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Diponegoro Private Law Review Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro

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Right of Management (HPL) is part of the state right to control the land and part of the rights delegates to the HPL holders. In order to carry out the construction HPL holders may grant land rights on HPL with a land use agreement (SPT). In practice, however, there are often legal issues related to the granting of land rights over HPL, especially HPL requested on land that already belongs to state owned company (BUMN / BUMD), or also Local Government to be converted into commercial activities. This paper will examine the legal problems arising from land use on HPL. The method used in this paper is a doctrinal / legal approach, where the law is conceived as a legislation. The result of HPL analysis is not the right to land as stipulated in the LoGA, in the application of land above the HPL the extension of their rights to rights holders on HPL may be given priority after obtaining approval from HPL holders. Keywords:  Right of Management, Land Use Agreement, Local Government Asset
Diponegoro Private Law Review Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro

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UU No.5 Tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Poko-Pokok Agraria sebagai payung hukum peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur bidang agraria/pertanahan dalam pokok-pokoknya perlu dilengkapi, disempurnakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan perkembangan masyarakat serta mewujudkan keadilan dan kepastian hukum. Maka, perlu dibentuk peraturan pelaksanaannya berbentuk UU Pertanahan. Namun pada detik-detik terakhir pengesahan RUU Pertanahan tersebut, terjadi polemik untuk dimintakan penundaan. Ada beberapa pasal yang dianggap krusial apabila RUU tersebut disahkan. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji tentang pasal-pasal krusial khususnya tentang Hak Pengelolaan (HPL) dan kriminalisasi penguasaan tanah. Metode pendekatan yang dipergunakan adalah yuridis normatif melalui studi kepustakaan (library research) dengan menggunakan studi dokumen melalui bahan-bahan hukum. Penundaan pengesahan RUU Pertanahan akibat terdapat setidaknya empat persoalan pokok yang terdapat pada pasal-pasal bermasalah antara lain upaya penghilangan hak-hak masyarakat atas tanah, mempermudah penguasaan tanah atas nama investasi, menutup akses masyarakat atas tanah, kriminalisasi bagi warga yang memperjuangkan hak atas tanahnya. Kata Kunci :  RUU Pertanahan, Penundaan Pengesahan
FUNGSI SURAT KUASA MEMASANG HAK TANGGUNGAN (SKMHT) DALAM PEMBERIAN HAK TANGGUNGAN (Studi Perspektif UU No.4 Tahun 1996 Tentang Hak Tanggungan Beserta Benda-Benda Yang Berkaitan Dengan Tanah) Ana Silviana
Diponegoro Private Law Review Volume 7 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Diponegoro

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ABSTRAK Proses Pemberian Hak Tanggungan  (HT) wajib dihadiri dan ditandatangani oleh pemberi HT, kreditor penerima HT dan 2 (dua) orang saksi serta Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT). Namun ada kalanya pemberi HT tidak dapat hadir pada saat pembuatan akta pemberian HT. Waktu berlakunya hipotik, dikenal dengan Surat Kuasa Memasang Hipotik (SKMH, kreditur baru akan memasang Hipotik apabila ada indikasi Debitur akan cidera janji. Hal itu dilakukan dengan pertimbangan bahwa melalui kuasa memasang Hipotik, Kreditur dapat sewaktu-waktu memasang Hipotik pertama, kedua, dan seterusnya. UU No.4 Tahun 1996 mengenal SKMHT yang dalam prakteknya diidentikkan dengan SKMH. Makalah  ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang fungsi SKMHT dalam pembebanan HT dan perlindungan hukum terhadap pemegang SKMHT. Penulisan makalah ini menggunakan metode pendekatan data sekunder dalam menganalisis permasalahan. Hasilnya, bahwa fungsi SKMHT dalam pembebanan HT adalah surat kuasa yang dibuat apabila debitur pemberi HT tidak dapat hadir dalam penandatanganan APHT di PPAT, karena pada asasnya pemberian HT wajib dihadiri dan dilakukan sendiri oleh pemberi HT. Perlindungan hukum diberikan kepada pemegang SKMHT selama jangka waktu SKMHT tersebut berlangsung. Kata Kunci : Surak Kuasa Memebankan Hak Tanggungan, Fungsi, Hak Tanggungan  ABSTRACKThe Granting of Mortgage Rights (HT) process must be attended and signed by the HT grantor, the HT recipient creditor and 2 (two) witnesses and the Land Deed Making Officer (PPAT). But there are times when the HT giver cannot be present when making a deed of granting HT. When the mortgage is effective, this can be done by making a Power of Attorney Installing a Mortgages (SKMH), but in practice at that time the parties did not immediately take on a mortgage. The new creditor will put up a Mortgage if there is an indication the Debtor will default. This is done with the consideration that through the power to install mortgages, creditors can at any time put up the first, second, and so on mortgages. Law No.4 of 1996 recognizes SKMHT which in practice is identified with SKMH. This paper aims to examine the function of SKMHT in the imposition of HT and legal protection for SKMHT holders. Writing this paper uses a secondary data approach in analyzing problems. The result is that the function of SKMHT in the imposition of HT is a power of attorney that is made if the debtor giving the HT cannot attend the signing of the APHT at PPAT, because in principle the HT granting must be attended and carried out by the HT grantor himself. Legal protection is given to SKMHT holders for the duration of the SKMHT. Key word : Power of Attorney Imposing Mortgage Rights, Functions, Mortgage Rights
Principles of Human Rights in Land Procurement for Public Interest (Case Study of Wadas Village Bener Dam) Muhammad Iqbal Fitra Assegaf; Hana Anisa Dian Pertiwi; Ana Silviana
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.4583


