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Orbith Vol 10, No 1 (2014): Maret 2014
Publisher : Orbith

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Jaringan jalan mempunyai peranan dalam melancarkan angkutan barang maupun manusia dari suatu daerah ke daerah yang lain. Jalan merupakan prasarana transportasi darat, jika prasarana transpotasi  dalam kondisi baik maka transportasi juga akan berjalan baik, dampaknya bermacam-macam antara lain pengendara merasa nyaman, kecelakaan berkurang, lalu lintas berjalan lancar, perekonomian meningkat. Kondisi perkerasan jalan akan dipengaruhi oleh jumlah dan jenis kendaraan yang lewat, kualitas bahan material, perawatan, kualitas drainase dsb. Dalam studi ini akan dibahas tentang perkerasan exsisting masih mampu menahan beban LHR (Lalu Lintas Harian Rata-rata) yang ada  dengan metode membandingkan  ITP exsisting dengan ITP berdasarkan data lalu lintas yang ada. Dari hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada IndekTebalPerkerasan (ITP exsisting) Jl. Dr. Cipto, Jl.S.Parman dan Jl. Sugiyopranoto diperoleh berturut-turut 11,25 ; 11,2 ; 11,16 dan  ITP berdasarkan data lalu lintas yang ada berturut-turut sebesar 11,0 ; 10,0 ; 10,5. Sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan tebal perkerasan dari ketiga jalan raya (Jl. Dr. Cipto, Jl. S. Parman dan Jl. Sugiyopranoto) tahun 2014 masih mampu menahan beban lalu lintas yang ada. Kesimpulan dari studi kasus ini berdasarkan analisis dari data lalu lintas th 2013 maka ketiga jalan tersebut pada tahun 2014 belum perlu dilakukan Overlay atau penambahan tebal perkerasan.
Model Pemilihan Moda Transportasi Laut pada Wilayah Geografis Kepulauan; Studi Kasus Rute Kota Kendari-Kabupaten Konawe Kepulauan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Asrul, Asrul; Risman, Risman
Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Vol 27, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : The ITB Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (817.957 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jrcp.2016.27.2.6


The connectivity between Kendari City and Konawe Kepulauan Regency has affected the development of both regions. The connectivity between those two regions consists only of sea transportation with two types of transportation mode. The purpose of this study is to observe the behavior of users of sea transportation mode and to analyze characteristics of users of wooden ships and ferries on the Kendari City - Konawe Kepulauan Regency route, based on the preferences of passengers on the variety of attraction of the two modes. In this study, the characteristic of the selection of the sea transportation modes influences the total of traffic in the connection of both regions. The research design of this study is a modeling approach using a binomial logit model and a sample of 90 respondents. The results show that travel cost accounts for the difference in model utility which influences  the selection of sea transportation modes for the two regions. Based on the perception of users, for ferries the purpose of trip is mostly for work while for wooden ships the purpose is mostly social. The reasons for selecting wooden ships are a variety of time and trip frequency, whereas the reason for selecting ferries is the cost.
Jurnal Tepak Manajemen Bisnis Vol 10, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Tepak Manajemen Bisnis

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This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the quality of financialreporting with organizational commitment as an Intervening variabel in the localgovernments Kampar. This study population is a civil servant of financial report in theKampar regency with the use of Census methodh with total sample of 84 respondens.The variables used in this study are the Quality of Financial Reporting as dependentvariable and Human Resources Competency, Internal Control System, Utilization ofInformation Technology, and Organizational Commitment as independent variable.sThe analysis tool used is descriptive and qualitative analysis using tools WarpPLS 5 .The result using test coefisient path (Path Coefficient) and value significance (P-value)indicated that the Organizational Commitment, Human Resources Competency and andUtilization of Information Technology have positive and significant inpact diretcly tothe the quality of financial Reporting, but Internal Control System doesn’t havesignificant effect. Human Resources Competency and Utilization of InformationTechnology through organizational commitment as an intervening variable havesignificant effects indirectly to the the quality of financial Reporting.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan Vol 4, No 4 (2019): JURNAL SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jstp.v4i4.9021


