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All Journal IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya Buletin Al-Turas STUDIA ISLAMIKA REFLEKSI Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies ULUL ALBAB Jurnal KALAM JOURNAL OF QUR'AN AND HADITH STUDIES Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Wawasan : Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya Episteme: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Musawa : Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Dinika : Academic Journal of Islamic Studies Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat Al-Bayan: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur´an dan Tafsir Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya Sosioglobal : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Sosiologi Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia Al-Albab Indonesian Journal of Islamic Literature and Muslim Society ALQALAM Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Jurnal Studi Ilmu-ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Hadis Mashdar: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Hadis SUHUF: Jurnal Pengkajian Al-Qur'an dan Budaya Holistic Al-Hadis : Jurnal Studi Hadis, Keindonesiaan, dan Integrasi Keilmuan ATRABIS: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (e-Journal) Ulumuna Journal of Asian Social Sciences Research Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas IBDA': Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Jumantara: Jurnal Manuskrip Nusantara Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage
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Sundanese Sufi Literature and Local Islamic Identity: A Contribution of Haji Hasan Mustapa’s Dangding Rohmana, Jajang A.
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.303-327


In many scholarly discussions, the network of Malay-Indonesian ulama has gained important attention as it is maintained as the major element contributing to the process of Islamization in Sunda region (West Java), whereas the articulation of Islam in the lights of the indigenization efforts of Islam is often neglected. The article discusses dangding as one of Sundanese metrical verses by a renown Sundanese poet, Haji Hasan Mustapa (1852-1930). It is argued that dangding of Mustapa demonstrates a type of dialogue between sufism and Sundanese culture. Through his dangding, Mustapa successfully brought Islamic mysticism into Sundanese minds. The main focus of this study is to emphasize the significances of the position of Mustapa’s dangding in the light of network of Islamic scholars in the archipelago and of the contribution of Sundanese mystical dangding to the local literacy traditions and to the making of Sundanese-Islamic identity.[Pendekatan jaringan ulama Melayu-Indonesia selalu mendominasi banyak kajian Islamisasi di wilayah Sunda (Jawa Barat), sementara artikulasi Islam dalam artian pribumisasi Islam di wilayah tersebut kerap kali dikesampingkang. Artikel ini membahas dangding sebagai salah satu bentuk sastra Sunda, khususnya yang ditulis oleh Haji Hasan Mustapa (1852-1930). Penulis berpendapat bahwa dangding tersebut merupakan salah satu ekspresi budaya yang mengakulturasikan tasawuf dalam konteks masyarakat Sunda. Artikel ini mengulas signifikansi dangding yang dikreasi oleh Haji Hasan Mustapa dalam konteks jaringan kesarjanaan muslim di Indonesia dan kontribusi dangding dalam pembentukan identitas Islam Sunda.]
REKONSTRUKSI ILMU-ILMU KEISLAMAN: Problematika Ontologis dan Historis ‘Ulum Al-Qur’an Rohmana, Jajang A.
KALAM Vol 8, No 1 (2014): JUNI 2014

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AbstractRECONSTRUCTION OF ISLAMIC SCIENCES: ONTOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL PROBLEMATIC OF ULUMUL QURAN. This paper focuses on the problems surrounding the search in the ontological and historical studies of ‘ Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n, i.e the crisis of its scope and historical formation of the discourse. Ever since it was compiled and systematized, the discourse of ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n has experienced unvarying growth and, up to now, is still in its scholastic patterns both in terms of methodology and contents. This trend, undeniably, paves the way for arising various problems, including the emergence of fundamentalistic view of the Qur’an and ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n which is detached from its historical and socio-cultural contexts. Such a phenomenon has led to numerous problems, such as: a crisis of the scope of the Qur’anic studies- seeming stagnant and deadlock; a separation of the text of ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n from its contextual aspects; and sacralization of the various branches of the’ Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n which begins with the assumption that particular sciences were the only ones who have a legitimate position in the ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n, making it difficult to pass a new scientific perspective. Finally, at the next level, the rescue mission indirectly spawned numerous anomalies and reduction of knowledge in the ontological area of ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n itself.Kata Kunci: ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n; problematika; ruang lingkup; sejarah
Pembacaan Dangding Haji Hasan Mustapa terhadap Sastra Sufistik Sunda di Era Budaya Popular Rohmana, Jajang A.
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 8, No 1 (2013): Islamica
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (359.327 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2013.8.1.121-141


