instruction model as one of alternatives in coping with the physical educational instruction problem. The lack of communication could have effect on the student activities and the learning achievements of physical education in the school, and then it could be formulate the problems as follows: what are the student responses to the application of jigsaw type cooperative instruction instrument?, what are the student learning outcomes in the form of product and process in the jigsaw type cooperative instruction? The specific purposes of this research was to describe the student responses to the application of jigsaw type cooperative instruction instrument, describe the student learning outcomes in the form of product and process in the jigsaw type cooperative instruction. In this research used the classroom action research (CAR) design. Subjects in this research were the students of class XB at the Al Ikhlas Vocational Senior High School of Panceng Gresik amounted to 31 students (17 male and 14 female). Data collection technique in this research used the observation, questionnaire, field record, test and, documentation methods. The fundamental material used in this research was the squat style long jump. The times used were 6 times of encounters. Results are as follows: 1.) Produced FCE recapitulation learning success rate indicates the long jump squat style categories very good results, it shows that students are very pleased with the use type of jigsaw cooperative learning model. 2.) Percentage of observation and mastery learning show student learning outcomes of learning processes and products in the long jump squat style good category. Therefore, the type of jigsaw cooperative learning can help teachers of physical education in the learning process.  The writer hope that this research can be made as reference by the related parties such as teachers, parents, and the further researchers in developing the ability to socially interact with the surrounding environment and can improve the student activities and student learning outcomes in the school by means of jigsaw type cooperative instruction.   Kata kunci: kooperatif tipe jigsaw, pendidikan jasmani, prestasi belajar.
Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes)

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengembangkan model pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani yang inovatif. Penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan hasil belajar siswa berupa produk dan proses pembelajaran diperoleh berdasarkan: 1) Rekapitulasi persentase hasil pengisian kuesioner evaluasi validasi ahli diperoleh rata-rata jumlah skor 47, dengan persentase 79% yang termasuk kategori cukup valid, oleh karenanya model aktivitas belajar gerak berbasis permainan dapat digunakan sebagai materi ajar Penjas di kelas I SD. 2) Data nilai hasil kemampuan belajar siswa, bahwa model yang diujicobakan pada uji coba skala kecil diperoleh ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa sebesar 68.97% yang berarti baik dan pada uji coba skala lebih luas diperoleh ketuntasan belajar siswa rata-rata sebesar 76% yang berarti baik, sehingga dapat dimaknai jika model yang dikembangkan secara nyata mampu memberikan kontribusi yang positif dalam kemampuan hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan data hasil pre-test menunjukkan tingkat ketuntasan belajar siswa hanya mencapai 36.36%, kemudian setelah dilaksanakan penerapan produk model, pada tahap post-test menunjukkan tingkat ketuntasan belajar siswa sebesar 86.37%. Perbedaan tersebut merupakan efek dari penerapan pengembangan model, dimana efek model yang dikembangkan memberikan dampak positif kepada tingkat ketuntasan belajar siswa.__________________________________________________________________This study aims to describe and develop models of innovative teaching physical education. Research development  produced outcomes and learning processes student in the form of products obtained by: 1) Summary of the percentage of the validation results of the expert evaluation questionnaires obtained an average score of 47, with a percentage of 79% which is quite valid category, therefore the model of motion based game learning activities can be used as the physical education teaching materials in class I elementary school. 2) The data value of the students learning ability, that the model is tested on a small scale trial gained mastery of student learning outcomes at 68.97%, which means good and on a wider scale trials mastery learning students gained an average of 76%, which means good, so it can be understood if the model developed is able to contribute significantly positive in the ability of student learning outcomes. Based on data from the pre-test showed the level of mastery learning students only reached 36.36 % , and thereafter the application of product models , at the stage of post-test showed the level of mastery learning students amounted to 86.37 % . That difference is the effect of the application development model, where the effect of the model developed a positive impact on the level of mastery learning students
Development of Learning Model “Chair Grounds Ring” Made from Environmentally Friendly Raw Materials Qomarrullah, Rif'iy; Sutoro, Sutoro; Kurdi, Kurdi
ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation Vol 9 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.496 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/active.v9i1.36536


This study aims to develop a basketball learning model with ring modification. This study uses a development model, using a sample of 350 fifth grade elementary school students in Jayapura City. This research was conducted in April to September 2019. The stages of this research were: 1) Analyzing the product, 2) Developing the product, 3) Expert validation, 4) Field trials, 5) revisions, and product results. The results of the study are: (1) Model game material for basketball chair grounds ring basketball; (2) The effectiveness of the game model can increase student physical activity, this can be seen by increasing the pulse rate before and after participating in learning basketball material. The increase in the average pulse rate of students after treatment increased by 81.7% and the maximum increase in pulse rate by 47.8%; (3) The basketball game model can overcome the limitations of existing facilities and infrastructure. The conclusion of this research is that the use of the product development model of the basketball ring tool can be used as a medium for physical education learning and has an effect on the physical activity of students in elementary school. Suggestions for physical education teachers in elementary schools to be able to use this model in schools in learning basketball games.
Hubungan Kecepatan Reaksi Tangan dan Koordinasi Mata Tangan Pada Servis Tenis Lapangan Mahasiswa Universitas Cenderawasih Kurdi, Kurdi; Qomarrullah, Rif'iy
JTIKOR (Jurnal Terapan Ilmu Keolahragaan) Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Terapan Ilmu Keolahragaan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jtikor.v5i1.25060


Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menguji hubungan kecepatan reaksi pada teknik servis dalam permainan tenis lapangan dan koordinasi mata tangan pada teknik servis dalam permainan tenis lapangan. Penelitian menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Partisipan dalam penelitian adalah seluruh mahasiswa S1 IKOR FIK Uncen angkatan 2018 yang berjumlah 49 orang. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan ruler drop test, tes koordinasi mata tangan, dan tes ketepatan pukulan servis. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi. Hasil penelitian menyatakan hubungan kecepatan reaksi tangan pada ketepatan servis menunjukkan korelasi yang sangat kuat dan hubungan koordinasi mata tangan pada ketepatan servis menunjukkan korelasi yang rendah. Perlu penyelidikan lebih lanjut terkait dengan perbedaan temuan penelitian dengan peneltian terdaulu.This study aims to examine the relationship between reaction speed in service techniques in playing tennis and eye hand coordination in service techniques in playing tennis. The study uses descriptive quantitative research. Participants in the study were all students of IKOR FIK Uncen 2018 class of 49 people. The research instrument uses the ruler drop test, hand eye coordination test, and service puncture accuracy test. The data analysis technique uses correlation test. The results of the study stated that the correlation between hand reaction speed and service accuracy showed a very strong correlation and the correlation of hand eye coordination on service accuracy showed a low correlation. Need further investigation related to differences in research findings with earlier research
Physical and psychological ability factors supporting the skills of Papua football elite athletes Guntoro, Tri Setyo; Muhammad, Junalia; Qomarrullah, Rif'iy
Jurnal SPORTIF : Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Jurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (666.996 KB) | DOI: 10.29407/js_unpgri.v6i2.13768


Tujuan utama dari riset yang telah dilakukan yakni analisis faktor kemampuan fisik serta psikologis dengan prestasi pada atlet sepakbola usia 16-21 tahun. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif, menggunakan desain analisis faktor konfirmatori dengan metode satistik multivariat yang mengukur variabel dominan kemampuan fisik dan psikologis dalam keterampilan sepakbola. Subyek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 34 orang atlet sepakbola Papua Indonesia, dilaksanakan pada Agustus 2019 menggunakan purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni: (1) pengukuran anatomi tubuh; (2) tes kemampuan biomotor; (3) pengukuran psikologis; (4) tes teknik keterampilan sepakbola. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini yakni: (1) faktor kecepatan lari memberikan dampak signifikan bagi keterampilan teknik dengan nilai kontribusi 0,702, dan (2) faktor daya tahan tubuh memberikan tidak memberikan dampak signifikan untuk keterampilan teknik dengan nilai kontribusi 0,248. Kemudian kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu bahwa faktor yang paling dominan memberikan pengaruh pada keterampilan permainan sepakbola adalah kecepatan, sedangkan yang terendah daya tahan. Hasil riset yang telah dilaksanakan memberikan gambaran kepada pelatih/atlet, peneliti, dan pemangku kepentingan untuk dapat menggunakan hasil penelitian ini sebagai rujukan, karena memberikan kontribusi dalam pembinaan olahraga prestasi. Namun, keterbatasan dari penelitian ini adalah baru dilaksanakan pada olahraga sepakbola di Papua dan terbatas pada atlet PON (Pekan Olahraga Nasional), sehingga dibutuhkan penelitian lanjutan yang lebih luas cakupannya.
Effectiveness of Role Playing and Demonstration to Improve Smash the Tennis Technique Qomarrullah, Rif’iy; Kurdi, Kurdi; Putra, I Putu Eka Wijaya
ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation Vol 9 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/active.v9i3.39429


This study aims to examine and analyze the effectiveness of the use of learning methods, namely role playing and demonstration in improving tennis smash technique. This type of research itself is comparative, with matched subject design, involving 24 samples. The instrument used was a back-board test, analyzed using tests: normal, homogeneity, and hypothesis with a significance level of 0.005. The results obtained from this study include: (1) There is no significant effect between role playing on the smash technique; (2) There is an influence between demonstration on the smash technique; and (3) demonstration method is better than role playing on the tennis smash technique. This research provides benefits for the development of tennis in Papua, coaches and tennis athletes need new methods of training. Should an amateur student or athlete who is just learning tennis try the results of this research method and not be discouraged quickly in training.
The Urgency of Sports Health Law Tools in the New Normal Era Wandik, Yos; Qomarrullah, Rif’iy; Sawir, Lestari Wulandari; Muhlisin, Muhlisin; Sugiharto, Sugiharto
ACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation Vol 9 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/active.v9i3.39575


