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REKA INTEGRA Vol 3, No 3 (2015): Edisi Kesebelas
Publisher : REKA INTEGRA

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Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan UKM pengolahan kulit sapi di kabupaten Garut dengan menggunakan matriks perumusan strategi. Perkembangan UKM pengolahan kulit sapi di Kabupaten Garut belum baik dan terancam tutup, sehingga perlu dilakukan perancangan strategi untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya. Tahap awal yang dilakukan adalah mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dari faktor kemampukembangan UKM. Informasi yang didapat kemudian dilakukan analisis menggunakan matriks EFI, EFE, IE, SWOT dan MPSK untuk menentukan strategi pengembangan UKM pengolahan kulit sapi di Kabupaten Garut. Strategi untuk UKM pengolahan kulit sapi di Kabupaten Garut adalah menjaga brand image produk di mata konsumen melalui fokus pada kualitas dan kemudahan cara pembayaran. Kata Kunci: Kulit, Kemampukembangan UKM, Matriks Perumusan Strategi   ABSTRACT This paper aims to develop SME cow leather processing in Garut district using matrix of formulation strategy. Cow leather processing SME development in Garut has not been well and threatened to close, so we need to design a strategy to develop its business. Initial stage is to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Factors Affecting Business Success among SMEs. The information obtained then analyzed using matrix EFI, EFE, IE, SWOT and QSPM to determine the development strategy of SMEs cow leather processing in Garut. Strategies for SMEs cow leather processing in Garut is to maintain the brand image in the eyes of the consumer products through a focus on quality and ease of the method of payment. Keywords: Leather, Factors Affecting Business Success Among SMEs, Matrix Formulation of Strategies.
REKA INTEGRA Vol 3, No 3 (2015): Edisi Kesebelas
Publisher : REKA INTEGRA

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Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT Pos Indonesia untuk meningkatkan kualitas jasa pengiriman termasuk surat, dokumen, barang  dan paket dengan menggunakan Service Quality (SERVQUAL). Berdasarkan hasil penyebaran kuesioner yang terdiri dari 24 atribut kualitas jasa berdasarkan 5 dimensi pokok kualitas jasa Parasuraman terdapat 9 atribut pelayanan jasa bernilai negatif pada Gap 5, artinya terdapat kesenjangan antara persepsi konsumen dengan ekspektasi konsumen. Dari 9 atribut bernilai negatif pada gap 5, ada 5 atribut yang bernilai negatif pada perhitungan Gap 1 yang menunjukkan manajemen belum memahami beberapa atribut yang menjadi keinginan dari konsumen. Dari 4 atribut yang bernilai positif pada gap 1, tidak terdapat atribut yang bernilai negatif pada perhitungan Gap 2 namun semuanya bernilai negatif pada Gap 3. Selain itu, dari 4 atribut yang telah dijanjikan  oleh perusahaan, semuanya bernilai negatif pada perhitungan Gap 4. Usulan perbaikan dibuat berdasarkan analisa gap dan dari kuesioner tambahan.   Kata kunci: Jasa Pengiriman Barang, Kualitas Pelayanan, SERVQUAL.   ABSTRACT This research was conducted at PT Pos Indonesia to improve the quality of delivery services including mails, documents, goods and packages using Service Quality (SERVQUAL). Based on the results of questionnaires consisting of 24 attributes of service quality based on Parasuraman’s five key dimensions of service quality attributes, there are 9 attributes with  negative  values at Gap 5, which means that there is a gap between the perception of the consumer with consumer expectations. From 9 attribute with  negative values at the gap 5, there are five attributes that are negative in the calculation of Gap 1 which shows  that the management do not understand some of the consumers’ expectations. Of the four attributes that are positive in the gap 1, there is no negative value in the calculation of Gap 2 but all have negative  values in Gap 3. Moreover, of the four attributes that have been promised by the company, everything is negative at Gap 4 . Proposed improvements are made based on analysis of a negative gap and an additional questionnaire. Keywords: Freight, Service Quality, SERVQUAL
REKA INTEGRA Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Edisi Keempatbelas
Publisher : REKA INTEGRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (460.22 KB)


