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Produktivitas Amino Acid Fish Aggregation pada Alat Tangkap Bagan Apung di Perairan Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi Roza Yusfiandayani; Bambang Riyanto; Mohamad Rafi; . Heriyanto
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 24 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (541.427 KB) | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.24.2.135


Fish has two chemical sensory/receptor systems that smell (olfactory) and taste (gustatory) odor that adapt to the specific substance of the environment. In general, olfactory is similar to nasal organs for human nostrils. The olfactory receptors detect chemical stimuli in the form of electrical signals. Based on the ability of fish that can respond to chemical stimuli through the sense of smell, a substance can be used to attract the attention of fish. In response to this reality, AFA (Amino Acid Fish Aggregation) can be developed as a fish collecting tool to attract fish bu using amino acid preparation that works though the sense of smell and taste of fish. The objectives of this study were to design and produce a prototype of Amino Acid Fish Aggregation (AFA), to determine the productivity of catches of raft lift net by using AFA, and to calculate the length of the weight of the catch using AFA. The data used were catch data with weights and lengths of fish catch by raft lift net using AFA. The results showed that the AFA prototype which had a size of p x l x t : 35 x 22 x 15 cm and the highest catches was found at 18.00-00.00 WIB by using AFA with raft lift net. The catches using AFA in Palabuhanratu waters amounted to 5 types of fish, namely stolephorus sp., sardinella sp., rastrelliger kanagurta, euthynnus affinis, trichiurus sp., and positive allometrics were found in rastrelliger kanagurta and anchovy, but negative allometrics were found in euthynnus affinis, sardinella sp., and trichiurus sp.
Jurnal Dikdas Bantara Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/jdb.v3i1.573


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan proses pembelajaran, motivasi, dan hasil belajar siswa dalam mempelajari materi hubungan ciri-ciri khusus pada hewan dengan lingkungan hidupnya melalui pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual bagi siswa kelas VA Semester II SD Negeri 2 Mojoreno tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 2 Mojoreno Kecamatan Sidoharjo Kabupaten Wonogiri, pada bulan Januari sampai dengan bulan Mei 2019 dengan subyek siswa kelas VA SD Negeri 2 Mojoreno yang terdiri dari 20 anak dengan satu rombongan belajar. Prosedur penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dikembangkan Kenmis dan Taggart melalui langkah-langkah: (1) perencanaan (planning), (2) pelaksanaan (acting), (3) pengamatan (observasing), (4) refleksi (reflecting). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Siklus I menerapkan pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual dengan kelompok besar dan siklus II menerapkan pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual dengan kelompok kecil dan tugas individu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui penerapan pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa dari kondisi awal yang rendah ke kondisi akhir yang tinggi. Proses pembelajaran meningkat dari kategori kurang baik menjadi pembelajaran yang baik. Peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar aspek pengetahuan siswa melalui penerapan pendekatan kontekstual pada materi panas dan perpindahannya sebesar 22,5 poin dan persentase ketuntasan nilai pengetahuan meningkat sebesar 55%. Peningkatan nilai rata-rata aspek keterampilan sebesar 20,5 poin dan persentase ketuntasan nilai keterampilan meningkat sebesar 40%.Kata kunci : motivasi, hasil belajar, pendekatan kontekstual
The Characteristics of Protein Concentrate Based-Edible Film Recovery From Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Surimi Waste Water Wini Trilaksani; Bambang Riyanto; Siti Nurbaity Kartika Apriani
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 10 No 2 (2007): Buletin Teknologi Hasil Perikanan
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (79.595 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v10i2.959


