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PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN SARI WORTEL DALAM PENGENCER SITRAT KUNING TELUR TERHADAP KUALITAS SPERMATOZOA KAMBING BLIGON (The effect of carrot juice supplementation in citrate - egg yolk extender on spermatozoa quality of bligon goat) Maria Epifania Barek; kirenius uly; Thomas Mata Hine; Wilmientje Marlene Nalley; Henderiana L.L. Belli
JURNAL NUKLEUS PETERNAKAN Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/nukleus.v7i2.3152


This study aims to determine the effect of adding various doses of carrot juice into citrate-egg yolk diluents (C-EY) on bligon buck semen quality. Semen was collected twice a week using an artificial vaginal method of three buck with normal body condition and reproductive organs. Semen was 70% of motility, konsentration ≥1000x106mL and abnormality ≤ 15 diluted with C-EY added with carrot juice at a concentrations: 0% (CJ-0), 10% (CJ-10), 12.5% (CJ-12,5), 15% (CJ-15), 17.5% (CJ-17,5), and 20% (CJ-20), and stored in a refrigerator at 3-5o C. The quality of spermatozoa was evaluated every 24 hours. The Variables measured were spermatozoa motility, viability, and abnormalities. The results showed that spermatozoa preserved by C-EY supplemented by 17.5% carrot juice (CJ-17.5) had a higher quality (P<0.05) compared to the other four treatments, with motility (49.04 ± 1.0%), viability (55.70 ± 1.22%), dan abnormalities (4.57 ± 0.88 %) on the 4th day of storage. This study concludes that 17.5% carrot juice into citrate eggyolk extender improves the bligon buck semen
PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN FILTRAT ROSELLA (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) KE DALAM PENGENCER TRIS-KUNING TELUR TERHADAP KUALITAS SPERMATOZOA KAMBING KACANG (The effect of rosella filtrate suplementation in tris-egg yolk extender on sperm..... Reynold Laos; Aloysius Marawali; Petrus Kune; Henderiana L. L. Belli; Kirenius Uly
JURNAL NUKLEUS PETERNAKAN Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/nukleus.v8i2.4872


