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Karakterisasi Hydroxyapatite Alami yang dibuat dari Tulang Sapi dan Cangkang Telur sebagai Bahan untuk Donor Tulang (Bone Graft ) Taufik, Ahmad; Zuhan, Arif; Kusdaryono, Sigit; Rohadi, Rohadi
Jurnal Kedokteran Vol 6 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Mataram

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Latar Belakang: Penanganan terhadap komplikasi trauma tulang seperti delayed union, nonunion, malunion dan keadaan hilangnya sebagian dari tulang (defek) masih menjadi masalah. Diperlukan donor tulang (bone graft) untuk mengisi defek atau kekosongan pada tulang yang hilang agar terjadi penyambungan.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakterisasi hydroxyapatite yang dibuat dari sumber alami yaitu dari tulang sapi dan cangkang telur sebagai bahan untuk cangkok tulang (bone graft) dalam tindakan kedokteran.Metode: Tulang panjang sapi Bali dan sapi Brahman dipotong 5x5x5 mm untuk selanjutnya dikalsinasi pada suhu 800oC dan 1000oC. Hydroxyapatite yang dihasilkan diukur kadar kalsium dan fosfornya dengan metode spektrofotometer, kemudian dibandingkan dengan kadar kalsium dan fosfor pada tulang manusia.Hasil Penelitian: Hydroxyapatite dihasilkan baik dari tulang sapi Bali atau sapi Brahman memiliki kadar kalsium rata-rata 28 – 35%, kadar fosfor rata-rata 12- 15%. Kadar kalsium dan fosfor lebih tinggi pada tulang kortikal dibandingkan trabekular. Dibandingkan dengan kadar kalsium dan fosfor pada tulang manusia tidak berbeda bermakna (p<0,005). Kadar kalsium paling tinggi didapatkan pada cangkang telur (64%).Pembahasan: Kadar kalsium dan fosfor baik pada tulang sapi Bali atau sapi Brahman mempunyai kadar yang hampir sama dengan manusia. Ini karena setiap tulang mamalia mempunyai komposisi mineral dan air yang sama.Kesimpulan: Hydroxyapatite (HA) dari tulang sapi Bali, sapi Brahman dan cangkang telur mempunyai karakteristik yang hampir sama dengan tulang manusia dan bisa digunakan sebagai bahan untuk donor tulang.
Jurnal Kedokteran Vol 3 No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Mataram

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Epidural hematoma akut merupakan suatu keadaan yang urgent dan serius. Tata laksana standar berupa diagnosa dini dan pembedahan untuk evakuasi secara cepat. Disisi lain, kasus ini memiliki risiko deteriorisasi yang cepat dan kematian. Hanya sedikit pasien epidural hematoma bersifat asimptomatis yang dapat diterapi konservatif dengan close observation. Kami melaporkan satu kasus epidural hematoma frontalis sinistra traumatik. Kasus ini merupakan kasus jarang yang secara cepat resolusi spontan dari epidural hematom dalam rentang 3 hari. Beberapa variasi mekanisme yang mungkin terjadi sebagai mekanisme resolusi tersebut yang kita dibahas dalam literatur pada terapi epidural hematoma secara konservatif. Indikasi dilakukan operasi boorhole drainase pada pasien ini adalah nyeri kepala yang menetap. Kata Kunci: Resolusi dini, Epidural Hematoma, Boorhole Drainase
Pilocytic Astrocytoma Cerebellum Priyanto, Bambang; Rohadi, Rohadi; Siradz, Bayu Fidaus
Jurnal Kedokteran Vol 7 No 4 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Mataram

