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Meminimalkan Sisa Pemotongan Besi Beton dalam Proyek Konstruksi Bambang Santoso; Sofyan Mufti Prasetiyo; Agung Wijoyo
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang Vol 4, No 2 (2019): JURNAL INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.054 KB) | DOI: 10.32493/informatika.v4i2.3204


Construction industries are a must in developing countries. Constructions take part in almost every corner of the country. In construction projects, reinforced concrete plays big part in any construction. A long bar of steel are cut into be several lengths to satisfy the requirements of the buildings to be build. In this process, waste cannot be avoided. And the waste of steel bar is very destructive to environment. This research is to find a way to minimize the waste in the process of cutting steel bars. The algorithm used is Greedy Search. Greedy Search is where the optimized solution in every step is taken, in the hope that the overall solution will be optimized for the problem. Optimized solution here is the minimum waste by the steel bar cutting. This will minimize the cost by the construction companies and at the same time preserve the environment.
Pengembangan Spesifikasi Teknis & Prototipe Software Multiplekser TV Digital untuk Sistem Peringatan Dini Bencana (EWS) di Indonesia Studi Kasus Pemancar TV Digital di Lab BPPT Sofyan Mufti Prasetiyo
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang Vol 2, No 1 (2017): JURNAL INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (824.485 KB) | DOI: 10.32493/informatika.v2i1.1506


Indonesia memiliki potensi terhadap bencana alam terutama tsunami dan gempa bumi. Pada siaran TV Digital terdapat konvergensi yakni adanya penggabungan antara Gambar; Suara dan Data; data dapat dimasukan informasi tentang bencana. Hal ini yang menjadi alasan pengiriman sinyal EWS dikirim melalui siaran TV Digital; Salah satu solusi yang feasible dalam hal ini yaitu dengan menumpang pada jaringan televisi. Dengan membandingkan teknis software multiplekser tv digital peringatan dini bencana pada beberapa standar televisi digital serta dengan melihat kebutuhan dasar sistem peringatan dini di Indonesia; penelitian ini mengajukan pengembangan spesifikasi teknis software multiplekser tv digital untuk sistem peringatan dini bencana (ews) di indonesia. Thesis ini juga membuat prototype dan skenario implementasi standar yang terdiri dari server bencana; server multipleks; dan set-top-box yang dilengkapi alert system. Dengan adanya spesifikasi teknis ini dapat meningkatkan percepatan pendistribusian informasi peringatan dini bencana ke masyarakat.
UI UX DEVELOPER: PENGEMBANG UI UX Sofyan Mufti Prasetiyo; Hotmaida Simanjuntak; Dimas Bayu Laksono; Muhammad Gilang Nanda Gunawan
LOGIC : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): LOGIC : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Shofanah Media Berkah

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In the current era of globalization, technological developments are a very influential requirement for the development of business and industrial companies. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the current era, many digital products are developing that are spread across various virtual platforms, both in the form of websites and applications. In designing a digital product, collaboration from several teams/professions is required, one of which is the User Interface/User Experience Developer or the UI/UX Developer profession. UI/UX developers are more focused on working in the digital area, namely designing digital products such as websites, applications, interactive television, landing pages, and dashboards. Keywords: User Interface, User Experience, Developer, Digital Product, Design
Implementasi Belanja Bahan Bangunan Menggunakan Aplikasi “Berbasis Web” Durahim; Rusdiyanto; M. Mahfud; Sofyan Mufti Prasetiyo
LOGIC : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): LOGIC : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Shofanah Media Berkah

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Aplikasi marketplace bahan bangunan ini mengambil studi kasus Toko Bangunan di sekitar rumah. Aplikasi ini diberi nama Bangunin. Bangunin adalah sebuah media bagi masyarakat Indonesia untuk melakukan pemesanan bahan bangunan dan penyedia jasa Tukang dengan mudah dan aman. Aplikasi ini diciptakan untuk membantu para pemilik toko bangunan meningkatkan hasil penjualannya serta mendorong masyarakat supaya lebih efisien dalam membeli bahan bangunan. Pembeli tidak perlu keliling kota untuk mencari toko bangunan yang menyediakan kebutuhannya. Aplikasi Bangunin dibuat menggunakan bahasa JavaScript dengan framework React Native dan penyimpan data berupa Firebase untuk klien. Aplikasi yang dibangun akan berbasis mobile dan kompatibel pada sistem operasi Android dan iOS. Pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan metode Waterfall. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat: 1. Memudahkan masyarakat membeli bahan bangunan, 2. Meningkatkan daya jual toko bahan bangunan, 3. Menciptakan lapangan kerja baru
Perancangan Aplikasi Pemantau Harga Cryptocurrency Secara Realtime Berbasis Android Dengan Menggunakan Metode Prototype Suhardi; Sofyan Mufti Prasetiyo
