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Pengaruh Sinetron terhadap Sikap Ibu-Ibu Mengenai Peran Ganda Wanita Rinawati, Rini
Mediator Vol 3, No 1 (2002)
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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This research was intended to describe the effect ofsinetron "Karmila" exposure on the viewer sabout woman double role. The research was conducted in Bandung, used survey method. and the sample was J20 housewives in Bandung. The result showed that: (1) the content ofmesesage in "Karmila" influenced directly on the viewer attitude about woman doubel role; (2) the presentation ofmesesage in "Karmila" influenced directly on the viewer s attitude about woman doubel role; (3) the content ofmesesage and the presentation of mesesage in "Karmila" influenced directly on the viewer sattitude about woman doubel role.
Komunikasi Antarbudaya dalam Momentum Pelaksanaan Ibadah Haji Rinawati, Rini
Mediator Vol 3, No 2 (2002)
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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Setiap peristiwa komunikasi sebenarnya memiliki potensi sebagai komunikasi antarbudaya karena para peserta yang terlibat di dalamnya memiliki perbedaan kultur sekecil apa pun. Apalagi dalam momentum Ibadah Haji, berbagai ras, bangsa. suku bangsa berbaur dalam ruang dan waktu yang sama. Berbagai perbedaan kultur di kalangan jemaah haji sering menimbulkan kesalahpahaman yang dapat berakibat fatal. Untuk mengeliminasi kesalahpahaman tersebut, yang perlu dilakukan oleh jemaah haji adalah menyadari akan keunikan budaya setiap orang, bangsa, suku bangsa, tidak terjebak etnosentrisme, serta berupaya mengembangkan empati.
Dramaturgi Poligami Rinawati, Rini
Mediator Vol 7, No 1 (2006): Nomor Syukur
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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Polygamy always creating conflicts, not only from non Islamic, but also inside Islamic people as well. Although polygamy is allowed by Islam, cultural barrier and negative perceptionsspread among people made polygamy was practiced under hidden circumstance. This phenomenon created controversies, and an analysis based on dramaturgy theoryof Goffmann would be best to examine the practice. The research found that management impression occurred both in back stage as well as in front stage. The actor is the husbandwho tried to improve his image by showing off his loyalty toward his first wife. Front stage and back stage are mixed, and in order to trace the genuine message, one must focuson nonverbal message implied in communication process among the pair(s).
Komunikasi dan Pembangunan Partisipatif Rinawati, Rini
Mediator Vol 7, No 2 (2006): Bagaimana Kita Menafsirkan Komunikasi Pembangunan?
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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A participatory development philosophy has shifted the traditional linear development. Through the new development principles, hopefully, members of village might actively participate in development process. The program called Community Action Plan (CAP) based on community participation releases document such as Mid-term Development Plan on the level of village. Communication system is needed to help people transforming their goals, values, and cultural beliefs into the plan.
“Lifestyle” Muslimah Rinawati, Rini
Mediator Vol 8, No 1 (2007): Berkomunikasi dengan Anak
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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It is always interesting to discuss youth lifestyle. As part of pop culture, youth lifestyle has some features, i.e. standardized culture, having fixed repetitive format, light enjoyable, sentimental, short-lasting, and artificially crafted. Such characteristics are in opposite with other cultural values such as serious, intellectuality, time-respect, and authenticity. In the world of Moslem girl, there is also a strong tendency of being modern and sociable. Mass media and globalization are believed to be the most influential factors. In order to solve the problem, original Islamic learning process such as “madrasah” and “pesantren” are strongly promoted.
Konsep Waktu: Perspektif Komunikasi, Islam, dan Anak TK Rinawati, Rini
Mediator Vol 8, No 2 (2007): Proses Berkesenian = Proses Berkomunikasi
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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As pointed out by Dedy Mulyana, a scholar of communication science in Indonesia, communication act is definitely time-bounded. It was expressed in terms su:ch as “wasting time”, “saving time”, or verbatim such as “time is money”, “al-Waktu ka al-syaif”, etc. To explain more about time, Edward T. Hall uses Mandala model which describe time in terms of: biological time, personal time, physical time, metaphysical time, micro time, sync time, sacred time, profane time, and meta-time. There are two concepts of time, e.g. monochromic time and polychromic time. As consequences, communication message must be time-sensitive and designed specifically for communication receiver. This article explores time concept of children, and Islamic concept for Islam, which is uniquely defined and different with other time-concept.
Pola Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat dan Pasien Hemodialisis Rinawati, Rini
Mediator Vol 9, No 1 (2008): Isu Komunikasi Kesehatan yang Ter-”Pojok”-kan
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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This paper is concerned with the dissemination of Healthy Lifestyle information.Healthy Lifestyle which applying food combining approach recently is hailed as a breakthrough in health communication. Meanwhile, the dissemination process consists of message characteristic, communication channel, and range of time period. The innovation on message characteristic involves factors such as relative benefit, compatibility, and complexity. Relative innovation is generated from economy aspect: by applying healthy lifestyle information, it is strongly hoped that human body will become healthy, full of energy, and free from disease. On the other hand, there is difficulty on compatibility factors, due to society’s eating pattern which referred on four-healthy pattern for every meal, not for a whole day. The spread of information need a deep toward lifestyle—add complexity for the matter. The communication channels to widespread this information to the public utilize a combination of interpersonal communication (for consultation), group communication (public speech), and mass communication (print media). Time is also a crucial factor in planning information dissemination.
Jurnal Visi Komunikasi Vol 15, No 1 (2016): May 2016
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.019 KB) | DOI: 10.22441/visikom.v15i1.1689


