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Jurnal Teknosains Vol 8, No 2 (2019): June
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/teknosains.37731


Lette is one of the sub-districts in Mariso Subdistrict, Makassar City which has a suburban area and the community has a livelihood as a fisherman. The condition of the Tanjung Bunga coastal and coastal area has undergone a change, which used to be the territorial waters that are now largely transformed into land, this change is due to the ongoing coastal and coastal reclamation process in the area of Tanjung Bunga. To meet the need for urban space, Lette fishermen have no choice but to be relocated from their place of origin to the flats. This study aims to determine the spatial, cultural, socio-economic changes in the fishing settlement of Lette and the factors that drive these changes. This study uses an inductive-qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The results of the study show that the changes that occur are changes in coastal space, changes in settlement space and the creation of a central business, tourism and entertainment area. Factors driving these changes are changes in fishing boat access and entry, dock circulation, catching areas that are not potential, domestic activities, spatial space utilization, bale-bale culture, informal fishing activities, and new economic space.
Combined Housing and Transportation Affordability in Peri-Urban Region Ihdiny Mauhiya Miftahar Rahmah; Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto
CAKRAWALA Vol 14, No 1: Juni 2020
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.428 KB) | DOI: 10.32781/cakrawala.v14i1.319


The peripheral area is considered as a preferable location for having affordable housing. However, the transport costs that appear as a consequence of the housing location might take up a considerable share of the household’s income. This study aimed to identify the combined housing and transportation (CHT) affordability in the peri-urban region of the Surabaya Metropolitan Area. A survey was conducted in three subdistricts of the Sidoarjo Regency, which are Waru, Gedangan and Sidoarjo sub-districts. The result showed that those three areas are affordable if only the housing costs are considered. However, they are unaffordable if transports costs are included. This suggests that the CHT affordability might depict the true affordability if the transportation costs are included. Therefore, this study suggests that a comprehensive land use planning might be needed in order to create sustainable development.
Persepsi dan Pola Pergerakan Wisatawan Di Kota Yogyakarta Kasus: Kawasan Malioboro Tatang Salim; Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto
Jurnal Syntax Admiration Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Syntax Admiration
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/jsa.v3i1.375


Pariwisata merupakan salah satu industri jasa yang mengutamakan dan menciptakan tingkat kepuasan bagi wisatawan. Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta miliki banyak objek wisata yang memiliki karakteristik berbeda-beda sehingga terjadinya perpindahan elemen antar lokasi. perpindahan wisata dapat dilihat dari perubahan ruang, mulai ruang privat menuju ruang publik. Ruang publik yang selalu ramai dengan pengunjung wisatawan di kota Yogyakarta adalah kawasan Malioboro. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi persepsi dan pola pergerakan wisatawan dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya di kawasan Malioboro. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan sifat penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara dengan observasi, wawancara dan pengamatan lapangan dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Sampel dipilih dengan teknik non-random purposive sampling yaitu wisatawan domestik yang mengunjungi kawasan Malioboro. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa melakukan perjalanan dengan motivasi merelaksasi atau hiburan dari aktivitas keseharian. Perjalanan wisata di kawasan Malioboro dengan pola pergerakan multi pattern yaitu base site dan stopover. Faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam wisata adalah faktor pendorong yaitu escape, educational opportunity dan faktor penarik yaitu destinasi, tingkat kemudahan
Asimilasi sebagai Terjemahan Bentuk Adaptasi dalam Resiliensi Komunitas Kampung Kota di Kampung Sudiroprajan Surakarta Tendra Istanabi; Muhammad Sani Roychansyah; Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto
Region : Jurnal Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perencanaan Partisipatif Vol 13, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Regional Development Information Center, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/region.v13i1.17124


