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Elektrika Borneo Vol 6, No 2 (2020): Elektrika Borneo Edisi Oktober
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/jeb.v6i2.1476


Konsekuensi yang tidak dapat dihindari dari adanya aktivitas manusia yaitu sampah. Namun, sering kali sampah-sampah berserakan di luar bak sampah yang dapat menimbulkan berbagai penyakit dan mendatangkan bau yang tidak nyaman. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena desain dari bak sampah yang terbuka lebar. Oleh karena itu, muncul suatu gagasan untuk merancang suatu alat yang bernama S-DUMPER (Smart Dump) dengan bantuan Internet of Things dan Embedded Systems. S-DUMPER bertujuan meminimalisir sampah yang berserakan di luar bak sampah dan membantu petugas untuk mengangkut sampah ke tempat pembuangan akhir. Pada penelitian ini, akan digunakan beberapa metode meliputi studi literatur, perancangan prototipe sampai dengan analisis SWOT. Komponen dari alat S-DUMPER berupa sensor HC-SR04, Arduino, LCD, GSM dan motor servo. Setiap komponen memiliki peran masing-masing yang dapat mendukung kinerja dari alat S-DUMPER dengan konsep Embedded System. Selain itu, untuk memaksimalkan penyampaian informasi dari alat S-DUMPER, dirancang desain aplikasi S-DUMPER berbasis android. Kinerja aplikasi S-DUMPER diadaptasikan oleh sistem Internet of Things. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa rancangan desain dari alat dan aplikasi S-DUMPER. Dengan adanya S-DUMPER, petugas dapat mengangkut sampah dengan mudah dan mempercepat kinerja petugas.Kata Kunci— Desain Alat, Desain Aplikasi, Embedded System, Internet of Things, S-DUMPER, Sampah
Perancangan Arsitektur Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Togaf ADM (Studi Kasus Dinas Perhubungan Kota Balikpapan) Soleh Ardiansyah; Adani Setiorini; Lovinta Happy Atrinawati; Tegar Palyus Fiqar
MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer Vol 19 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bumigora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.312 KB) | DOI: 10.30812/matrik.v19i1.481


Utilization of information systems or technology in an organization is needed to improve organizational efficiency. This relates to the rapid development of information systems or technology that affect the ongoing business processes. The effectiveness is in the form of aligning business strategy with information system strategy and business transformation. However, the dilemma faced especially in Government agencies such as the Balikpapan City Department of Transportation is how to align business strategies and information systems strategies that will be used so as to achieve organizational goals. Responding to the problem, it is necessary to align between the business needs of the organization and the needs of the application to support the vision and mission to be achieved by the Balikpapan City Department of Transportation. This can be achieved by using the framework of The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) which provides a detailed method of how to build, manage and implement an enterprise architecture known as the Architecture Development Method (ADM), hereafter referred to as TOGAF ADM. This research produces a mapping of business needs and application needs to support the vision and mission to be achieved through the information systems or technology architecture design including business architecture modeling, information system architecture, and technology architecture on the Balikpapan City Department of Transportation.
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Repository Data Akreditasi Institut Teknologi Kalimantan Aprizal Kamran; Lovinta Happy Atrinawati; Tegar palyus fiqar
Jurnal Komputer Terapan  Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Komputer Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Caltex Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (543.147 KB) | DOI: 10.35143/jkt.v6i2.3706


Accreditation is an assessment activity based on predetermined standards and requirements to guarantee the quality and performance of education for every university in Indonesia. The Study Program Accreditation Instrument version 4.0 is needed to compile performance into reports. The nstrument is the Study Program Performance Report. Institut Teknologi Kalimantan (ITK), as one of the institutions, ITK preparing the Study Program Performance Report with manual method so that during the preparation of the report, there was duplication of accreditation data. Because thedata is made from more than one source, collecting accreditation data is still using email. This causes data not stored, and it is not easy to find historical data every year. Therefore, this research was conducted to develop an accreditation management information system, especially Study Program Performance Report, so that accreditation data can be archived and managed by each Study Program at ITK. This system also makes it easier for the Pusat Jaminan Mutu to monitor the performance. The software development method used in this research is the Agile methodology with ScrumMethod. The development uses the Laravel framework, which has implemented a Model, View, Controller architecture. This research resulted in an information system accreditation for the Study Program Performance Report.
Pelatihan Peningkatan Produktivitas Pelaku Industri Rumahan melalui Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Kota Balikpapan Tegar Palyus Fiqar; Ariyadi Ariyadi; Aditya Putra Pratama; Gusti Ahmad Fanshuri; Soleh Ardiansyah; Lovinta Happy Atrinawati; Sri Rahayu Natasia; Vinda Daningrum; Yuyun Tri Wiranti; Muhammad Ihsan Alfani Putera
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1175.606 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.202052.283