The family becomes the starting place for a child's growth. Therefore, the family needs to provide the process of education and a sense of security in children. This is understandable because currently the graph of violence against children the number tends to rise from year to year. The problem of violence is a phenomenon of icebergs, in fact not all victims of violence often report their cases for various reasons. Based on the results of the author's research, communication made by parents in preventing violence in children gives an idea that communication between parents parent to child has contributed to the process of preventing violence in children. On the other hand, interpersonal communication between the child and the parent needs to be done to see the whole family communication in preventing violence that occurs in the child. Based on the phenomenon described it is interesting to examine how: "Communication Antarpersona Children with Parents in Preventing Violence?" This research uses descriptive method conducted in 3 (three) public schools in the city of Bandung with the number of samples of 100 people. Samples taken as respondents were taken through cluster sampling technique from 51 junior high schools in Bandung. The results showed that openness and mutual support of children to parents is still not optimal, but on the other hand the problem of empathy is quite deep, as well as with a sense of positive and mutual appreciation is very strong. Keluarga menjadi tempat awal tumbuh kembang seorang anak. Oleh karena itu, keluarga perlu memberikan proses pendidikan dan rasa aman pada anak. Hal ini bisa dipahami karena saat ini grafik kekerasan terhadap anak angkanya cenderung naik dari tahun ke tahun. Masalah kekerasan merupakan fenomena gunung es, faktanya seringkali tidak semua korban kekerasan mau melaporkan kasusnya dengan berbagai alasan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian penulis, komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh orangtua dalam mencegah kekerasan pada anak memberikan gambaran bahwa komunikasi antarpersona orangtua dengan anak memiliki kontribusi pada proses pencegahan kekerasan pada anak. Pada sisi lain, komunikasi antarpersona antara anak dengan orangtua perlu dilakukan untuk melihat secara utuh komunikasi keluarga dalam mencegah kekerasan yang terjadi pada anak. Berdasarkan fenomena yang dijelaskan tersebut menarik mengkaji bagaimana : “Komunikasi Antarpersona Anak dengan Orangtua dalam Mencegah Tindak Kekerasan?” Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yang dilakukan di 3 (tiga) sekolah negeri yang ada di kota Bandung dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 orang. Sampel yang menjadi responden diambil melalui teknik kluster sampling dari 51 SMP yang ada di kota Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterbukaan dan saling mendukung anak kepada orang tua masih belum optimal, namun di sisi lain masalah empati cukup mendalam, begitu pula dengan rasa positif dan saling menghargai sangat kuat.
Hoax Digital Literacy on Instagram Dedeh Fardiah; Ferry Darmawan; Rini Rinawati
Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 6, No 2 (2021): December 2021 - Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
Publisher : Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25008/jkiski.v6i2.581


The development of communication technology brings forth new media with various multiplatforms. Information spreads instantaneously to all corners of the world through abundant media devices. In social media spaces, every individual can produce informational content and disseminate it, so it appears as a new phenomenon of citizen journalism. Individuals act as both producers and targets of social media content simultaneously. Ironically, due to freedom of expression on social media, various hoaxes appear intentionally or unintentionally and are widely distributed. This study aims to explore the official Instagram account that handles hoaxes in West Java Province and provide a digital literacy education in their post. This study uses the content analysis method, which efficiently investigates media content on both printed form and digital posts. In addition, it also uses descriptive content analysis to describe in detail a message or a specific content. The study object is Instagram @jabarsaberhoaks with an analysis unit of information items about hoaxes and various digital literacy on Instagram @jabarsaberhoaks in 2020.  In total, their number reaches 900 posts. The result of this study shows that the most common hoax is fake news, such as manipulated content, misleading content, fake news, and fabricated content with health, political, and economic themes. Explicitly or implicitly, digital literacy education about hoaxes can be obtained by accessing the information contained in Instagram accounts. The implication is that it is necessary to study the extent of this educational content responded by the public, so media messages can effectively and efficiently be in the form of educational media about interactive hoaxes.
Optimalisasi Plik (Pusat Layanan Internet Kecamatan) Dalam Meningkatkan Aksesibilitas Masyarakat Terhadap Informasi Dedeh Fardiah; Rini Rinawati; Oji Kurniadi
MIMBAR (Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan) Volume 30, No. 2, Year 2014 [Accredited by Ristekdikti]
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2552.624 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/mimbar.v30i2.815


The research background was based on the existence of internet facility through PLIK program on line, had made the community entered to the global information network. The society has a facility to access and gain various information, data, knowledge and networking unlimitedly via telephone communication and internet. But the implementation program in reality is differed. This research used case study method to the PLIK organizer which spread in town/regency in West Java. The aim of Research is to knot The implementaion , the obstacle and the Solutions of PLIK dissemination. The result of this research showed that the implementation can be categorized done by PLIK organizer to overcome the obstacles. They did  a report to local government, to PLIK operator into three types. They are passive PLIK, stagnant PLIK and creative PLIK