Resilience is a concept that integrates between mitigation, adaptation and innovation. On a smaller scale, community-based resilience forms a translation of strong social capital. In Indonesia the majority of the urban community is formed in a container called Kampung Kota. Kampung Kota has the character of tolerance, cohesiveness, and solidarity. Kampung Kota becomes important to be used as research setting because with its characteristic, Kampung Kota able to produce its own value so that it can face threat, pressure and turmoil with its way. Kampung Sudiroprajan is one of the kampung Kota in Surakarta City that has unique resilience experience especially related to the relationship between Javanese and Chinese. This study aims to determine the concept of resilience that is formed in Kampung Sudiroprajan as part of the Kampung Kota community. Kampung Sudiroprajan can give an idea of resilience concept of community scale which tend to original and typical. This research uses case study methodology by exploring the form of resilience conducted in Kampung Sudiroprajan. This study found the uniqueness of adaptation process of Kampung Sudiroprajan community. Adaptation is translated in the form of assimilation. The assimilation resulted in the social condition of the society which tends to be more fluid, especially in the face of several times the events that become threats, pressure, and turmoil for the Chinese. Assimilation creates a new value that becomes the glue of the relationship for the Javanese Ethnic community and the Chinese Ethnic Community.
Pengaruh perkembangan kampus terpadu UII terhadap permukiman di sekitarnya Fahreza Ambraini; Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto; Dwita Hadi Rahmi
Region : Jurnal Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perencanaan Partisipatif Vol 15, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Regional Development Information Center, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/region.v15i1.27002


Kampus merupakan suatu perkumpulan tersendiri yang terbukti mampu menjadi instrumen pemicu perkembangan wilayah. Salah satunya adalah Kampus Terpadu Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta. Pembangunan kampus terpadu UII berpengaruh terhadap pemkembangan permukiman di sekitar kampus, berupa pertumbuhan jumlah pelayanan dan jasa baik itu berupa indekos, cafetaria dan rumah makan pada sekitar kampus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perkembangan kawasan permukiman di sekitar kampus terpadu UII dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan data yang berasal dari hasil observasi dan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan pemerintah, perkembangan dan pembangunan kampus UII, dan mahasiswa yang bermukim di sekitar kampus merupakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan permukiman disekitar kampus UII. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan kawasan permukiman yang mengalami perkembangan terbesar adalah Dusun Lodadi, Dusun Kimpulan, dan Dusun Nglanjaran, yang berbatasan langsung dengan kampus terpadu UII. 
ANALISIS BIBLIOMETRIK PADA MORFOLOGI PERMUKIMAN KOTA Anityas Dian Susanti; Ikaputra Ikaputra; Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Juli 2021
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur UNIVERSITAS KEBANGSAAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31848/arcade.v5i2.710


Abstract: The bibliometric approach is used as the basis for developing scientific fields obtained from analysis of selected articles / journals from the Web of Science or Scopus. The purpose of using bibliometric analysis is to find out how many journals with the theme of urban settlement morphology are published. The method for measuring the quantity of publications is by taking bibliometric data from Scopus and analyzed using the VOS Viewer. The results of the visualization are explained in detail through theoretical dialogue and the results of bibliometric analysis.Abstrak: Pendekatan bibliometrik digunakan sebagai dasar mengembangkan bidang keilmuan yang diperoleh dari analisis bersumber artikel/jurnal yang dipilih melalui Web of Science atau Scopus. Tujuan menggunakan analisis bibliometrik adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak jurnal dengan tema morfologi permukiman kota dipublikasikan. Metode untuk mengukur kuantitas publikasi dengan mengambil data bibliometric dari Scopus dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan VOS Viewer. Hasil Visualisasi tersebut dijelaskan secara rinci melalui dialog teori dan hasil analisis bibliometrik.
Strategi Adaptasi Masyarakat di Permukiman Sekitar Bantaran Rel Kereta Api Kecamatan Gondokusuman Yogyakarta Dhanty Prihatiningsih; Deva Foster Haroldas Swasto
REKA RUANG Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Reka Ruang
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33579/rkr.v4i1.2168


The settlements along the railway tracks are illegal settlements. The settlement is located in an area that is not intended as a developable area. The existence of the illegal settlement may cause several urban problems. Yogyakarta is one of the major cities in Indonesia and is experiencing rapid population growth. The population growth has encouraged informal settlement growth, especially for the low and middle-income population. One of the growing informal settlements in Yogyakarta is the settlement along the railway tracks in Gondokusuman District. This slum area has been inhabited since fifty years ago. The experience of living in the informal settlement has made the inhabitants build an adaptive strategy to survive in the slum area. This research was conducted to study the adaptive strategy of the slum dwellers in the settlement along the railway tracks in Gondokusuman District. This research utilizes the qualitative-inductive approach to understand the formation and the choice of the adaptation strategy of the slum dwellers in the study area. This research reveals that there are three main strategies practiced by the slum dwellers, which are (1) individual adaptation, (2) settlement adaptation, and (3) communal adaptation. The utilization of those strategies has made the slum dwellers survive in the slum area along the railway tracks.
Slums Prevention from A Policy Perspective in Indonesia Maman Sukiman; Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto
UNIFIKASI : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 9, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/unifikasi.v9i1.4975


