Ratih Rinendyaputri
Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan Jl. Percetakan Negara 23 Jakarta 10560, Indonesia

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Produksi Parthenogenetik Blastosis Mencit Sebagai Sumber Stem Cell Rinendyaputri, Ratih; Nikmah, Uly Alfi
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Central Basic Biomedical and Health Technology

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Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) is a one of source for pluripotent stem cell that capable to differentiate into various cell types. This has opened up opportunities utilization of embryos as a source of stem cells. However, the use of embryos as objects of research still has ethical constraints. Currently parthenogenetic embryo in the blastocyst stage is considered to be one of the alternative sources of ESC are "ethical" because its obtained not from the fertilization of the oocyte and sperm. Parthenogenetic embryo derived from oocyte that activation in vitro to obtain embryos in the blastocyst stage. This research aims to produce blastocysts parthenogenetic mice as a source of ESC. In this study super ovulation performed on Swiss Webster female mice to obtain oocytes. Activation of mouse oocytes done by culturing oocytes in medium with 10 mM strontium chloride (SrCl2) and 5 mg / ml cytokalasin B for 6 hours and cultured for 4-5 days to get the embryo parthenogenetic. The results showed that development of mice oocyte activated to be 2 pronucleus (2PN), cleavage, morula and blastocyst sequence was 65%, 97%, 90% and 23%. The conclusion of this study indicate that the parthenogenetic embryos as sources of stem cells can be produced in vitro.Key words: stem cells, embryonic stem cells (ESCs), blastocyst, parthenogenetic AbstrakEmbryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) merupakan salah satu satu sumber sel punca (stem cell) yang bersifat pluripoten karena kemampuannya berdiferensiasi menjadi berbagai tipe sel. Hal inilah yang membuka peluang pemanfaatan embrio sebagai sumber stem cell. Namun pemanfaatan embrio sebagai objek penelitian masih mempunyai kendala etik. Saat ini embrio partenogenetik tahap blastosis dianggap dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif sumber ESC yang “etis” karena diperoleh bukan dari hasil fertilisasi antara oosit dan sperma. Embrio parthenogenetik diperoleh dari aktivasi oosit secara in vitro untuk memperoleh embrio tahap blastosis. Penelitian ini bertujuan memproduksi blastosis partenogenetik mencit sebagai sumber ESC. Pada penelitian ini superovulasi dilakukan pada mencit betina Swis webster untuk mendapatkan oosit. Aktivasi oosit mencit dilakukan dengan mengkultur oosit dalam medium dengan 10mM strontium chloride (SrCl2) dan 5 μg/ml cytokalasin B selama 6 jam dan kultur selama 4-5 hari untuk mendapatkan embrio partenogenetik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan oosit mencit yang telah teraktivasi menjadi tahap 2 pronukleus (2PN), cleavage, morula dan blastosis secara berurutan adalah 65%, 97%, 90% dan 23%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa embrio partenogenetik sebagai sumber stem cell dapat diproduksi secara in vitro.Kata kunci: Sel punca (stem cell), sel punca embrionik (ESCs), blastosis, partenogenetik
Produksi Embryonic Stem Cell (Esc) Line dari Blastosis Mencit dengan Metode Immunosurgery Rinendyaputri, Ratih; Susanti, Nike
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Central Basic Biomedical and Health Technology

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Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC) are pluripotent stem cells which has the ablility to self renew and differentiate into form all cells in the body. Inner Cell Mass (ICM) as a source of ESC that can be obtained from blastocyst stage of embryos. Isolation can be done by several methods such as mechanical, enzymatic and immunosurgery. This study aimed to observe the effectiveness of usage immunosurgery method to obtain the ICM from the blastocyst stage of embryo. Blastocyst stage of embryos were obtained from a strain of Swiss Webster female mice that had been stimulated using pregnant mare s gonadotropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Inner Cell Mass (ICM) were cultured and observed of the attachment level (attachment rate/AR), the rate of primary colony formation (primary colony/PC) and the morphology of ESC line. The results showed that the ICM were isolated using methods immunosurgery have AR and PC respectively 78,57% and 71,00%. Embryonic Stem Cell (ESC) can differentiate after several passages by forming embryoid body (EB). This study shows that immunosurgery is an effective method for producing ESC line from mice embryos of blatocyst stage.Key words: Blastocyst, Inner cell mass, ICM, ESC AbstrakEmbryonic Stem Cell (ESC) merupakan sumber stem cell yang bersifat pluripoten, yaitu sel yang mampu membelah dan berdiferensiasi menjadi semua tipe sel di dalam tubuh. Inner Cell Mass (ICM) sebagai sumber ESC dapat diperoleh dari embrio tahap blastosis. Isolasi ICM dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa metode seperti mekanik, enzimatik dan immunosurgery. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengamati efektifitas penggunanaan metode immunosurgery untuk memperoleh ICM dari embrio tahap blastosis. Embrio tahap blastosis diperoleh dari mencit betina strain Swiss Webster yang telah distimulasi menggunakan pregnant mare’s gonadotropin (PMSG) dan human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Inner Cell Mass (ICM) dikultur dan dilakukan pengamatan terhadap tingkat perlekatan ICM (attachment rate/AR) serta tingkat pembentukan koloni primer ESC (primary colony/PC) serta morfologi ESC line yang terbentuk. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ICM yang diisolasi menggunakan metode immunosurgery memiliki AR dan PC masing-masing 78,57% dan 71,00%. Embryonic Stem Cell (ESC) dapat mengalami diferensiasi setelah beberapa pasase dengan membentuk embryoid body (EB). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode immunosurgery merupakan metode yang efektif untuk memproduksi ESC line dari embrio mencit tahap blatosis.Kata kunci : Blastosis, Inner cell mass, ICM, ESC
Produksi Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) dari Sumsum Tulang Belakang Mencit Rinendyaputri, Ratih; Noviantari, Ariyani
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Central Basic Biomedical and Health Technology