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 1 No 07 (2022): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Along with the development of technology in the field, people's needs for speed, economic convenience and security of financial transactions using Virtual Currency or virtual currencies are increasing. This technology will allow people to find out information about Cryptocurrencies either to invest without the intervention of banks or other financial institutions. Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security and is difficult to counterfeit. Heavy applications make it difficult for users or users to find out Cryptocurrency prices in Realtime. By using the Prototype method coupled with the API, this application can be accessed easily, without the need for a programming process and a lot of requests so that the size and speed of the application will be very light and the time required for application development is relatively shorter and in the application there is a cryptocurrency graph. and cryptocurrency coin info which can be used to pool and compare cryptocurrency prices. The application is designed and created using Android Studio 4.2.1, SDK Android 10.0 (API 29) with API sourced from coinmarketcap as a medium for retrieving prices in real time, and there is media for finding information such as graphs, statistics, coin info, about cryptocurrencies and knowledge of cryptocurrencies. From the research results, it is hoped that the application can help users/users find cryptocurrency information and compare and compare Cryptocurrency prices in real time and easily.
Perancangan Aplikasi Presensi Peserta Seminar Di Perusahaan Cv. Sukses Berkah Berlimpah Dengan Metode Waterfall Menggunakan Qrcode Muh. Fikri; Sofyan Mufti Prasetiyo
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 1 No 08 (2022): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Attendance has become an obligation when an event occurs. Attendance is a form of sign of the presence of participants in an event. Attendance fraud during seminar activities caused injustice among participants, so that many participants objected to the absence of participants and were then given the same seminar certificate by the organizers. Certificate is evidence obtained by seminar participants. Along with the development of technology, E-certificates emerged, namely certificates in digital form without the need to print them. With the support of the digital era and Industry 4.0, businesses need to keep up with the times. Today, almost every industry has a system, as well as a system for seminar attendance. This study describes the attendance information system and digital certificate creation. The system development method used in this research is the waterfall. Taking this method is to produce applications that suit user needs. With QR Code technology, it will facilitate the attendance process automatically and computerized and will minimize participant cheating in the attendance process, because the QR Code will change every meeting. The resulting system has a QR Code scanning feature from existing applications and will be recorded in the database on the server.
Sistem Keamanan Menggunakan Kamera dan Sensor Gerak Berbasiskan Internet Of Things (IOT) Rudy Septian; Sofyan Mufti Prasetiyo
OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sains Vol 1 No 09 (2022): OKTAL : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Sains
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Security can be interpreted as a very important thing. Every human being needs more security as well as health. Crime cannot be separated from life, for example, theft in a warehouse is a case of theft of raw materials. The method used is to take a photo that is connected to a motion sensor that will detect any movement around. From this research, the results are in the form of a system in the form of a Smart Home tool with intelligence called the Internet of Things (IoT). The Telegram Messenger application becomes an input and notification medium in the manufacture of this system where the motion sensor will detect motion from 1-6 meters with an angle of 110° and a camera is detected, the camera will activate and take a photo of the object in 3-5 seconds.
Mengenal Posisi Marketing Associate Dalam Dunia Digital Marketing Sofyan Mufti Prasetiyo; Ahmad Firmansyah; Mohamad Sopiyan; Fachrul Abizar
BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 06 (2022): BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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The world of marketing has recently become the target of job seekers in Indonesia. A wide scope of work with many fields and different team concentrations, makes the field of marketing open up many opportunities and job vacancies. The world of marketing requires experienced people because they deal directly with clients. So marketing companies usually don't want to play around with potential applicants. Marketing associate is an entry-level job so it is perfect for someone who just wants to start working in marketing or marketing. This position works by assisting seniors with the planning and execution of all forms of marketing activities within a company. Marketing associates also help carry out the daily work of seniors so that there is a smooth flow of marketing work.