The objectives of this research were to learn the process of edible film formation from surimi waste water and characterization of edible film. Research was conducted in two steps, comprise recovery of protein from surimi waste water and processing of edible film. Recovery of protein was conducted in order to obtain the protein concentrate as a raw material of edible film. Processing of edible film was achieved in two step, first, to determine the pH solution creating the best edible film.The second step (as main reseach) is processing of edible film using determined pH generated from the first step combined with varies concentration of surimi waste-water concentrate.Afterward the edible film was physically and mekanically characterized.The results showed that the escalating concentration of protein concentrate causes in rising of thickness and elongation, but in the same time it reduces the tensile strength and water vapor transmission rate of edible film. By using concentration of protein concentrate as 3-4 % generated edible films which have to characteristics as follows: the viscocity of solutions 1.57-4.35 cP; the thickness of edible film were 35.2-96.47 μm; tensile strength 600.3293-336.6180 kgf/cm2; elongation were 9.11-17.07 %; and water vapor transmission rate of edible film were 22.84-4.13 g/m 2/24 hours. Nevertheless oxygen transmission rate of edible film can not be determined since the edible film was still too porous. Statistics Analysis showed that the rising of protein concentration were significantly influenced the viscocity solution, thickness, elongation, tensile strength and water vapor transmission rate of edible film.Key word: characteristics, edible film, protein, surimi waste-water
Cookies Berkadar Serat Tinggi Substitusi Tepung Ampas Rumput Laut dari Pengolahan Agar-Agar Kertas Bambang Riyanto; Maya Wilakstanti
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 9 No 1 (2006): Buletin Teknologi Hasil Perikanan
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (171.713 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v9i1.1005


Permintaan terhadap produk makanan kesehatan seperti makanan bebas gula (sugar-free food), makanan rendah kalori (low calorie food) dan makanan kaya serat (high fibre food) meningkat dengan pesat. Kecenderungan ini didasarkan atas perannya dalam pencegahan penyakit hipertensi, diabetes, kanker usus, dan penyakit degeneratif lainnya. Berbagai sumber bahan berserat tinggi seperti selulosa, hemiselulosa, lignin, dan gum sekarang menjadi perhatian utama dalam pengembangan produk makanan tersebut. Oleh karena itu pemanfaatan tepung ampas rumput laut dari pengolahan agar-agar kertas menjadi cookies berkadar serat tinggi menjadi sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Tahap pembuatan cookies meliputi pembentukan cream, penambahan tepung terigu dan tepung serat makanan dari ampas rumput laut pengolahan agar-agar kertas dengan konsentrasi 0 % sebagai kontrol, 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 % dan 50 % dari 100 gram tepung terigu, pencampuran (mixing), pencetakan, pemanggangan dalam oven selama 15 menit dengan suhu 180oC. Hasil uji sensori memperlihatkan bahwa penambahan berbagai konsentrasi tepung ampas rumput laut memberikan perbedaan yang nyata terhadap penerimaan cookies, dengan nilai kesukaan tertinggi pada penambahan tepung ampas rumput laut sebesar 10% dan 20% serta nilai kesukaan antara biasa sampai suka. Sedangkan hasil analisis kimia dari produk cookies yang disukai tersebut memperlihatkan bahwa cookies yang dihasilkan memiliki kandungan air sebesar 3,82-4,52%; protein 9,32-9,19%; lemak 23,19-21,90%; kadar abu 2,72-2,91%; nilai serat kasar 1,44-1,58% dan nilai serat makanan 5,98-6,02%. Secara keseluruhan, makin tinggi konsentrasi tepung ampas rumput laut yang ditambahkan, makin tinggi pula nilai serat kasar dan serat makanan, namun hasil tersebut berdampak terhadap mutu sensori (nilai kesukaan) dan nilai gizi yang lain dari produk cookies yang dibuat.Kata Kunci : rumput laut, agar-agar, serat makanan (dietary fiber), cookies
Potensi Antibakteri Diatom Laut Skeletonema costatum terhadap Bakteri Vibrio sp Iriani Setyaningsih; Lily M. Panggabean; Bambang Riyanto; Novita Nugraheny
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 9 No 1 (2006): Buletin Teknologi Hasil Perikanan
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.961 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v9i1.1006