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Tumor intrakranial dapat timbul di dalam rongga tengkorak baik di dalam kompartemen supratentorial maupun infratentorial.. Pasien mengeluh nyeri kepala dan kadang pusing ketika beraktivitas. Pasien memiliki riwayat tumor dan operasi pengangkatan tumor 3 tahun lalu. Pasien dengan keadaan umum baik, GCS E4V5M6, tekanan darah 100/80 mmHg, Nadi 76 x/menit, frekuensi napas 20 x/menit, suhu 36.9oC. Refleks cahaya +/+, pupil isokor, dengan diameter 3 mm/3 mm, bentuk bulat, visus pasien Visus OD 1/60 – OS ≥2/60, intentional tremor (+). Pemeriksaan refleks fisiologis +/+, refleks patologis. Didapatkan truncal ataxia, pemeriksaan koordinasi tes Romberg tidak dapat dilakukan pasien, tes telunjuk-hidung tidak normal, tes tumit-lutut tidak normal. Dari hasil pemeriksaan CT Scan kepala dengan kontras dan MRI Kepala, didapatkan massa solid pada fossa posterior di cerebellum dextra dengan area kistik di sekelilingnya, didapatkan mural nodul, mengesankan suatu pilocytic astrocytoma. Dilakukan eksisi total tumor dengan guiding mikroskopik, pasca operasi kondisi membaik. Astrocytoma merupakan neoplasma yang berasal dari sel-sel astrosit dan merupakan tipe tumor otak yang paling banyak ditemukan pada anak-anak. Diagnosis dini terhadap astrositoma penting karena jika ditemukan pada stadium awal, astrocytoma dapat diterapi melalui eksisi total melalui pembedahan. Pilocytic astrocytoma tumbuh lambat, jarang menyebar ke jaringan disekitarnya. Tumor ini biasa terjadi pada anak-anak dan dewasa muda, dapat disembuhkan secara tuntas dengan pembedahan. Tatalaksana tumor cerebellum berupa tindakan Operatif, target dari tindakan operatif berbeda tergantung dari patologi tumor otak yang akan diambil. Pada tumor fossa posterior, reseksi total dapat dilakukan pada tumor astrocytoma. Pilocytic astrocytoma merupakan grade 1 dari astrocytoma tidak memerlukan radioterapi dan kemoterapi.
English Debate Technique in Senior High School in Improving Student’s Speaking Ability and Applying Knowledge Insight Rohadi, Rohadi
Journal of English Education Studies Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (621.27 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/005.202031.57


This research is to improve students’ speaking ability in giving opinions and responding to another’s opinion through debate. The goal of language learning is to communicate. Therefore, it will be useless for a language learner who cannot use the language at the end of the study. As one of the English skills to learn, speaking stands as an important aspect to be learned and surely it can apply knowledge insight. Through English Debate as a technique, the students are expected to be more confident in delivering their point of view in many issues in whatever circumstances. The methodology of this research is a classroom action research which consisted of 3 cycles. The subject of this research was the tenth-grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Baros, the class consists of 36 students. To collect the data, the researcher used the observation checklist and field notes. Through an observation checklist, the researcher observed students’ activity in the classroom and by using field notes, the researcher reflected the problem found. Based on the research findings, the debate technique which was applied to the subjects of research showed the improvement of students’ speaking ability. Based on the result of the researcher’s observation using the observation checklist and form of field notes, it can be seen that students’ speaking ability in giving opinions and responding to another’s opinion has been improved. The percentage of students’ activity in the classroom when debate, in the first cycle, was 57%, in the second cycle was 67% and the third cycle was 76%. It indicated that the debate technique had improved students’ speaking ability in giving opinions and responding to another’s opinion. The debate in language teaching contains the principles of the debate teaching-learning process, and the teaching procedures, which will discuss how it is conducted procedurally in the classroom.
Improving Teacher's Ability in Developing Innovative RPP During The Covid-19 Pandemic Through Academic Supervision Program in SMAN 1 Puloampel Academic Year 2020/2021 Rohadi, Rohadi
Journal of English Education Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Vol 4 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/005.202141.64


This School Action Research (PTS) aims to improve the ability of teachers to develop innovative lesson plans through academic supervision (individual scientific and technical supervision models) during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research was conducted in four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection, and was carried out in two cycles. The research subjects were 4 science teachers and 4 social studies teachers in my school, namely SMAN 1 Puloampel, Serang district, Banten province. The components of the innovative RPP assessment consist of formulating indicators, formulating learning steps (KBM), allocating time, determining learning resources, formulating teaching methods, and formulating assessments while the innovations that are expected in making the RPP are RPPs that can produce, combine, have added value, something new and answers problems and is integrated with Strengthening Character Education (PPK), oriented to HOTS or improving students' higher thinking skills and having 21st-century skills. In the first cycle, the researcher observed an increase in teacher competence in making innovative lesson plans. The results of observations of individual RPP assessments in the first cycle showed an average value of 68.4%. In the second cycle, the teacher's average value increased in making lesson plans, which was 77.6%. While the classical lesson plan completeness assessment from cycle I and cycle II showed a good average value of 73%. This proves that academic supervision can improve the ability of teachers in preparing innovative RPP (Learning Implementation Plans).
Jurnal Hukum Khaira Ummah Vol 13, No 3 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : UNISSULA Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/khaum.v13i3.1896


