Muhammad Adam;
Siti Hafsah;
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Juli 2021
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin
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DOI: 10.20956/pa.v5i3.9686
Abstract. Indonesian Technical High School (SMK) serves a particular purpose in preparing its students with a hard skill based on trade skills. Nevertheless, when the students graduate there are still confusions among them on where to start to prepare for job searching and job application. This community service program aims to provide students of SMK Ibnu Khaldun Balikpapan with the information they need for job readiness as well as to support the government program in this case, the Balikpapan Manpower office. The material given is the stages that students shall take when start searching and applying for a job, and the main soft skills to improve,i.e: communication and cooperation. SMK Ibnu Khaldun is chosen by the Manpower Office Balikpapan, as the owner of this program as this is one of the private schools located in the suburban area of Balikpapan. The result of this community service program equips students with the knowledge that they need related to prepare for entering the industrial field. Abstrak. SMK memiliki fungsi khusus dalam mempersiapkan siswa-siswanya dengan keterampilan yang diperlukan berdasarkan kejuruan masing-masing. Meski demikian, saat para siswa lulus, masih ada kebingungan mengenai proses apa yang selanjutnya mereka lakukan dalam mempersiapkan diri mencari pekerjaan. Kegiatan PKM bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi bimbingan jabatan dan kesiapan memasuki dunia kerja bagi siswa di SMK Ibnu Khaldun Balikpapan. Selain itu, kegiatan PKM ini juga untuk mendukung program pemerintah khususnya Dinas Ketenagakerjaan Kota Balikpapan dalam membantu pencari kerja di Balikpapan. Materi penyuluhan berisi tahapan-tahapan yang perlu dipersiapkan oleh para lulusan dalam mencari pekerjaan dan soft skill utama yang perlu ditingkatkan, yaitu, komunikasi dan kerjasama. SMK Ibnu Khaldun dipilih sebagai sasaran pada kegiatan PKM ini karena dari Dinas Ketenagakerjaan sebagai mitra memang memilih SMK swasta yang terletak relatif jauh dari pusat kota Balikpapan. Dari hasil kegiatan ini, telah terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan persiapan memasuki dunia industri.
Adisty Indah Prahastini;
Siti Hafsah;
Sumardjo Sumardjo
Prologue: Journal on Language and Literature Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Prologue : Journal on Language and Literature
Publisher : Faculty of Letters Universitas Balikpapan
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DOI: 10.36277/jurnalprologue.v5i1.28
The aim of this research is to explore the kinds of human exploitation and social inequality in the novel “Oliver Twist”. The objectives of this research are to find and to describe the forms of human exploitation in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, and to find the connection between social inequality and human exploitation in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. The theory used in this research is exploitation and social inequality based in Marxism theory by Karl Marx. The methodology is qualitative research in which the researcher used to present the issues descriptively. The data were collected from the narration and dialogue in the novel, the data were analyzed descriptively using the theory.After going through the analysis, the researcher concludes that the forms of human exploitation in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens are child exploitation which consist of doing anything as compulsory, fact manipulated, unequal treatment, unequal facility, cruel punishment also child trafficking, and the other one are women exploitation which consist of become a servant and prostitute. Whereas the connection between social inequality and exploitation is triggered by the class differences between the upper class dan the lower class.
Rahma Putri Ramadhani;
Siti Hafsah;
Adi Prautomo
Prologue: Journal on Language and Literature Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Prologue : Journal on Language and Literature
Publisher : Faculty of Letters Universitas Balikpapan
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DOI: 10.36277/jurnalprologue.v5i1.29
This research studies about the correlation language and gender with the variety of woman’s language feature in the main character Rebecca Bloomwood in the Confession of Shopaholic movie. There are two objectives that become the purpose of this study; 1) To find the variety of woman’s language feature in the main character Rebecca Bloomwood in the Confession of Shopaholic movie and 2) To find the woman’s language correlate to gender in the main character in the Confession of Shopaholic movie. The theory used in this research is the Sociolinguistic approach by using the theory of Robin Lakoff about woman’s language features and women’s language correlate to gender. The methodology used in this study is qualitative research to explain the data, because the data are analyzed and described in the form of words and sentences. The data are taken from the conversations uttered by the main character as female character. The result of the research, the researcher finds ten variety of woman’s language such as precise color terms, avoiding using strong word, empty adjective, tag question, avoiding using strong word, lexical hedges, intensifier, emphatic stress, hypercorrect grammar, and super polite form. Regarding the reason by using the feature is most the feature of variety woman’s language has been found in the main character. Those features show woman’s correlations to gender that women tend to reflect uncertainty, and their lack of confidence in conversation. This research finds woman’s language is super polite than man, women’s talk more evaluative and emotional than man’s language.