Corona Virus Disease 2019 or Covid-19 has been declared a pandemic determined by the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition to causing health emergencies, the presence of this virus also has implications for several sectors, such as finance, which originates from an unstable economy. Based on this, the role of the state is needed to ensure prevention and handling. Indonesia as a rule of law country actually has to guarantee certainty and protection of its citizens through the handling set forth in a regulation and the establishment of a synergy between the center and the regions. Then, preventive steps through this literature research review will comprehensively examine the state of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia and regarding the urgency of sports health law tools in the new normal era in handling this pandemic both at the central and regional levels even through handling in perspective. emergency constitutional law. This research uses normative juridical research by means of a statutory approach and is obtained through literature study as a reference source. The results of this study are to explain and explain the role and efforts of the state in handling the pandemic as a manifestation of the purpose of the presence of the state, namely protecting the entire Indonesian nation through health sports in the new normal era.
Performance of Papua Petanque Athletes Facing Covid-19 Kurdi, Kurdi; Qomarrullah, Rif'iy; Putra, I Putu Eka Wijaya
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 16, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v16i2.25444


This research is a new paradigm mix method by combining grounded theory and case study construction, which involved 11 elite Papuan petanque athletes, data taken from March to May 2020. Data instruments using physical test data, observations, questionnaires, documents, and interviews . Data analysis combines two elements, namely: qualitative, and quantitative. Then the results and discussion in this study are: (1) The health quality of athletes experiencing problems, this is marked by an increase in the proportion of body weight; (2) The physical quality of the athlete experienced a decrease in physical quality before the occurrence of a pandemic above 81.80% and dropped to below 72.70%; (3) Psychologically, when viewed from the aspect of motivation (institutions and extrinsic), it is categorized as high during the pandemic. This research empirically provides a description of the impact received as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak in sports achievements.
Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport Vol 2, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpehs.v2i2.4591


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengembangkan model pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani yang inovatif. Penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan hasil belajar siswa berupa produk dan proses pembelajaran diperoleh berdasarkan: 1) Rekapitulasi persentase hasil pengisian kuesioner evaluasi validasi ahli diperoleh rata-rata jumlah skor 47, dengan persentase 79% yang termasuk kategori cukup valid, oleh karenanya model aktivitas belajar gerak berbasis permainan dapat digunakan sebagai materi ajar Penjas di kelas I SD. 2) Data nilai hasil kemampuan belajar siswa, bahwa model yang diujicobakan pada uji coba skala kecil diperoleh ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa sebesar 68.97% yang berarti baik dan pada uji coba skala lebih luas diperoleh ketuntasan belajar siswa rata-rata sebesar 76% yang berarti baik, sehingga dapat dimaknai jika model yang dikembangkan secara nyata mampu memberikan kontribusi yang positif dalam kemampuan hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan data hasil pre-test menunjukkan tingkat ketuntasan belajar siswa hanya mencapai 36.36%, kemudian setelah dilaksanakan penerapan produk model, pada tahap post-test menunjukkan tingkat ketuntasan belajar siswa sebesar 86.37%. Perbedaan tersebut merupakan efek dari penerapan pengembangan model, dimana efek model yang dikembangkan memberikan dampak positif kepada tingkat ketuntasan belajar siswa.__________________________________________________________________This study aims to describe and develop models of innovative teaching physical education. Research development  produced outcomes and learning processes student in the form of products obtained by: 1) Summary of the percentage of the validation results of the expert evaluation questionnaires obtained an average score of 47, with a percentage of 79% which is quite valid category, therefore the model of motion based game learning activities can be used as the physical education teaching materials in class I elementary school. 2) The data value of the students' learning ability, that the model is tested on a small scale trial gained mastery of student learning outcomes at 68.97%, which means good and on a wider scale trials mastery learning students gained an average of 76%, which means good, so it can be understood if the model developed is able to contribute significantly positive in the ability of student learning outcomes. Based on data from the pre-test showed the level of mastery learning students only reached 36.36 % , and thereafter the application of product models , at the stage of post-test showed the level of mastery learning students amounted to 86.37 % . That difference is the effect of the application development model, where the effect of the model developed a positive impact on the level of mastery learning students
Pelatihan Permainan Olahraga Modifikasi dalam Menghadapi Era Disrupsi Rif’iy Qomarrullah; I Putu Eka Wijaya Putra
Jurnal Berkarya Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Berkarya Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Pendidikan Olahraga, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Uiveristas Negeri Padang Jl. Prof. Hamka, Air Tawar Padang 25131 Telp. 0751-7059901

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jba.0301.2021.02


Pengabdian yang telah dilaksankan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bekal olahraga keterampilan melalui permainan yang dimofikasi. Kagitan ini dilaksankan pada bulan Juli tahun 2020 di kampus Universitas Cenderawasih Papua Indonesia yang diikuti 60 orang peserta mahasiswa S1 ilmu keolahragaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah melalui: ceramah, diskusi, dan praktik. Adapun hasil dari pelatihan ini yakni secara langsung peserta antusias untuk bertanya keterkaitan antara materi teori dan praktek yang dilakukan saat latihan. Hasil penilaian praktik masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”. Saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu bahwa pentingnya untuk semua pihak dalam memberikan dukungan pasca kegiatan pelatihan dengan memberikan bekal ilmu tambahan kepada mahasiswa.