Muhammad Gazali Rahman

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Unjuk Rasa Versus Menghujat (Analisis Deskriptif melalui Pendekatan Hukum Islam Rahman, Muhammad Gazali
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 12, No 2 (2015): HUKUM ISLAM
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu

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This paper analyzes the rallies phenomenon versus blaspheming which is analyzed descriptively with the approach of Islamic law. This analysis is then developed in two issues, namely: 1) how the phenomenon of rallies and blaspheming; 2) how the perspective of Islamic law against rallies and blaspheming. While it can not be generalized, the reality of the operations of rallies, obscenities seems to have become anthem should be sung with gusto as the media to berate, inflammatory, blasphemous even less so provoking that leads to anarchy. In fact, the protest phenomenon occurs not only at the level of universities, but also have occurred in institutions of formal education providers’ secondary level (high school or vocational school). Schools are supposed to be the center of the development of a positive culture turned into the arena articulation of words that are very far from polite category.
Al-Mizan Vol 10, No 1 (2014): Juni 2014
Publisher : IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

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Pernikahan dalam corak poligami sampai saat ini masih menjadi hal yang kontroversial di kalangan umat Islam secara teoritis maupun aplikatifnya. Sekiranya dipahami bahwasanya poligami yang dilakukan oleh nabi Muhammad saw. bukan dalam orientasi seksual atau sekadar pemenuhan hasrat/nafsu seksual semata, maka pro dan kontra ini tentu tidak signifikan untuk menjadi polemik yang berkepanjangan Sebab, pernikahan yang dilakukan nabi saw. terhadap lebih dari satu orang merupakan bagian dari deskripsi fungsi kenabian beliau yang dalam hal ini bertujuan untuk mengangkat harkat dan martabat kaum perempuan yang secara sosiologis sebagian diantara mereka adalah budak, yatim-piatu dan perempuan-perempuan yang memang perlu dilindungi. Salah satu piranti yang mengatur relasi laki-laki dan perempuan dalam bentuk pernikahan dan poligami misalnya larangan poligami antara istri dan tantenya. Kajian terhadap hal ini merupakan analisis kritis terhadap hadis nabi saw. yang perlu disimak dalam semangat wahyu. Secara umum mayoritas ulama mengharamkan penyatuan (poligami) istri dan tantenya dengan berbagai alasan dan pendekatan yang mereka gunakan. Salah satu yang urgen menjadi pendekatan dalam hal ini adalah atas dasar psikologi, yakni kekhawatiran akan menyebabkan terputusnya-merenggangnya hubungan silaturahmi kekeluargaan.
Unjuk Rasa Versus Menghujat (Perspektif Hukum islam) Rahman, Muhammad Gazali
Alhurriyah Vol 14, No 2 (2013): Juli - Desember 2013
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (535.3 KB) | DOI: 10.30983/alhurriyah.v14i2.600


This papers is reviewing about the phenomenon of demonstration versus blaspheming that analyzed in descriptive with Islamic law approach. This analysis was then developed on two issues, there are: 1) how the phenomenon of demonstrartion and blaspheming; 2) how the perspective of Islamic law on demonstration and blaspheming. Although it can not be generalized, reality at every demonstration activities, the dirty words seem to have become an obligatory song, that should be sung with full of spirit as a the media to berate, incite, blaspheming, even less to provoking, until culminate in anarchy. When it has been so, the democracy lessons, morals, and manners that were taught in school no longer seemed meaningful at all. This is ironic if in these circumstances there is still some that say “this is a political education!”. Even, this demonstration phenomenon is not only happening at the level of college, but also has happened in the institutions of formal education providers secondary level (high school or vocational school). School that should be the development of a positive culture center changed becoming the showground of articulation of words that extremely far from the polite category.
Unjuk Rasa Versus Menghujat (Analisis Deskriptif melalui Pendekatan Hukum Islam Rahman, Muhammad Gazali
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 12 No 2 (2015): HUKUM ISLAM
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24239/jsi.v12i2.397.331-356


This paper analyzes the rallies phenomenon versus blaspheming which is analyzed descriptively with the approach of Islamic law. This analysis is then developed in two issues, namely: 1) how the phenomenon of rallies and blaspheming; 2) how the perspective of Islamic law against rallies and blaspheming. While it can not be generalized, the reality of the operations of rallies, obscenities seems to have become anthem should be sung with gusto as the media to berate, inflammatory, blasphemous even less so provoking that leads to anarchy. In fact, the protest phenomenon occurs not only at the level of universities, but also have occurred in institutions of formal education providers’ secondary level (high school or vocational school). Schools are supposed to be the center of the development of a positive culture turned into the arena articulation of words that are very far from polite category.