M Hidayat
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

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Fiat Money Inconsistency and the Return of Dinar-Dirham as a Medium of Exchange in the Community Chairul Iksan Burhanuddin; M Hidayat
SENTRALISASI Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): Sentralisasi
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33506/sl.v10i2.1326


Coronavirus ior ireferred ito ias icovid-19 ihas icaused ivarious ikinds iof inegative ieffects, iespecially iin ithe ieconomic ifield. iThe isoaring iunemployment irate, ithe icontraction iin ithe ivalue iof ithe irupiah iand iother icurrencies ihas iresulted iin ian iincreasingly isluggish ieconomic imovement iin irecent itimes iuntil ithe ipanic iof ithe ivalue iof igold icontinues ito irise iin irecent imonths. iThe iqualitative imethod iis iused iby iscientifically idescribing ithe iimpact iof ithe iCovid i19 ivirus icase ion ithe imovement iof icurrency iand igold ivalues. iThe iresults iof ithis istudy iindicate ithat ithe iCovid i19 ivirus ihas ia iquite inegative iimpact ion ithe ieconomic isector, iespecially ion icurrency iand igold ivalue imovements. iThe imovement iin ithe ivalue iof ithe irupiah icontracted ito itouch iRp.14,000 iwhile ithe ivalue iof igold itended ito irise isignificantly. iThe irising igold ivalue ishows ia ipositive itrend itowards ithe ipossible iimplementation iof ithe ilegal iuse iof ithe idinar iand idirham icurrency iin ithe icommunity. iGold iis ino ilonger iseen ias ia iSave iHaven, ibut iits irole ias ian iextension iof imuamalah iactivities i(buying iand iselling) iin ithe icommunity iis iincreasingly ivisible. iThere iis ipanic iand ipsychologically idisturbing ieconomic iand icommunity iactors iin iresponding ito ithis iincident.iCoronavirus ior ireferred ito ias icovid-19 ihas icaused ivarious ikinds iof inegative ieffects, iespecially iin ithe ieconomic ifield. iThe isoaring iunemployment irate, ithe icontraction iin ithe ivalue iof ithe irupiah iand iother icurrencies ihas iresulted iin ian iincreasingly isluggish ieconomic imovement iin irecent itimes iuntil ithe ipanic iof ithe ivalue iof igold icontinues ito irise iin irecent imonths. iThe iqualitative imethod iis iused iby iscientifically idescribing ithe iimpact iof ithe iCovid i19 ivirus icase ion ithe imovement iof icurrency iand igold ivalues. iThe iresults iof ithis istudy iindicate ithat ithe iCovid i19 ivirus ihas ia iquite inegative iimpact ion ithe ieconomic isector, iespecially ion icurrency iand igold ivalue imovements. iThe imovement iin ithe ivalue iof ithe irupiah icontracted ito itouch iRp.14,000 iwhile ithe ivalue iof igold
Analisis Efektivitas dan Kontribusi Pemungutan Pajak Restoran dengan Pemanfaatan Financial Technology pada Badan Pendapatan Daerah Kota Makassar Hety Kusherawaty Hety; Aulia Aulia; Firman Syah; M Hidayat
Al-Buhuts Vol. 19 No. 1 (2023): Al-Buhuts
Publisher : Institute Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30603/ab.v19i1.3564


This study Aims to analyze the level of Effectiveness and Contribution of Restaurant Tax Collection with the Utilization of Financial Technology at the Regional Revenue Agency of Makassar City.This research uses a type of quantitative descriptive research. using Primary and Secondary data sources. The Data Analysis Method used in this study is the Effectiveness Ratio and Contribution Ratio. The results of this study indicate that: 1.) The level of effectiveness in collecting restaurant tax by Utilizing Financial Technology at the Makassar City Revenue Agency during the 2018-2022 period can be said to be very effective, with an average effectiveness rate of 110%. 2.) The average contribution of restaurant tax collection by Utilizing Financial Technology at the Regional Revenue Agency of Makassar City during the 2018-2022 period can be said to be unfavorable, with an average contribution rate of 13.87%