Kemunculan pesaing menyebabkan penurunan penjualan sepatu casual Merek “X”. Kondisi tersebut mendorong manajemen Merek “X” untuk merancang strategi pemasaran dengan melihat persepsi dan preferensi konsumen terhadap sepatu casual Merek “X” dibandingkan pesaingnya dengan metode Multidimensional Scaling. Metode ini memiliki kelebihan dapat menggambarkan jarak perbedaan satu produk dengan produk lainnya, sehingga dapat dianalisis atribut yang harus diperbaiki, untuk dijadikan acuan merancang strategi pemasaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pesaing terdekat Merek “X”, peringkat kepentingan atribut, dan keunggulan dan kelemahan Merek “X”. Beberapa atribut yang harus diperbaiki untuk merancang usulan strategi pemasaran adalah kekuatan jahitan, kekuatan bahan, dan kesesuaian ukuran dengan standar. Kata Kunci: Persepsi dan Preferensi, Strategi Pemasaran, Multidimensional Scaling AbstracT The emergence of competitors led to a decrease in sales of “X” Brand’s casual shoes. These conditions encourage “X” Brand’s management for designing a marketing strategy by looking at consumer perceptions and preferences toward “X” Brand’s casual shoes than its competitors with Multidimensional Scaling methods. The advantage of this method can describe the distance one product with another product, which can be analyzed attributes that should be fixed, to be used as a reference in designing marketing strategies. The results showed some of the attributes that should be corrected for designing the proposed marketing strategy, the closest “X” Brand’s competitor, ranking of attributes, and the advantages and disadvantages “X” Brand’s product. Attributes that need to be improved is the strength of stitching, material strength, and conformance to the standard size. Keywords: Perceptions and Preferences, Marketing Strategy, Multidimensional Scaling
REKA INTEGRA Vol 3, No 3 (2015): Edisi Kesebelas
Publisher : REKA INTEGRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.568 KB)


Makalah ini membahas tentang upaya meningkatan kualitas pelayanan di stasiun PT Kereta Api DAOP II Bandung. Atribut kualitas pelayanan yang ada mengacu kepada lima dimensi kualitas pelayanan menurut Parasuraman. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode servqual. Dari data yang disebarkan kepada pengunjung stasiun diketahui bahwa 90 % atribut kualitas pelayanan belum sesuai dengan yang diinginkan oleh pelanggan. Secara umum penyebabnya terkait dengan tidak adanya standard performance dan pegawai yang bekerja tidak sesuai dengan standar performance yang ada. Solusi yang diberikan secara umum adalah membuat standar performance sesuai dengan yang diinginkan oleh pelanggan serta memberikan pelatihan kepada pegawai agar dapat bekerja sesuai dengan standar.   Kata kunci: Transportasi, Pelayanan, Servqual, Analisis Gap ABSTRACT This paper discusses efforts to improve the quality of service at the station DAOP II PT Kereta Api Bandung. Attributes of existing service quality refers to the five dimensions of service quality by Parasuraman. The method used is a method servqual. From the data distributed to visitors to the station is known that 90% attribute is not in accordance with the quality of service desired by the customer. Generally the cause is related to the absence of performance standards and the employees who work not in accordance with the existing performance standards. The solution provided in general is to make performance standards as desired by the customer and provide training to employees in order to work in accordance with the standard. Keywords: Transportation, Services, Servqual, Gap Analysis
Analisis Kebijakan Menggunakan Pemodelan Matematika untuk Pengembangan Industri Bahan Bakar Nabati Bioetanol dari Mikroalga Putro, Hafidz Handoko; Nugraha, Cahyadi; Rukmi, Hendang Setyo
REKA INTEGRA Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Edisi Pertama
Publisher : REKA INTEGRA