TRAINING IN INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY OF HOME INDUSTRY BUSINESS OWNERS THROUGH INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE CITY OF BALIKPAPAN. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) could be effective tools for females to scale their small and medium enterprises. However, their role in ICT development is considerably minor. Men are still holding important role in ICT. On the other hand, women are dominated minor parts, such as administration, data entry, and komputer operation. In another word, ICT is measurably far out for women. Therefore, in order to scale home industries which are run by females, skill enhancements are needed in operating ICT for improving economist productivity. Indonesian Association of Higher Education in Informatics and Computing (APTIKOM) and Ministry of Female Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) collaborate to organize ICT training for home industries by trained APTIKOM members. Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) has chosen to prosvide training at Komputer Laboratory, ITK Campus. This program was held in order to give insight and knowledge on managing home industry with optimum effort by utilizing ICT.
Pengaruh Alumni Penerima Beasiswa Kaltim Cemerlang terhadap Pekerjaan Lulusan Melalui Hasil E-Tracer Study 2019 Institut Teknologi Kalimantan Ridhwan Haliq; Tegar Palyus Fiqar; Nur Fajri Azhar
JSHP : Jurnal Sosial Humaniora dan Pendidikan Vol 5, No 1 (2021): JSHP (JURNAL SOSIAL HUMANIORA DAN PENDIDIKAN)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jshp.v5i1.973


Tracer study is a system used to obtain information about alumni a year after their graduation. Tracer Study 2019 had 199 ITK Graduates consisting of alumni in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Of the 163 graduates, 120 of them had received the Kaltim Cemerlang Scholarship. The respondent's highest  Grade point average (GPA) was from the System information study program, and the lowest grade point average was from the electrical engineering study program.   Graduates business consists of 56,67% private company, 8,33% entrepreneur , government company  34,17%  and 0,83% profit organization. Based on the scale rate of department grade point average. The industrial technology and process department was in the lowest position with 3.29, and mathematicsand information technology's information technology stands in the first position with 3.49. kaltim cemerlang graduates scholarship prefer to work with privet company then government company, despite them havinga GPA over 3.00. graduates who take multinational companies got Rp 2.828.000/month. A few of them who take national companies had an average salary until Rp 5.212.000 than private companies.Keywords: GPA, Tracer Study, Kaltim Cemerlang ScholarshipAbstrakTracer study dibutuhkan untuk mencari data alumni untuk diolah menjadi suatu informasi yang dapat diterima civitas kampus. Data hasil mentracer alumni akan digunakan oleh pejabat tinggi kampus, alumni dan juga perusahaan sebagai informasi mengenai kualitas alumni Institut Teknologi Kalimantan setiap tahunnya. Tracer Study 2019 ditunjukan untuk alumni ITK 2016, 2017 dan 2018 yang berjumlah 199 alumni dan yang merespon sebanyak 163. Dari 163 alumni yang merespon terdapat 120 yang pernah mendapatkan Beasiswa Kaltim Cemerlang. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) yang memiliki median tertinggi adalah Sistem Informasi dan median terendah dari prodi Teknik Elektro. Kategori bidang usaha para alumni terdiri dari 56,67% Perusahaan Swasta, 8,33% wiraswasta , Instansi Pemerintah (termasuk BUMN) 34,17% dan Organisasi non-Profit/Lembaga swadaya masyarakat sebanyak 0,83%. Berdasarkan urutan perolehan IPK terhadap Jurusan, Jurusan Teknologi Industri dan Proses menempati terendah dengan 3.29 dan Jurusan Matematika dan Teknologi Informasi (JMTI) berada diposisi tertinggi dengan 3.49. Alumni Beasiswa Kaltim Cemerlang lebih banyak memilih bekerja di perusahaan swasta dibanding kan instansi pemerintah meskipun banyak diantaranya memiliki IPK >3.00. untuk alumni yang bekerja dengan skala multinasional mendapatkan Rp 2.828.000 setiap bulannya. Jumlah alumni beasiswa kaltim cemerlang dengan skala nasional  sebanyak 32 lebih sedikit dibandingkan alumni yang bekerja di skala nasional pada perusahaan swasta namun, penghasilan yang diperoleh perbulannya rata-rata mencapai  Rp 5.212.000 lebih besar dibandingkan perusahaan swasta.Kata kunci: IPK, Tracer Study, Beasiswa Kaltim Cemerlang
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pencatatan Bulan Imunisasi Anak Sekolah dengan Metode Waterfall Tegar Palyus Fiqar
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (660.767 KB) | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v1i1.16


