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Analisis CSF, SWOT dan TOWS Studi Kasus: PT Intan Pariwara Klaten Retnowati, Nurcahyani Dewi
Jurnal Buana Informatika Vol 2, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Buana Informatika Volume 2 Nomor 1 Januari 2011
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

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Abstract. CSF, SWOT and TOWS Analysis, Case Study: PT Intan Pariwara Klaten. SWOT analysis identified the opportunity and the external threat as well as the strength and the internal weakness. The TOWS strategy matrix explain four types of the strategy that is the SO strategy (Strengths-Opportunities), the strategy WO (Weakness-Opportunities), the strategy St (Strengths-Threaths) and the WT strategy (Weakness-Threaths). In the CSF analysis (Critical Success Factor) was obtained by results that with the existence web interactive could become a development strategy of the marketing, the use of information technology could help the management of the company and the research of the consumers wish that it was felt needed to increase the companys profit. The threat that was dealt with by PT Intan Pariwara was depicted by the SWOT analysis, in part: more often sprang up the new publisher, the number of available publishers beforehand, and the buyer had the quite high tasteless strength. The strategy that could be taken by PT Intan Pariwara was depicted in the TOWS analysis. Keywords: Critical Success Factor, SWOT, TOWS  Abstrak. Analisis SWOT mengidentifikasi peluang dan ancaman eksternal serta kekuatan dan kelemahan internal. Matriks strategi TOWS membantu manajer mengembangklan empat tipe strategi yaitu strategi SO (Strengths-Opportunities), strategi WO (Weakness-Opportunities), strategi ST (Strengths-Threaths) dan strategi WT (Weakness-Threaths). Pada analisis CSF (Critical Success Factor) didapatkan hasil bahwa dengan adanya web interaktif dapat menjadi suatu strategi pengembangan pemasaran, penggunaan teknologi informasi dapat membantu manajemen perusahaan dan riset keinginan konsumen yang dirasa perlu untuk meningkatkan profit perusahaan. Ancaman yang dihadapi oleh PT Intan Pariwara digambarkan oleh analisis SWOT, antara lain: semakin banyak bermunculan penerbit baru, banyaknya penerbit yang sudah ada sebelumnya, dan pembeli mempunyai kekuatan tawar yang cukup tinggi. Strategi yang dapat diambil oleh PT Intan Pariwara digambarkan dalam analisis TOWS. Kata Kunci: Faktor Penentu Kesuksesan, SWOT, TOWS
Penerapan Sistem Informasi Menggunakan Analisis Value Chain Studi Kasus: PT Intan Pariwara Klaten Retnowati, Nurcahyani Dewi
Jurnal Buana Informatika Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Buana Informatika Volume 2 Nomor 2 Juli 2011
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

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Abstract. Implementation of Information Systems Using Value Chain Analysis, Case Study: PT Intan Pariwara Klaten. The business activity of PT Intan Pariwara was begun from acceptance of the text, the process editing or the editing of the text, the provisions of all the elements artistic that was needed in the compilation of the book, to handed over CD file the text was ready printed this to the printing house side. The printing house side will afterwards hand over the book that has been printed to the publisher to afterwards be kept in the warehouse to be carried out by the packing and be ready to be distributed to all delegation all over Indonesia. The business strategy for PT Intan Pariwara was to carry out the marketing with marketing powers that had product knowledge that was high enough but also went through an internet media that could increase the companys turnover. The strategy and information technology of the information system for PT Intan Pariwara that is developing the information system that could bridge the publisher with the customer so as to be known by the consumers wish against products that were produced by the publisher.  Keywords: Information System, Value Chain analysis, Business Strategy Abstrak. Aktivitas bisnis PT Intan Pariwara dimulai dengan penerimaan naskah dari penulis kemuadian dilakukan proses editing atau penyuntingan naskah, penyiapan semua elemen artistic yang dibutuhkan dalam penyusunan buku yang meliputi cover buku dan ilustrasi yang berguna untuk memperjelas materi hingga menyerahkan CD file naskah siap cetak tersebut ke pihak percetakan. Pihak percetakan kemudian akan menyerahkan buku yang sudah dicetak ke penerbit untuk kemudian disimpan di gudang untuk dilakukan pengepakan dan siap didistribusikan ke semua perwakilan di seluruh Indonesia. Strategi bisnis PT Intan Pariwara antara lain strategi pengembangan pemasaran melalui internet dan strategi peningkatan hubungannya dengan pelanggan melalui sistem CRM. Sistem atau aplikasi yang perlu dikembangkan antara lain situs interaktif dan CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Analisis Value Chain (Rantai Nilai), Strategi Bisnis
Analisis Lingkungan Internal Dan Eksternal Studi Kasus: PT Intan Pariwara Klaten Retnowati, Nurcahyani Dewi
Jurnal Buana Informatika Vol 1, No 2 (2010): Jurnal Buana Informatika Volume 1 Nomor 2 Juli 2010
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