ABSTRACT This research aims to analyze the content of Rhodamin B dye substances on Crackers and ice Lolly of hawkers who sold around elementary schools in Baruga (Samples 1, Samples 2, Samples 3, Samples7, Samples 8, Samples 9, Samples 10, Samples 14, Samples 15). The sampling method used in this research is parposive random cluster technique where each side padagang ice candles in crackers and grab two random samples. The samples are then analyzed quantitatively by the method fenilhidrazin to mendetiksi there is whether or not the content of dye substances rhodamin B in crackers and ice candle and quantitative test methods with UV-Vis Spectrophotometer to determine levels of rhodamin B in Hawker crackers and ice candles Quantitative test results on samples from nine crackers as snacks crackers and seven samples of traditional ice candle analyzed demonstrating the negative results i.e. hawker crackers and ice candle sold around SD Sub Baruga Kendari does not contain a dye rhodamin B. conclusions that can be drawn based on an examination of the content of rhodamin B in samples of crackers and ice lolly of dollars traded in SD Sub Baruga Kendari with nine samples of crackers and seven samples of ice candles from different schools repeated an negative do not contain harmful chemical compounds rhodamin B. Keywords: qualitative, crackers, ice lolly, Rhodamin B. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan zat pewarna Rhodamin B pada Kerupuk dan Es Lilin dari pedagang asongan yang diperjualbelikan di sekitar Sekolah Dasar Kecamatan Baruga (Sampel 1, Sampe 2, Sampe 3, Sampel7, Sampel 8, Sampel 9, Sampel 10, Sampel 14, Sampel 15). Metode pengambilan sampel yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik cluster parposive random samping dimana setiap padagang kerupuk dan es lilin di ambil dua sampel secara acak. Sampel kemudian dianalisis kuantitatif dengan metode fenilhidrazin untuk mendetiksi ada tidaknya kandungan zat pewarna rhodamin B pada kerupuk dan es lilin dan uji kuantitatif dengan metode Spektrofotometer UV-Vis untuk menetukan kadar rhodamin B dalam jajanan kerupuk dan es lilin. Hasil penelitian uji kuantitatif pada jajanan kerupuk dari sembilan sampel kerupuk dan tujuh sampel jajanan es lilin yang dianalisis menujukan hasil negatif yaitu jajanan kerupuk dan es lilin yang diperjualbelikan di sekitar SD Kecamatan Baruga Kota Kendari tidak mengandung zat pewarna rhodamin B. Berdasarkan penelitian terhadap kandungan rhodamin B pada sampel kerupuk dan es lilin yang diperjual belikan di SD Kecamatan Baruga Kota Kendari dengan sembilan sampel kerupuk dan tujuh sampel es lilin dari sekolah yang berbeda diyatakan negatif tidak mengandung senyawa kimia berbahaya rhodamin B. Kata kunci: kualitatif, kerupuk, es lilin, Rhodamin B
MEKTEK Vol 15, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : MEKTEK