The Health Service has main task to assist the Governor in carrying out mandatory authority of the Government in the field of health submitted to the Regional Government in accordance with Government Regulation No. 38/2007. In Government Regulation No. 7/2007, City Health Office must carry out deconcentration and co-administration tasks in health section that have been delegated by the Governor in accordance with tasks related to the health sector. In carrying out these tasks, the Health Servicehas several functions, one of which is to provide guidance, service, supervision, control, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of health management. From this function, the Health Service has authority in supply and management of drug stocks, medical tools and vaccines. In process of supply and management, there are several obstacles experienced by the City Health Office, including immunization data, stock of drugs, vaccines and medical devices that have no system-based bookkeeping. So the process of recording and reporting experiencing difficulties including data that must be searched manually and high risk of data loss or damage. Therefore, in this study the development of a recording and reporting  system in the Balikpapan City Health Office aims to assist the process of recording and reporting so that the process of providing and managing is easy and minimizing the occurrence of errors. The Information System for Recording and Reporting of School Children Immunization Months was developed using the Code Igniter framework with the concept of Model, View and Controller (MVC) architecture. Development of Information System for Recording and Reporting the Month of Immunization for School Children using a MySQL database.  The method used is the waterfall method. The steps taken are requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance. The results obtained from this study are information systems for recording and reporting months of immunization of school children.
Design and Build Inventory Management Information System with Personal Extreme Programming Method Tegar Palyus Fiqar; Andi Sultan Asharil Raphi; Nur Fajri Azhar
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.909 KB) | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v2i1.15


Every company and agency has facilities and infrastructure that play an important role in supporting operational activities. Similar to other institutions, the Kalimantan Institute of Technology also has facilities and infrastructure that need to be managed. The Kalimantan Institute of Technology has not fully implemented the Inventory management process properly, where data on facilities and infrastructure have not been stored into the database and in the loan process they still use Microsoft Excel as storage media which makes it difficult to manage facilities and infrastructure from the Kalimantan Institute of Technology. The method used in this research is the Personal Extreme Programming (PXP) method which consists of several stages, namely requirements, planning, iteration initialization, design, implementation (unit testing, code, refactor), system testing, retrospective. Development of an Inventory Management Information System using framework and developed several features such as facilities and infrastructure management, loan management, and other supporting features. The development of an Inventory Management Information System is expected to provide convenience to the Kalimantan Institute of Technology in managing facilities and infrastructure.
Pengembangan Metode Klasterisasi Data Berbasis Hybrid Improved Artificial Bee Colony (IABC) dan K – Harmonic Means Tegar Palyus Fiqar; Saiful Bahri Musa; Fitrah Maharani Humaira; I Made Widiartha; Darlis Herumurti; Agus Zainal Arifin
SPECTA Journal of Technology Vol. 2 No. 3 (2018): SPECTA Journal of Technology
Publisher : LPPM ITK

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.517 KB) | DOI: 10.35718/specta.v2i3.3


One of data grouping process method is k-harmonic clustering method (KHM) which has a relatively short and simple process. However, it has a weakness at cluster center point. Randomly formed cluster center point causes difficulty to converge solutions. One way to solve the problem at the cluster center point requires a method which has a global solution for KHM. The method is Improved artificial bee colony (IABC), improvement of artificial bee colony (ABC) method based on behavior patterns of honey bee colony in food searching process. Advantage of the IABC method is able to have more optimum global solution. This research proposes a new method of clustering using improved artificial bee colony and K-Harmonic means (IABC-KHM) to optimize the center point in clusters that lead to global solution. In this study, the IABC is functioned for finding the most optimum cluster center point for the data clustering process using KHM. Furthermore, the performance test of the IABC-KHM clustering method is compared with ABC and ABC-KHM methods on three different datasets. The result of mean value of best function of IABC-KHM method of Iris dataset is 152,87, Contraceptive Method Choice dataset is 918,54, and Wine dataset is 31,01. Moreover, the result of the average value of the best F-Measure method IABC-KHM Iris dataset is 0.90, the Contraceptive Method Choice dataset is 0.41, the Wine dataset is 0.95. To conclude, IABC-KHM method has successfully optimized the position of cluster center point that directs the cluster result which has global solution.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Informatika (Simika) Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Informatika (Simika)
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Banten Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Boarding houses or commonly known as boarding house, is a temporary residence for students who are still in college. The quantity of boarding houses with several criteria offered in the area of Kalimantan Institute of Technology km.15 Balikpapan, makes them to be considered by the students to determine their choices. These excessive alternatives cause the students to visit those boarding houses beforehand to know the criteria each boarding house has and offers. The more boarding house information obtained, the more confused the students feel in deciding which boarding house fits the needs and wants. Therefore, to overcome this problem, a study is conducted, entitled “Decision Support System for Boarding House Selection in the Area of Kalimantan Institute of Technology Balikpapan Accompanied by Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) Method”. Based on the survey in testing the decision support system for selecting the boarding house, several results were obtained, such as blackbox testing for the system and the results of the user perspective percentage of 96%.