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Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) is a source of stem cells are multipotent that can be differentiated into many tipe of cells. MSC can be obtained from various sources one of which is from the bone marrow. But the number of MSCs in the bone marrow is very limited, thus requiring the production of MSC in vitro to obtain considerable amounts on the application or further research. The success of the production is very dependent on various factors such as isolation methods and the use of appropriate culture medium. This study aims to compare the Dulbeccos Modified Eagles Medium (DMEM) and Minimum Essential Medium Eagle (MEM) as a culture medium producing MSC were isolated from bone marrow of mice tibia and femur using flushing methode. Research conducted at the Laboratory of stem cells, Center for Biomedical and Basic Technology of Health. Tibia and femur of mice cleared of fat and decontaminated using alcohol 70% for 2 minutes. Once clean both ends of the bone is cut and in flushing using 1 cc needle with DMEM culture medium and MEM. Medium replacement is done after 48 hours of culture. The results showed that the MSC yield from tibia and femur bone marrow is higher when cultured with MEM rather than DMEM (p <0.05). In this study the production of MSC from bone marrow of mice can be performed by using MEM medium with flushing method.Key words: Isolation, Medium, Bone marrow, MSC AbstrakMesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) merupakan sumber stem cell yang bersifat multipoten sehingga mampu berdiferensiasi menjadi berbagai tipe sel. MSC dapat diperoleh dari berbagai sumber salah satunya adalah dari sumsum tulang. Namun jumlah MSC dalam sumsum tulang sangat terbatas, sehingga diperlukan produksi MSC secara in vitro untuk mendapatkan jumlah yang cukup pada aplikasi atau penelitian lebih lanjut. Keberhasilan produksi sangat bergantung pada berbagai faktor seperti metode isolasi dan penggunaan medium kultur yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan medium kultur Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) dan Minimum Essential Medium Eagle (MEM) untuk produksi MSC yang diisolasi dari sumsum tulang tibia dan femur mencit dengan metode flushing. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium stem cell, Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan Badan Litbangkes. Tulang tibia dan femur mencit dibersihkan dari lemak dan didekontaminasi menggunakan alkohol 70% selama 2 menit. Setelah bersih kedua ujung tulang dipotong dan di flushing menggunakan jarum 1 cc dengan medium kultur DMEM dan MEM. Penggantian medium dilakukan setelah 48 jam kultur. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa jumlah MSC yang diperoleh dari sumsum tulang tibia dan femur mencit lebih banyak dengan MEM sebagai medium kultur dibandingkan dengan DMEM (p<0,05). Pada penelitian ini produksi MSC dari sumsum tulang mencit dapat dilakukan dengan metode flushing dengan menggunakan medium MEM.Kata kunci : Isolasi, Medium, Sumsum tulang, MSC
Efek dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) terhadap Karakteristik Sel Punca Limbal (SPL) Tikus Rinendyaputri, Ratih; Dany, Frans; - Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan Balitbangkes, Kemenkes RI, Uly Alfi Nikmah
IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science Vol 5, No 1 (2018): IJMS 2018
Publisher : IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science