The regulations on land regulated in UUPA contain a social function, in which every land controlled by the community can be procured for the public interest but must receive balanced compensation. Land acquisition for the public interest has been regulated in Law Number 2 of 2012, the main requirement for land acquisition for the public interest is obtaining a permit. Permits are needed as development legality, but there is an aspect that is no less important, namely the human rights aspect, because land is the primary need of the community so that in granting a land acquisition permit it must reflect the values of human rights. Research approach is a method or method of conducting research. The approach method used in this research is the Socio-legal method using descriptive analytical research specifications, the result of which is to focus on the problems as they were when the research was carried out, then the results of the research were processed and analyzed with the relevant laws and regulations to draw conclusions. , in this case is the case of the construction of the Wadas Village dam which is a national strategic project.
Land Mafia Prevention and Eradication Efforts in Land Administration Law Perspective Vani Wirawan; Yusriyadi Yusriyadi; Ana Silviana; Yeni Widowaty
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i2.5109


The existence of a land mafia can almost investment and economic growth because the crimes they commit include land cases with a broad dimension, so prevention and eradication are needed in the administrative land area. This study aims to develop efforts to prevent and eradicate future land mafia in the land administration area. This research is descriptive-analytical with a sociolegal approach. This Study obtained alternative efforts to prevent and eradicate future land mafia, namely the idea of changing land registration from a negative publication system to a positive publication system.
Rekonstruksi Politik Hukum Sistem Pendaftaran Tanah Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Mafia Tanah (Reconstruction of Legal Politics of Land Registration System as Land Mafia Prevention Efforts) Vani Wirawan; Yusriyadi -; Ana Silviana; Yeni Widowaty
Jurnal Negara Hukum: Membangun Hukum Untuk Keadilan Vol 13, No 2 (2022): JNH VOL 13 NO 2 NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian Setjen DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22212/jnh.v13i2.3134


Investment and economic growth can be inhibited by the existence of the land mafia. This is because the land case crime has broad dimensions, resulting in disputes, conflicts, and involves land and space objects of high economic value. For this reason, prevention is needed starting at the administrative level. This study wants to examine the legal and political reconstruction of the ideal land registration system as an effort to prevent land mafia. Thus, it is expected to find the purpose of the ius constituendum in the land registration system that is able to prevent land mafia crimes starting at the administrative level. This study is socio-legal research with analytical descriptive nature. This study produces a new alternative to legal political construction for the land registration system as an effort to prevent land mafia in the future, starting at the administrative level. The legal political reconstruction is in the form of reforming the land registration law into a positive publication system. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the Agrarian Principles Law, especially the articles related to the negative publication system. In addition, these changes need to be balanced with the application of an electronic land registration system, with legal products in the form of electronic certificates and still prioritizing the principles of good governance. This study provides recommendations to the government at the earliest opportunity to establish legislation for the settlement of land cases, especially regarding the prevention of land mafia, and to the DPR RI for the ratification of the Bill on Land.AbstrakPertumbuhan investasi dan ekonomi dapat terhambat dengan keberadaan mafia tanah. Hal ini dikarenakan kejahatan tersebut merupakan kasus pertanahan berdimensi luas, sehingga mengakibatkan sengketa, konflik, dan perkara dengan objek tanah dan ruang yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Untuk itu, diperlukan pencegahan yang dimulai dari tingkat administratif. Penelitian ini ingin mengkaji rekonstruksi politik hukum sistem pendaftaran tanah yang ideal sebagai upaya pencegahan mafia tanah. Dengan demikian, diharapkan dapat menemukan tujuan dari ius constituendum dalam sistem pendaftaran tanah yang mampu melakukan pencegahan kejahatan mafia tanah dari tingkat administratif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian socio-legal research yang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan alternatif konstruksi politik hukum baru bagi sistem pendaftaran tanah sebagai upaya pencegahan mafia tanah pada masa mendatang dari tingkat administratif. Rekonstruksi politik hukum tersebut berupa pembaharuan hukum pendaftaran tanah menjadi sistem publikasi positif. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan revisi terhadap UUPA, terutama pasal-pasal yang berkaitan dengan sistem publikasi negatif. Selain itu, perubahan tersebut perlu diimbangi dengan penerapan sistem pendaftaran tanah secara elektronik, dengan produk hukum berupa sertipikat elektronik dan tetap mengedepankan prinsip good governance. Artikel ini memberi rekomendasi kepada pemerintah segera mungkin melakukan pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan untuk penyelesaian kasus pertanahan, khususnya tentang pencegahan mafia tanah, dan DPR RI untuk pengesahan RUU Pertanahan.
Penyelesaian Sengketa Hak Milik Terkait Penguasaan Tanah Bangunan Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Semarang Dina Jessica; Ana Silviana
Jurnal Hukum Vol 39, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Unissula