Dangding as a literary work is only meaningful when chanted. When one just reads in his/her mind silently, dangding becomes dry and lacks of meaning. This paper discusses the position of Mustapa’s dangding in literary context and their relevance to contemporary Sundanese discourse. The main focus of this study is the character of his mystical verses, structural aspects of dangding as a Sufism vessel, and to examine any discrepancy of meaning in reading process on his dangding for Sundanese literary today. Cultural studies approach is used to analyze the meaningfulness of his works in the current widespread popular cultural challenges. The study finds that with the decline of dangding tradition, Mustapa’s works receive a great deal of challenges seen from the development of modern literary: the influence of Indonesian literature (short stories, novels, etc.) to the Sundanese literary; dangding becomes marginalized along with the loss of many cultural institutions where it is appreciated; and the problem of meaning discrepancies on reading it in popular culture, which is dominated by massively printed works that lost the meaning behind words and melody. It is difficult for it to compete in popular cultural hegemony that relies on uniformity, profit-oriented and passive consumer.
A Sundanese Story of Hajj in the Colonial Period: Haji Hasan Mustapa’s Dangding on the Pilgrimage to Mecca Rohmana, Jajang A.
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

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The paper discusses a Sundanese story of hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca during the Dutch colonial period. It was expressed in the form of Sundanese metrical verse which was called dangding or guguritan. The author of the dangding was Haji Hasan Mustapa (1852-1930). He is one greatest Sundanese poets as he wrote more than 10 thousand cantos on Sufism from 1900-1902. He went to Mecca three times (1860-1862, 1869-1873, 1880-1885). One of his hajj stories was Kinanti Munggah Haji. Mustapa told about the hajj journey route, his experiences of suffering, and he also provided an interpretation of inner meaning of hajj according to the Sufi perspective. The paper uses an intertextual approach with an analysis of social history and Sufism. It shows that hajj in the colonial period was very difficult. In addition to the storm in the sea, the pilgrims found other difficulties in the Holy Land. However, Mustapa assumed that the meaning of hajj was not only the hajj ritual physically but also the inner-side of feeling (alaming rasa). Hajj will led to the true happiness. Beware if your hajj is just a physical matter. It can be nothing. The paper tries to confirm both van Dijk and Chambert-Loir’s works on other Sundanese stories of hajj such as Raden Panji Nagara, Moehammad-Hoesen, and R.A.A. Wiranatakoesoema. Mustapa’s interpretation of the mystical meaning of hajj shows his peculiarities as a sufi. His willingness to endure some difficulties in the journey is not just associated with his internal feeling in the sense of spiritual life, but also his satisfication to join in what Habermas called as a "public space" where Muslims could create a community without being constrained by Colonial rule.
REKONSTRUKSI ILMU-ILMU KEISLAMAN: Problematika Ontologis dan Historis ‘Ulu>m Al-Qur’a>n Rohmana, Jajang A.
KALAM Vol 8, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (804.901 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v8i1.167


Tulisan ini fokus pada penelusuran seputar problem ontologis dan historis dalam kajian ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n, krisis ruang lingkup dan jejak sejarah pembentukan wacananya. Sejak disusun dan disistematisasikan hingga sekarang hampir, diskursus Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n tidak mengalami perkembangan dan masih tetap bercorak skolastik, baik dari sisi metodologi maupun muatan isinya. Kecenderungan ini melahirkan berbagai problem, di antaranya pandangan mendasar terhadap al-Qur’an dan ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n yang seakan terlepas dari konteks historis dan sosio-kulturalnya. Hal ini mengakibatkan timbulnya sejumlah masalah antara lain berupa : krisis ruang lingkup kajian ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n- yang seolah-olah mengalami kemandegan dan kebuntuan; terpisahnya teks ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n dari konteks situasinya yang objektif-historis yang kemudian menimbulkan pensakralan terhadap berbagai cabang ilmu dalam ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n yang diawali dengan anggapan bahwa ilmu-ilmu itu sajalah yang memiliki kedudukan yang absah dalam ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n, sehingga sulit untuk meloloskan perspektif keilmuan baru. Terakhir, pada tataran selanjutnya, misi penyelamatan tersebut secara tidak langsung melahirkan berbagai anomali dan reduksi keilmuan dalam wilayah ‘Ulu>m al-Qur’a>n sendiri secara ontologis.
Metrical Verse as a Rule of Qur’anic Translation: Some Reflections on R.A.A. Wiranatakoesoemah’s Soerat Al-Baqarah (1888–1965) Rohmana, Jajang A
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 53, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2015.532.439-467