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Abstact : The number of donor limbal stem cells (LSCs) is limited despite their large demand for management of LSC deficiency-related corneal opacity, requiring propagation of these cells in vitro. Production of LSCs can be done through isolation and culture of limbal tissue in vitro and cryopreservation of LSCs is utilized to maintain the availability of LSCs. Upon cryopreservation, cryoprotectants are required to protect cells from thermal injury. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a commonly used cryoprotectant for cryopreservation but the effect of its use on LSCs are still seldomly reported. This study aimed to determine the effect of the use of DMSO in cryopreservation of LSC. The study was conducted at the Stem Cell Laboratory, Center for Biomedical and Basic Technology of Health, NIHRD Ministry of Health. This research was performed by culturing and observation of  LSCs characteristic after cryopreservation. Meanwhile, level of LSC proliferation was determined by calculating population doubling (PD) and population doubling time (PDT) besides analyzing their gene expression using markers such as CD90 (Thy1) and Krt12. The results showed that PD and PDT in LSC control and post-cryopreservation without DMSO and cryopreservation using DMSO accordingly are 1.33 and 143.03, 150.65 and 1.15, and 1.31 and 155. Meanwhile, CD90 (Thy1) gene expression and Krt12 expression in the cryopreserved group with and without DMSO compared with their respective controls are 2.7 and 4.51, 2.55 and 1:44, respectively. In this study, DMSO for the cryopreservation did not affect at the LSC characteristics of rat.Key word : limbus stem cell, LSC, cryopreservation, dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO Abstrak : Jumlah donor sel punca limbal (SPL) sangat terbatas padahal kebutuhannya cukup besar untuk penatalaksanaan kekeruhan kornea akibat defisiensi sel tersebut sehingga SPL perlu diperbanyak secara in vitro. Produksi SPL secara in vitro dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan isolasi dan kultur dari jaringan limbal, dan metode simpan beku atau kriopreservasi SPL digunakan untuk menjaga ketersediaan SPL. Pada saat kriopreservasi, dibutuhkan krioprotektan yang dapat melindungi sel dari kerusakan termal saat kriopreservasi. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) merupakan salah satu krioprotektan yang umum digunakan untuk kriopreservasi namun efek penggunaan pada SPL masih sangat jarang dilaporkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penggunaan DMSO pada kriopreservasi SPL. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Stem Cell Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan Badan Litbangkes. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan kultur SPL tikus menggunakan metode eksplan secara in vitro pada cawan petri. Pengamatan terhadap karakteristik SPL pasca kriopreservasi dilakukan dengan pengamatan terhadap morfologi SPL secara mikroskopis dan mengetahui tingkat proliferasi SPL dengan menghitung population doubling (PD) dan population doubling time (PDT) serta menganalisis ekspresi gen CD90 (Thy1) dan Krt12 sebagai marker SPL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PD dan PDT pada SPL kontrol dan pasca kriopreservasi tanpa DMSO dan kriopreservasi dengan DMSO secara berturut-turut adalah 1.33 dan 143.03, 1.15 dan 150.65 serta 1.31 dan 155. Sedangkan tingkat ekspresi gen CD90 (Thy1) dan Krt12 SPL pada penggunaan dan tanpa DMSO dibandingkan dengan kontrol masing-masing adalah 2,7 dan 4,51 serat 2,55 dan 1,44 kali. Pada penelitian ini, DMSO tidak  mengubah  karakteristik SPL tikus. Kata kunci: sel punca limbal, SPL, kriopreservasi, dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO
Production and Characterization of Mouse Diploid Parthenogenetic Blastocyst Developed in Phosphate-Free Medium Budiariati, Vista; Budiono, Dwi; Fahrudin, Mokhamad; Juliandi, Berry; Rinendyaputri, Ratih; Boediono, Arief
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 27 No. 2 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.143 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.27.2.89


Parthenogenesis is an artificial oocytes activation process without paternal contribution. Blastocyst, derived from parthenogenesis, is one of potential source for pluripotent stem cell propagation. Unfortunately, previous studies reported that parthenogenetic embryo did not achieve exhilarating blastocyst rate. One of the component that predicted inhibit parthenogenetic embryo development is phosphate. Therefore, we try to modify culture medium in order to overcome that problem. The aim of this research was to produce and analyze the characteristics of parthenogenetic blastocyst developed in phosphate-free medium. Mouse oocytes obtained from adult female DDY by superovulation. The activator was strontium chloride 10 mM and diploidization with cytochalasin B 5 μg/ml. Medium for activation and culture medium were modified rat 1 cell embryo medium (MR1ECM) which is phosphate free. The results showed that parthenotes that were cultured in phosphate free medium reached higher blastocyst rate compared to the other groups. The increase of phosphate in culture medium lead to impaired parthenogenetic embryos development. Further experiment was made to analyze the differences between fertilized and parthenogenetic embryo in this medium. The experiment showed that diploid parthenogenetic could achieve high blastocyst rate (30.9±1.3%). The quality of diploid parthenogenetic blastocyst, based on cells number, viability, and ICM ratio, was lower than fertilized blastocyst.