Anggita Nindya Sari;
Siti Hafsah;
Wahyuni Wahyuni
Prologue: Journal on Language and Literature Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Prologue : Journal on Language and Literature
Publisher : Faculty of Letters Universitas Balikpapan
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DOI: 10.36277/jurnalprologue.v5i1.30
There are objectives that become the purpose of this research: 1) to describe the factors cause the political discrimination against black people in America in 1960s as reflected in the novel Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee and 2) to find the strategy of political discrimination against black people in America in 1960s portray in the novel Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee. The theory used in this research is the Sociology of Literature and hegemony theory by Gramsci about dominance and direction/leadership and discrimination as supporting theory. The methodology employed is qualitative research which the researcher aims to study the the issue of political discrimination and the factors cause the political discrimination. In the process of collecting data, the researcher collected from primary and secondary data. The primary data is the story and relation issue in the novel which about the factors causing political discrimination and the strategy of political discrimination against black people in America in 1960s. The researcher concludes that the issue reflected in the novel, there are some factors causing the political discrimination against black people, they are dominance and direction/leadership which is the phase of hegemony. The strategy of political discrimination against black people are discrimination in accepting the equality as the opportunity in part of government agency, discrimination in sharing the responsibility of citizenship and discrimination of the rights to vote. Those discrimination has the purpose to limiting black people become the participant of board council.
The Relation of Maxim Flouting Used to Illocutionary Function of Politeness in 12 Years a Slave Movie
Zain Nabilah Anjani;
Jepri Jepri;
Siti Hafsah
Prologue: Journal on Language and Literature Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Prologue : Journal on Language and Literature
Publisher : Faculty of Letters Universitas Balikpapan
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DOI: 10.36277/jurnalprologue.v6i1.50
This research explores types of maxim flouting in 12 Years A Slave’s Movie and aims to identify the types of maxim flouting in 12 Years A Slave movie and to seek out the relation of maxim flouting to the illocutionary function of politeness. The pragmatic analysis using H. P. Grice’s theory of maxim flouting is used with descriptive methodology. The movie scripts were taken as the primary data. Researcher found that there are four types of maxim flouting performed by Solomon Northup; and the relation of maxim flouting to the illocutionary function of politeness are competitive, collaborative, convivial, and conflictive.
The Feature of Female Language in the Novel Love Rosie
Yushi Aprindah Putri;
Muhammad Adam;
Siti Hafsah
Prologue: Journal on Language and Literature Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Prologue : Journal on Language and Literature
Publisher : Faculty of Letters Universitas Balikpapan
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DOI: 10.36277/jurnalprologue.v6i1.52
This journal investigated the feature of female language in the Novel entitled Love Rosie. There are two objectives of this research; 1) to identify the type of feature female language used by the main character in the novel Love Rosie and 2) to describe which female language feature supports the communication style. The type of research was qualitative descriptive because the data were analyzed and described in the form of words and sentences. The data were taken from the conversations that is uttered by the main character of Love Rosie the novel. The conversation in the novel was taken out as the primary data. The theory used in this research is the sociolinguistics analysis using Robin Lakoff's theory of female language feature and supported by Deborah Tannen's theory of communication styles in women's conversation. The result of the research, the researcher found that the features of female language found in the novel Love Rosie there are eight types, super polite forms, tag questions, empty adjectives, logical hedges, strong avoidance of words, price color terms, intensifiers, and emphatic stress. The female language feature that is the most widely used main character supports the communication style that tends to use indirect communication styles.