Budidaya udang di Indonesia berkembang dengan cukup pesat karena udang merupakan salah satusumber devisa bagi negara. Akan tetapi perkembangan ini menghadapi permasalahan seperti adanyapenyakit bakterial. Salah satu bakteri patogen pada budidaya udang adalah Vibrio sp. Upaya untukmengatasi hal ini dapat dilakukan antara lain dengan menggunakan bahan antibakteria S. costatum. Padapenelitian ini, kulitivasi diatum S. costatum dilakukan dalam botol schott yang berisi f medium yangdilengkapi dengan aerator dan cahaya dengan intensitas 2000 luks. Kulivitasi dilakukan pada suhu 25oC.Kurva pertumbuhan S. costatum ditentukan dengan menghitung jumlah sel setiap harinya. Untuk ekstraksiantibakteri, kultur dipanen pada hari ke-6, selanjutnya dilakukan ekstraksi terhadap biomasanya denganmenggunakan metanol untuk mendapatkan ekstrak antibakteri. Ekstrak antibakteri ini diujikan pada bakteriVibrio sp dengan metode difusi agar. Hasil pengujian terhadap aktivitas penghambatan bakteri tersebutmenunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kasar (crude) intraseluler S. costatum mampu menghambat pertumbuhanbakteri Vibrio sp dengan potensi hambatan (inhibitor potention) 75,47% (pada konstertasi ekstrak 2000ppm), 52,08% (pada 1000 ppm), 30,43% (pada 500 ppm), 23,81% (pada 250 ppm) dan 15,79% (pada 100ppm) dibandingkan dengan kloramfenikol.Key word: antibakteri, Skeletonema costatum, Vibrio
Pemanfaatan Protein Ikan Mujair (Oreochromis mossambicus Peters.) sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Fish Cake Goreng Wini Trilaksani; Bambang Riyanto; Hery Susanto
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 7 No 1 (2004): Buletin Teknologi Hasil Perikanan
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (102.437 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v7i1.1050


Perlakuan pencucian yang paling efektif digunakan untuk pembuatan produk fish cake dengan perlakuan waktu penggorengan 5 menit (F5) dan 7menit (F7) serta penyimpanan prodk selama 8 minggu. Selama penyimpanan dilakukan pengukuran terhadap nilai elastisitas, warna (L: kecerahan a: warna kromatik antara merah sampai hijau, b: warna kromatik antara kuning sampai biru), TBA (Thiobarbituric Acid) dan DIA (Daya Ikat Air) serta uji organoleptik, uji pelipatan (floding test) menunjukan bahwa pencucian 1 kali merupakan perlakuan terbaik. Nilai elastisitas berkisat antara 0,14 sampai 0,44 kg/mm pada produk F5 dan antara 0,22 sampai 0,76 kg/mm pada produk F7. Nilai L berkisar antara 6,062 sampai 6,241 pada produk F5 dan antara 6,149 sampai 6,259 pada produk F7 termasuk dalam kisaran warna agak gelap, nilai a berkisar antara 1,188 sampai 6,706 pada produk F5 dan antara 2,931 sampai 8,276 pada produk F7 termasuk dalam kisaran warna merah, nilai b berkisar berkisar antara 11,869 sampai 15,958 pada produk F5 dan antara 11,890 sampai 15,766 pada produk F7 termasuk dalam kisaran warna kuning. Nilai TBA antara 0,0000944-0,13 u molmalonadehide/kg pada produk F5 dan antara 0,000115-0,14 umol malonaldehide/kg pada produk F7. Sedangkan nilai DIA antara 20,120-32,25 % pada produk F5 dan antara 16,300-34,41 % pada produk F7.Hasil uji hedonik pada nilai warna, penampakan, aroma, dan tesktur produk yang disukai panelis adalah produk F5 dan rasa pada produk F7. Dari uji mutu hedonik nilai warna, aroma, dan rasa menunjukan bahwa yang disukai oleh panelis adalah produk F5, sedangkan tekstur serta penampakan pada perlakuan F7.Kata kunci: Fish Cake, Oreochromis mossambicus Peters.
The aim of this research is to obtain characteristics of composite biofiber textile prepared using 10% chitosan as base material with addition of polyvinyl alcohol at various levels of 20%, 22%, 24% and 26% (w/v) by wet spinning process. Stages of the study included solution formulation, viscosity solution measurement, wet spnining process and formation the biofiber composite textile, the last measurement of chemical and physical characteristics of biofiber composite textile such as tensile stre Bambang Riyanto; Ruddy Suwandi; Ikhwan Dimas Permana
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 13 No 1 (2010): Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v13i1.3139