Business Development Sofyan Mufti Prasetiyo; Ali Basir; Andini; Muhamad Fathan
BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 06 (2022): BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Business development is a position to identify business development in its development, this includes the provision of new innovations that are very encouraging for business development in the future. A business development manager is a high-level position in the business development of a company and has a better understanding of the business being run by the company, starting from the targets, products and strategies to be carried out. This position is different from the position as sales development, but both of them can give each other their best ideas to improve the company's quality in the eyes of other competitors engaged in similar fields.
BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 06 (2022): BULLET : Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Artificial Intelligence Vision Engineer is a person's profession as an expert in the field of artificial intelligence. As an Artificial Intelligence Vision Engineer, they have duties and responsibilities including coordinating with data analysts, automating the devices to be used, testing and also implementing the system model being worked on, carrying out statistical analysis for company development. Artificial intelligence comes from the English "Artificial Intelligence" or abbreviated as AI, Artificial which means artificial and Intelligence which means intelligent. For many years philosophers have tried to study human intelligence. Since then researchers have started to think about the development of AI. Artificial Intelligence Vision Engineer must master the programming languages ​​python, java, and C++.
Co-Authors Abdul Aziz Ade Dewa Adi Maulana Afdal Rahman Jonedi Agung Wijoyo Ahmad Fauzi Ahmad Firmansyah Ahmad Suhendri ALDI GIOVANI Ali Basir Alvinda Shahrul Andini Andri Abdul Aziz Angga Syaf Putra Anggit Prastika Setiany Aninda Agustin Nurfajrina Anzal Fadly Hadi Pratama Apriwinda Rahmayani Arya Agung Risca Putra Asep Yudistira Saputra Astalia Putri Yuniasih Auli Melania Ayu Sri Wulandari Bagas Gemilang Ryadi Baihaki Hakim Bambang Santoso Baresi Bahtiar Deni Pratama Setia Budi Dewy Suciati Dian Ismiyati Dimas Bayu Laksono Dimyati Dini Hadiati Dony Efendi Durahim Dwi Noor Saputra Echa Putra Aditya Fachrul Abizar Fajar Aji Pangestu Utomo Fanny Amanda Ariesta Fyona Apryanti Gilang Putra Ramadhan Hadi Anwarsyah Hadi Suparman Hanief Aditiawan Hapid Hidayat Helda Sanira Hotmaida Simanjuntak Husain Lutfi Imam Arkansyah Indra Cahya Firdaus Iqbal Fahrozi Iqrom Kenang Alam Firdaus Khafid Nur Ilyas Khoiriyah Khoirun Nurul Musthofa Kiki Alfiansyah M. Mahfud Mahardika Paramarta Laia Malik Ibrahim Nur Maria Florida Ba Ito Marsal Ibrahim Maulidya Nur Ananda P. Melisa Dwi Hestiani Mila Amelia Mohamad Sopiyan Muh. Fikri Muhamad Abdul Aziz Muhamad Andri Muhamad Fathan Muhamad Febriyanto Muhammad Aqshol Madinah Muhammad Ashari Muhammad Farid Firdaus Muhammad Gilang Nanda Gunawan Muhammad Helmi Muhammad Ikbal Ashara Muhammad Ivan Prayogi Nugroho Muhammad Syaiful Karim Muhammad Toriq Alfasyah Nadha Ilham Taqbir Djuanda Nandar Rustandar Nurul Syifa Fauzia Paksi Oki Tiara Dewi Opa Fauzi Rachmadi Setiawan Raka Ahmad Saputra Randi Febriansyah Raudhatul Zannah Rendi Pratama Juniar Rian Pradifta Setiawan Rifsi Baehaki Riris Lima Putri Risman Muhammad Hafidz Rizhar Hakiki Rizki Octavian Rizky Aditya Suryo Leksono Rudy Septian Rusdiyanto Safarudin Safira Madinah Widia Safitri Ristanti Safru Rozaky Saiful Rohman Sarah Fauziah Setyo Handoko Sriyono Pambudi Suhardi Suharjono Sultan Rafly Sya’Ban Syarifatul Maftuha Tri Utami Ningsih Tuti Alawiyah Umirah Vierly Unggul Buntoro Wahyu Aji Firmansyah Wike Rahayu Yoga Hilmawan Yoggi Ilham Mulya YULIAN ADI PRASTYO Yusri Nuraeni