The purpose of this study was to determinate the effect of adding various levels of roselle filtrate (RF) into tris-egg yolk diluents (T-EY) on the quality of kacang goat spermatozoa. Semen was collected twice a week using an artificial vagina method of three male goats. Fresh semen obtained was evaluated macroscopically and microscopically with a motility value of 80%, viability 86.58%, concentration of 2,099.40 milionspermatozoa cells/ml, and an abnormality of 2.83%. Then the fresh semen was diluted according to the treatment, namely T0 (T-EY 100%), T1 (T-EY 100% + RF 1%), T2 (T-EY 100% + RF 2%), T3 (T-EY 100% + RF 3%), T4 (T-EY 100% + RF 4%), T5 (T-EY 100% + RF 5%). The diluted semen was stored at 3-5C, and evaluation was carried out every 24 hours on the quality of the spermatozoa. The results showed that spermatozoa in T-EY diluent with the addition of 3% RF (T3) had a higher quality (T<0.05) compered to the other five treatments, namely the motility reached (42,99±2,19%), viability (49,30±2,24%), and abnormalities (4,012±0,49%) during 5 days of storage. The conclusion of this study is the addition of 3% roselle filtrate in tris-egg yolk diluent is the best level and is more effective in maintaining the quality of spermatozoa kacang goat.
Kualitas spermatozoa babi landrace dalam pengencer sitrat kuning telur yang ditambahkan ekstrak daun kelor pada berbagai level Isazkar Edevy Fay; Petrus Kune; Kirenius Uly
Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh penambahan ekstrak daun kelor (EDK) dengan berbagai level dalam pengencer sitrat kuning telur (SKT) terhadap motilitas, viabilitas abnormalitas dan, membran plasma utuh (MPU). Semen ditampung dari 3 ekor babi landrace yang memiliki kondisi tubuh yang proporsional, kesehatan yang baik dan organ reproduksi yang normal (testisnya simmetris) berumur 2 tahun. Semen yang digunakan memiliki syarat motilitas >70%, konsentrasi x106/ml dan abnormalitas <15%. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dari 5 perlakuan dan 5 kali ulangan sehingga memperoleh 25 unit percobaan. Semen diencerkan mengunakan EDK dan SKT, kemudian dibagi dalam lima tabung dan diberi lima perlakuan sebagai berikut P0 (0%), P1 (5%), P2 (7%), P3 (9%), dan P4 (11%) yang disimpan pada suhu 18-20oC. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penambahan EDK pada pengencer semen berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa sedangkan untuk variabel abnormalitas spermatozoa, tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata (P>0,05) antara perlakuan. Pengamatan hingga jam ke-30 juga menunjukan motilitas terendah pada P4 18% dan yang tertinggi P1 40%, selanjutnya untuk nilai viabilitas yang terendah pada P4 23% dan tertinggi P1 54%, sedangkan abnormalitas menunjukan nilai persentase yang sama pada semua perlakuan yaitu 4%, dan nilai MPU yang terendah P4 28% dan tertinggi P1 54%. Disimpulkan bahwa penambahan EDK dalam pengencer SKT dengan level 5% adalah yang terbaik dalam mempertahankan nilai motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa hingga penyimpanan jam ke-30 dengan motilitas 40%. Kata kunci: Sitrat-kunig telur, ekstrak daun kelor, semen, babi landrace ABSTRACT The study aimed at evaluating the effect and determining the best level of supplementing Moringa leaves extract (EDE) into citrate-egg yolk on motility, viability, abnormality, and intact membrane plasm (MPU). Fresh semen were collected from 3 heads of 2 years old landrace boars with proportional body, health condition and normal reproduction organ. The fresh semen has early microscopic and macroscopic standardized motility >70%, concentration x106/ml and abnormality<15%.Completely randomized design 5 treatments with 5 replicates procedures were used in the study. Extended freshsemen was divided into were put into 5 tubes and added with EDK in 5 levels : P0 (0%); P1 (5%); P2 (7%); P3 (9%); and P4 (11%), then stored at 18-20oC. The result showed that effect of EDK supplementation is significant (P<0.05) on motility and viability, but not significant (P>0.05) on abnormality of the semen. The conclusion is that supplementing 5%Moringa leaves extract into citrate-yellow egg extender performed the highest result and could maintain mobility and viability of the semen up to 40% in 30 hours storage. Key words:citrate-egg yolk, Moringa leaves extract, fresh semen, landrace boar.
PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN LAKTOSA DI DALAM PENGENCER TRIS DAN SITRAT TERHADAP KUALITAS SEMEN CAIR SAPI ANGUS (The effect of additional lactose in tris and citrate diluents on the quality of liquid semen of angus cattle) Satria J.S. Rihileo; Kirenius Uly; Wilmientje M. Nalley; Hendriana L.L. Belli
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/nukleus.v10i1.7952


Lactose is the only carbohydrate found in milk and serves as an additional source of energy and protects the plasma membrane of spermatozoa from damage due to cold shock during storage at low temperatures. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of adding lactose in tris and citrate diluents on the quality of liquid semen. One 3 year old angus cow in healthy condition. Semen was diluted with diluent P0: Tris-egg yolk (T-EY) 100%, P1: Citrate-egg yolk (C-EY) 100%, P2: T-EY 50 %+C-EY 50%, P3: T-EY 50%+ C-EY 50%+Lactose 1.5g, P4: T-EY 50%+ C-EY 50%+Lactose 3.0g, P5: T- EY 50%+ C-EY 50%+Lactose 4.5g. After diluted cement is stored at a temperature of 3-5oC. Semen was evaluated post dilution and every 24 hours of storage for motility, viability, abnormalities and survival of spermatozoa. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan's test. The results of this study showed that the P3 (P>0.05) treatment was the best compared to other treatments, namely the percentage of spermatozoa motility values of 43.50±2.23%, spermatozoa viability was 53.07±3.36%, spermatozoa abnormalities were 8.01±2.14%, and spermatozoa survival was 6.60.00±0.54 days. The results of this study indicate that using a combination of T-EY and C-EY diluents with the addition of 1.5g lactose is the best diluent in maintaining the quality of liquid semen of angus cattle.