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Energi selalu dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan manusia. Data dari Kementrian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi energi primer diproyeksikan naik setiap 5 tahun. Kebutuhan energi di Indonesia didominasi oleh minyak bumi sebesar 52,5% pemakaian energi di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia membuat kebijakan perencanaan energi nasional untuk bahan bakar nabati dengan target 5% dari total kebutuhan energi. Bioetanol adalah bahan bakar minyak nabati yang memiliki sifat menyerupai minyak premium. Salah satu tanaman yang bisa digunakan sebagai bahan baku bioetanol adalah mikroalga. Pemanfaatan mikroalga akan optimal jika didukung kebijakan yang tepat oleh pemerintah. Perumusan kebijakan dapat dilakukan dengan mengembangkan suatu model kebijakan yang memungkinkan penyusunan alternatif-alternatif skenario kebijakan. Alternatif kebijakan dan skenario yang dibuat sebanyak 3 alternatif kebijakan dan 3 skenario. Model kebijakan dibuat dengan menggunakan pemodelan sistem. Metoda yang digunakan adalah pemodelan metamatika. Model matematika lebih mudah untuk dimanipulasi dan dieksplorasi pengaruh perubahan input terhadap fungsi tujuannya dibandingkan sistem nyata. Kata kunci: pemodelan sistem, kebijakan, bioetanol, mikroalga
Software Design using Visual Basic for Application and Microsoft Excel Programming for Students Ramadhan, Fadillah; Rukmi, Hendang Setyo; Imran, Arif; Nugraha, Cahyadi; Ferdiansyah, Risdan
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2020): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v1i2.86-97


The rapid development of information technology has made people to have the ability to design software with a programming language. There are quite some engineers who have not mastered programming languages. It happens becausesome people think that developing software with a certain programming language is very difficult. The language is difficult to understand, the accuracy must be precise, and the user is not familiar with the platform. Difficulty in learning programming languages is a problem that is often encountered by university students, vocational students, or employees. This article describes an easy programming language training activity for beginners, namelyVisual Basic for Applications (VBA)-Ms. Excel training.The advantage of this programming language iseasy to operate because manystudentsor employees are very familiar with Ms. Excel so that the adaptation process will be easy. The results of the post-test training that was attended bystudents showed a significant increase in the ability to design programming languages.
Strategi Pemberdayaan Sentra Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Budidaya Ikan Lele Menggunakan Matriks Internal-Eksternal, Analisis SWOT, dan Matriks Perancangan Strategi Kuantitatif Hendang Setyo Rukmi; Irfan Khairullah; Ratna Puspitaningsih
JIE Scientific Journal on Research and Application of Industrial System Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.693 KB) | DOI: 10.33021/jie.v1i2.339


The village of Karanganyar, at the regency of Indramayu, is the largest centre for walking catfish aquaculture industry in West Java. However, during 2015-2016, the growth of the catfish aquaculture has not been satisfactory, mostly due to several obstacles that reduces the production rate by 25%. Therefore it is necessary to map out an empowerment strategy for the aquaculture industry of catfish in the village of Karanganyar. The process of designing the strategy uses Internal-External Matrix (IE), analysis on Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT), and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). Early step involves gathering internal (strength and weakness) and external factors (opportunities and threats) for the aquaculture industry of catfish. These factors points to the factor that affects the development of the industry. Second step involves determining the empowerment strategy for the aquaculture industry of catfish in accordance to internal and external conditions using IE Matrix and SWOT analysis. Third step requires establishing a scale of priority for the prioritised strategy, which includes 1) forming a union of catfish farmer, 2) consolidate and reinforce partnership with institutions of higher education, supporting organisations, and other supporting institutions, and 3) developing capabilities of processing catfishes to satisfy demands from local and international markets. First strategy is expected to overcome the dependency on third parties for fishmeal, markets, and capitals, along with the difficulties for accessing financial institutions. Second strategy is expected to help with the development of the product, the improvement on the standardisation of aquaculture and post-harvesting activities of catfishes, and the step-up on levels of independency for farmers in terms of capital and funding. Third strategy is expected to grab the market niche and opportunity for catfish-based products in national and international scale by exploiting the ease of access to the market, the availability of training and supporting program for catfish aquaculture industries, and good ratings from customers in regard to the quality of catfishes produced by the industry.
The Effect of Providing Government-Borne Import Duties Facility on the Growth and Competitiveness of Indonesia Hendang Setyo Rukmi; Lukmanulhakim Almamalik
International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System Vol 4 No 02 (2020): International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System
Publisher : School of Industrial and System Engineering, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/ijies.v4i02.59