The Optimism as Self-actualization Fulfillment in the Novel Pollyanna
Azni Rizka Anandari Antung;
Siti Hafsah;
Ulum Janah
Prologue: Journal on Language and Literature Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Prologue : Journal on Language and Literature
Publisher : Faculty of Letters Universitas Balikpapan
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DOI: 10.36277/jurnalprologue.v7i2.56
This research aims to analyze the role of optimism towards self-actualization fulfillment in the novel Pollyanna by Eleanor H.Porter. The objective of this research is to identify the reflection of optimism obtained. The theory used in this research is the Optimism approach and the Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow. This research uses the qualitative descriptive method in the analysis of the novel. The researcher found the reflection of optimism and the basic need obtain in order to fulfill self-actualization. There are categorized the existence, help, happiness, and joyfulness which as the optimism reflection that became impact in self-actualization fulfillment of the main character.
The Effects of Learning Disabilities of a Dyslexic toward Social Relationship in the Movie Like Stars on Earth
Indira Karina Putri;
Siti Hafsah;
Jepri Jepri
Prologue: Journal on Language and Literature Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): Prologue : Journal on Language and Literature
Publisher : Faculty of Letters Universitas Balikpapan
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DOI: 10.36277/jurnalprologue.v6i2.62
Hermeneutics in this study is a theory that gives an interpretation of meanings and symbolsthat are interpreted as manifestations of a child's social relations with dyslexia. Humansthrough their minds like the ability to have a normal social life like in general with culturalnorms and understandings that he considers correct by using interpretation as a tool forvarious purposes; one of the goals is to communicate with others as a form of adaptation tothe environment. The study has significant value and can be motivated by the daily lives ofchildren with dyslexia which is considered intelligent and normal people in general. Themethod in this study uses a qualitative descriptive research method with hermeneutics byPaul Ricoeur's theory, with two perspectives namely interpretations and symbols. From thisresearch, the researcher found several symbols that must be interpreted so that the meaningcontained in them can be understood, where this movie provides motivation for parents orchildren with dyslexia.
The Blade of the Youngest Princess: The Eastern Kalimantan Folklore in the Analysis of Vladimir Propp’s Narrative Structure
Siti Hafsah
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 5 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo
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DOI: 10.30605/ethicallingua.v5i1.696
The object of this research is The Blade of the Youngest Princess folklore (which abbreviated KLPB – Kepala Lading Putri Bungsu) from East Kalimantan. The researcher uses an approach of Vladimir Propp’s Narrative Structure to analyze the folklore. This research aims to reveal the function of the system of structure in folklore. The research uses qualitative methods and narrative structure of Vladimir Propp is used as an approach to identify the function and the structure of the story to reveal various values in community in East Kalimantan especially the moral value and the educational value. From the analysis, researcher finds that from the perspective of characters’ function, the folklore is formed from fifteen function. Whereas the elements of value of the community especially in East Kalimantan as reflected from the folklore is that the king is wise, fair, and a good decision maker.
Woman’s Suppression in Azab dan Sengsara: A Feminist Perspective
Siti Hafsah
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 4 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo
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DOI: 10.30605/ethicallingua.v4i1.347
Azab dan Sengsara is an Indonesian novel written by Merari Siregar (1921), one of the famous roman novelists in Indonesia in Balai Pustaka era. The novel is a material object of the present study. The study aims at revealing oppression, violence, exploitation of woman and all varieties of injustice to woman, revealing social symptoms ideological forms containing in the novel as a manifestation of a company condition in old era. This research uses a qualitative method and approaches of literary feminist and literary sociology as its support. This research succeeds in answering the problems of woman life, as manifestation of real life which reflects kinds of woman’s life in society of Indonesian, for example: marriage, custom, violence, etc. for the hero “Mariamin” (a woman). She is the manifestation of the authority life, besides talking on oppression of woman images of its community lives. The author succeeded offering solutions with various contradictions, conflicts, handling down the novel as manifestation in real life.