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Abstract. Analysis of Internal and External Environment, Case Study: PT Intan Pariwara Klaten. The analysis of the Eksternal Environment covered the PEST Analysis (Politics, Ekonomi, Sosial and Technology) that included the condition for the macro Indonesian environment, that is the economy, technology, politics/the law, and sosiokultural. The analysis of the Eksternal Environment that was second was the model of competition pressures that explained about five threats, that is the competition from available competitors, competitorss new threat, the threat or substitution services of products, the strength bargained from customers, and the strength bargained from suppliers. The analysis of the Internal Environment used the Diagram of the Context that depicted relations between the system and the external side that were related to the companys business. Relations could be between the system and the external side that were related to PT Intan Pariwara depicted to the diagram of the context that explained that there is four related external sides, that is the Printing House, Writers and the Buyer that consisted of the Elementary School level student and the Senior High School and the publics community.  Keywords: Analysis of External Environment, Analysis of Internal Environment, Business Context Abstrak. Analisis Lingkungan Eksternal meliputi Analisis PEST  (Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial dan Teknologi) yang mencakup kondisi lingkungan makro Indonesia, yaitu perekonomian, teknologi, politik/hukum, dan sosiokultural. Analisis Lingkungan Eksternal yang kedua adalah model tekanan-tekanan kompetisi yang menjelaskan tentang lima ancaman, yaitu persaingan dari pesaing-pesaing yang sudah ada, ancaman pesaing-pesaing baru, ancaman produk-produk atau jasa-jasa substitusi, kekuatan menawar dari pelanggan-pelanggan, dan kekuatan menawar dari pemasok-pemasok. Analisis Lingkungan Internal menggunakan Diagram Konteks yang menggambarkan hubungan antara sistem dan pihak eksternal yang terkait dengan bisnis perusahaan.          Hubungan antara sistem dan pihak eksternal yang terkait dengan PT Intan Pariwara dapat digambarkan pada diagram konteks yang menjelaskan bahwa ada empat pihak eksternal yang terkait, yaitu Percetakan, Penulis, Perwakilan dan Pembeli yang terdiri dari siswa tingkat TK hingga SMA dan masyarakat umum. Kata Kunci: Analisis Lingkungan Eksternal, Analisis Lingkungan Internal, Konteks Bisnis
Angkasa: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Vol 8, No 1 (2016): Mei
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto

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The development of information technology and lead to intense competition in all areas, many parties began implementing a strategy to improve services. Information obtained from various sources such as the Internet can make it easier to determine the state o f a place or vehicle that will be addressed, but a lot of information from various sources, it only displays a static image that is not enough to describe the situation as a whole as well as the environment, it is necessary for the proper media fo r representing the information. One type of appropriate multimedia effective dam to provide information or a description of the location of these is to use virtual panoramic view. Not like a video that is merely one direction (forward grooved) virtual panoramic view is designed to allow the user to interact directly with the environment to crawl closer and more interactive. Final results from this aplication is a multimedia display that can be applied in any kind o f media because using ActionScript for basic program so that it can be applied via online websites or interactive CDs or display advertising.
Angkasa: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Vol 7, No 2 (2015): November
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto

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Three-dimensional applications has evolved penetrated in almost all areas of work, especially in the field of multimedia and other virtual media. Offeature films, television, print design to production games. LightWave 3D is a software that can model an object once animate. This research model a 3D object using LightWave Modeler then analyzed the results of modeling using graphic editors in LightWave Layout. To connect between LightWave Modeler and LightWave Layout used LightWave Hub. Analysis using the graphic editor can make a better model for the selection of each layer more detail.
Visualisasi Alat Musik Tradisional Gong Waning Menggunakan Animasi 3D Retnowati, Nurcahyani Dewi; Nona, Kristina
Angkasa: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Mei
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto

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Gong Waning is a traditional musical instrument o f Sikka community o f East Nusa Tenggara which is played by beating. In its development, not many young people who can play this instrument. Therefore it is very necessary to design and create an animated model o f the introduction of traditional Gong Waning musical instruments using 3Ds.Max and on sound using unity software. The output o f visualization o f traditional musical instrument Gong Waning in the form o f animation and sound display so hopefully can be more easily in studying and using musical instrument Gong Waning.
Angkasa: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Vol 8, No 2 (2016): November
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto

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Learning through the use of animation E-Learning can be a learning tool to teach using electronic applications, media, Internet, Intranet or other computer network media. In addition to computers and Internet networks, which play a role in e-learning is the brainware that is creating content (text, images, video, animation) and user/users of e-learning (teachers and students). It should be noted in making animated e-learning is the content that should be included in accordance with the curriculum that is used by the school to be used for teaching and learning in schools. Making animated blueprint of learning by using characters then do modeling and animation. The subjects used in this study animation is Mathematics and Physics. Software used in the manufacture of learning applications that 3ds Max 2010, Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Adobe After Effects. The analysis tested the effectiveness of learning communication using questionnaire and calculation using a Likert scale that shows the percentage of 69.83%, the analysis proves that by using an animated e-learning teaching and learning activities in the classroom more effectively.
Three-Dimensional Animation of Human Blood Circulation System Using High Poly and Particle System Techniques Retnowati, Nurcahyani Dewi
Angkasa: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Vol 10, No 2 (2018): November
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto

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Circulatory system learning can use three-dimensional animation to facilitate the delivery of material in teaching and learning activities in elementary schools. In making the three-dimensional animation using Autodesk Maya software and 3Ds Max software. The techniques used include High Poly techniques and Particle System techniques. Heart and lung organs, visualized in three dimensions using High Poly techniques while animation of circulatory systems in humans using Particle System techniques. The application function test results indicate that this application can run according to its function and the results of testing the use of applications with the teacher respondents with calculations using a Likert scale obtained results of 97.2% and these results fall into the very good category (using the calculation of interval formulas), so that conclusions are obtained that the three-dimensional animation application of the circulatory system can be applied and can assist the teacher in providing student learning in elementary school.
Compiler Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Mei
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto Yogyakarta

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Chatting application is an application which used for communication through local network or internet. It can use to make communication to be effective and easy to use but there are several shortage in delivery information process is data security when communication is going on. Using chrypthography with modification Rivest Shamir adleman (RSA) algorithm in encryption process and decryption on packet data which transmited is one of security system which can used in this application then the security of data packet secured. Result from implementation of chatting application which apply chrypthography with modification Rivest Shamir adleman (RSA) algorithm have done in local network and internet able to run smoothly and have done by several testing cases based on certain scenario.  Whereas process testing encryption  and decryption using tools wireshark.
SENATIK STT Adisutjipto Vol 1 (2013): Kreativitas Anak Bangsa untuk Kemajuan Teknologi dan Informasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (599.649 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/senatik.v1i0.38


The continued development of technology driven by the growing digital media facilities. A digital device in particular should pay attention to the level of security. Ease of sending messages in both text and image becomes very easy. However, one thing is important in the information, which can be performed using encryption steganography. In this thesis, steganography implemented by utilizing the mobile phone messaging facilities. The process of insertion into the text is converted into a binary image first, then take the final bit of the binary to insert text to be inserted. After the insertion process, the message to be sent by using the provider as the link destination address. The process of sending a message that has been tested on several telecommunication provider in Indonesia indicates the existence of different delivery success rate, but the message until it can not be opened unless the application has been made.