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Business Economic, Communication, and Social Sciences (BECOSS) Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): BECOSS
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/becossjournal.v1i1.5980


The rise of pious lifestyle among the middle class in Indonesia has emerged various expressions of pious identity. City areas with modern and dynamic lifestyles are now the contestation for urban identities. Middle class and urban living Muslim in Indonesia are the most active agent of representation in both production and consumption of culture and cultural products, such as fashion, and consequently become the trend setter for national and international Muslim living. By putting the focus on Muslim women in Hijabers Community, one of the most popular Muslim women organization in social media, I discuss the identity negotiation of Muslim women that is shaped and represented in Ria Miranda fashion brand. Ria Miranda, made by one of Hijabers Community founders, has been part of the community since its beginning in 2011. Ethnography study and in-depth interviews with Hijabers Community, Ria Miranda brand, and the consumers were conducted in Hijab Day events created by Hijabers Community from 2016 to 2019. Qualitative data were gathered and analyzed. In the result, I argue that Indonesia middle class urban Muslim women’s identity is continuously in flux and negotiated in between the urban identity of becoming trendy, individualistic, and modern, and the pious Islamic identity of modest, communal accepted, and pious.
Bahasa Indonesia Vol 14 No 02 (2017): Sarwahita : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.596 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/sarwahita.142.05


ABSTRACT: Typhoid disease is a small intestinal infection caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. The disease is known to attack all ages from children to adults. Therefore, it is necessary a way to provide understanding of typhoid and alternative prevention. The purpose of Community Service (P2M) is to increase knowledge about the Utilization of Traditional Medicines In Preventing And Treating Typhoid Disease As Efforts To Improve Healthy Life In The Society Of West Pagesangan Mataram. The method used is training with information discussion, question and answer. The strategic target audience that plays a role is housewives, teenagers, and educators at SDIT Anak Sholeh, with the address is Jl. Merdeka Raya, Gang Merdeka XVII Pagesangan Mataram. In the training showed the positive response from the participants. This was observed from the participants' further seriousness and curiosity about traditional medicine for typhoid, and the presence of questions raised during the training process. In addition, participants have a desire to implement the knowledge gained to improve the health of families and communities. The random evaluation in the form of short questions and interviews shows the participants can answer well and provide examples of traditional medicine in the environment that can be utilized to prevent typhoid disease other than those delivered by the source. Based on the data obtained can be concluded that the process of improving understanding Pagesangan Mataram community has been successfully implemented. This activity is expected to be used as a first step to increase a community's role in maintaining health and the environment and particular to be followed up continuously so that people feel more contribute and needed. ABSTRAK: Penyakit typhus merupakan penyakit infeksi usus halus yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Salmonella typhi. Penyakit ini diketahui menyerang semua usia mulai anak-anak sampai orang dewasa. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu cara untuk memberikan pemahaman terhadap penyakit tipus dan alternative pencegahannya. Tujuan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P2M) ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang Pemanfaatan Obat-Obat Tradisional Dalam Mencegah Dan Mengobati Penyakit Typhus Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Hidup Sehat Pada Masyarakat Pagesangan Barat Mataram. Metode yang digunakan adalah pelatihan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi informasi, dan tanya jawab. Khalayak sasaran strategis yang turut berperan adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga, remaja, dan pendidik di SDIT Anak Sholeh, Jl. Merdeka Raya, Gang Merdeka XVII Pagesangan Mataram. Pada proses pelatihan yang diberikan menunjukkan adanya tanggapan positif dari peserta kegiatan. Hal ini teramati dari kesungguhan dan keingintahuan lebih lanjut para peserta tentang obat tradisional untuk typhus dan adanya pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan selama proses pelatihan. Selain itu juga para peserta memiliki keinginan untuk mengimplementasikan pengetahuan yang diperoleh untuk meningkatkan kesehatan keluarga dan masayarakat. Evaluasi random dalam bentuk pertanyaan singkat dan wawancara menunjukkan para peserta dapat menjawab dengan baik dan memberikan contoh-contoh obat tradisional di lingkungannya yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mencegah penyakit typhus selain yang disampaikan oleh narasumber. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat Pagesangan Mataram telah berhasil dilaksanakan. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai langkah awal untuk peningkatan peran masyarakat dalam menjaga kesehatan dan lingkungannya serta perlu ditindaklanjuti secara kontinyu sehingga masyarakat lebih merasa berkontribusi dan dibutuhkan.
BTS ARMY’s #BTSLOVEYOURSELF: A Worldwide K-Pop Fandom Participatory Culture in Twitter Listya Ayu Saraswati; Nurbaity
Lililacs Journal : English Literature, Language, and Cultural Studies Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Lililacs Journal: English Literature, Language, and Cultural Studies Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (959.538 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/lililacs.011.01


Korean popular music (K-pop) fandom is under spotlight as the K-pop industry has rapidly grown transnationally. Fandom practices across nation borders in social media has grown out from supporting their idols by buying the records, continuously discussing idols’ personal life, and attending live music concerts, to supporting social causes in the name of the idols. This paper investigates fandom participatory culture of creating and supporting social activism message in social media. By collecting and analyzing a large-scale of fandom activity data from Twitter, we investigate to what extent fandom participatory culture is prevalent and important in transnationalism of K-pop, in particularly social activism in social media. By analyzing the Twitter data of ARMY on #BTSLOVEYOURSELF, we show the participatory culture is what gives the fandom and their messages bigger effect in social media which is beyond the idol’s industrial well-made representation and image. However, there is also a possibility of inter-cultural intermediaries of fandom practices to echo idol’s message in social media and to define success for the multi-billions industry.