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26532/jh.v39i1.30492


Objek pembahasan dalam kajian ini adalah putusan nomor 414Pdt2020PT SMG yang memutus perkara sengketa penguasaan tanah hak milik yang disebabkan oleh masih dikuasai dan dimiliki oleh pihak lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertimbangan hakim dalam memutuskan dan menyatakan putusan atas sengketa hak atas objek tanah bangunan yang telah dibeli namun tidak dapat dikuasai dan dimiliki, serta akibat hukum setelah putusan atas sengketa hak atas objek tanah bangunan yang telah dibeli namun tidak dapat dikuasai dan dimiliki yang ditetapkan oleh hakim. Metode penelitian ini melalui pendekatan yuridis normatif karena meneliti aspek-aspek hukum dan kaidah hukum dengan bahan kepustakaan. Spesifikasi penelitian menggunakan hukum deskriptif analisis, dengan pendekatan kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses jual beli tanah oleh tergugat terbanding dengan pembanding terjadi masalah, padahal proses jual beli telah sesuai dan dituangkan dalam Akta Jual Beli nomor 607 Kaliwungu 2006. The object of discussion in this study is decision number 414Pdt2020PT SMG which decides cases of land tenure disputes caused by the fact that they are still controlled and owned by other parties. This study aims to find out the considerations of judges in deciding and pronouncing decisions on disputes over rights to building land objects that have been purchased but cannot be controlled and owned, as well as the legal consequences after the decision on disputes over rights to building land objects that have been purchased but cannot be controlled and owned. determined by the judge. This research method uses a normative juridical approach because it examines legal aspects and legal principles using library materials. The research specification uses descriptive analysis law, with a case approach. The results showed that the process of buying and selling land by the defendant compared to the comparator had problems, even though the buying and selling process was in accordance and set forth in the Deed of Sale and Purchase number 607 Kaliwungu 2006.
Occupying Inherited Land Rights Impllemented Without The Consent of The Heirs Naila Nur Auliyah Azis; Ana Silviana
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 23, No 2 (2023): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v23i2.3564


Land rights can be transferred or transferred to other parties. The transfer of land rights means that the ownership of the land rights is transferred by law or by itself. However, in practice, there are many violations of the transfer of land rights without the consent of the heirs. This study will analyze the problem of the transfer of land rights whose object is the object of a land dispute in accordance with the case that occurred in the Supreme Court Decision Number 723 PK/PDT/2017. The purpose of this study is to find out, analyze, and describe: (1) whether the transfer of land rights without the consent of the heirs can be declared valid and has legal force; and (2) what are the legal consequences of the transfer of land rights without expert approval. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The acquisition of property rights to land can occur through inheritance from the heir to his legal heirs in accordance with what is stipulated in the UUPA; and (2) legal protection for heirs whose rights have been impaired on the transfer of rights to inherited land that are controlled and used without the consent of their heirs based on Article 1365 are against the law, so that they are given the right to file a lawsuit in order to defend their inheritance rights by proving that they are legal heirs.
Pencatatan Sita Sertifikat Hak Atas Tanah di Kantor Pertanahan Kota Bandar Lampung Muhammad Aditya Pattikraton; Ana Silviana
Wajah Hukum Vol 7, No 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/wjh.v7i2.1223


This study aims to determine the recording of confiscation of certificates of land rights in the defense office of the city of Bandar Lampung. The method in this study uses a normative and empirical approach. The results of this study indicate that the legal implication of confiscation of land title certificates based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / Land Agency Number 13 Year 2017 Regarding the Procedure of Blocking and Confiscating is resulting the certificate holder temporarily unable to make the transfer of rights or the imposition of rights on his land until the revocation of the certificate of seizure of the land. Confiscation of certificates results in the suspension of land rights for the time being and will simultaneously freeze ownership of land. Furthermore, regarding the inhibiting factor for confiscation of land rights certificates, when recording is done manually, it is often the case that confiscation of seizure documents filed by the Ministry of Agriculture is not yet complete. the petitioner, as well as the lack of legal understanding related to legal standing confiscation of criminal, confiscated cases and confiscation due to forced letters. Suggestion of this research is that the Land Office should be more existent in disseminating information regarding the mechanism of confiscation recording at related institutions such as the Regional Police, Prosecutors, Courts and the public because the classification of criminal confiscation, confiscation of cases and confiscation due to forced letters.