Many studies on aspects of slums area improvement and the causes of slums settlements have been carried out, but studies that focus on aspects of slums prevention are still challenging to find. One reason for the emergence of slums is the Government's failure of policies and their implementation. This article aims to examine the prevention of slums settlements in the policy perspective of Law Number 1 of 2011 concerning Housing and Settlements Areas and the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Number 14/PRT/M/2018 concerning Prevention and Quality Improvement of Slums. They are analyzed using a qualitative method with a normative juridical approach. The results of the analysis show that the slums prevention policy has several weaknesses; namely, prevention policy should start from planning not directly to control and supervision, slums prevention settlements is still focused on urban areas, slums prevention is not considered urgent, and there are some biases in the prevention of slums measurement of slums criteria which has the potential to make the policy of preventing slums settlements, not on target. For these reasons, the Government needs to make policies that are more operational in preparing plans of slums prevention; considering aspects of the causes of slums in policymaking; synergizing slum area improvement policies with slum prevention policies; campaigning for the importance of preventing slum in both urban and rural areas; refining slums criteria or indicators; involving stakeholders in the formulation and implementation of slum prevention policies; and increasing community social capital.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36087/jrp.v4i1.83


Pemerintah daerah telah menetapkan program-program pembangunan di kawasan pesisir dengan menempuh kebijakan mengenai pengembangan wilayah melalui pendekatan penataan ruang. Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perubahan Rakyat mengadakan penataan kawasan kumuh pesisir sebagai salah satu program strategis PUPR. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi perubahan sosial, budaya dan ekonomi yang terjadi di masyarakat pasca penataan pemukiman dan menjelaskan strategi adaptasi masyarakat pasca penataan pemukiman di Kelurahan Sumber Jaya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif induktif yaitu dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif yang dijelaskan dengan penalaran induktif. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa adanya perubahan pasca penataan berupa penambahan tingkat interaksi sosial, terciptanya kebudayaan dan kebiasaan baru serta meningkatnya kegiatan ekonomi di Kelurahan Sumber Jaya menuju ke arah yang lebih baik. Terdapat dua bentuk Strategi adaptasi di Kelurahan Sumber Jaya yaitu adaptasi aktif dan adaptasi pasif. Penelitian yang telah dilakukan masih jauh dari kesempurnaan maka diperlukannya rekomendasi kepada peneliti selanjutnya, pemerintah dan pihak terkait. Pemerintah diharapkan untuk terus memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap Kelurahan Sumber Jaya untuk menjaga dan memelihara permukiman setelah penataan agar tetap dapat dipertahankan dan masih diperlukannya adanya penyuluhan – penyuluhan dan pembekalan oleh pemerintah untuk membantu masyarakat dalam pengembangan masyarakat terutama dalam bidang kebersihan dan ekonomi.
ANALISIS BIBLIOMETRIK PADA MORFOLOGI PERMUKIMAN KOTA Anityas Dian Susanti; Ikaputra Ikaputra; Deva Fosterharoldas Swasto
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Juli 2021
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur UNIVERSITAS KEBANGSAAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31848/arcade.v5i2.710


Abstract: The bibliometric approach is used as the basis for developing scientific fields obtained from analysis of selected articles / journals from the Web of Science or Scopus. The purpose of using bibliometric analysis is to find out how many journals with the theme of urban settlement morphology are published. The method for measuring the quantity of publications is by taking bibliometric data from Scopus and analyzed using the VOS Viewer. The results of the visualization are explained in detail through theoretical dialogue and the results of bibliometric analysis.Abstrak: Pendekatan bibliometrik digunakan sebagai dasar mengembangkan bidang keilmuan yang diperoleh dari analisis bersumber artikel/jurnal yang dipilih melalui Web of Science atau Scopus. Tujuan menggunakan analisis bibliometrik adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak jurnal dengan tema morfologi permukiman kota dipublikasikan. Metode untuk mengukur kuantitas publikasi dengan mengambil data bibliometric dari Scopus dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan VOS Viewer. Hasil Visualisasi tersebut dijelaskan secara rinci melalui dialog teori dan hasil analisis bibliometrik.