The aim of this research is to obtain characteristics of composite biofiber textile prepared using 10% chitosan as base material with addition of polyvinyl alcohol at various levels of 20%, 22%, 24% and 26% (w/v) by wet spinning process. Stages of the study included solution formulation, viscosity solution measurement, wet spnining process and formation the biofiber composite textile, the last measurement of chemical and physical characteristics of biofiber composite textile such as tensile strength, the percentage of elongation at break and fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry (FTIR). The viscosity values of biofiber composite textile solution are 4,08 ± 0,00 cP - 5,43 ± 0,00 cP; the obtained biofiber composite has pale yellow colour with alkali smell and has appearance like rope with diameter for each ranges about 1,60 ± 0,08 mm - 1,50 ± 0,16 mm. The physical characteristics such as tensile strenght was 16,23 ± 2,23 cN - 24,05 ± 0,87 cN and percentage of elongation at break were 15,08 ± 1,04%-18,72 ± 0,93%. Chemical interaction between functional group of chitosan and polyvinyl alcohol indicated by the changes in the value of NH2 long wave group of chitosan at the peak of spectrophotometric reading.
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 14 No 1 (2011): Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.625 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v14i1.3431


Sediment microbial fuel cell (SMFC) is one form of the microbial fuel cell (MFC) that can convert organic complex material in the sediment to generate electrons. This research was conducted to determine the characteristicsof marine sediments from the Bay of Jakarta, to know the amount of electric current can be generated through SMFC, and to identify bacteria at the anode SMFC. This research was conducted in several stages which include the characterization of marine sediment samples, making SMFC circuit, electric current measurement, characterization SMFC substrate, and the isolation, characterization, and identi cation of bacteria. The study shows that marine sediments of Jakarta Bay have characteristics which include silty clay loam texture, organic carbon 2.19%, total nitrogen 0.19%, and phosphorus 128 ppm. The electric current generated by the SMFC using  xed value resistors 820 Ω ± 5% reach peak production of electric currents on day 21, that is 139.51 mA/m2 with SMFC substrate having organic carbon 1.88%, total nitrogen 0.15%, and phosphorus 88 ppm. Isolation of bacteria at the anode was found three types of isolates, that suspected are Aeromonas hydrophila, Acinetobacter sp., and Bacillus marinus.Keywords: electrical energy, Jakarta bay, marine sediment, sediment microbial fuel cell
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 14 No 2 (2011): Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1374.616 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v14i2.5314


Batteries are practical and inexpensive source of energy. Avariety of new battery material technology continue to be developed, along with the demands of green technology. Chitosan is a biopolymer, non-toxic, and the nitrogen atom in the amine and hydroxyl group has free electron, so that can be used as an electrolyte polymer which has good ionic conductivity and can be fabricated as batteries. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of polymer electrolyte chitosan-PVA batteries with addition of ammonium nitrate. The best material formulation obtained of polymer electrolyte made from 40 wt% chitosan, 60 wt% PVA, and 6% glutaraldehida. SEM showed that the polymer electrolyte formed was very homogeneous. X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed an amorphous structure. The ion conductivity tends to increased along with the increasing of added ammonium nitrate. The conductivity value obtained was 2.2 x 10 -5  S cm  for the sample by addition ammonium nitrate 35 wt%. Chitosan-PVA based battery has voltage 0.95 V, electric current 0.7 mA, and can show a color fading along with decreasing battery power. With this character it can be developed as smart battery. Key words: battery, chitosan, ion conductivity, polymer electrolyte
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia Vol 15 No 1 (2012): Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB University in collaboration with Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (MPHPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.386 KB) | DOI: 10.17844/jphpi.v15i1.5330


The development of modern rapid detection techniques of fish freshness requires a new perspective of the importance of physical chemical characteristics during deterioration process of quality fishery products. Positive correlation between the changes of fish body and the electrical properties is a basic information for support the development of the detection modern techniques of fish freshness. Studies of the electrical properties become more relevant along with the increasing demand of fish fast food consumption and fish product from freshwater aquaculture, which have been less done until now. The objective of this study was to detect freshness of tilapia fillets using bioelectrical properties. The result showed that level of freshness of tilapia fillet can be detected by using bioelectrical which has correlation with TVB, TPC and pH. The level of freshness of tilapia fillet during 16 hours observation showed that impedance tend to decrease with the range of 44.34-6.30 Ω, while dielectric constant and the electrical conductivity tend to increase with range of 178,208 to 2,812,764 and 0.065 to 0.487 S/m.Key words: bioelectrical, fish freshness, tilapia fillet, quality deterioration