The paper aims to analyze how literary translations of the Quran can grasp the meaning of the Quran and ‘subordinate’ it to local poetry rules, using R.A.A. Wiranatakoesoema’s Soerat Al-Baqarah as the object of study. It is a Sundanese poetic translation of the Quran in the form of guguritan or dangding and as such this study is focused on the implications of canto rules to the Quranic meaning field in the translation, analyzed using intertextual studies and semantic analysis. This research shows that the use of guguritan in the translation of the Quran might cause a problem of inaccessibility of the translated meaning. There are some implications of subordination of the translation of the Quran following the rules of guguritan. This tradition affected the expansion or constriction of the meaning, which in turn caused modification within the verses (ayat) in translation, and forced the use of loan words, particularly Malay. This study is significant not merely for demonstrating a diglossic ideology on language of the Quran that has affected Sundanese literature, but also for strengthening the thesis that ‘Sundanization’ of the Quran was performed as a form of resistance against Islam and Arabness through cultural impulses—especially Sundanese literature. Wiranatakoesoema’s Soerat Al-Baqarah is a creative effort that should be appreciated, but it must be noted that literary language can never be completely satisfactorily compared and translated.[Tulisan ini menjelaskan bagaimana penerjemahan al-Quran dapat mencapai makna seutuhnya dengan ‘menurunkan’ standarnya sesuai aturan susastra lokal, yang tersirat pada pengkajian Soerat Al-Baqarah karya R.A.A Wiranatakoesoema. Terjemahan surat ini merupakan alih bahasa dalam bentuk susastra Sunda yang disebut dengan guguritan atau dangding. Tulisan ini berfokus pada implikasi aturan pupuh pada medan makna penerjemahan al-Quran dengan menggunakan analisis intertekstual dan semantik. Dalam kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan guguritan dalam penerjemahan al-Quran dapat menyebabkan persoalan ketidaksampaian makna terjemahan. Terdapat beberapa implikasi antara lain ‘subordinasi’ pada terjemahan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perluasan atau penyempitan makna akibat modifikasi dalam penerjemahan ayat dan pemaksaan dalam peminjaman kata, khususnya Melayu. Kajian ini penting karena tidak hanya menunjukkan konsep diglosia dalam terjemahan al-Quran akibat pengaruh bahasa Sunda, tetapi juga menguatkan pendapat bahwa ‘Sundanisasi’ merupakan usaha resistensi terhadap Islam dan Arab melalui susastra Sunda. Karya Wiranatakoesoema layak untuk diapresiasi sebagai usaha kreatif, meskipun perlu dicatat bahwa bahasa susastra tak akan cukup memuaskan untuk dibandingkan atau diterjemahkan. ]
Sundanese Sufi Literature and Local Islamic Identity: A Contribution of Haji Hasan Mustapa’s Dangding Rohmana, Jajang A
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 50, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2012.502.303-327


In many scholarly discussions, the network of Malay-Indonesian ulama has gained important attention as it is maintained as the major element contributing to the process of Islamization in Sunda region (West Java), whereas the articulation of Islam in the lights of the indigenization efforts of Islam is often neglected. The article discusses dangding as one of Sundanese metrical verses by a renown Sundanese poet, Haji Hasan Mustapa (1852-1930). It is argued that dangding of Mustapa demonstrates a type of dialogue between sufism and Sundanese culture. Through his dangding, Mustapa successfully brought Islamic mysticism into Sundanese minds. The main focus of this study is to emphasize the significances of the position of Mustapa’s dangding in the light of network of Islamic scholars in the archipelago and of the contribution of Sundanese mystical dangding to the local literacy traditions and to the making of Sundanese-Islamic identity.[Pendekatan jaringan ulama Melayu-Indonesia selalu mendominasi banyak kajian Islamisasi di wilayah Sunda (Jawa Barat), sementara artikulasi Islam dalam artian pribumisasi Islam di wilayah tersebut kerap kali dikesampingkang. Artikel ini membahas dangding sebagai salah satu bentuk sastra Sunda, khususnya yang ditulis oleh Haji Hasan Mustapa (1852-1930). Penulis berpendapat bahwa dangding tersebut merupakan salah satu ekspresi budaya yang mengakulturasikan tasawuf dalam konteks masyarakat Sunda. Artikel ini mengulas signifikansi dangding yang dikreasi oleh Haji Hasan Mustapa dalam konteks jaringan kesarjanaan muslim di Indonesia dan kontribusi dangding dalam pembentukan identitas Islam Sunda.]
Negara Kitab Suci: Pewacanaan Al-Qur’an di Jawa Barat Rohmana, Jajang A.; Zuldin, Muhamad
KALAM Vol 12, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6603.783 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/klm.v12i1.1945


