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Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian Vol 27, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian

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Uji Adaptasi beberapa Varietas Sorgum Manis di Lahan Kering Wilayah Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai bulan Mei sampai dengan Nopember 2011 di lahan kering Kabupaten Karanganyar dan Ngawi. Penelitian disusun secara faktorial dengan rancangan lingkungan Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan dua faktor perlakuan, yaitu varietas sorgum manis  (Numbu dan Kawali) dan jenis pupuk kandang (ayam, kambing, sapi, kascing, tanpa pupuk).  Data  dianalisis  menggunakan  analisis  ragam  dan  uji  berjarak  Duncan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (a) varietas Numbu dan Kawali memberikan respon yang tidak berbeda, baik terhadap peubah pertumbuhan maupun komponen hasil sehingga kedua varietas tersebut dapat dikembangkan baik di Kabupaten Karanganyar maupun kabupaten Ngawi; (b). penggunaan pupuk kotoran ayam menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan hasil sorgum manis lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pupuk kotoran sapi, kotoran kambing, kascing, maupun kontrol meliputi; tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang akar, volume akar, panjang malai, berat 1000 biji, diameter batang, berat brangkasan segar, berat brangkasan kering, kandungan nira dan kadar gula.
Effect of Mycorrhizal and Organic Fertilizer on the Growth of Garlic Wicaksono, Muhammad Imam; Rahayu, Muji; Samanhudi, Samanhudi
Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian Vol 29, No 1 (2014): Articles in Press
Publisher : Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian

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Garlic has a high price in the market, however, production of garlic has its limitations. The use of chemical fertilizers has shortcomings in terms of environmental sustainability, so  need for organic fertilizer which serves to reduce the negative impact. The study aims to determine interactive between kinds of mycorrhizal and organic fertilizer to garlic, get the appropriate mycorrhizal and to get the Suistainablekind of fertilizer to increase of the garlic yield. The experiment was conducted from January 2013 to August 2013. Research using CRD (completely randomized design) with 2 factors of organic fertilizer (chicken manure, cow manure, goat manure, manure and vermicompost compost) and mycorrhizal types (Gigaspora margarita, Acaulospora sp, Glomus etunicatum). The results showed mycorrhizal mycorrhizal types Gigaspora margarita is suitable and capable of enhancing the growth of garlic, application of organic fertilizers used have not been able to increase the growth and yield of garlic. Applications of various types of mycorrhiza and organic fertilizers have not been able to increase the growth of garlic.
Jurnal Analis Medika Biosains (JAMBS) Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Analis Medika Bio Sains
Publisher : Jurusan Analis Kesehatan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram

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AbstrakKadar trigliserida yang tinggi adalah salah satu penyebab Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK). Peningkatan diakibatkan kadar trigliserida dalam darah naik dan menyebabkan atherosklerosis. Usaha untuk menurunkan resiko PJK dilakukan penelitian menggunakan buah-buahan yang dapat menurunkan kadar trigliserida. Salah satu buah yang diteliti adalah buah sirsak (Annona muricata L.) memiliki zat kimia alami yang diduga dapat menurunkan kadar lemak atau antihiperlipidemia. Kandungan yang ada pada buah sirsak antara lain flavonoid dan niasin. Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh jus buah sirsak terhadap kadar trigliserida. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian jus buah sirsak (Annona muricata L.) terhadap kadar trigliserida pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) hiperlipidemia, presentase penurunan dan besar pengaruh jus buah sirsak. Desain penelitian ini adalah pre and post test with control group design, menggunakan lima kelompok, jumlah total tikus putih adalah 25 ekor dengan rincian untuk masing – masing kelompok adalah lima ekor. Pengambilan darah melalui sinus orbitalis dan diperiksa kadar trigliseridanya. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dan statistik menggunakan uji Anova One Way dan uji Correlation. Presentase penurunan kadar trigliserida tikus putih yang diberi jus buah pada K(1), K(2) dan K(3) adalah 46,27%, 53,06% dan 60,04%. Besar pengaruh jus buah sirsak dengan kadar trigliserida adalah 79,6%. Hasil uji Anova One Way menunjukkan signifikan 0,000 yang artinya ada pengaruh pemberian jus buah sirsak terhadap kadar trigliserida pada tikus putih. Hasil uji Correlation adalah terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara jus buah sirsak terhadap kadar trigliserida tikus putih.Kata Kunci : Hiperlipidemia, Jus buah sirsak, Kadar trigliserida, Tikus putih.
Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 9, No 2 (2015): Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.031 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/kesmas.v9i2.2273