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Asphalt Concrete Binder Course (AC-BC) Pavement is a type of asphalt pavement located between base layer and wearing course.  The study was conducted describing the the effect of the use of rice husk ash onthe characteristics of asphalt concrete AC-BC mixtures. The purpose of this study was to determine thecharacteristics of the asphalt concrete binder course mixtures (AC-BC) which uses rice husk ash as filler,determine the optimum percentage of rice husk filler in AC-BC pavement mixtures. Research materials include coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and rice husk ash. Coarse and fine aggregateobtained from Stone Cruiser of Taipa and Palu River, while rice husk ash obtained fromBiromaru area in Sigi Regency. Asphalt used in this study is Asphalt pen. 60/70 produced by Pertamina.Investigation and testing of these materials has been carried out in the Laboratory of Transportation andHighways, Department of Civil Tadulako University of Palu.Research has been carried out by using rice husk ash filler variation of 0%, 25% and 50%. The datacollected includes characteristics of volumetric and Marshall test characteristics of AC-BC pavementmixture on each rice husk ash content. The data include density, VIM, VMA, VFB, Stability, flow, MarshallQuotient value and residual stability of the mixture. The data is processed and displayed in graphical form,  then do a comparative analysis between the characteristics of the AC-BC mixture that uses rice husk ash andwithout rice husk ash.The results of the study found that increasing the percentage of rice husk ash content in the mix AC-BC tendsto increase the use of bitumen content. It can be seen from the increasing value of Optimum Bitumen Content(OBC) on rice husk ash variation of 0% - 50%. The results also gain an increase in the durability of the ACBCmixtureofricehuskashonthevariationof0%- 5%asindicatedbytheincreasedtheresidualstabilityvalueofthe AC-BC pavementmixtures.Maximum stabilityoccursinrice huskashcontentof25%.Keywords: Asphalt Concrete Binder Course (AC-BC), rice husk ash
Wahana Teknik Sipil: Jurnal Pengembangan Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 1 (2013): WAHANA Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32497/wahanats.v18i1.126


In order to be an effective management of irrigation water, the flow rate should be measured in the upstream primary channels, the branch line and the tapping tertiary buildings. However, to simplify the management of irrigation network have only a few building types that may be used in irrigation areas. This study is limited to measure rate of flow through the spillway sillwidth with a round shape and spillway sill lighthouse thin rectangular. The methodology used was tested in the laboratory by varying the flow hydraulics start of Q1, Q2, Q3, ..., Qn, to get the water level variations in the upstream and the downstream in spillway is constan, which can be obstained with the relationship between the discharge water level in the upstream and downstream of the spillway. Besides, it was also found the relationship of the variation of the discharge flowed through the sill wide spillway and thin threshold to high energy lost occurs. From the results of this research, the relationship with the discharge water level in the upstream, downstream water level, water level above the threshold, and the threshold energy loss for the overflow width spillway and thin sill have a similar trend. To spillway width threshold produces less energy loss than the spillway sill thin with trend Y = - 405,6 X2 ? 11,99 X ? 0,001 for sill width spillway and Y = 1,183 X 0,552 for the overflow thin threshold with Y is the loss energy in meters and X in discharge in m3/s.
Bersama Hijnafi Diakhir Pekan Humairah, Humairah; Asrianto, Aswin; Risman, Risman; Alimuddin, Muhammad Akhsan; Lamada, Mustari
Jurnal MediaTIK Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Jurnal MediaTIK
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.447 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/jmtik.v2i1.9784