Artikel ini memfokuskan pada masalah proses pewacanaan Al-Qur’an di Jawa Barat. Sebuah isu penting terkait upaya pemerintah daerah dalam meraih dukungan umat Islam melalui kuasa pengetahuan dan hegemoni tradisi kitab suci. Kuasa disusun, dimapankan dan diwujudkan lewat pengetahuan dan wacana Al-Qur’an yang diregulasikan dan diresmikan. Melalui analisis hegemoni dan struktur diskursif, studi ini menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah daerah sangat berkepentingan mengendalikan dan mendomestikasi kepentingan umat Islam dari kekuatan politik ke dalam ruang budaya. Pemerintah daerah selalu terlibat dalam proses domestifikasi tersebut, seperti tampak dalam penguatan tradisi literasi hingga memfasilitasi festivalisasi Al-Qur’an melalui perlombaan dan pembentukan kelembagaan. Penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa program pewacanaan Al-Qur’an tersebut merupakan bagian dari politisasi keagamaan untuk menandai Islam dan kaum Muslim yang mendukung rezim pemerintah daerah yang berkuasa.
Sundanese Sufi and Religious Diversity in the Archipelago: The Pluralistic Vision of Haji Hasan Mustapa (1852-1930) Rohmana, Jajang A
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture Vol 3 No 2 (2016): July - December 2016
Publisher : Laboratorium Bantenologi UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

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The paper aims to analyze moderate understanding of Haji Hasan Mustapa on religious diversity in the archipelago. He is a greatest Sundanese poet who has studied in Mecca and served as Hoofd Penghulu of Kotaraja Aceh and Bandung in the colonial era. This study is focused on sufism and religious diversity, Mustapa’s scholarship, and on his pluralistic vision, using intertextual studies and semantic analysis. This research argues that Mustapa has tolerance and moderate understanding similarly with Ibn ‘Arabi’s thought. He uses kernel and husk as symbolic images which expressed using natural richness of Sundanese culture for demonstrating his religious conviction that rasa is the kernel of all religions. This study is significant for strengthening the discourse of religious pluralism from sufi perspective in the archipelago which cannot be separated from the chain of Islamic intellectual network. This research has also a significant impact on Chittick’s assumption about the depth of sufi poetry which mostly reveal their tolerance views on religious diversity living in harmony. Keywords: poetry, sufism, Sunda, religious diversity
ALQALAM Vol 32 No 1 (2015): January - June 2015
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service of UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten-Serang City-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/alqalam.v32i1.1057


This article aims to analyze the esoteric interpretation of the Qur'an written in Sundanese. The object of the study is theQuranul Adhimiof Haji Hasan Mustapa (1852-1930). Through the analysis of hermeneutics, this study shows that the local exegesis can not be assumed that it has the same character as the Malay-Indonesian exegesis. Indeed, it shows local creativity born out of the diversity of cultural backgrounds. It also shows the process of the dialogue between Sufism and the inner of Sundanese people in the frame of Qur'anic exegesis. This can be proven in three ways: the interpretation centered on the inner meaning, the use of natural metaphors, and the nuances of Sundanese literature. The significance of Mustapa 'sexegesis lies in the process of indigenization of the Qur'an (Islam) to the characteristics of the local Islamic tradition through the work of Quranic exegesis. This work clearly indicates the local creativity in responding to the intellectual tradition of Sufism, especially the Sufi interpretation. Not only through metrical poetry, he also interprets mystical experiences through theexegesis. Key words: exegesis, Quran, Sufism, Inner, Sundanese