Background: Water is a basic requirement for human life, both in terms of quantity and quality have not been fulfilled can have a large impact on the problems that are often found in water service that the quality of groundwater and river water used by the people who are less qualified as clean water even in some places even unfit for use. One of the chemical parameters in terms of water quality is the number of the element content of Mg2+ and Ca2+ in the presence of water commonly called water hardness. Hardness in water is not desired either for domestic use or for industrial use. This study aims to determine the total hardness of water wells in the village Cekelan District of Kemusu Boyolali, whether in accordance with PERMENKES RI 416/Menkes/PER/IX/1990 on water quality standards. Methods: This was a descriptive observational study. The sample under study is taken directly from the existing wells in the village Cekelan random as many as 44 samples. Laboratory tests by the titration method complexometry. Results: The total hardness (CaCO3) water wells that have been examined is 2.0 mg/L to 520 mg/L. Conclusion: Total hardness (CaCO3) water wells in village Cekelan Kemusu Boyolali indicates that there are 11,36% samples were ineligible and 88,64% samples qualify. Keywords: Total hardness (CaCO3), Water well, Complexometry
PENGARUH LAMA PERENDAMAN KORO BENGU (Mucuna pruriens) DALAM AIR KAPUR (Ca(OH)2) TERHADAP KADAR ASAM SIANIDA (HCN) Toro, Arif Nurmawan; Roosmarinto, Roosmarinto; Rahayu, Muji
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 3 No 1 (2014): 2014 (1)

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Latar belakang: Masyarakat Indonesia masih menitikberatkan pada komoditas kacang kedelai sebagai sumber utama protein, sedangkan pemanfaatan komoditas lain seperti koro benguk masih sangat minim. Minimnya pemanfaatan koro benguk ini karena di dalamnya terkandung senyawa alami berupa glokusida sianogenik yang dapat mengalami hidrolisis enzimatis menjadi asam sianida (HCN) yang bersifat racun. Karena asam sianida bersifat asam yang sangat mudah larut dalam air, maka dilakukan perendaman menggunakan air kapur (Ca(OH)2) bersifat basa yang dirasa cukup efektif menetralkan HCN dalam koro benguk. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui pengaruh lama perendaman koro benguk dalam air kapur terhadap kadar asam sianida dan mengetahui apakah air kapur lebih efektif dibandingkan air biasa dalam menetralkan HCN koro benguk. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian dengan desain post test with control group. Obyek penelitian ini adalah koro benguk varietas benguk putih berumur 4-6 bulan yang diperoleh di Dusun Nogosari, Desa Purwosari, Kecamatan Girimulyo, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, DIY yang dilakukan perendaman dalam air sebagai kelompok kontrol dan air kapur 100 mg/L sebagai kelompok perlakuan selama 12, 24 dan 36 jam kemudian dilakukan destilasi. Destilat direaksikan dengan asam pikrat 1% kemudia diukur kadar HCN secara spektrofotometri. Hasil: Kadar HCN koro benguk pada perendaman dalam air selama 12 jam adalah 20,736 mg/kg, selama 24 jam adalah 19,348 mg/kg dan selama 36 jam adalah 16,786 mg/kg. Sedangkan kadar HCN pada perendaman air kapur 100 mg/L selama 12 jam adalah 19,020 mg/kg, selama 24 jam adalah 1,635 mg/kg dan selama 36 jam adalah 9,307 mg/kg. Hasil Uji ANOVA satu jalan pada kelompok perlakuan didapatkan nilai signifikansi 0.000 (p< 0.05). Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh bermakna lama perendaman koro benguk dalam air kapur terhadap kadar asam sianida. Perendaman dalam air kapur terbukti lebih efektif menetralkan asam sianida koro benguk dibandingkan perendaman dalam air.
Pengaruh Pemberian Rebusan Daun Salam (Eugenia polyantha Wight.) Terhadap Kadar Kolesterol Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Serum Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Hiperkolesterolemia Afrilliani, Dyah Ari; Supriyanta, Bambang; Rahayu, Muji
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 3 No 2 (2014): 2014 (2)