Abstrak- Hijnafi merupakan aplikasi android yang dibuat sebagai media pengenalan huruf hijaiah untuk mempermudah anak usia dini dalam mempelajari dan membaca al-Quran dengan baik dan benar. Penerapan media Hijnafi di Panti Asuhan Reski Amaliah dimaksudkan untuk membantu anak-anak panti asuhan yang masih kesulitan dalam mengenali dan mengetahui huruf hijaiah. Aplikasi hijnafi dapat menjadi media pembelajaran yang menarik untuk anak usia dini karena menggunakan sistem hologram yang membuat anak-anak terpacu untuk mempalajarinya. Program pembelajaran menggunakan aplikasi hijnafi di Panti Asuhan Reski Amaliah dilaksanakan pada akhir pekan yang diikuti oleh 20 anak panti. Berdasarkan hasil penerapan aplikasi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa apikasi Hijnafi sangat cocok untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran huruf hijaiah karena dari hasil pengujiannya terdapat peningkatan pemahaman anak asuh di Panti Asuhan Reski Amaliah.
PENGARUH INTENSITAS CAHAYA DAN DOSIS PUPUK UREA TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN BIBIT JAMBU METE (Anacardium occidentale L.) Risman, Risman; Muslimin, muslimin; Taiyeb, asgar
Jurnal Warta Rimba Vol 8, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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(Anacardium occidentale L.) is a conservation plant and its development in Indonesia has been started since 1975 through the Ministry of Forestry's project as a conservation plant to repair critical land. The study was conducted for three months, starting from March to May 2018. The research location was located in the nursery around the Forestry Science Laboratory of the Faculty of Forestry. This study uses a factorial Randomized Complete Design Method (RAL) consisting of two factors, namely the first factor of light intensity C1 = 30%, C2 = 50%, C3 = 70% and C4 = 100% and the second factor is the dose of Urea P0 = without Urea fertilizer, P1 = 1 g and P2 = 2 g per polybag. The combination of the two factors is 12 combinations and each treatment is repeated 4 times. The parameters observed included height increase, increase in diamater, increase in number of leaves and measurement of leaf area. The results of this study indicate that the treatment of Urea fertilizer dosage has a very significant effect on the increase in cashew nut seedlings aged 12 MST. The treatment of 2 g fertilizer dose gave a high increase of 2.0 cm which was significantly different from the treatment without fertilizer (P0) which was 1.4 cm. In addition, the treatment of light intensity and its interaction with Urea fertilizer has no significant effect on all observational parameters of age 12 MST. The treatment of 30% light intensity gave the best results for height increments of 2.0 cm and an increase in diameter of 0.82 mm at 12 MST. The interaction of light intensity and urea fertilizer (C1P2) tended to give the best effect on the parameters of high increase of 2.5 cm, the increase in diameter of 0.82 mm and the increase in the number of leaves of 2.4 strands aged 12 MST.Keywords: Light Intensity, Cashew Seed Urea Fertilizer (Anacardium Occidentale L).
PENGARUH PEDAGANG KAKI LIMA DAN PARKIR TERHADAP KINERJA JALAN DI KOTA SEMARANG Surya Buana, Lalu Yahya; Abdilah, Rifqi Aulia; Rabinah, Aiun Hayatu; Risman, Risman; Warsiti, Warsiti
Bangun Rekaprima: Majalah Ilmiah Pengembangan Rekayasa, Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 8, No 1, April (2022): Bangun Rekaprima
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (28.714 KB) | DOI: 10.32497/bangunrekaprima.v8i1, April.3532


Aktifitas PKL dan kendaraan yang melakukan parkir pada badan jalan menimbulkan kemacetan lalu lintas dan berkurangnya tingkat pelayanan jalan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pengaruh keberadaan PKL dan parkir terhadap kinerja jalan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian survey yang dilengkapi dengan observasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data kuantitatif yang dianalisis dengan kualitatif deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa pada ruas jalan arteri, PKL dan parkir memiliki pengaruh yang signifikansebesar 0,026 terhadap DS dan 0,028 terhadap kecepatan, dengan kenaikan DS sebesar 14%, dan penurunan kecepatan sebesar 26%, hal tersebut juga terjadi karena pada lokasi penelitian terdapat U-Turn, lokasi tersebut merupakan jalan arteri 2 arah yang dipisah oleh median, serta perbedaan fungsi guna lahan. Sedangkan pada ruas jalan kolektor, keberadaan PKL dan parkir mempengaruhi DS sebesar 0,049 dengan kenaikan DS sebesar 7%. Sedangkan terhadap kecepatan pengaruhnya tidak signifikan sebesar 0,064, tapi terjadi penurunan kecepatan sebesar 7%. Pada ruas jalan lokal, keberadaan PKL dan parkir tidak berpengaruh signifikan baik terhadap DS maupun kecepatan, namun terjadi peningkatan DS sebesar 80%, dan penurunan kecepatan sebesar 10%,selain PKL dan parkir, hal tersebut juga disebabkan oleh volume lalu lintas yang secara langsung mempengaruhi hambatan dan kinerja jalan