Research titled Role of the Police Community policing (CBP) In Dealing Deeds Due to Drinking Alcohol In Semarang Police Jurisdiction.The method used in this research is a sociological juridical approach namely legal research study and research which is a reciprocal relationship between law and social institutions to another. The results showed that the role of the Community Police in dealing with acts from drinking liquor in the jurisdiction of Police Semarang focused on law enforcement by means of a non-penal pioneered by Bhabinkamtibmas in collaboration with community leaders. Shape optimization of track non penal in the sense of seeking common ground in the effort of deliberation and consensus that includes all the criteria in the agreement in the peace process outside the courts by using means of mediation or deliberation in achieving justice expected by the parties involved in the criminal law that is the perpetrator the crime of family and victims of crime family to find the best solutions that are approved and agreed by the litigants. Constraints faced by Community Police in dealing with acts from drinking liquor in Semarang Police Jurisdiction is the human resources inadequate, infrastructure, budget and finance, behavioral factor of habit with authorities or employers, and is not well understood and the culture ministry, yet fully have an understanding of the behavior as protectors and servants of the people and have not understood the Police professional code of ethics, limited ability to carry out the function of patrol officers, guard and Escort to the prevention of crime and the lack of ability to perform an analysis of crime, not communicative with the public, limited facilities, infrastructure supporting Samapta officer. In order to overcome the difficulties of handling acts from drinking liquor in the jurisdiction police station Semarang, Semarang Police Community Policing take steps as follows: Increasing the resources the Police in providing services in the field of law enforcement, emphasizing an understanding of the behavior of the police as protectors and servants of the people and the professional code of ethics police, improve the ability of officers to carry out the function of patrol, guard and escort to prevention of crime, to improve facilities, support infrastructure Bhabinkamtibmas officers, and conduct legal counseling to the community as well as the effects of drinking alcohol. Keywords: Community Police, Liquor
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Informasi Nama Stasiun Kereta Jurusan Jakarta – Cirebon Berbasis Smartphone Android Rohadi Rohadi; Husni Teja Sukmana; Rayi Pradono Iswara
Jurnal Pseudocode Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4878.967 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/pseudocode.1.2.97-104


Diantara banyaknya jasa pelayanan masyarakat, adalah kendaraan umum seperti Kereta Api (KA) dan Kereta Rel Listrik (KRL) yang banyak sekali digunakan sebagai kendaraan alternatif dalam melakukan perjalanan, karena harga perjalanan yang terjangkau juga waktu perjalanan yang relatif stabil karena memiliki jalur khusus, meski keterlambatan waktu kadang terjadi tapi tingkatnya lebih rendah dibanding dengan angkutan umum seperti bus, mikrolet, atau angkot. Sarana yang ditawarkan oleh kereta Api (KA) dan Kereta Rel Listrik (KRL) adalah waktu yang stabil dan harga yang terjangkau karena terdapat kelas-kelas untuk jenis KA dan KRL yaitu kelas Ekonomi, Bisnis, Eksekutif. Dikarenakan jalur khusus KA dan KRL ini lebih banyak mengambil jalur yang jauh dari kawasan penduduk (pertimbangan akibat resiko kecelakaan) atau jalan umum yang besar ditambah dengan kecepatan KA atau KRL yang konstan mengakibatkan penumpang sulit mencari informasi tentang daerah atau lokasi yang tengah dilewati dan yang akan dituju. Sehingga penumpang kebingungan dimana harus turun, jika adapun informasi di stasiun tidak memadai dan kurang layak untuk sebuah kenyamanan informasi. Ada beberapa aplikasi yang sudah ada seperti Google Map. Aplikasi tersebut memang dapat melihat lokasi peta secara real time, akan tetapi aplikasi ini tidak dapat memberikan notifikasi menggunakan suara. Disini kami akan menggabungkan notifikasi agar penumpang dapat mengetahui dimana posisi kereta walaupun device dalam keadaan stand by, dengan memanfaatkan teknologi GPS sebagai penentu koordinat dari setiap stasiun singgah yang telah di tentukan.Kata kunci: Transportasi, Kereta Api (KA), Kereta Rel Listrik (KRL), Smartphone, Android, Trayek, Google Map, GPS
Dampak Perjanjian Sepihak Terhadap Penyelesaian Kredit Macet Mulyadi Mulyadi; Rohadi Rohadi; Sarip Sarip
Jurnal De Jure Muhammadiyah Cirebon Vol 5 No 2 (2021): De Jure Muhammadiyah Cirebon (DJMC)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32534/djmc.v5i2.2736