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High levels of LDL cholesterol can lead to heart disease because of clogging and hardening of the arteries. One of the medicinal plants that can reduce levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood is a bay leaf. The content of flavonoids and tannins in the bay leaves serves to lower levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood. This study aims to determine the effect of decoction of bay leaves (Eugenia polyantha Wight.) to the decrease LDL cholesterol level in mice (Rattus norvegicus) with hypercholesterolemia. This study is purely experimental research with Pre and Post Test With Control Group Design, using 25 white rats as experimental animals were divided into five groups, which are the positive control group, three treatment groups and the comparison group. LDL cholesterol levels were measured by the method of Precipitation Reagent For In Vitro Determination of LDL cholesterol with the CHOD-PAP by photometric systems. Data were analyzed descriptively and statistically using One Way ANOVA test and t-test independent sample. Descriptive analysis found the percentage of the decrease of serum LDL cholesterol levels in mice of hypercholesterolemia at doses 0.18 gram/200 gram of weight was 25.96%, at dosess 0.27gram/200 gram of weight was 23:45%, and at doses 0.36 gram/200 gram of weight was 35.94%. Results of One Way ANOVA test showed a significance of 0.000 which means there is the effect of decoction of bay leaves to the decrease of LDL cholesterol levels in mice with hypercholesterolemia. T-test results found that the decoction of bay leaves at doses 0.36 gram/200 gram of weight lowers LDL cholesterol levels were comparable with administration of simvastatin at doses 0.18 mg/200 gram of weight (P > 0.05).The conclusion of this research was the decoction of bay leaves may lower serum LDL cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic mice with percentage of 25.96% at doses 0.18 gram/200 gram of weight, 23:45% at doses 0.27 gram/200 gram of weight, and 35.94% at doses 0.36 gram/200 gram of weight. The decoction of bay leaves at doses 0.36 gram/200 gram of weight may lower LDL cholesterol levels which comparable with administration of simvastatin at doses 0.18 mg/200 gram of weight (p > 0.05).
Identifikasi Zat Pewarna Rhodamin B Dan Methanyl Yellow Dalam Geplak Yang Beredar Di Beberapa Toko Oleh-Oleh Di Kota Yogyakarta Tahun 2016 Rahayu, Muji; Wahyuningsih, Aisya
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 5 No 1 (2016): 2016 (1)

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Geplak merupakan salah satu makanan khas di Yogyakarta, yang dibuat dari kelapa yang diparut, dicampur gula, disangrai dan kemudian dibentuk bola-bola. Geplak dibuat berwarna-warni untuk meningkatkan daya tarik pembeli. Konsumen perlu waspada dalam mengkonsumsi geplak, karena masih banyak terdapat produk makanan berwarna menggunakan zat perwarna yang dilarang khususnya Rhodamin B dan Methanyl Yellow. Rhodamin B dan Methanyl Yellow pada makanan apabila dikonsumsi dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prosentase penggunaan zat pewarna Rhodamin B dan Methanyl Yellow pada geplak yang beredar di beberapa toko oleh-oleh di Kota Yogyakarta tahun 2016. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 29 sampel diperoleh dari beberapa toko oleh-oleh di Kota Yogyakarta yang terdiri dari 19 sampel berwarna merah dan 10 sampel berwarna kuning. Sampel tersebut diuji kandungan Rhodamin B dan Methanyl Yellow secara kualitatif dengan metode kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT). Hasil uji laboratorium terhadap 19 geplak berwarna merah menunjukkan 1 sampel geplak positif Rhodamin B (5,3%), dan dari 10 sampel geplak berwarna kuning tidak ada yang mengandung Methanyl Yellow.
Identifikasi Zat Pewarna Rhodamin B Dan Methanyl Yellow Pada Kerupuk Yang Dijual Di Pasar Beringharjo Yogyakarta Tahun 2016 Rahayu, Muji; Mahmuda, Yulia Irma
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 5 No 2 (2016): 2016 (2)