This research has its aim to study the effect of providing Government-Borne Import Duty facility on the growth and competitiveness of Indonesia's manufacturing industry. The growth of the manufacturing industry is identified with the growth of production, employment, and contribution to state income through taxes. The background of this research is the existence of government's need to find the effect of the provision of exemption from import duties that have been running since 2008 on the ability of companies to produce goods in order to meet consumer needs, competitiveness, employment, and their contribution to state income. The survey was conducted on 110 companies that use this facility in Indonesia. The research applied the statistical method of sign and percentage test with the unit of analysis at the company and target sector, and groups of companies that receive GBID facility with different frequencies. The results show that the provision of the facility significantly increase the growth and competitiveness of Indonesia's manufacturing industry, especially in production growth, the competitiveness of production costs, sales growth, profits, and company productivity. This facility has different effects on companies under different target sectors. More companies under the guidance of Directorate General of MMTEI experinence innovation raising, time-to-market competitiveness, and machine modernization after being given this facility, while more companies under the guidance of Directorate General of CTMI experience production growth, competitiveness raising in production costs, quality, delivery time, sales growth, productivity, human capital, absorption of production labor, and tax payments. The reason related to this case is the existence of difference in production, product standardization, product cycle times, and technological intensity. The results also show that the difference in frequency of facilitation given only affect in rising the competitiveness of the company's products’ price. Related to the nature of production, GBID facility is more suitable to be given to companies that have production plans rather than companies that only do the task based on project or job orders. It is because the companies that have production plan could do the job with more optimal results than those who don’t.
Software Design using Visual Basic for Application and Microsoft Excel Programming for Students Fadillah Ramadhan; Hendang Setyo Rukmi; Arif Imran; Cahyadi Nugraha; Risdan Ferdiansyah
REKA ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2020): REKA ELKOMIKA
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/rekaelkomika.v1i2.86-97


The rapid development of information technology has made people to have the ability to design software with a programming language. There are quite some engineers who have not mastered programming languages. It happens becausesome people think that developing software with a certain programming language is very difficult. The language is difficult to understand, the accuracy must be precise, and the user is not familiar with the platform. Difficulty in learning programming languages is a problem that is often encountered by university students, vocational students, or employees. This article describes an easy programming language training activity for beginners, namelyVisual Basic for Applications (VBA)-Ms. Excel training.The advantage of this programming language iseasy to operate because manystudentsor employees are very familiar with Ms. Excel so that the adaptation process will be easy. The results of the post-test training that was attended bystudents showed a significant increase in the ability to design programming languages.
Penerapan Metode Analytic Network Process Dalam Menentukan Urutan Prioritas Distributor Genteng Di Jatiwangi Gabriel Bukhari Ridwan; Hendang Setyo Rukmi
JIE Scientific Journal on Research and Application of Industrial System Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33021/jie.v7i2.1711


PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu industri yang memproduksi genteng di Jatiwangi. PT. XYZ menetapkan 4 alternatif distributor yang akan diurutkan prioritas pemenuhan pemesanannya meliputi distibutor AT, PA, PD, dan SU. Setiap distributor memiliki keunggulan dan kekurangan masing-masing yang harus dipertimbangkan oleh perusahaan. Oleh karena itu setiap distributor dibandingan dengan kriteria yang paling penting hingga kriteria yang tidak terlalu penting. Berdasarkan pada permasalahan tersebut penelitian ini akan mengkaji bagaimana memilih distributor yang terbaik untuk PT. XYZ berdasarkan sejumlah kriteria yang ditetapkan dengan menggunakan metode pengambilan keputusan yaitu Analytic Network Process (ANP). Hasil dari pengolahan data yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan software super decision berupa ranking kriteria dan ranking alternatif distributor. Urutan ranking kriteria mulai dari yang paling penting hingga tidak terlalu penting meliputi kondisi keuangan, kemampuan pemasaran, isu strategis, komitmen dalam bekerja sama, fasilitas pengangkutan barang, jumlah tenaga kerja dan metode pembayaran. Urutan ranking alternatif distibutor berdasarkan bobot terbesar hingga terkecil yaitu distributor AT, PD, PA dan SU.