Cooperatives occupy a very respectable position in the Indonesian economy. Etymologically, a cooperative is an association or economic organization consisting of people or entities that provide freedom of entry and exit as members. With the existence of an institution in the form of a cooperative such as the example of the Mekar Mandiri cooperative which collects funds from its members then distributes the funds back to the cooperative members and the general public and creates problems, namely what are the factors that cause bad credit in the Mekar Mandiri Cooperative. And how are the efforts to resolve bad loans at the Mekar Mandiri Cooperative. In the research to compile this journal using the type of empirical legal research, law is conceptualized as an empirical phenomenon that can be observed in everyday life, the type of approach used for writing this journal uses a fact approach and a statutory approach. This journal research is descriptive in nature aimed at accurately describing whether or not there is a relationship between the results of the study stating the factors causing the occurrence of bad loans in the Mekar Mandiri Cooperative Keywords: Cooperative, Credit, Agreement.
Jurnal De Jure Muhammadiyah Cirebon Vol 5 No 2 (2021): De Jure Muhammadiyah Cirebon (DJMC)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32534/djmc.v5i2.3061


During this pandemic, the role of the National Police in the framework of security, creating a very large conducive situation, as a front line in creating a situation of the security and public order (Kamtibmas), especially when assisting local governments in the application of some policies during the Covid-19 pandemic, such as the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), security of health protocols, preventive measures of swarming communities and preventing crime has become an inherent part of human life history since ancient times until now. Crime has a damaging effect on the social order, creates insecurity and fear, and adds a huge economic burden to society. The research problems are the police's steps in implementing Kamtibmas during the Covid-19 pandemic and the Police's steps in supporting the compliance of health protocols in the community during the Covid-19 pandemic to realize a conducive kamtibmas situation. This research uses a non-doctrinal method with the normative juridical approach, using a conceptual approach. Keywords: Implementation of Duties, Police, Health Protocols, Pandemic Covid-19.
Jurnal De Jure Muhammadiyah Cirebon Vol 4 No 2 (2020): De Jure Muhammadiyah Cirebon (DJMC)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32534/djmc.v4i2.3062


BPD Desa Buntet in realizing better village governance is to make Village Regulations needed. Village regulations that are made must be based on existing problems and the community wants a Village Regulation to be made as an effort to solve problems. Initiatives can also come from the Village Head, the proposals are examined to cover all the needs of the villagers or the problem comes only from one particular group to fulfill their interests. The problem in this study is the implementation of the BPD function in Buntet Village, Astanajapura District, Cirebon Regency, and the factors that hinder the implementation of the BPD function in Buntet Village, Astanajapura District, Cirebon Regency. This research uses sociological juridical research. The data collection technique uses the literacy method. It also uses interview and documentation techniques. The method of data management and analysis used by researchers is qualitative. The results of the research and discussion show that the implementation of the supervisory function by the BPD in Buntet Village has been carried out well, this is driven by coordination and cooperation between institutions. Therefore, to carry out this supervisory function, the BPD management in Buntet Village can consider several aspects that surround and relate to this function, including coordination with their partners, the Buntet Village Government as the object of supervision. 2. That the obstacles in carrying out its functions. There are 2 (two) inhibiting factors, namely: First, the internal inhibiting factor is the lack of communication; do not understand the function of BPD comprehensively; lack of experience in community organizations; lack of ability in terms of scientific legal drafting concepts. Second, the external inhibiting factor is that the Buntet Village Community does not fully understand the functions carried out by the BPD and there is no socialization. Keywords: Implementation, Function, Village Consultative Body.