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“Kerupuk” is one kindof complementary foods preferred by many people. “Kerupuk” can add the taste of the food and can be eaten as a snack. Consumers need to be cautious in consuming “kerupuk”, because there are still many “kerupuk” made with prohibited dyes, especially Rhodamine B and Methanyl yellow. The presence of rhodamine B and methanyl yellow in colored “kerupuk” can cause the color look unnaturally strong. Rhodamine B and methanyl yellow can cause health problems if they are consumed. This research aims to determine the percentage of rhodamine B and methanyl yellow which is used on “kerupuk” sold in Beringharjo Yogyakarta Year 2016. The samples used in this study are 27 samples, which consist of “kerupuk bawang” and “kerupuk taro” and are acquired in Beringharjo Yogyakarta. “kerupuk bawang” and colorful “kerupuk taro” are separated by color, only yellow and red ones are taken. The samples were tested for rhodamine B and methanyl yellow qualitatively using Thin Layered Chromatography (TLC) method. Results of laboratory tests show that 2 of 15 samples tested contain rhodamine B (13.3%) and none of 12 samples contain methanyl yellow
Kajian Aktivitas Antikanker Ekstrak Daun Gude (cajanus cajan) Terhadap Sel Kanker Kolon Secara in Vitro Rahayu, Muji; Roosmarinto, Roosmarinto
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 6 No 1 (2017): 2017 (1)

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Colorectal cancer is one of the five type of highest insiden in Indonesia. One of development cancer therapeutics directed to combination of chemotherapeutic agent and chemopreventive compounds. One approach to finding a chemopreventive compounds is through the exploration of natural ingredient especialy herbs. Flavonoids is group of compounds from plants that have been widely studied as anti-cancer activity. Leave of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) is, kind of Legumes plants rich in flavonoids among others cajanol, quercetin, luteolin, apigenin formonentin, vitexin, orientin, biochanin A, pinostrobin, dan isorhamnetin. This study aims to determine the content of chemical compounds in the methanol extract of leave pigeon pea that has anticancer activity using WiDr colorectal cancer cells with MTT (3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) method, followed by flowcytometry test. The result of the cytotoxicity test of methanol extract of pigeonpea leaves have IC50 of 307 ug/ml and with flowcytometry method showed necrosis WiDr cell.
Pengaruh Lama Pengasinan Terhadap Kadar Protein Putih Telur Itik Siti Fatimah; Muji Rahayu; Siti Aminah
Journal of Health (JoH) Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Journal of Health - January 2014
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Guna Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.227 KB) | DOI: 10.30590/vol1-no1-p36-39


Background : Egg is one of the animal protein source, which has delicious taste, easy to digest and highly nutritious. Besides its affordable price, its supply availability is unquestionable as well. However, due to its short storability, it requires special treatment, such as preserving, to store it for long period. One way to preserve the egg is by pickling egg, which generally requires seven to ten days of marinating. During the process of marinating, there will be a visual change of egg white and yolk. Their structures will be more solid (the occurrence of thickening process) because salinization will lead to protein denaturalization. Consequently, it has an influence as well towards the content of egg white protein of duck egg. This study is aimed to explore the impact of various time of pickling egg towards egg white protein of duck egg. Method : The study where takes place in a laboratories, is a true experimental study for the reason that the researcher must provide intervention, hence all of potentially confounding variables are manageable. Samples that had been used in this study are duck eggs which were bought from North Brebes. This study is expected to generate data from four various time of pickling egg and control (no treatment). Since there are four samples, accordingly the number of data resulted are twenty. The resulted data will be descriptively presented in table, graph, presentation, and narration. Result : Protein level examination within duck white egg shows changes in protein levels that occurs in every variation of pickling egg time, where the average results of the assay of duck egg white protein is 14.94% without treatment (control), in five days of pickling time is 13.68%, in seven days of pickling time is 13.29%, in nine days of pickling time is 12.87% and eleven days of pickling time is 12.78%. Conclusion : There is a significant impact among the period of pickling time to the protein level degradation of duck white egg. Keywords : Duck egg, period of pickling time, level protein of duck white egg.